Carly Lie-orina Is Now The GOP Front Runner

What a fabulous bit of science fiction you have fallen for. None of our current problems would have even happened had Republicans done what they brag about best and be fiscally responsible and had actually balanced the nations books. We are paying for the sins of a Republican lie and all you have done is find a scapegoat who is too smart for you. Falling on your own petards is going to be worth the price of admission even if it will take generations to repair the damage you have done to the United States.

I'm not the one that is worshipping politicians pal, some day you're going to wake up and realize that just because some scumbag sticks a letter behind his name doesn't mean he cares about your best interests, you should probably pick up a history book and maybe you'll discover what your mindset has wrought in terms of human misery... in the meantime enjoy your fantasies and when the chickens come home to roost don't forget I TOLD YOU SO.

"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.” -- Samuel Adams

I am a huge fan of history and have a library of 2400 books mostly about American history. I carry no misconceptions and am not burdened by ideology. I see the facts, understand the truth, and am quick to understand the differences that separate us. The only fool is yourself and your silly devotion to talking points and lock in step thinking.

That's awesome that you're a "huge fan of history" and have a "library of 2400 books" .. the next step in your edification would be to actually read one of them 'cause based on your posts you have absolutely no sense of history or social reality, I say this only because you appear to revel in being taken advantage of by anybody that carries your preferred letter behind their name which is of course the same mode of operation that every useful idiot since the dawn of time has operated under.

You're smarter than that, you're better than that, you DESERVE better than what these scumbag politicians you worship haven given you, down with their best interests up with yours.

Barack Obama only cares about you as far as what he can get out of you....

I am not a fan of Barack Obama you assume as much only because of your rigidity in your own thinking.

No I assume as much about you because YOU post this kind of nonsense "With 15+ months to go he has a lot of time to make more positive contributions to his legacy, much to the complete consternation of Republicans."

which indicates that you've bought into the lie that Barack Obama represents .. to whit : politicians are better masters of your life than you are, as long as they have the right letter behind their names... discard the lie, be free , be the master of your own life and recognize scumbags like Barack Obama for what they truly are, men that want to exploit you for their own gain.

No, you're just pissed that he has an opportunity to thrive while you have done everything you can to block that from happening. Number 18 on the presidential rankings is a big deal and I bet you will be doubly pissed when he passes Ronald Reagan. But that's what it is, live with it.
So this is what the Republicans have been reduced to. Blustering lying poseurs with nothing to offer to America except sound bytes and hyperbole. If this is the best they have to offer than the Republican Party is over. Can anyone come forth without patronizing remarks covered in fundamentalist fervor? A wholesale denial of reality and promises of war? I think we are in trouble America.

September 18, 2015– "On Wednesday, 11 Republican presidential primary candidates took their hard-earned places behind their respective podiums on stage at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library. The first post-debate poll has been released, and Carly Fiorina, the former CEO of HP, is now a front-runner for the Republican nomination.

A strong performance in the first debate on the under-card stage thrust Fiorina onto the main stage for Wednesday’s CNN debate. Many questioned whether or not she’d continue to impress, or if she would buckle under the pressure.

After the debate, those who underestimated Fiorina were silenced. According to Robert Herring, Sr., CEO of One America News Network, the One America News national post-debate poll conducted by Gravis Marketing, a non-partisan research firm, shows it’s all Fiorina coming out of the second debate.

Taken immediately after the debate, the Gravis poll shows Fiorina jumping to first place at 22 percent, tied with Donald Trump. OAN’s previous national poll, conducted on September 3-4, showed the former HP top executive in seventh place with 2.7 percent."


Read more: Post-debate poll shows new GOP front-runner has emerged

So after 6+ years of obama's constant lies, lie after lie after lie from Pelosi, Reid, Biden, Holder, and other democrats, suddenly truth matters to lefties?

You people are the scum of the earth.

You know what we think of you

So this is what the Republicans have been reduced to. Blustering lying poseurs with nothing to offer to America except sound bytes and hyperbole. If this is the best they have to offer than the Republican Party is over. Can anyone come forth without patronizing remarks covered in fundamentalist fervor? A wholesale denial of reality and promises of war? I think we are in trouble America.

September 18, 2015– "On Wednesday, 11 Republican presidential primary candidates took their hard-earned places behind their respective podiums on stage at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library. The first post-debate poll has been released, and Carly Fiorina, the former CEO of HP, is now a front-runner for the Republican nomination.

A strong performance in the first debate on the under-card stage thrust Fiorina onto the main stage for Wednesday’s CNN debate. Many questioned whether or not she’d continue to impress, or if she would buckle under the pressure.

After the debate, those who underestimated Fiorina were silenced. According to Robert Herring, Sr., CEO of One America News Network, the One America News national post-debate poll conducted by Gravis Marketing, a non-partisan research firm, shows it’s all Fiorina coming out of the second debate.

Taken immediately after the debate, the Gravis poll shows Fiorina jumping to first place at 22 percent, tied with Donald Trump. OAN’s previous national poll, conducted on September 3-4, showed the former HP top executive in seventh place with 2.7 percent."


Read more: Post-debate poll shows new GOP front-runner has emerged

Yes, I have said it over and over again she is the one that is capable of winning the White House. Now I am not certain where you've nicknameed her Lio rina--because you obviously didn't post any links to these supposed lies, so I assume YOUR A DONALD TRUMP SUPPORTER and are really really pissed off right now--LOL

The Donald is in big time crap again over letting an INSANE supporter run off at the mouth about terrorists camps inside the USA--Obama is not an American--and he's Muslim. This is the typical Donald Trump supporter. The Donald didn't show up at a South Carolina rally today, citing "business", but the TRUTH may be he's looked at this INTERNAL polling data, and is going to throw in the towel soon. There is no way he's going to use his own money to play catch up. THE DEFINITION OF STUPID: Knowing the truth, seeing the truth, but still believing the lies.


If you had followed the whole thread you would have found a veritable compendium of Fiorina lies.


There's one
Where's the others?
"Barry Smith" white guy from Kansas instead of Barack Obama black guy he would never have been President of the Harvard Law Review..

Opinion (biased as it may be) .....and facts.....

How does someone become president of the HLR ???

The writing competition submissions are graded blindly to assure anonymity
So this is what the Republicans have been reduced to. Blustering lying poseurs with nothing to offer to America except sound bytes and hyperbole. If this is the best they have to offer than the Republican Party is over. Can anyone come forth without patronizing remarks covered in fundamentalist fervor? A wholesale denial of reality and promises of war? I think we are in trouble America.

September 18, 2015– "On Wednesday, 11 Republican presidential primary candidates took their hard-earned places behind their respective podiums on stage at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library. The first post-debate poll has been released, and Carly Fiorina, the former CEO of HP, is now a front-runner for the Republican nomination.

A strong performance in the first debate on the under-card stage thrust Fiorina onto the main stage for Wednesday’s CNN debate. Many questioned whether or not she’d continue to impress, or if she would buckle under the pressure.

After the debate, those who underestimated Fiorina were silenced. According to Robert Herring, Sr., CEO of One America News Network, the One America News national post-debate poll conducted by Gravis Marketing, a non-partisan research firm, shows it’s all Fiorina coming out of the second debate.

Taken immediately after the debate, the Gravis poll shows Fiorina jumping to first place at 22 percent, tied with Donald Trump. OAN’s previous national poll, conducted on September 3-4, showed the former HP top executive in seventh place with 2.7 percent."


Read more: Post-debate poll shows new GOP front-runner has emerged

Yes, I have said it over and over again she is the one that is capable of winning the White House. Now I am not certain where you've nicknameed her Lio rina--because you obviously didn't post any links to these supposed lies, so I assume YOUR A DONALD TRUMP SUPPORTER and are really really pissed off right now--LOL

The Donald is in big time crap again over letting an INSANE supporter run off at the mouth about terrorists camps inside the USA--Obama is not an American--and he's Muslim. This is the typical Donald Trump supporter. The Donald didn't show up at a South Carolina rally today, citing "business", but the TRUTH may be he's looked at this INTERNAL polling data, and is going to throw in the towel soon. There is no way he's going to use his own money to play catch up. THE DEFINITION OF STUPID: Knowing the truth, seeing the truth, but still believing the lies.


If you had followed the whole thread you would have found a veritable compendium of Fiorina lies.


There's one
Where's the others?

You haven't looked very hard try this. Fact checking the second round of GOP debates
Handy Guide to Carly Fiorina's lies, bye-bye's and job killing surprises - Democratic Underground
Carly Fiorina's claims of motherhood and amazing rise under fire
Of course if you Google "Carly Fiorina lies" you will get 9,230,000 results
18 and dropping rapidly due to gay marriage, immigration, and a nuclear peace in the Middle East. With 15+ months to go he has a lot of time to make more positive contributions to his legacy, much to the complete consternation of Republicans.

If you really want to piss off right wingers......Remind them that Obama will be up for a Nobel for his pacification between the U,S and Cuba....LOL
I'm not the one that is worshipping politicians pal, some day you're going to wake up and realize that just because some scumbag sticks a letter behind his name doesn't mean he cares about your best interests, you should probably pick up a history book and maybe you'll discover what your mindset has wrought in terms of human misery... in the meantime enjoy your fantasies and when the chickens come home to roost don't forget I TOLD YOU SO.

"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.” -- Samuel Adams

I am a huge fan of history and have a library of 2400 books mostly about American history. I carry no misconceptions and am not burdened by ideology. I see the facts, understand the truth, and am quick to understand the differences that separate us. The only fool is yourself and your silly devotion to talking points and lock in step thinking.

That's awesome that you're a "huge fan of history" and have a "library of 2400 books" .. the next step in your edification would be to actually read one of them 'cause based on your posts you have absolutely no sense of history or social reality, I say this only because you appear to revel in being taken advantage of by anybody that carries your preferred letter behind their name which is of course the same mode of operation that every useful idiot since the dawn of time has operated under.

You're smarter than that, you're better than that, you DESERVE better than what these scumbag politicians you worship haven given you, down with their best interests up with yours.

Barack Obama only cares about you as far as what he can get out of you....

I am not a fan of Barack Obama you assume as much only because of your rigidity in your own thinking.

No I assume as much about you because YOU post this kind of nonsense "With 15+ months to go he has a lot of time to make more positive contributions to his legacy, much to the complete consternation of Republicans."

which indicates that you've bought into the lie that Barack Obama represents .. to whit : politicians are better masters of your life than you are, as long as they have the right letter behind their names... discard the lie, be free , be the master of your own life and recognize scumbags like Barack Obama for what they truly are, men that want to exploit you for their own gain.

No, you're just pissed that he has an opportunity to thrive while you have done everything you can to block that from happening. Number 18 on the presidential rankings is a big deal and I bet you will be doubly pissed when he passes Ronald Reagan. But that's what it is, live with it.
Pffft.. I'm not the one who's "pissed" I'm free, I've been blessed with the realization that I and I alone determine my own happiness, you on that other appear to be dependent on politicians to determine what is best for you and those you care about, what you might take as me criticizing you is in fact is my (probably feeble) attempt to convince you that you are a far better, far more capable person than the likes of Barack Obama (or any other politician) because you have chosen to make a living by the sweat of your own brow , the talents that god gave you and the character that your parents have blessed you with instead of choosing a life lived by exploiting the labor of others (which is what politicians like BHO do)...

Barack Obama's "legacy" is the same legacy that every other scumbag despot in history enjoys which is "how much have I exploited my fellow man for my own aggrandizement" .....

"The worst evils which mankind has ever had to endure were inflicted by bad governments." -- Ludwig Von Mises
18 and dropping rapidly due to gay marriage, immigration, and a nuclear peace in the Middle East. With 15+ months to go he has a lot of time to make more positive contributions to his legacy, much to the complete consternation of Republicans.

If you really want to piss off right wingers......Remind them that Obama will be up for a Nobel for his pacification between the U,S and Cuba....LOL

Yes and for possibly the nuke agreement but that could go to Kerry as well. Either way it will enable him past the Great Reagan on the all time presidential rankings and we can finally forget about him.
Prediction: In the near future some hapless Fiorina aide will be fired for "advising" Carly to go out on a flimsy limb with that PP LIE.
I am a huge fan of history and have a library of 2400 books mostly about American history. I carry no misconceptions and am not burdened by ideology. I see the facts, understand the truth, and am quick to understand the differences that separate us. The only fool is yourself and your silly devotion to talking points and lock in step thinking.

That's awesome that you're a "huge fan of history" and have a "library of 2400 books" .. the next step in your edification would be to actually read one of them 'cause based on your posts you have absolutely no sense of history or social reality, I say this only because you appear to revel in being taken advantage of by anybody that carries your preferred letter behind their name which is of course the same mode of operation that every useful idiot since the dawn of time has operated under.

You're smarter than that, you're better than that, you DESERVE better than what these scumbag politicians you worship haven given you, down with their best interests up with yours.

Barack Obama only cares about you as far as what he can get out of you....

I am not a fan of Barack Obama you assume as much only because of your rigidity in your own thinking.

No I assume as much about you because YOU post this kind of nonsense "With 15+ months to go he has a lot of time to make more positive contributions to his legacy, much to the complete consternation of Republicans."

which indicates that you've bought into the lie that Barack Obama represents .. to whit : politicians are better masters of your life than you are, as long as they have the right letter behind their names... discard the lie, be free , be the master of your own life and recognize scumbags like Barack Obama for what they truly are, men that want to exploit you for their own gain.

No, you're just pissed that he has an opportunity to thrive while you have done everything you can to block that from happening. Number 18 on the presidential rankings is a big deal and I bet you will be doubly pissed when he passes Ronald Reagan. But that's what it is, live with it.
Pffft.. I'm not the one who's "pissed" I'm free, I've been blessed with the realization that I and I alone determine my own happiness, you on that other appear to be dependent on politicians to determine what is best for you and those you care about, what you might take as me criticizing you is in fact is my (probably feeble) attempt to convince you that you are a far better, far more capable person than the likes of Barack Obama (or any other politician) because you have chosen to make a living by the sweat of your own brow , the talents that god gave you and the character that your parents have blessed you with instead of choosing a life lived by exploiting the labor of others (which is what politicians like BHO do)...

Barack Obama's "legacy" is the same legacy that every other scumbag despot in history enjoys which is "how much have I exploited my fellow man for my own aggrandizement" .....

"The worst evils which mankind has ever had to endure were inflicted by bad governments." -- Ludwig Von Mises

Well you're completely wrong of course, you see ultimately we all determine our own level of happiness and no politicians makes anyone happy. Obama is no despot anymore than the man before him, you put too much weight in ludicrous comparisons and I fear you know that. It's fun thought to hypothesize, but it still puts you right back at the beginning of your thought.
Pffft.. I'm not the one who's "pissed"

Barack Obama's "legacy" is the same legacy that every other scumbag despot in history enjoys

I believe that those 2 statement sort of belie one another.....Come on, be serious, you HATE Obama...let it all out...(and then go light a cross on someone's lawn....LOL)
Prediction: In the near future some hapless Fiorina aide will be fired for "advising" Carly to go out on a flimsy limb with that PP LIE.

No problem , maybe then the GOP will nominate the only Carly worth being President, which is of course CARLY SIMON .. :rock:

Okay.. I'll admit I'm biased .. my baby sister is named Carly and I just want to be able to call her up and say "Is this President Carly or the other Carly?" ... sue me ...

"We can never know about the days to come
But we think about them anyway
And I wonder if I'm really with you now
Or just chasing after some finer day.
Anticipation, Anticipation
Is making me late
Is keeping me waiting
And I tell you how easy it is to be with you
And how right your arms feel around me.
Bit I rehearsed those words just late last night
When I was thinking about how right tonight might be.
Anticipation, Anticipation
Is making me late
Is keeping me waiting
And tomorrow we might not be together
I'm no prophet, I don't know nature's way
So I'll try to see into your eyes right now
And stay right here,
'cause these are the good old days" -- Carly Simon, Anticipation
So this is what the Republicans have been reduced to. Blustering lying poseurs with nothing to offer to America except sound bytes and hyperbole. If this is the best they have to offer than the Republican Party is over. Can anyone come forth without patronizing remarks covered in fundamentalist fervor? A wholesale denial of reality and promises of war? I think we are in trouble America.

September 18, 2015– "On Wednesday, 11 Republican presidential primary candidates took their hard-earned places behind their respective podiums on stage at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library. The first post-debate poll has been released, and Carly Fiorina, the former CEO of HP, is now a front-runner for the Republican nomination.

A strong performance in the first debate on the under-card stage thrust Fiorina onto the main stage for Wednesday’s CNN debate. Many questioned whether or not she’d continue to impress, or if she would buckle under the pressure.

After the debate, those who underestimated Fiorina were silenced. According to Robert Herring, Sr., CEO of One America News Network, the One America News national post-debate poll conducted by Gravis Marketing, a non-partisan research firm, shows it’s all Fiorina coming out of the second debate.

Taken immediately after the debate, the Gravis poll shows Fiorina jumping to first place at 22 percent, tied with Donald Trump. OAN’s previous national poll, conducted on September 3-4, showed the former HP top executive in seventh place with 2.7 percent."


Read more: Post-debate poll shows new GOP front-runner has emerged

So after 6+ years of obama's constant lies, lie after lie after lie from Pelosi, Reid, Biden, Holder, and other democrats, suddenly truth matters to lefties?

You people are the scum of the earth.

You know what we think of you


Meh, why would the opinion of the scum of the earth matter to me at all.
So this is what the Republicans have been reduced to. Blustering lying poseurs with nothing to offer to America except sound bytes and hyperbole. If this is the best they have to offer than the Republican Party is over. Can anyone come forth without patronizing remarks covered in fundamentalist fervor? A wholesale denial of reality and promises of war? I think we are in trouble America.

September 18, 2015– "On Wednesday, 11 Republican presidential primary candidates took their hard-earned places behind their respective podiums on stage at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library. The first post-debate poll has been released, and Carly Fiorina, the former CEO of HP, is now a front-runner for the Republican nomination.

A strong performance in the first debate on the under-card stage thrust Fiorina onto the main stage for Wednesday’s CNN debate. Many questioned whether or not she’d continue to impress, or if she would buckle under the pressure.

After the debate, those who underestimated Fiorina were silenced. According to Robert Herring, Sr., CEO of One America News Network, the One America News national post-debate poll conducted by Gravis Marketing, a non-partisan research firm, shows it’s all Fiorina coming out of the second debate.

Taken immediately after the debate, the Gravis poll shows Fiorina jumping to first place at 22 percent, tied with Donald Trump. OAN’s previous national poll, conducted on September 3-4, showed the former HP top executive in seventh place with 2.7 percent."


Read more: Post-debate poll shows new GOP front-runner has emerged

So after 6+ years of obama's constant lies, lie after lie after lie from Pelosi, Reid, Biden, Holder, and other democrats, suddenly truth matters to lefties?

You people are the scum of the earth.

You know what we think of you


Meh, why would the opinion of the scum of the earth matter to me at all.

Because when you are the skid mark in the underpants of society you need someone to look up to.
So this is what the Republicans have been reduced to. Blustering lying poseurs with nothing to offer to America except sound bytes and hyperbole. If this is the best they have to offer than the Republican Party is over. Can anyone come forth without patronizing remarks covered in fundamentalist fervor? A wholesale denial of reality and promises of war? I think we are in trouble America.

September 18, 2015– "On Wednesday, 11 Republican presidential primary candidates took their hard-earned places behind their respective podiums on stage at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library. The first post-debate poll has been released, and Carly Fiorina, the former CEO of HP, is now a front-runner for the Republican nomination.

A strong performance in the first debate on the under-card stage thrust Fiorina onto the main stage for Wednesday’s CNN debate. Many questioned whether or not she’d continue to impress, or if she would buckle under the pressure.

After the debate, those who underestimated Fiorina were silenced. According to Robert Herring, Sr., CEO of One America News Network, the One America News national post-debate poll conducted by Gravis Marketing, a non-partisan research firm, shows it’s all Fiorina coming out of the second debate.

Taken immediately after the debate, the Gravis poll shows Fiorina jumping to first place at 22 percent, tied with Donald Trump. OAN’s previous national poll, conducted on September 3-4, showed the former HP top executive in seventh place with 2.7 percent."


Read more: Post-debate poll shows new GOP front-runner has emerged

So after 6+ years of obama's constant lies, lie after lie after lie from Pelosi, Reid, Biden, Holder, and other democrats, suddenly truth matters to lefties?

You people are the scum of the earth.

You know what we think of you


Meh, why would the opinion of the scum of the earth matter to me at all.

Because when you are the skid mark in the underpants of society you need someone to look up to.

Come on....just because you are a left wing, brainwashed drone...don't think of yourself as a skid mark in the underpants of are just a replaceble drone in the Borg do have a do what the Borg queen obama tells you to do.....
So this is what the Republicans have been reduced to. Blustering lying poseurs with nothing to offer to America except sound bytes and hyperbole. If this is the best they have to offer than the Republican Party is over. Can anyone come forth without patronizing remarks covered in fundamentalist fervor? A wholesale denial of reality and promises of war? I think we are in trouble America.

September 18, 2015– "On Wednesday, 11 Republican presidential primary candidates took their hard-earned places behind their respective podiums on stage at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library. The first post-debate poll has been released, and Carly Fiorina, the former CEO of HP, is now a front-runner for the Republican nomination.

A strong performance in the first debate on the under-card stage thrust Fiorina onto the main stage for Wednesday’s CNN debate. Many questioned whether or not she’d continue to impress, or if she would buckle under the pressure.

After the debate, those who underestimated Fiorina were silenced. According to Robert Herring, Sr., CEO of One America News Network, the One America News national post-debate poll conducted by Gravis Marketing, a non-partisan research firm, shows it’s all Fiorina coming out of the second debate.

Taken immediately after the debate, the Gravis poll shows Fiorina jumping to first place at 22 percent, tied with Donald Trump. OAN’s previous national poll, conducted on September 3-4, showed the former HP top executive in seventh place with 2.7 percent."


Read more: Post-debate poll shows new GOP front-runner has emerged

So after 6+ years of obama's constant lies, lie after lie after lie from Pelosi, Reid, Biden, Holder, and other democrats, suddenly truth matters to lefties?

You people are the scum of the earth.

You know what we think of you


Meh, why would the opinion of the scum of the earth matter to me at all.

Because when you are the skid mark in the underpants of society you need someone to look up to.

Come on....just because you are a left wing, brainwashed drone...don't think of yourself as a skid mark in the underpants of are just a replaceble drone in the Borg do have a do what the Borg queen obama tells you to do.....

I don't and I bet you live in the cardboard box next to Predfan. How is the fifth of Night Train tonight?
Last edited:
That's awesome that you're a "huge fan of history" and have a "library of 2400 books" .. the next step in your edification would be to actually read one of them 'cause based on your posts you have absolutely no sense of history or social reality, I say this only because you appear to revel in being taken advantage of by anybody that carries your preferred letter behind their name which is of course the same mode of operation that every useful idiot since the dawn of time has operated under.

You're smarter than that, you're better than that, you DESERVE better than what these scumbag politicians you worship haven given you, down with their best interests up with yours.

Barack Obama only cares about you as far as what he can get out of you....

I am not a fan of Barack Obama you assume as much only because of your rigidity in your own thinking.

No I assume as much about you because YOU post this kind of nonsense "With 15+ months to go he has a lot of time to make more positive contributions to his legacy, much to the complete consternation of Republicans."

which indicates that you've bought into the lie that Barack Obama represents .. to whit : politicians are better masters of your life than you are, as long as they have the right letter behind their names... discard the lie, be free , be the master of your own life and recognize scumbags like Barack Obama for what they truly are, men that want to exploit you for their own gain.

No, you're just pissed that he has an opportunity to thrive while you have done everything you can to block that from happening. Number 18 on the presidential rankings is a big deal and I bet you will be doubly pissed when he passes Ronald Reagan. But that's what it is, live with it.
Pffft.. I'm not the one who's "pissed" I'm free, I've been blessed with the realization that I and I alone determine my own happiness, you on that other appear to be dependent on politicians to determine what is best for you and those you care about, what you might take as me criticizing you is in fact is my (probably feeble) attempt to convince you that you are a far better, far more capable person than the likes of Barack Obama (or any other politician) because you have chosen to make a living by the sweat of your own brow , the talents that god gave you and the character that your parents have blessed you with instead of choosing a life lived by exploiting the labor of others (which is what politicians like BHO do)...

Barack Obama's "legacy" is the same legacy that every other scumbag despot in history enjoys which is "how much have I exploited my fellow man for my own aggrandizement" .....

"The worst evils which mankind has ever had to endure were inflicted by bad governments." -- Ludwig Von Mises

Well you're completely wrong of course, .

Yes of course you're right, I just hallucinated all the hero worship bullshit you posted in this thread...

I do accept that some people are so addicted to the lies they've been told that the truth is far too much for them to handle .... so I wish you nothing but the best in your quest to become the most efficient partisan boot licker you can be, good luck with that.

"Another one bites the dust
Another one bites the dust
And another one gone, and another one gone
Another one bites the dust
Hey, I'm gonna get you too
Another one bites the dust
" -- The Late Great Freddy Mercury and Queen
It's not a "miracle". We recovered because W. instituted TARP and kept the banks from going under. What's amazing to me is that you actually seem to think that the Democrats had nothing to do with the economic collapse. You DO think that...don't you?

Of course not, Democrats have their own demons to deal with but the efforts of George Bush to destroy the economy so he could eliminate Social Security and Medicare by flooding the country with deliberate debt and by extension his own vision should never be discounted.

Tell me you didn't just post that...seriously, Dude...that's so delusional you should hand out tin foil hats before letting anyone read it! How did you come up with the notion that W wanted to eliminate Social Security and Medicare by flooding the country with debt? That's idiotic.

How else do you take two wars and deliberately take them off the books and then put in place a Medicare Part D program that could cost up to a trillion dollars over ten years? Couple that with tax cuts that keep the country from paying bills and cutting the IRS budget so income will be limited and you have the prescription for a mess that Obama inherited.

I keep hearing this same refrain and I'm always amused by it. Explain the effect on our economy from keeping the cost of a war "off the books" as opposed to putting it "in the budget"? Do you for some reason think that changes the amount of debt incurred? Obama has run huge deficits most of the years he's been in office. Were those larger or smaller because he didn't have the cost of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan "off the books"?
If you got the idea that W somehow caused a financial collapse so he could end Social Security and Medicare from one of those books then I would suggest you toss that bad boy right in the trash because whoever wrote it is certifiable!

Keeping the cost of Iraq and Afghanistan off the books kept the heat off the Bush administration for going trillions into debt. When Obama put them back on the books it became a central focus of naysayers as if it was all began on his watch the same way that Bush left $10.6 trillion in debt and became all of Obama's debt later on.

Wait a you think that just because the cost of a war isn't included in a budget that it doesn't get counted as part of debt incurred? Tell my you're not that ignorant about how debt is figured!
Of course not, Democrats have their own demons to deal with but the efforts of George Bush to destroy the economy so he could eliminate Social Security and Medicare by flooding the country with deliberate debt and by extension his own vision should never be discounted.

Tell me you didn't just post that...seriously, Dude...that's so delusional you should hand out tin foil hats before letting anyone read it! How did you come up with the notion that W wanted to eliminate Social Security and Medicare by flooding the country with debt? That's idiotic.

How else do you take two wars and deliberately take them off the books and then put in place a Medicare Part D program that could cost up to a trillion dollars over ten years? Couple that with tax cuts that keep the country from paying bills and cutting the IRS budget so income will be limited and you have the prescription for a mess that Obama inherited.

I keep hearing this same refrain and I'm always amused by it. Explain the effect on our economy from keeping the cost of a war "off the books" as opposed to putting it "in the budget"? Do you for some reason think that changes the amount of debt incurred? Obama has run huge deficits most of the years he's been in office. Were those larger or smaller because he didn't have the cost of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan "off the books"?
If you got the idea that W somehow caused a financial collapse so he could end Social Security and Medicare from one of those books then I would suggest you toss that bad boy right in the trash because whoever wrote it is certifiable!

Keeping the cost of Iraq and Afghanistan off the books kept the heat off the Bush administration for going trillions into debt. When Obama put them back on the books it became a central focus of naysayers as if it was all began on his watch the same way that Bush left $10.6 trillion in debt and became all of Obama's debt later on.

Wait a you think that just because the cost of a war isn't included in a budget that it doesn't get counter as part of debt incurred? Tell my you're not that ignorant about how debt is figured!

No, the Republican electorate fell for it hook line and sinker.
I am not a fan of Barack Obama you assume as much only because of your rigidity in your own thinking.

No I assume as much about you because YOU post this kind of nonsense "With 15+ months to go he has a lot of time to make more positive contributions to his legacy, much to the complete consternation of Republicans."

which indicates that you've bought into the lie that Barack Obama represents .. to whit : politicians are better masters of your life than you are, as long as they have the right letter behind their names... discard the lie, be free , be the master of your own life and recognize scumbags like Barack Obama for what they truly are, men that want to exploit you for their own gain.

No, you're just pissed that he has an opportunity to thrive while you have done everything you can to block that from happening. Number 18 on the presidential rankings is a big deal and I bet you will be doubly pissed when he passes Ronald Reagan. But that's what it is, live with it.
Pffft.. I'm not the one who's "pissed" I'm free, I've been blessed with the realization that I and I alone determine my own happiness, you on that other appear to be dependent on politicians to determine what is best for you and those you care about, what you might take as me criticizing you is in fact is my (probably feeble) attempt to convince you that you are a far better, far more capable person than the likes of Barack Obama (or any other politician) because you have chosen to make a living by the sweat of your own brow , the talents that god gave you and the character that your parents have blessed you with instead of choosing a life lived by exploiting the labor of others (which is what politicians like BHO do)...

Barack Obama's "legacy" is the same legacy that every other scumbag despot in history enjoys which is "how much have I exploited my fellow man for my own aggrandizement" .....

"The worst evils which mankind has ever had to endure were inflicted by bad governments." -- Ludwig Von Mises

Well you're completely wrong of course, .

Yes of course you're right, I just hallucinated all the hero worship bullshit you posted in this thread...

I do accept that some people are so addicted to the lies they've been told that the truth is far too much for them to handle .... so I wish you nothing but the best in your quest to become the most efficient partisan boot licker you can be, good luck with that.

"Another one bites the dust
Another one bites the dust
And another one gone, and another one gone
Another one bites the dust
Hey, I'm gonna get you too
Another one bites the dust
" -- The Late Great Freddy Mercury and Queen

Whatever, but I do enjoy the lyrics.

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