Carly Lie-orina Is Now The GOP Front Runner

No need to, old buddy. The premise's absurdity dominates the comment.

Don't want to touch it with a ten foot ya', Jakey? The truth is...Barack Obama was never adequately vetted by the main stream media and his political opponents were all so afraid of being labeled as "racists" if they pointed out that he was nothing but an empty suit, that we ended up electing someone who was SPECTACULARLY unprepared to be President!

That's why he is spectacularly rate number 18 on the all time presidential rankings.

18 on a list that's compiled by academics that lean heavily to the left doesn't sound all that impressive to me, Jake! He's still trailing Bush Senior, LBJ and Reagan...and by a good margin! Wait until ObamaCare begins to implode and the Iranians develop a nuke and watch that 18 start to go down faster than Monica Lewinsky in the Oval Office!
So this is what the Republicans have been reduced to. Blustering lying poseurs with nothing to offer to America except sound bytes and hyperbole. If this is the best they have to offer than the Republican Party is over. Can anyone come forth without patronizing remarks covered in fundamentalist fervor? A wholesale denial of reality and promises of war? I think we are in trouble America.

September 18, 2015– "On Wednesday, 11 Republican presidential primary candidates took their hard-earned places behind their respective podiums on stage at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library. The first post-debate poll has been released, and Carly Fiorina, the former CEO of HP, is now a front-runner for the Republican nomination.

A strong performance in the first debate on the under-card stage thrust Fiorina onto the main stage for Wednesday’s CNN debate. Many questioned whether or not she’d continue to impress, or if she would buckle under the pressure.

After the debate, those who underestimated Fiorina were silenced. According to Robert Herring, Sr., CEO of One America News Network, the One America News national post-debate poll conducted by Gravis Marketing, a non-partisan research firm, shows it’s all Fiorina coming out of the second debate.

Taken immediately after the debate, the Gravis poll shows Fiorina jumping to first place at 22 percent, tied with Donald Trump. OAN’s previous national poll, conducted on September 3-4, showed the former HP top executive in seventh place with 2.7 percent."


Read more: Post-debate poll shows new GOP front-runner has emerged

Yes, I have said it over and over again she is the one that is capable of winning the White House. Now I am not certain where you've nicknameed her Lio rina--because you obviously didn't post any links to these supposed lies, so I assume YOUR A DONALD TRUMP SUPPORTER and are really really pissed off right now--LOL

The Donald is in big time crap again over letting an INSANE supporter run off at the mouth about terrorists camps inside the USA--Obama is not an American--and he's Muslim. This is the typical Donald Trump supporter.

The Donald didn't show up at a South Carolina rally today, citing "business", but the TRUTH may be he's looked at this INTERNAL polling data, and is going to throw in the towel soon. There is no way he's going to use his own money to play catch up, and he's a guy that doesn't like to be behind in anything. That may be too much for his "persona" to take.


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No need to, old buddy. The premise's absurdity dominates the comment.

Don't want to touch it with a ten foot ya', Jakey? The truth is...Barack Obama was never adequately vetted by the main stream media and his political opponents were all so afraid of being labeled as "racists" if they pointed out that he was nothing but an empty suit, that we ended up electing someone who was SPECTACULARLY unprepared to be President!

That's why he is spectacularly rate number 18 on the all time presidential rankings.

18 on a list that's compiled by academics that lean heavily to the left doesn't sound all that impressive to me, Jake! He's still trailing Bush Senior, LBJ and Reagan...and by a good margin! Wait until ObamaCare begins to implode and the Iranians develop a nuke and watch that 18 start to go down faster than Monica Lewinsky in the Oval Office!

18 and dropping rapidly due to gay marriage, immigration, and a nuclear peace in the Middle East. With 15+ months to go he has a lot of time to make more positive contributions to his legacy, much to the complete consternation of Republicans.
Current Fiorina hysteria is a setup (by Media) to take down Trump,. They will try to take all down (one by one) to they get only a RINO
So this is what the Republicans have been reduced to. Blustering lying poseurs with nothing to offer to America except sound bytes and hyperbole. If this is the best they have to offer than the Republican Party is over. Can anyone come forth without patronizing remarks covered in fundamentalist fervor? A wholesale denial of reality and promises of war? I think we are in trouble America.

September 18, 2015– "On Wednesday, 11 Republican presidential primary candidates took their hard-earned places behind their respective podiums on stage at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library. The first post-debate poll has been released, and Carly Fiorina, the former CEO of HP, is now a front-runner for the Republican nomination.

A strong performance in the first debate on the under-card stage thrust Fiorina onto the main stage for Wednesday’s CNN debate. Many questioned whether or not she’d continue to impress, or if she would buckle under the pressure.

After the debate, those who underestimated Fiorina were silenced. According to Robert Herring, Sr., CEO of One America News Network, the One America News national post-debate poll conducted by Gravis Marketing, a non-partisan research firm, shows it’s all Fiorina coming out of the second debate.

Taken immediately after the debate, the Gravis poll shows Fiorina jumping to first place at 22 percent, tied with Donald Trump. OAN’s previous national poll, conducted on September 3-4, showed the former HP top executive in seventh place with 2.7 percent."


Read more: Post-debate poll shows new GOP front-runner has emerged

Yes, I have said it over and over again she is the one that is capable of winning the White House. Now I am not certain where you've nicknameed her Lio rina--because you obviously didn't post any links to these supposed lies, so I assume YOUR A DONALD TRUMP SUPPORTER and are really really pissed off right now--LOL

The Donald is in big time crap again over letting an INSANE supporter run off at the mouth about terrorists camps inside the USA--Obama is not an American--and he's Muslim. This is the typical Donald Trump supporter. The Donald didn't show up at a South Carolina rally today, citing "business", but the TRUTH may be he's looked at this INTERNAL polling data, and is going to throw in the towel soon. There is no way he's going to use his own money to play catch up. THE DEFINITION OF STUPID: Knowing the truth, seeing the truth, but still believing the lies.


If you had followed the whole thread you would have found a veritable compendium of Fiorina lies.

18 and dropping rapidly due to gay marriage, immigration, and a nuclear peace in the Middle East. With 15+ months to go he has a lot of time to make more positive contributions to his legacy, much to the complete consternation of Republicans.

Ahh,.. so you're the last Obama apologist , I was wondering where you were, please make sure to turn the lights out when you finally leave Obie Wan la-la-la land after all the electricity bills there have "necessarily skyrocketed".....

One has to wonder when you skirt wearing, pom-pom waving partisan robots will get tired of cheerleading for scumbag politicians that couldn't give a less of a damn about you...and for the record President Obama's "legacy" is that he managed to royally fuck up everything he put his grubby lil' paws on so as far as making "more contributions" to it DON'T HOLD YOUR BREATH pal.. the only thing El Presidente Douche Bag has managed to do in almost 7 years is make President George "Gunslinger" W. Bush look good.
18 and dropping rapidly due to gay marriage, immigration, and a nuclear peace in the Middle East. With 15+ months to go he has a lot of time to make more positive contributions to his legacy, much to the complete consternation of Republicans.

Ahh,.. so you're the last Obama apologist , I was wondering where you were, please make sure to turn the lights out when you finally leave Obie Wan la-la-la land after all the electricity bills there have "necessarily skyrocketed".....

One has to wonder when you skirt wearing, pom-pom waving partisan robots will get tired of cheerleading for scumbag politicians that couldn't give a less of a damn about you...and for the record President Obama's "legacy" is that he managed to royally fuck up everything he put his grubby lil' paws on so as far as making "more contributions" to it DON'T HOLD YOUR BREATH pal.. the only thing El Presidente Douche Bag has managed to do in almost 7 years is make President George "Gunslinger" W. Bush look good.

What a fabulous bit of science fiction you have fallen for. None of our current problems would have even happened had Republicans done what they brag about best and be fiscally responsible and had actually balanced the nations books. We are paying for the sins of a Republican lie and all you have done is find a scapegoat who is too smart for you. Falling on your own petards is going to be worth the price of admission even if it will take generations to repair the damage you have done to the United States.
18 and dropping rapidly due to gay marriage, immigration, and a nuclear peace in the Middle East. With 15+ months to go he has a lot of time to make more positive contributions to his legacy, much to the complete consternation of Republicans.

Ahh,.. so you're the last Obama apologist , I was wondering where you were, please make sure to turn the lights out when you finally leave Obie Wan la-la-la land after all the electricity bills there have "necessarily skyrocketed".....

One has to wonder when you skirt wearing, pom-pom waving partisan robots will get tired of cheerleading for scumbag politicians that couldn't give a less of a damn about you...and for the record President Obama's "legacy" is that he managed to royally fuck up everything he put his grubby lil' paws on so as far as making "more contributions" to it DON'T HOLD YOUR BREATH pal.. the only thing El Presidente Douche Bag has managed to do in almost 7 years is make President George "Gunslinger" W. Bush look good.

What a fabulous bit of science fiction you have fallen for. None of our current problems would have even happened had Republicans done what they brag about best and be fiscally responsible and had actually balanced the nations books. We are paying for the sins of a Republican lie and all you have done is find a scapegoat who is too smart for you. Falling on your own petards is going to be worth the price of admission even if it will take generations to repair the damage you have done to the United States.

Seven years of Barry and you're STILL blaming the GOP? At this rate Barack Obama is going to be the only two term President EVER that's not responsible for anything bad that happened on his watch! Classic're White House Press Secretary material!
18 and dropping rapidly due to gay marriage, immigration, and a nuclear peace in the Middle East. With 15+ months to go he has a lot of time to make more positive contributions to his legacy, much to the complete consternation of Republicans.

Ahh,.. so you're the last Obama apologist , I was wondering where you were, please make sure to turn the lights out when you finally leave Obie Wan la-la-la land after all the electricity bills there have "necessarily skyrocketed".....

One has to wonder when you skirt wearing, pom-pom waving partisan robots will get tired of cheerleading for scumbag politicians that couldn't give a less of a damn about you...and for the record President Obama's "legacy" is that he managed to royally fuck up everything he put his grubby lil' paws on so as far as making "more contributions" to it DON'T HOLD YOUR BREATH pal.. the only thing El Presidente Douche Bag has managed to do in almost 7 years is make President George "Gunslinger" W. Bush look good.

What a fabulous bit of science fiction you have fallen for. None of our current problems would have even happened had Republicans done what they brag about best and be fiscally responsible and had actually balanced the nations books. We are paying for the sins of a Republican lie and all you have done is find a scapegoat who is too smart for you. Falling on your own petards is going to be worth the price of admission even if it will take generations to repair the damage you have done to the United States.

I'm not the one that is worshipping politicians pal, some day you're going to wake up and realize that just because some scumbag sticks a letter behind his name doesn't mean he cares about your best interests, you should probably pick up a history book and maybe you'll discover what your mindset has wrought in terms of human misery... in the meantime enjoy your fantasies and when the chickens come home to roost don't forget I TOLD YOU SO.

"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.” -- Samuel Adams
18 and dropping rapidly due to gay marriage, immigration, and a nuclear peace in the Middle East. With 15+ months to go he has a lot of time to make more positive contributions to his legacy, much to the complete consternation of Republicans.

Ahh,.. so you're the last Obama apologist , I was wondering where you were, please make sure to turn the lights out when you finally leave Obie Wan la-la-la land after all the electricity bills there have "necessarily skyrocketed".....

One has to wonder when you skirt wearing, pom-pom waving partisan robots will get tired of cheerleading for scumbag politicians that couldn't give a less of a damn about you...and for the record President Obama's "legacy" is that he managed to royally fuck up everything he put his grubby lil' paws on so as far as making "more contributions" to it DON'T HOLD YOUR BREATH pal.. the only thing El Presidente Douche Bag has managed to do in almost 7 years is make President George "Gunslinger" W. Bush look good.

What a fabulous bit of science fiction you have fallen for. None of our current problems would have even happened had Republicans done what they brag about best and be fiscally responsible and had actually balanced the nations books. We are paying for the sins of a Republican lie and all you have done is find a scapegoat who is too smart for you. Falling on your own petards is going to be worth the price of admission even if it will take generations to repair the damage you have done to the United States.

Seven years of Barry and you're STILL blaming the GOP? At this rate Barack Obama is going to be the only two term President EVER that's not responsible for anything bad that happened on his watch! Classic're White House Press Secretary material!

The GOP is only getting the blame because of how badly they left the country when they left the presidency. It's a miracle we recovered at all and you should be ashamed that you were part of it.
It's not a "miracle". We recovered because W. instituted TARP and kept the banks from going under. What's amazing to me is that you actually seem to think that the Democrats had nothing to do with the economic collapse. You DO think that...don't you?
18 and dropping rapidly due to gay marriage, immigration, and a nuclear peace in the Middle East. With 15+ months to go he has a lot of time to make more positive contributions to his legacy, much to the complete consternation of Republicans.

Ahh,.. so you're the last Obama apologist , I was wondering where you were, please make sure to turn the lights out when you finally leave Obie Wan la-la-la land after all the electricity bills there have "necessarily skyrocketed".....

One has to wonder when you skirt wearing, pom-pom waving partisan robots will get tired of cheerleading for scumbag politicians that couldn't give a less of a damn about you...and for the record President Obama's "legacy" is that he managed to royally fuck up everything he put his grubby lil' paws on so as far as making "more contributions" to it DON'T HOLD YOUR BREATH pal.. the only thing El Presidente Douche Bag has managed to do in almost 7 years is make President George "Gunslinger" W. Bush look good.

What a fabulous bit of science fiction you have fallen for. None of our current problems would have even happened had Republicans done what they brag about best and be fiscally responsible and had actually balanced the nations books. We are paying for the sins of a Republican lie and all you have done is find a scapegoat who is too smart for you. Falling on your own petards is going to be worth the price of admission even if it will take generations to repair the damage you have done to the United States.

I'm not the one that is worshipping politicians pal, some day you're going to wake up and realize that just because some scumbag sticks a letter behind his name doesn't mean he cares about your best interests, you should probably pick up a history book and maybe you'll discover what your mindset has wrought in terms of human misery... in the meantime enjoy your fantasies and when the chickens come home to roost don't forget I TOLD YOU SO.

"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.” -- Samuel Adams

I am a huge fan of history and have a library of 2400 books mostly about American history. I carry no misconceptions and am not burdened by ideology. I see the facts, understand the truth, and am quick to understand the differences that separate us. The only fool is yourself and your silly devotion to talking points and lock in step thinking.
What you conveniently overlook is that it's been seven years since that collapse took place and in that time Barack Obama has led the worst recovery from a recession in modern economic history.

I challenge you to provide for us what Barack Obama's economic strategy has been for the past four years to stimulate the economy and create jobs! Not only has there not been a plan to do those things...there hasn't even been an ATTEMPT at coming up with one! I'll bet you can't even tell me who Barack Obama's economic advisers ARE right now! You know why that is? Because this White House gave up even TRYING to fix the economy years ago because it was simply too hard and they didn't know how!
18 and dropping rapidly due to gay marriage, immigration, and a nuclear peace in the Middle East. With 15+ months to go he has a lot of time to make more positive contributions to his legacy, much to the complete consternation of Republicans.

Ahh,.. so you're the last Obama apologist , I was wondering where you were, please make sure to turn the lights out when you finally leave Obie Wan la-la-la land after all the electricity bills there have "necessarily skyrocketed".....

One has to wonder when you skirt wearing, pom-pom waving partisan robots will get tired of cheerleading for scumbag politicians that couldn't give a less of a damn about you...and for the record President Obama's "legacy" is that he managed to royally fuck up everything he put his grubby lil' paws on so as far as making "more contributions" to it DON'T HOLD YOUR BREATH pal.. the only thing El Presidente Douche Bag has managed to do in almost 7 years is make President George "Gunslinger" W. Bush look good.

What a fabulous bit of science fiction you have fallen for. None of our current problems would have even happened had Republicans done what they brag about best and be fiscally responsible and had actually balanced the nations books. We are paying for the sins of a Republican lie and all you have done is find a scapegoat who is too smart for you. Falling on your own petards is going to be worth the price of admission even if it will take generations to repair the damage you have done to the United States.

Seven years of Barry and you're STILL blaming the GOP? At this rate Barack Obama is going to be the only two term President EVER that's not responsible for anything bad that happened on his watch! Classic're White House Press Secretary material!

The GOP is only getting the blame because of how badly they left the country when they left the presidency. It's a miracle we recovered at all and you should be ashamed that you were part of it.

What a Surprise that you failed to notice all the Democrats sitting in Congress when GWB left office, apparently you slept through the "Three equal branches of government" lesson of civics.... could you possibly be more brainwashed? One has to wonder WHEN you're going to start stop letting the DNC do your thinking for you and realize that both parties are fucking you over six ways from Sunday, or do you just happen to like licking the hand that feeds you ?

"When a person places the proper value on freedom, there is nothing under the sun that he will not do to acquire that freedom. Whenever you hear a man saying he wants freedom, but in the next breath he is going to tell you what he won’t do to get it, or what he doesn’t believe in doing in order to get it, he doesn’t believe in freedom. A man who believes in freedom will do anything under the sun to acquire or preserve his freedom.” -- Malcom X
18 and dropping rapidly due to gay marriage, immigration, and a nuclear peace in the Middle East. With 15+ months to go he has a lot of time to make more positive contributions to his legacy, much to the complete consternation of Republicans.

Ahh,.. so you're the last Obama apologist , I was wondering where you were, please make sure to turn the lights out when you finally leave Obie Wan la-la-la land after all the electricity bills there have "necessarily skyrocketed".....

One has to wonder when you skirt wearing, pom-pom waving partisan robots will get tired of cheerleading for scumbag politicians that couldn't give a less of a damn about you...and for the record President Obama's "legacy" is that he managed to royally fuck up everything he put his grubby lil' paws on so as far as making "more contributions" to it DON'T HOLD YOUR BREATH pal.. the only thing El Presidente Douche Bag has managed to do in almost 7 years is make President George "Gunslinger" W. Bush look good.

What a fabulous bit of science fiction you have fallen for. None of our current problems would have even happened had Republicans done what they brag about best and be fiscally responsible and had actually balanced the nations books. We are paying for the sins of a Republican lie and all you have done is find a scapegoat who is too smart for you. Falling on your own petards is going to be worth the price of admission even if it will take generations to repair the damage you have done to the United States.

I'm not the one that is worshipping politicians pal, some day you're going to wake up and realize that just because some scumbag sticks a letter behind his name doesn't mean he cares about your best interests, you should probably pick up a history book and maybe you'll discover what your mindset has wrought in terms of human misery... in the meantime enjoy your fantasies and when the chickens come home to roost don't forget I TOLD YOU SO.

"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.” -- Samuel Adams

I am a huge fan of history and have a library of 2400 books mostly about American history. I carry no misconceptions and am not burdened by ideology. I see the facts, understand the truth, and am quick to understand the differences that separate us. The only fool is yourself and your silly devotion to talking points and lock in step thinking.

You know how many books you have in your library? Really? LOL
It's not a "miracle". We recovered because W. instituted TARP and kept the banks from going under. What's amazing to me is that you actually seem to think that the Democrats had nothing to do with the economic collapse. You DO think that...don't you?

Of course not, Democrats have their own demons to deal with but the efforts of George Bush to destroy the economy so he could eliminate Social Security and Medicare by flooding the country with deliberate debt and by extension his own vision should never be discounted.

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