Carrier Plant update: Trump bragged about saving 1100 jobs; truth is 1600 jobs gone, 1250 to Mexico

Trump supporters don't care. Trump can do no wrong
And exactly what does Trump have to do with Carrier being unpatriotic and moving their company to Mexico? Could there be even a chance that what Trump said and what is happening are two different things? Certainly seems that way.

BTW, what did Clinton and Obama do about the great sucking sound of jobs leaving the country? I will tell you, Clinton started it and Obama did absolutely nothing, which is what he was good at.
Jones says he is “bitter” about 1,600 workers being given the boot from that plant, the Rexnord factory, and a second Carrier facility in Huntington. And his opinion of Trump hasn’t softened. “I didn’t trust Trump when he was running, playing on working-class hopes. This guy who has businesses in other countries and wraps himself in the American flag.”

“The taxpayers got hoaxed out of $7 million to move more than 1,250 Carrier jobs out of this country. The whole thing was a scam.”

‘Trump doesn’t care about workers’: Carrier employees react to announcement that 632 jobs are moving to Mexico

But it was a fantastic photo op for Trump. A great PR victory that will live on throughout the ages in the ignorant, Faux News households of America.
the unions are the problem here, not the president.

USW dues are: ► 1.45% of total earnings, plus $.02 per hour. ► A maximum of 2.8 times your average hourly rate, plus $.02 per hour. ► Minimum dues are $5.00 per month.
Example of Weekly Dues

Massive imports of low-priced steel have ravaged the U.S. steel industry in recent years, causing 34 companies to close their doors and more than 50,000 workers to lose their jobs between 1997 and October 2002, according to United Steelworkers of America.

affiliates of this organization.

ranks 49 of 18,569

$997,500 (2016)
$1,240,000 (2015)
ranks 398 of 3,729 in 2016

ranks 91 of 206

Explain these rankings to me

From OrgsFrom Indivs

To Outside GrpsTo Party CmtesTo LeadPACsTo 527 GrpsTo Candidates

Contributions to candidates: $694,168
Contributions to Leadership PACs: $55,000
Contributions to parties: $69,841
Contributions to 527 committees: $352,245
Contributions to outside spending groups: $5,620,233

Top Recipients
Recipient Total From Indivs From Orgs
USW Works $2,800,233 $0 $2,800,233
New American Jobs Fund $1,615,000 $0 $1,615,000
For Our Future $1,000,000 $0 $1,000,000
United Steelworkers $352,245 $0 $352,245
House Majority PAC $200,000 $0 $200,000
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Cmte $15,250 $250 $15,000
Democratic Congressional Campaign Cmte $15,138 $138 $15,000
Cain, Emily $15,000 $0 $15,000
DNC Services Corp $14,953 $572 $14,381
McGinty, Katie $11,069 $1,069 $10,000
The total of contributions to candidates from United Steelworkers PACs is 47 times larger than contributions from individuals

Contributions from Individuals

Contributions from PACs
LOBBYING: $997,500 (2016)

3 out of 9 United Steelworkers lobbyists in 2015-2016 have previously held government jobs
See their employment history by clicking on their RevDoor icon here


BILL MOST FREQUENTLY LOBBIED ON IN THE 114TH CONGRESS:H.R.2050 (Middle Class Health Benefits Tax Repeal Act of 2015)
See more lobbying by United Steelworkers
Discloses Donors? YES
Viewpoint: LIBERAL
It's not the unions tard. I get so sick of f*cking stupid a$$ Republicans insisting people get paid too much and if they only got money that would guarantee they need food stamps everything would be OK. Remember, Republicans want to cut food stamps AND healthcare. Republicans want slaves.

Worse, the CEO of Carrier's parent company said they are automating and there will only be a fraction of those jobs left anyway.

87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated. THEY DIDN'T LEAVE, THEY WENT AWAY!!!!!!!!!!

They are never coming back. You Trump supporters have got to stop being the determined ignorant. It's just not funny any more. There is no excuse for it so stop it.
What is truly sad about this is that there are now about 6 million high paid jobs, technicians, going begging for lack of trained and educated people to fill those jobs. And this whacked out admin is cutting funds to education. What a bunch of ignorant asshole we have in this admin.
Jones says he is “bitter” about 1,600 workers being given the boot from that plant, the Rexnord factory, and a second Carrier facility in Huntington. And his opinion of Trump hasn’t softened. “I didn’t trust Trump when he was running, playing on working-class hopes. This guy who has businesses in other countries and wraps himself in the American flag.”

“The taxpayers got hoaxed out of $7 million to move more than 1,250 Carrier jobs out of this country. The whole thing was a scam.”

‘Trump doesn’t care about workers’: Carrier employees react to announcement that 632 jobs are moving to Mexico

But it was a fantastic photo op for Trump. A great PR victory that will live on throughout the ages in the ignorant, Faux News households of America.
the unions are the problem here, not the president.

USW dues are: ► 1.45% of total earnings, plus $.02 per hour. ► A maximum of 2.8 times your average hourly rate, plus $.02 per hour. ► Minimum dues are $5.00 per month.
Example of Weekly Dues

Massive imports of low-priced steel have ravaged the U.S. steel industry in recent years, causing 34 companies to close their doors and more than 50,000 workers to lose their jobs between 1997 and October 2002, according to United Steelworkers of America.

affiliates of this organization.

ranks 49 of 18,569

$997,500 (2016)
$1,240,000 (2015)
ranks 398 of 3,729 in 2016

ranks 91 of 206

Explain these rankings to me

From OrgsFrom Indivs

To Outside GrpsTo Party CmtesTo LeadPACsTo 527 GrpsTo Candidates

Contributions to candidates: $694,168
Contributions to Leadership PACs: $55,000
Contributions to parties: $69,841
Contributions to 527 committees: $352,245
Contributions to outside spending groups: $5,620,233

Top Recipients
Recipient Total From Indivs From Orgs
USW Works $2,800,233 $0 $2,800,233
New American Jobs Fund $1,615,000 $0 $1,615,000
For Our Future $1,000,000 $0 $1,000,000
United Steelworkers $352,245 $0 $352,245
House Majority PAC $200,000 $0 $200,000
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Cmte $15,250 $250 $15,000
Democratic Congressional Campaign Cmte $15,138 $138 $15,000
Cain, Emily $15,000 $0 $15,000
DNC Services Corp $14,953 $572 $14,381
McGinty, Katie $11,069 $1,069 $10,000
The total of contributions to candidates from United Steelworkers PACs is 47 times larger than contributions from individuals

Contributions from Individuals

Contributions from PACs
LOBBYING: $997,500 (2016)

3 out of 9 United Steelworkers lobbyists in 2015-2016 have previously held government jobs
See their employment history by clicking on their RevDoor icon here


BILL MOST FREQUENTLY LOBBIED ON IN THE 114TH CONGRESS:H.R.2050 (Middle Class Health Benefits Tax Repeal Act of 2015)
See more lobbying by United Steelworkers
Discloses Donors? YES
Viewpoint: LIBERAL
It's not the unions tard. I get so sick of f*cking stupid a$$ Republicans insisting people get paid too much and if they only got money that would guarantee they need food stamps everything would be OK. Remember, Republicans want to cut food stamps AND healthcare. Republicans want slaves.

Worse, the CEO of Carrier's parent company said they are automating and there will only be a fraction of those jobs left anyway.

87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated. THEY DIDN'T LEAVE, THEY WENT AWAY!!!!!!!!!!

They are never coming back. You Trump supporters have got to stop being the determined ignorant. It's just not funny any more. There is no excuse for it so stop it.

Liberals like you are clueless, R-Derp! Unions push for wages that are so high that American businesses turn to automation to try and keep costs low and then you blame automation for job losses?


I suppose that made sense to you? Same old R-Derp...
Stupid ass, they are automating even minimum wage jobs now. I know, I have helped build some of the machinery.
Jones says he is “bitter” about 1,600 workers being given the boot from that plant, the Rexnord factory, and a second Carrier facility in Huntington. And his opinion of Trump hasn’t softened. “I didn’t trust Trump when he was running, playing on working-class hopes. This guy who has businesses in other countries and wraps himself in the American flag.”

“The taxpayers got hoaxed out of $7 million to move more than 1,250 Carrier jobs out of this country. The whole thing was a scam.”

‘Trump doesn’t care about workers’: Carrier employees react to announcement that 632 jobs are moving to Mexico

But it was a fantastic photo op for Trump. A great PR victory that will live on throughout the ages in the ignorant, Faux News households of America.

Typical Trump, lots of hot air and no substance.
Jones says he is “bitter” about 1,600 workers being given the boot from that plant, the Rexnord factory, and a second Carrier facility in Huntington. And his opinion of Trump hasn’t softened. “I didn’t trust Trump when he was running, playing on working-class hopes. This guy who has businesses in other countries and wraps himself in the American flag.”

“The taxpayers got hoaxed out of $7 million to move more than 1,250 Carrier jobs out of this country. The whole thing was a scam.”

‘Trump doesn’t care about workers’: Carrier employees react to announcement that 632 jobs are moving to Mexico

But it was a fantastic photo op for Trump. A great PR victory that will live on throughout the ages in the ignorant, Faux News households of America.
the unions are the problem here, not the president.

USW dues are: ► 1.45% of total earnings, plus $.02 per hour. ► A maximum of 2.8 times your average hourly rate, plus $.02 per hour. ► Minimum dues are $5.00 per month.
Example of Weekly Dues

Massive imports of low-priced steel have ravaged the U.S. steel industry in recent years, causing 34 companies to close their doors and more than 50,000 workers to lose their jobs between 1997 and October 2002, according to United Steelworkers of America.

affiliates of this organization.

ranks 49 of 18,569

$997,500 (2016)
$1,240,000 (2015)
ranks 398 of 3,729 in 2016

ranks 91 of 206

Explain these rankings to me

From OrgsFrom Indivs

To Outside GrpsTo Party CmtesTo LeadPACsTo 527 GrpsTo Candidates

Contributions to candidates: $694,168
Contributions to Leadership PACs: $55,000
Contributions to parties: $69,841
Contributions to 527 committees: $352,245
Contributions to outside spending groups: $5,620,233

Top Recipients
Recipient Total From Indivs From Orgs
USW Works $2,800,233 $0 $2,800,233
New American Jobs Fund $1,615,000 $0 $1,615,000
For Our Future $1,000,000 $0 $1,000,000
United Steelworkers $352,245 $0 $352,245
House Majority PAC $200,000 $0 $200,000
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Cmte $15,250 $250 $15,000
Democratic Congressional Campaign Cmte $15,138 $138 $15,000
Cain, Emily $15,000 $0 $15,000
DNC Services Corp $14,953 $572 $14,381
McGinty, Katie $11,069 $1,069 $10,000
The total of contributions to candidates from United Steelworkers PACs is 47 times larger than contributions from individuals

Contributions from Individuals

Contributions from PACs
LOBBYING: $997,500 (2016)

3 out of 9 United Steelworkers lobbyists in 2015-2016 have previously held government jobs
See their employment history by clicking on their RevDoor icon here


BILL MOST FREQUENTLY LOBBIED ON IN THE 114TH CONGRESS:H.R.2050 (Middle Class Health Benefits Tax Repeal Act of 2015)
See more lobbying by United Steelworkers
Discloses Donors? YES
Viewpoint: LIBERAL
It's not the unions tard. I get so sick of f*cking stupid a$$ Republicans insisting people get paid too much and if they only got money that would guarantee they need food stamps everything would be OK. Remember, Republicans want to cut food stamps AND healthcare. Republicans want slaves.

Worse, the CEO of Carrier's parent company said they are automating and there will only be a fraction of those jobs left anyway.

87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated. THEY DIDN'T LEAVE, THEY WENT AWAY!!!!!!!!!!

They are never coming back. You Trump supporters have got to stop being the determined ignorant. It's just not funny any more. There is no excuse for it so stop it.

They wont complain ceos are paid too much though. Even though it is obviously a racket and not market driven at all.
the best people are costly for a reason.
Considering the fucks are just hirelings, the same as me, they are criminal in swindling the companies they work for. They get that money even as the company fails. More and more the Directors, rather than the stockholders, determine what a CEO gets. And who are the directors? Other CEO's. It is an incestuous arrangement.
Did you even read that RAW article? You've got two liberal union bosses ranting because Trump didn't save ALL the jobs in that Carrier factory. But then one of them admits this:
"Reached by phone today, after Carrier’s announcement, Jones gives Trump credit for saving 800 Carrier jobs in Indianapolis." So Trump did save 800 jobs...something even his biggest critics have to admit...but he's blamed because he didn't save them all? Typical snowflake string...yawn...
Your kind has got to be b!tch slapped to get that truth in there:

Carrier CEO: Indy Investment Will Help Automate Factory

As part of its deal with President-elect Donald Trump to retain some Indiana jobs, Carrier pledged to invest $16 million dollars in its Indianapolis factory.

But that investment will go toward automation, according to Carrier parent company CEO Greg Hayes.


For one thing, it was 730 jobs and another, most of those jobs will be gone once the automation is up and running. So STOP THE TARDATION! IT'S NOT F*CKING FUNNY!
your kind ??
Yes. When it comes to Donald Trump, his followers are a "kind". They want to be scammed and have been. They have been conned into believing someone who is obviously a liar. The guy is an embarrassment. And totally corrupt as his business practices prove. What kind of an idiot votes for someone who stiffs his workers. That right there should have been a warning.
Trump has saved much more than 1100 jobs. That's a ridiculous underestimate and you know it.
Jones says he is “bitter” about 1,600 workers being given the boot from that plant, the Rexnord factory, and a second Carrier facility in Huntington. And his opinion of Trump hasn’t softened. “I didn’t trust Trump when he was running, playing on working-class hopes. This guy who has businesses in other countries and wraps himself in the American flag.”

“The taxpayers got hoaxed out of $7 million to move more than 1,250 Carrier jobs out of this country. The whole thing was a scam.”

‘Trump doesn’t care about workers’: Carrier employees react to announcement that 632 jobs are moving to Mexico

But it was a fantastic photo op for Trump. A great PR victory that will live on throughout the ages in the ignorant, Faux News households of America.
the unions are the problem here, not the president.

USW dues are: ► 1.45% of total earnings, plus $.02 per hour. ► A maximum of 2.8 times your average hourly rate, plus $.02 per hour. ► Minimum dues are $5.00 per month.
Example of Weekly Dues

Massive imports of low-priced steel have ravaged the U.S. steel industry in recent years, causing 34 companies to close their doors and more than 50,000 workers to lose their jobs between 1997 and October 2002, according to United Steelworkers of America.

affiliates of this organization.

ranks 49 of 18,569

$997,500 (2016)
$1,240,000 (2015)
ranks 398 of 3,729 in 2016

ranks 91 of 206

Explain these rankings to me

From OrgsFrom Indivs

To Outside GrpsTo Party CmtesTo LeadPACsTo 527 GrpsTo Candidates

Contributions to candidates: $694,168
Contributions to Leadership PACs: $55,000
Contributions to parties: $69,841
Contributions to 527 committees: $352,245
Contributions to outside spending groups: $5,620,233

Top Recipients
Recipient Total From Indivs From Orgs
USW Works $2,800,233 $0 $2,800,233
New American Jobs Fund $1,615,000 $0 $1,615,000
For Our Future $1,000,000 $0 $1,000,000
United Steelworkers $352,245 $0 $352,245
House Majority PAC $200,000 $0 $200,000
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Cmte $15,250 $250 $15,000
Democratic Congressional Campaign Cmte $15,138 $138 $15,000
Cain, Emily $15,000 $0 $15,000
DNC Services Corp $14,953 $572 $14,381
McGinty, Katie $11,069 $1,069 $10,000
The total of contributions to candidates from United Steelworkers PACs is 47 times larger than contributions from individuals

Contributions from Individuals

Contributions from PACs
LOBBYING: $997,500 (2016)

3 out of 9 United Steelworkers lobbyists in 2015-2016 have previously held government jobs
See their employment history by clicking on their RevDoor icon here


BILL MOST FREQUENTLY LOBBIED ON IN THE 114TH CONGRESS:H.R.2050 (Middle Class Health Benefits Tax Repeal Act of 2015)
See more lobbying by United Steelworkers
Discloses Donors? YES
Viewpoint: LIBERAL
It's not the unions tard. I get so sick of f*cking stupid a$$ Republicans insisting people get paid too much and if they only got money that would guarantee they need food stamps everything would be OK. Remember, Republicans want to cut food stamps AND healthcare. Republicans want slaves.

Worse, the CEO of Carrier's parent company said they are automating and there will only be a fraction of those jobs left anyway.

87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated. THEY DIDN'T LEAVE, THEY WENT AWAY!!!!!!!!!!

They are never coming back. You Trump supporters have got to stop being the determined ignorant. It's just not funny any more. There is no excuse for it so stop it.

Liberals like you are clueless, R-Derp! Unions push for wages that are so high that American businesses turn to automation to try and keep costs low and then you blame automation for job losses?


I suppose that made sense to you? Same old R-Derp...
Stupid ass, they are automating even minimum wage jobs now. I know, I have helped build some of the machinery.

Of course they are automating minimum wage jobs when idiots like you push a $15 an hour minimum wage! Why wouldn't they? So tell me what unskilled workers and those looking for a first job are going to do when those minimum wage jobs are automated? Oh expect a 16 year old kid to be trained to be a highly skilled tech person? THAT is going to be their first job? RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jones says he is “bitter” about 1,600 workers being given the boot from that plant, the Rexnord factory, and a second Carrier facility in Huntington. And his opinion of Trump hasn’t softened. “I didn’t trust Trump when he was running, playing on working-class hopes. This guy who has businesses in other countries and wraps himself in the American flag.”

“The taxpayers got hoaxed out of $7 million to move more than 1,250 Carrier jobs out of this country. The whole thing was a scam.”

‘Trump doesn’t care about workers’: Carrier employees react to announcement that 632 jobs are moving to Mexico

But it was a fantastic photo op for Trump. A great PR victory that will live on throughout the ages in the ignorant, Faux News households of America.

/---- Breaking: Second reading of US Q1 GDP up 1.2% vs. 0.9% growth estimate. Libs seethe with rage
Jones says he is “bitter” about 1,600 workers being given the boot from that plant, the Rexnord factory, and a second Carrier facility in Huntington. And his opinion of Trump hasn’t softened. “I didn’t trust Trump when he was running, playing on working-class hopes. This guy who has businesses in other countries and wraps himself in the American flag.”

“The taxpayers got hoaxed out of $7 million to move more than 1,250 Carrier jobs out of this country. The whole thing was a scam.”

‘Trump doesn’t care about workers’: Carrier employees react to announcement that 632 jobs are moving to Mexico

But it was a fantastic photo op for Trump. A great PR victory that will live on throughout the ages in the ignorant, Faux News households of America.
the unions are the problem here, not the president.

USW dues are: ► 1.45% of total earnings, plus $.02 per hour. ► A maximum of 2.8 times your average hourly rate, plus $.02 per hour. ► Minimum dues are $5.00 per month.
Example of Weekly Dues

Massive imports of low-priced steel have ravaged the U.S. steel industry in recent years, causing 34 companies to close their doors and more than 50,000 workers to lose their jobs between 1997 and October 2002, according to United Steelworkers of America.

affiliates of this organization.

ranks 49 of 18,569

$997,500 (2016)
$1,240,000 (2015)
ranks 398 of 3,729 in 2016

ranks 91 of 206

Explain these rankings to me

From OrgsFrom Indivs

To Outside GrpsTo Party CmtesTo LeadPACsTo 527 GrpsTo Candidates

Contributions to candidates: $694,168
Contributions to Leadership PACs: $55,000
Contributions to parties: $69,841
Contributions to 527 committees: $352,245
Contributions to outside spending groups: $5,620,233

Top Recipients
Recipient Total From Indivs From Orgs
USW Works $2,800,233 $0 $2,800,233
New American Jobs Fund $1,615,000 $0 $1,615,000
For Our Future $1,000,000 $0 $1,000,000
United Steelworkers $352,245 $0 $352,245
House Majority PAC $200,000 $0 $200,000
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Cmte $15,250 $250 $15,000
Democratic Congressional Campaign Cmte $15,138 $138 $15,000
Cain, Emily $15,000 $0 $15,000
DNC Services Corp $14,953 $572 $14,381
McGinty, Katie $11,069 $1,069 $10,000
The total of contributions to candidates from United Steelworkers PACs is 47 times larger than contributions from individuals

Contributions from Individuals

Contributions from PACs
LOBBYING: $997,500 (2016)

3 out of 9 United Steelworkers lobbyists in 2015-2016 have previously held government jobs
See their employment history by clicking on their RevDoor icon here


BILL MOST FREQUENTLY LOBBIED ON IN THE 114TH CONGRESS:H.R.2050 (Middle Class Health Benefits Tax Repeal Act of 2015)
See more lobbying by United Steelworkers
Discloses Donors? YES
Viewpoint: LIBERAL
It's not the unions tard. I get so sick of f*cking stupid a$$ Republicans insisting people get paid too much and if they only got money that would guarantee they need food stamps everything would be OK. Remember, Republicans want to cut food stamps AND healthcare. Republicans want slaves.

Worse, the CEO of Carrier's parent company said they are automating and there will only be a fraction of those jobs left anyway.

87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated. THEY DIDN'T LEAVE, THEY WENT AWAY!!!!!!!!!!

They are never coming back. You Trump supporters have got to stop being the determined ignorant. It's just not funny any more. There is no excuse for it so stop it.
What is truly sad about this is that there are now about 6 million high paid jobs, technicians, going begging for lack of trained and educated people to fill those jobs. And this whacked out admin is cutting funds to education. What a bunch of ignorant asshole we have in this admin.
there's another union problem.
Jones says he is “bitter” about 1,600 workers being given the boot from that plant, the Rexnord factory, and a second Carrier facility in Huntington. And his opinion of Trump hasn’t softened. “I didn’t trust Trump when he was running, playing on working-class hopes. This guy who has businesses in other countries and wraps himself in the American flag.”

“The taxpayers got hoaxed out of $7 million to move more than 1,250 Carrier jobs out of this country. The whole thing was a scam.”

‘Trump doesn’t care about workers’: Carrier employees react to announcement that 632 jobs are moving to Mexico

But it was a fantastic photo op for Trump. A great PR victory that will live on throughout the ages in the ignorant, Faux News households of America.
the unions are the problem here, not the president.

USW dues are: ► 1.45% of total earnings, plus $.02 per hour. ► A maximum of 2.8 times your average hourly rate, plus $.02 per hour. ► Minimum dues are $5.00 per month.
Example of Weekly Dues

Massive imports of low-priced steel have ravaged the U.S. steel industry in recent years, causing 34 companies to close their doors and more than 50,000 workers to lose their jobs between 1997 and October 2002, according to United Steelworkers of America.

affiliates of this organization.

ranks 49 of 18,569

$997,500 (2016)
$1,240,000 (2015)
ranks 398 of 3,729 in 2016

ranks 91 of 206

Explain these rankings to me

From OrgsFrom Indivs

To Outside GrpsTo Party CmtesTo LeadPACsTo 527 GrpsTo Candidates

Contributions to candidates: $694,168
Contributions to Leadership PACs: $55,000
Contributions to parties: $69,841
Contributions to 527 committees: $352,245
Contributions to outside spending groups: $5,620,233

Top Recipients
Recipient Total From Indivs From Orgs
USW Works $2,800,233 $0 $2,800,233
New American Jobs Fund $1,615,000 $0 $1,615,000
For Our Future $1,000,000 $0 $1,000,000
United Steelworkers $352,245 $0 $352,245
House Majority PAC $200,000 $0 $200,000
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Cmte $15,250 $250 $15,000
Democratic Congressional Campaign Cmte $15,138 $138 $15,000
Cain, Emily $15,000 $0 $15,000
DNC Services Corp $14,953 $572 $14,381
McGinty, Katie $11,069 $1,069 $10,000
The total of contributions to candidates from United Steelworkers PACs is 47 times larger than contributions from individuals

Contributions from Individuals

Contributions from PACs
LOBBYING: $997,500 (2016)

3 out of 9 United Steelworkers lobbyists in 2015-2016 have previously held government jobs
See their employment history by clicking on their RevDoor icon here


BILL MOST FREQUENTLY LOBBIED ON IN THE 114TH CONGRESS:H.R.2050 (Middle Class Health Benefits Tax Repeal Act of 2015)
See more lobbying by United Steelworkers
Discloses Donors? YES
Viewpoint: LIBERAL
It's not the unions tard. I get so sick of f*cking stupid a$$ Republicans insisting people get paid too much and if they only got money that would guarantee they need food stamps everything would be OK. Remember, Republicans want to cut food stamps AND healthcare. Republicans want slaves.

Worse, the CEO of Carrier's parent company said they are automating and there will only be a fraction of those jobs left anyway.

87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated. THEY DIDN'T LEAVE, THEY WENT AWAY!!!!!!!!!!

They are never coming back. You Trump supporters have got to stop being the determined ignorant. It's just not funny any more. There is no excuse for it so stop it.
Well Obama forced healthcare on everyone, even if they could afford it or not.
Jones says he is “bitter” about 1,600 workers being given the boot from that plant, the Rexnord factory, and a second Carrier facility in Huntington. And his opinion of Trump hasn’t softened. “I didn’t trust Trump when he was running, playing on working-class hopes. This guy who has businesses in other countries and wraps himself in the American flag.”

“The taxpayers got hoaxed out of $7 million to move more than 1,250 Carrier jobs out of this country. The whole thing was a scam.”

‘Trump doesn’t care about workers’: Carrier employees react to announcement that 632 jobs are moving to Mexico

But it was a fantastic photo op for Trump. A great PR victory that will live on throughout the ages in the ignorant, Faux News households of America.
the unions are the problem here, not the president.

USW dues are: ► 1.45% of total earnings, plus $.02 per hour. ► A maximum of 2.8 times your average hourly rate, plus $.02 per hour. ► Minimum dues are $5.00 per month.
Example of Weekly Dues

Massive imports of low-priced steel have ravaged the U.S. steel industry in recent years, causing 34 companies to close their doors and more than 50,000 workers to lose their jobs between 1997 and October 2002, according to United Steelworkers of America.

affiliates of this organization.

ranks 49 of 18,569

$997,500 (2016)
$1,240,000 (2015)
ranks 398 of 3,729 in 2016

ranks 91 of 206

Explain these rankings to me

From OrgsFrom Indivs

To Outside GrpsTo Party CmtesTo LeadPACsTo 527 GrpsTo Candidates

Contributions to candidates: $694,168
Contributions to Leadership PACs: $55,000
Contributions to parties: $69,841
Contributions to 527 committees: $352,245
Contributions to outside spending groups: $5,620,233

Top Recipients
Recipient Total From Indivs From Orgs
USW Works $2,800,233 $0 $2,800,233
New American Jobs Fund $1,615,000 $0 $1,615,000
For Our Future $1,000,000 $0 $1,000,000
United Steelworkers $352,245 $0 $352,245
House Majority PAC $200,000 $0 $200,000
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Cmte $15,250 $250 $15,000
Democratic Congressional Campaign Cmte $15,138 $138 $15,000
Cain, Emily $15,000 $0 $15,000
DNC Services Corp $14,953 $572 $14,381
McGinty, Katie $11,069 $1,069 $10,000
The total of contributions to candidates from United Steelworkers PACs is 47 times larger than contributions from individuals

Contributions from Individuals

Contributions from PACs
LOBBYING: $997,500 (2016)

3 out of 9 United Steelworkers lobbyists in 2015-2016 have previously held government jobs
See their employment history by clicking on their RevDoor icon here


BILL MOST FREQUENTLY LOBBIED ON IN THE 114TH CONGRESS:H.R.2050 (Middle Class Health Benefits Tax Repeal Act of 2015)
See more lobbying by United Steelworkers
Discloses Donors? YES
Viewpoint: LIBERAL
It's not the unions tard. I get so sick of f*cking stupid a$$ Republicans insisting people get paid too much and if they only got money that would guarantee they need food stamps everything would be OK. Remember, Republicans want to cut food stamps AND healthcare. Republicans want slaves.

Worse, the CEO of Carrier's parent company said they are automating and there will only be a fraction of those jobs left anyway.

87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated. THEY DIDN'T LEAVE, THEY WENT AWAY!!!!!!!!!!

They are never coming back. You Trump supporters have got to stop being the determined ignorant. It's just not funny any more. There is no excuse for it so stop it.

They wont complain ceos are paid too much though. Even though it is obviously a racket and not market driven at all.
the best people are costly for a reason.
Considering the fucks are just hirelings, the same as me, they are criminal in swindling the companies they work for. They get that money even as the company fails. More and more the Directors, rather than the stockholders, determine what a CEO gets. And who are the directors? Other CEO's. It is an incestuous arrangement.
you think government is responsible for this, or a solution ? other than enforcing the laws we have now.
Jones says he is “bitter” about 1,600 workers being given the boot from that plant, the Rexnord factory, and a second Carrier facility in Huntington. And his opinion of Trump hasn’t softened. “I didn’t trust Trump when he was running, playing on working-class hopes. This guy who has businesses in other countries and wraps himself in the American flag.”

“The taxpayers got hoaxed out of $7 million to move more than 1,250 Carrier jobs out of this country. The whole thing was a scam.”

‘Trump doesn’t care about workers’: Carrier employees react to announcement that 632 jobs are moving to Mexico

But it was a fantastic photo op for Trump. A great PR victory that will live on throughout the ages in the ignorant, Faux News households of America.
the unions are the problem here, not the president.

USW dues are: ► 1.45% of total earnings, plus $.02 per hour. ► A maximum of 2.8 times your average hourly rate, plus $.02 per hour. ► Minimum dues are $5.00 per month.
Example of Weekly Dues

Massive imports of low-priced steel have ravaged the U.S. steel industry in recent years, causing 34 companies to close their doors and more than 50,000 workers to lose their jobs between 1997 and October 2002, according to United Steelworkers of America.

affiliates of this organization.

ranks 49 of 18,569

$997,500 (2016)
$1,240,000 (2015)
ranks 398 of 3,729 in 2016

ranks 91 of 206

Explain these rankings to me

From OrgsFrom Indivs

To Outside GrpsTo Party CmtesTo LeadPACsTo 527 GrpsTo Candidates

Contributions to candidates: $694,168
Contributions to Leadership PACs: $55,000
Contributions to parties: $69,841
Contributions to 527 committees: $352,245
Contributions to outside spending groups: $5,620,233

Top Recipients
Recipient Total From Indivs From Orgs
USW Works $2,800,233 $0 $2,800,233
New American Jobs Fund $1,615,000 $0 $1,615,000
For Our Future $1,000,000 $0 $1,000,000
United Steelworkers $352,245 $0 $352,245
House Majority PAC $200,000 $0 $200,000
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Cmte $15,250 $250 $15,000
Democratic Congressional Campaign Cmte $15,138 $138 $15,000
Cain, Emily $15,000 $0 $15,000
DNC Services Corp $14,953 $572 $14,381
McGinty, Katie $11,069 $1,069 $10,000
The total of contributions to candidates from United Steelworkers PACs is 47 times larger than contributions from individuals

Contributions from Individuals

Contributions from PACs
LOBBYING: $997,500 (2016)

3 out of 9 United Steelworkers lobbyists in 2015-2016 have previously held government jobs
See their employment history by clicking on their RevDoor icon here


BILL MOST FREQUENTLY LOBBIED ON IN THE 114TH CONGRESS:H.R.2050 (Middle Class Health Benefits Tax Repeal Act of 2015)
See more lobbying by United Steelworkers
Discloses Donors? YES
Viewpoint: LIBERAL
It's not the unions tard. I get so sick of f*cking stupid a$$ Republicans insisting people get paid too much and if they only got money that would guarantee they need food stamps everything would be OK. Remember, Republicans want to cut food stamps AND healthcare. Republicans want slaves.

Worse, the CEO of Carrier's parent company said they are automating and there will only be a fraction of those jobs left anyway.

87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated. THEY DIDN'T LEAVE, THEY WENT AWAY!!!!!!!!!!

They are never coming back. You Trump supporters have got to stop being the determined ignorant. It's just not funny any more. There is no excuse for it so stop it.
Well Obama forced healthcare on everyone, even if they could afford it or not.
it was done surreptitiously too.
Jones says he is “bitter” about 1,600 workers being given the boot from that plant, the Rexnord factory, and a second Carrier facility in Huntington. And his opinion of Trump hasn’t softened. “I didn’t trust Trump when he was running, playing on working-class hopes. This guy who has businesses in other countries and wraps himself in the American flag.”

“The taxpayers got hoaxed out of $7 million to move more than 1,250 Carrier jobs out of this country. The whole thing was a scam.”

‘Trump doesn’t care about workers’: Carrier employees react to announcement that 632 jobs are moving to Mexico

But it was a fantastic photo op for Trump. A great PR victory that will live on throughout the ages in the ignorant, Faux News households of America.

/---- Breaking: Second reading of US Q1 GDP up 1.2% vs. 0.9% growth estimate. Libs seethe with rage
what did dump have to do with it?
Did you even read that RAW article? You've got two liberal union bosses ranting because Trump didn't save ALL the jobs in that Carrier factory. But then one of them admits this:
"Reached by phone today, after Carrier’s announcement, Jones gives Trump credit for saving 800 Carrier jobs in Indianapolis." So Trump did save 800 jobs...something even his biggest critics have to admit...but he's blamed because he didn't save them all? Typical snowflake string...yawn...
Your kind has got to be b!tch slapped to get that truth in there:

Carrier CEO: Indy Investment Will Help Automate Factory

As part of its deal with President-elect Donald Trump to retain some Indiana jobs, Carrier pledged to invest $16 million dollars in its Indianapolis factory.

But that investment will go toward automation, according to Carrier parent company CEO Greg Hayes.


For one thing, it was 730 jobs and another, most of those jobs will be gone once the automation is up and running. So STOP THE TARDATION! IT'S NOT F*CKING FUNNY!
your kind ??
Yes. When it comes to Donald Trump, his followers are a "kind". They want to be scammed and have been. They have been conned into believing someone who is obviously a liar. The guy is an embarrassment. And totally corrupt as his business practices prove. What kind of an idiot votes for someone who stiffs his workers. That right there should have been a warning.
i'm really happy with him, in spite of having to swim with the leftist media anchor around his neck
Jones says he is “bitter” about 1,600 workers being given the boot from that plant, the Rexnord factory, and a second Carrier facility in Huntington. And his opinion of Trump hasn’t softened. “I didn’t trust Trump when he was running, playing on working-class hopes. This guy who has businesses in other countries and wraps himself in the American flag.”

“The taxpayers got hoaxed out of $7 million to move more than 1,250 Carrier jobs out of this country. The whole thing was a scam.”

‘Trump doesn’t care about workers’: Carrier employees react to announcement that 632 jobs are moving to Mexico

But it was a fantastic photo op for Trump. A great PR victory that will live on throughout the ages in the ignorant, Faux News households of America.
the unions are the problem here, not the president.

USW dues are: ► 1.45% of total earnings, plus $.02 per hour. ► A maximum of 2.8 times your average hourly rate, plus $.02 per hour. ► Minimum dues are $5.00 per month.
Example of Weekly Dues

Massive imports of low-priced steel have ravaged the U.S. steel industry in recent years, causing 34 companies to close their doors and more than 50,000 workers to lose their jobs between 1997 and October 2002, according to United Steelworkers of America.

affiliates of this organization.

ranks 49 of 18,569

$997,500 (2016)
$1,240,000 (2015)
ranks 398 of 3,729 in 2016

ranks 91 of 206

Explain these rankings to me

From OrgsFrom Indivs

To Outside GrpsTo Party CmtesTo LeadPACsTo 527 GrpsTo Candidates

Contributions to candidates: $694,168
Contributions to Leadership PACs: $55,000
Contributions to parties: $69,841
Contributions to 527 committees: $352,245
Contributions to outside spending groups: $5,620,233

Top Recipients
Recipient Total From Indivs From Orgs
USW Works $2,800,233 $0 $2,800,233
New American Jobs Fund $1,615,000 $0 $1,615,000
For Our Future $1,000,000 $0 $1,000,000
United Steelworkers $352,245 $0 $352,245
House Majority PAC $200,000 $0 $200,000
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Cmte $15,250 $250 $15,000
Democratic Congressional Campaign Cmte $15,138 $138 $15,000
Cain, Emily $15,000 $0 $15,000
DNC Services Corp $14,953 $572 $14,381
McGinty, Katie $11,069 $1,069 $10,000
The total of contributions to candidates from United Steelworkers PACs is 47 times larger than contributions from individuals

Contributions from Individuals

Contributions from PACs
LOBBYING: $997,500 (2016)

3 out of 9 United Steelworkers lobbyists in 2015-2016 have previously held government jobs
See their employment history by clicking on their RevDoor icon here


BILL MOST FREQUENTLY LOBBIED ON IN THE 114TH CONGRESS:H.R.2050 (Middle Class Health Benefits Tax Repeal Act of 2015)
See more lobbying by United Steelworkers
Discloses Donors? YES
Viewpoint: LIBERAL
It's not the unions tard. I get so sick of f*cking stupid a$$ Republicans insisting people get paid too much and if they only got money that would guarantee they need food stamps everything would be OK. Remember, Republicans want to cut food stamps AND healthcare. Republicans want slaves.

Worse, the CEO of Carrier's parent company said they are automating and there will only be a fraction of those jobs left anyway.

87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated. THEY DIDN'T LEAVE, THEY WENT AWAY!!!!!!!!!!

They are never coming back. You Trump supporters have got to stop being the determined ignorant. It's just not funny any more. There is no excuse for it so stop it.
What is truly sad about this is that there are now about 6 million high paid jobs, technicians, going begging for lack of trained and educated people to fill those jobs. And this whacked out admin is cutting funds to education. What a bunch of ignorant asshole we have in this admin.
one of the things republicans do best is fuck up and blame dems
Jones says he is “bitter” about 1,600 workers being given the boot from that plant, the Rexnord factory, and a second Carrier facility in Huntington. And his opinion of Trump hasn’t softened. “I didn’t trust Trump when he was running, playing on working-class hopes. This guy who has businesses in other countries and wraps himself in the American flag.”

“The taxpayers got hoaxed out of $7 million to move more than 1,250 Carrier jobs out of this country. The whole thing was a scam.”

‘Trump doesn’t care about workers’: Carrier employees react to announcement that 632 jobs are moving to Mexico

But it was a fantastic photo op for Trump. A great PR victory that will live on throughout the ages in the ignorant, Faux News households of America.
the unions are the problem here, not the president.

USW dues are: ► 1.45% of total earnings, plus $.02 per hour. ► A maximum of 2.8 times your average hourly rate, plus $.02 per hour. ► Minimum dues are $5.00 per month.
Example of Weekly Dues

Massive imports of low-priced steel have ravaged the U.S. steel industry in recent years, causing 34 companies to close their doors and more than 50,000 workers to lose their jobs between 1997 and October 2002, according to United Steelworkers of America.

affiliates of this organization.

ranks 49 of 18,569

$997,500 (2016)
$1,240,000 (2015)
ranks 398 of 3,729 in 2016

ranks 91 of 206

Explain these rankings to me

From OrgsFrom Indivs

To Outside GrpsTo Party CmtesTo LeadPACsTo 527 GrpsTo Candidates

Contributions to candidates: $694,168
Contributions to Leadership PACs: $55,000
Contributions to parties: $69,841
Contributions to 527 committees: $352,245
Contributions to outside spending groups: $5,620,233

Top Recipients
Recipient Total From Indivs From Orgs
USW Works $2,800,233 $0 $2,800,233
New American Jobs Fund $1,615,000 $0 $1,615,000
For Our Future $1,000,000 $0 $1,000,000
United Steelworkers $352,245 $0 $352,245
House Majority PAC $200,000 $0 $200,000
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Cmte $15,250 $250 $15,000
Democratic Congressional Campaign Cmte $15,138 $138 $15,000
Cain, Emily $15,000 $0 $15,000
DNC Services Corp $14,953 $572 $14,381
McGinty, Katie $11,069 $1,069 $10,000
The total of contributions to candidates from United Steelworkers PACs is 47 times larger than contributions from individuals

Contributions from Individuals

Contributions from PACs
LOBBYING: $997,500 (2016)

3 out of 9 United Steelworkers lobbyists in 2015-2016 have previously held government jobs
See their employment history by clicking on their RevDoor icon here


BILL MOST FREQUENTLY LOBBIED ON IN THE 114TH CONGRESS:H.R.2050 (Middle Class Health Benefits Tax Repeal Act of 2015)
See more lobbying by United Steelworkers
Discloses Donors? YES
Viewpoint: LIBERAL
It's not the unions tard. I get so sick of f*cking stupid a$$ Republicans insisting people get paid too much and if they only got money that would guarantee they need food stamps everything would be OK. Remember, Republicans want to cut food stamps AND healthcare. Republicans want slaves.

Worse, the CEO of Carrier's parent company said they are automating and there will only be a fraction of those jobs left anyway.

87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated. THEY DIDN'T LEAVE, THEY WENT AWAY!!!!!!!!!!

They are never coming back. You Trump supporters have got to stop being the determined ignorant. It's just not funny any more. There is no excuse for it so stop it.
What is truly sad about this is that there are now about 6 million high paid jobs, technicians, going begging for lack of trained and educated people to fill those jobs. And this whacked out admin is cutting funds to education. What a bunch of ignorant asshole we have in this admin.
one of the things republicans do best is fuck up and blame dems

Interesting. So you blame the GOP for all the problems the Affordable Care Act is having now? It was written entirely by Democrats...passed by a Democratically controlled Congress and signed by a Democratic President...correct? So explain to me why it's probably the worst piece of legislation ever put through Congress...something so flawed that it's own creators knew it would fail before they even passed it!
Trump has saved much more than 1100 jobs. That's a ridiculous underestimate and you know it.
No he didn't. What the f*ck is wrong with you. The 730 jobs number came from Carrier.


The CEO said they automating and they would end up with only a fraction of that number.

Don't you read the news? That info has been posted right here on the USMB at least a dozen times.
Jones says he is “bitter” about 1,600 workers being given the boot from that plant, the Rexnord factory, and a second Carrier facility in Huntington. And his opinion of Trump hasn’t softened. “I didn’t trust Trump when he was running, playing on working-class hopes. This guy who has businesses in other countries and wraps himself in the American flag.”

“The taxpayers got hoaxed out of $7 million to move more than 1,250 Carrier jobs out of this country. The whole thing was a scam.”

‘Trump doesn’t care about workers’: Carrier employees react to announcement that 632 jobs are moving to Mexico

But it was a fantastic photo op for Trump. A great PR victory that will live on throughout the ages in the ignorant, Faux News households of America.
the unions are the problem here, not the president.

USW dues are: ► 1.45% of total earnings, plus $.02 per hour. ► A maximum of 2.8 times your average hourly rate, plus $.02 per hour. ► Minimum dues are $5.00 per month.
Example of Weekly Dues

Massive imports of low-priced steel have ravaged the U.S. steel industry in recent years, causing 34 companies to close their doors and more than 50,000 workers to lose their jobs between 1997 and October 2002, according to United Steelworkers of America.

affiliates of this organization.

ranks 49 of 18,569

$997,500 (2016)
$1,240,000 (2015)
ranks 398 of 3,729 in 2016

ranks 91 of 206

Explain these rankings to me

From OrgsFrom Indivs

To Outside GrpsTo Party CmtesTo LeadPACsTo 527 GrpsTo Candidates

Contributions to candidates: $694,168
Contributions to Leadership PACs: $55,000
Contributions to parties: $69,841
Contributions to 527 committees: $352,245
Contributions to outside spending groups: $5,620,233

Top Recipients
Recipient Total From Indivs From Orgs
USW Works $2,800,233 $0 $2,800,233
New American Jobs Fund $1,615,000 $0 $1,615,000
For Our Future $1,000,000 $0 $1,000,000
United Steelworkers $352,245 $0 $352,245
House Majority PAC $200,000 $0 $200,000
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Cmte $15,250 $250 $15,000
Democratic Congressional Campaign Cmte $15,138 $138 $15,000
Cain, Emily $15,000 $0 $15,000
DNC Services Corp $14,953 $572 $14,381
McGinty, Katie $11,069 $1,069 $10,000
The total of contributions to candidates from United Steelworkers PACs is 47 times larger than contributions from individuals

Contributions from Individuals

Contributions from PACs
LOBBYING: $997,500 (2016)

3 out of 9 United Steelworkers lobbyists in 2015-2016 have previously held government jobs
See their employment history by clicking on their RevDoor icon here


BILL MOST FREQUENTLY LOBBIED ON IN THE 114TH CONGRESS:H.R.2050 (Middle Class Health Benefits Tax Repeal Act of 2015)
See more lobbying by United Steelworkers
Discloses Donors? YES
Viewpoint: LIBERAL
It's not the unions tard. I get so sick of f*cking stupid a$$ Republicans insisting people get paid too much and if they only got money that would guarantee they need food stamps everything would be OK. Remember, Republicans want to cut food stamps AND healthcare. Republicans want slaves.

Worse, the CEO of Carrier's parent company said they are automating and there will only be a fraction of those jobs left anyway.

87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated. THEY DIDN'T LEAVE, THEY WENT AWAY!!!!!!!!!!

They are never coming back. You Trump supporters have got to stop being the determined ignorant. It's just not funny any more. There is no excuse for it so stop it.
What is truly sad about this is that there are now about 6 million high paid jobs, technicians, going begging for lack of trained and educated people to fill those jobs. And this whacked out admin is cutting funds to education. What a bunch of ignorant asshole we have in this admin.
one of the things republicans do best is fuck up and blame dems

Interesting. So you blame the GOP for all the problems the Affordable Care Act is having now? It was written entirely by Democrats...passed by a Democratically controlled Congress and signed by a Democratic President...correct? So explain to me why it's probably the worst piece of legislation ever put through Congress...something so flawed that it's own creators knew it would fail before they even passed it!
and your republican laden congress is having such an easy time replacing it
Jones says he is “bitter” about 1,600 workers being given the boot from that plant, the Rexnord factory, and a second Carrier facility in Huntington. And his opinion of Trump hasn’t softened. “I didn’t trust Trump when he was running, playing on working-class hopes. This guy who has businesses in other countries and wraps himself in the American flag.”

“The taxpayers got hoaxed out of $7 million to move more than 1,250 Carrier jobs out of this country. The whole thing was a scam.”

‘Trump doesn’t care about workers’: Carrier employees react to announcement that 632 jobs are moving to Mexico

But it was a fantastic photo op for Trump. A great PR victory that will live on throughout the ages in the ignorant, Faux News households of America.

/---- Breaking: Second reading of US Q1 GDP up 1.2% vs. 0.9% growth estimate. Libs seethe with rage
what did dump have to do with it?
/--- If Trump is blamed for every bad thing that happens on his watch then he gets credit for everything good.
it's fair and Libs love fairness.
Last edited:

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