Carrol is just as much of a fraud coach as Belicheat is.

I am not going to go so far as to think Carroll fixed the game. I mean that would some sort of script.

It was a horrible call, and I am sure the Hawks really did desire for Wilson to get the MVP of the SB rather than Lynch. They will be needing to make that business decision this off season. One RBs usually have a short career due to the nature of the position. Lynch has been in the league since 2007.

Wilson will be in the league for a long time and the Hawks will have a tough time giving both of them a lot of money if they are planning on keeping their defensive talent together. The fact is if Lynch did score the TD, he would have been the MVP most likely. The Hawks would have a very tough time justifying not giving him a big contract after an MVP performance.

Now, having said that, I do not believe it was a fix. I think people are going way over the top with that notion. I think Carroll is a bit of a scumbag based on the crap he pulled at USC. Leaving them high and dry.

I happen to think a lot of coaches have pulled crap. Saban with the Dolphins, Urban Meyer was anticipating bad things happening at UF so he split there. Etc etc etc.

It was a bad call to ask a 5 foot 10 QB to throw a slant where all of the defenders are. If they are going to pass, run some sort of play action bootleg roll out. Wilson certainly would have gotten away from the LB who was on him since they were in man coverage and the entire defense anticipated the run.

It was not that they passed, it was the pass play that was called which made it ridiculous. The conspiracy stuff is way too over the top.

I still think he did it because the Pats were waiting for the run. They were expecting it and ready for it, so he wanted to throw them off and was hoping his guy would make the play for the pass, but our guy did instead. :D

Calling it a "fix" is retarded.

The play failed because first it was one of those "rub" plays where an area is cleared out for the intended receiver.

Browner sniffed it out and blew up Kearse who was supposed to be the clearing part. That overloaded the area and allowed Butler to jump the route of #83. The play was Bang Bang timing with Wilson throwing to a specific spot at the exact right time. Wilson delivered the ball when and where he was supposed to.

The play was handled perfectly by Browner and Butler. It was mishandled by Kearse and Lockett. There is no way Carroll could have had Two Seattle receivers do exactly the wrong thing at the wrong time to produce the end results that occurred. The most remarkable thing was that the Pats DB ended up with the ball. I would guess that if the same play was run 7-8 times out of 10 the Hawks score. 2-3 times the DB breaks up the pass and 1 in ten the DB gets an interception.

Percentage wise the attempted pass was a far better play statistically than Lynch getting a TD.

I would have very much liked for Lynch to get the score and the MVP. If the pass had just gone for an incomplete and not a score they would have tried Lynch and if he failed called their last TO.

It sucks that The Hawks let this one slip away in the last seconds. They really should have won. The heavy odds would have been a TD for Seattle starting from the 2nd and goal at the one.

The Patriots were lucky they finally got an excellent play out of Browner and Butler together in those last few seconds.

It's not luck. It's called skill. :D

Yes it WAS skill. That duo just hadn't shown that level of skill in the same play in the whole game acting in unison like that. Absolutely skill and probably just as surprising to Belichick and Brady as it was for the Seahawks. No doubt Carroll and Bevell underestimated the likelihood the Pat's DBs could respond so well to a play like that. There was no evidence from their earlier play, that afternoon, that they would deal with the "rub" play with that level of skill.

We must tip out hats to the Patriots play.
I am not going to go so far as to think Carroll fixed the game. I mean that would some sort of script.

It was a horrible call, and I am sure the Hawks really did desire for Wilson to get the MVP of the SB rather than Lynch. They will be needing to make that business decision this off season. One RBs usually have a short career due to the nature of the position. Lynch has been in the league since 2007.

Wilson will be in the league for a long time and the Hawks will have a tough time giving both of them a lot of money if they are planning on keeping their defensive talent together. The fact is if Lynch did score the TD, he would have been the MVP most likely. The Hawks would have a very tough time justifying not giving him a big contract after an MVP performance.

Now, having said that, I do not believe it was a fix. I think people are going way over the top with that notion. I think Carroll is a bit of a scumbag based on the crap he pulled at USC. Leaving them high and dry.

I happen to think a lot of coaches have pulled crap. Saban with the Dolphins, Urban Meyer was anticipating bad things happening at UF so he split there. Etc etc etc.

It was a bad call to ask a 5 foot 10 QB to throw a slant where all of the defenders are. If they are going to pass, run some sort of play action bootleg roll out. Wilson certainly would have gotten away from the LB who was on him since they were in man coverage and the entire defense anticipated the run.

It was not that they passed, it was the pass play that was called which made it ridiculous. The conspiracy stuff is way too over the top.

I still think he did it because the Pats were waiting for the run. They were expecting it and ready for it, so he wanted to throw them off and was hoping his guy would make the play for the pass, but our guy did instead. :D

Calling it a "fix" is retarded.

The play failed because first it was one of those "rub" plays where an area is cleared out for the intended receiver.

Browner sniffed it out and blew up Kearse who was supposed to be the clearing part. That overloaded the area and allowed Butler to jump the route of #83. The play was Bang Bang timing with Wilson throwing to a specific spot at the exact right time. Wilson delivered the ball when and where he was supposed to.

The play was handled perfectly by Browner and Butler. It was mishandled by Kearse and Lockett. There is no way Carroll could have had Two Seattle receivers do exactly the wrong thing at the wrong time to produce the end results that occurred. The most remarkable thing was that the Pats DB ended up with the ball. I would guess that if the same play was run 7-8 times out of 10 the Hawks score. 2-3 times the DB breaks up the pass and 1 in ten the DB gets an interception.

Percentage wise the attempted pass was a far better play statistically than Lynch getting a TD.

I would have very much liked for Lynch to get the score and the MVP. If the pass had just gone for an incomplete and not a score they would have tried Lynch and if he failed called their last TO.

It sucks that The Hawks let this one slip away in the last seconds. They really should have won. The heavy odds would have been a TD for Seattle starting from the 2nd and goal at the one.

The Patriots were lucky they finally got an excellent play out of Browner and Butler together in those last few seconds.

Seattle got lucky getting the ball down to the 5 to begin with. The ball bounced their way. Butler had been practicing that play quite a bit and was burned in the Thursday practice before the game, he wasn't going to let that happen again.

To many teams that crazy bounce that the Seahawk receiver controlled for the reception on the 5 was not really that unusual for a Hawk come back. I am confident that Wilson would have pulled some other remakable play out of his butt to get close enough to score. It's just happened too many times. Ya it was a lucky bounce but it was great ball handling skill to pull it in for the reception.
I am not going to go so far as to think Carroll fixed the game. I mean that would some sort of script.

It was a horrible call, and I am sure the Hawks really did desire for Wilson to get the MVP of the SB rather than Lynch. They will be needing to make that business decision this off season. One RBs usually have a short career due to the nature of the position. Lynch has been in the league since 2007.

Wilson will be in the league for a long time and the Hawks will have a tough time giving both of them a lot of money if they are planning on keeping their defensive talent together. The fact is if Lynch did score the TD, he would have been the MVP most likely. The Hawks would have a very tough time justifying not giving him a big contract after an MVP performance.

Now, having said that, I do not believe it was a fix. I think people are going way over the top with that notion. I think Carroll is a bit of a scumbag based on the crap he pulled at USC. Leaving them high and dry.

I happen to think a lot of coaches have pulled crap. Saban with the Dolphins, Urban Meyer was anticipating bad things happening at UF so he split there. Etc etc etc.

It was a bad call to ask a 5 foot 10 QB to throw a slant where all of the defenders are. If they are going to pass, run some sort of play action bootleg roll out. Wilson certainly would have gotten away from the LB who was on him since they were in man coverage and the entire defense anticipated the run.

It was not that they passed, it was the pass play that was called which made it ridiculous. The conspiracy stuff is way too over the top.

I still think he did it because the Pats were waiting for the run. They were expecting it and ready for it, so he wanted to throw them off and was hoping his guy would make the play for the pass, but our guy did instead. :D

Calling it a "fix" is retarded.

The play failed because first it was one of those "rub" plays where an area is cleared out for the intended receiver.

Browner sniffed it out and blew up Kearse who was supposed to be the clearing part. That overloaded the area and allowed Butler to jump the route of #83. The play was Bang Bang timing with Wilson throwing to a specific spot at the exact right time. Wilson delivered the ball when and where he was supposed to.

The play was handled perfectly by Browner and Butler. It was mishandled by Kearse and Lockett. There is no way Carroll could have had Two Seattle receivers do exactly the wrong thing at the wrong time to produce the end results that occurred. The most remarkable thing was that the Pats DB ended up with the ball. I would guess that if the same play was run 7-8 times out of 10 the Hawks score. 2-3 times the DB breaks up the pass and 1 in ten the DB gets an interception.

Percentage wise the attempted pass was a far better play statistically than Lynch getting a TD.

I would have very much liked for Lynch to get the score and the MVP. If the pass had just gone for an incomplete and not a score they would have tried Lynch and if he failed called their last TO.

It sucks that The Hawks let this one slip away in the last seconds. They really should have won. The heavy odds would have been a TD for Seattle starting from the 2nd and goal at the one.

The Patriots were lucky they finally got an excellent play out of Browner and Butler together in those last few seconds.

Seattle got lucky getting the ball down to the 5 to begin with. The ball bounced their way. Butler had been practicing that play quite a bit and was burned in the Thursday practice before the game, he wasn't going to let that happen again.

To many teams that crazy bounce that the Seahawk receiver controlled for the reception on the 5 was not really that unusual for a Hawk come back. I am confident that Wilson would have pulled some other remakable play out of his butt to get close enough to score. It's just happened too many times. Ya it was a lucky bounce but it was great ball handling skill to pull it in for the reception.

And Butler made an excellent play to intercept the ball.
I am not going to go so far as to think Carroll fixed the game. I mean that would some sort of script.

It was a horrible call, and I am sure the Hawks really did desire for Wilson to get the MVP of the SB rather than Lynch. They will be needing to make that business decision this off season. One RBs usually have a short career due to the nature of the position. Lynch has been in the league since 2007.

Wilson will be in the league for a long time and the Hawks will have a tough time giving both of them a lot of money if they are planning on keeping their defensive talent together. The fact is if Lynch did score the TD, he would have been the MVP most likely. The Hawks would have a very tough time justifying not giving him a big contract after an MVP performance.

Now, having said that, I do not believe it was a fix. I think people are going way over the top with that notion. I think Carroll is a bit of a scumbag based on the crap he pulled at USC. Leaving them high and dry.

I happen to think a lot of coaches have pulled crap. Saban with the Dolphins, Urban Meyer was anticipating bad things happening at UF so he split there. Etc etc etc.

It was a bad call to ask a 5 foot 10 QB to throw a slant where all of the defenders are. If they are going to pass, run some sort of play action bootleg roll out. Wilson certainly would have gotten away from the LB who was on him since they were in man coverage and the entire defense anticipated the run.

It was not that they passed, it was the pass play that was called which made it ridiculous. The conspiracy stuff is way too over the top.

I still think he did it because the Pats were waiting for the run. They were expecting it and ready for it, so he wanted to throw them off and was hoping his guy would make the play for the pass, but our guy did instead. :D

Calling it a "fix" is retarded.

The play failed because first it was one of those "rub" plays where an area is cleared out for the intended receiver.

Browner sniffed it out and blew up Kearse who was supposed to be the clearing part. That overloaded the area and allowed Butler to jump the route of #83. The play was Bang Bang timing with Wilson throwing to a specific spot at the exact right time. Wilson delivered the ball when and where he was supposed to.

The play was handled perfectly by Browner and Butler. It was mishandled by Kearse and Lockett. There is no way Carroll could have had Two Seattle receivers do exactly the wrong thing at the wrong time to produce the end results that occurred. The most remarkable thing was that the Pats DB ended up with the ball. I would guess that if the same play was run 7-8 times out of 10 the Hawks score. 2-3 times the DB breaks up the pass and 1 in ten the DB gets an interception.

Percentage wise the attempted pass was a far better play statistically than Lynch getting a TD.

I would have very much liked for Lynch to get the score and the MVP. If the pass had just gone for an incomplete and not a score they would have tried Lynch and if he failed called their last TO.

It sucks that The Hawks let this one slip away in the last seconds. They really should have won. The heavy odds would have been a TD for Seattle starting from the 2nd and goal at the one.

The Patriots were lucky they finally got an excellent play out of Browner and Butler together in those last few seconds.

It's not luck. It's called skill. :D

Yes it WAS skill. That duo just hadn't shown that level of skill in the same play in the whole game acting in unison like that. Absolutely skill and probably just as surprising to Belichick and Brady as it was for the Seahawks. No doubt Carroll and Bevell underestimated the likelihood the Pat's DBs could respond so well to a play like that. There was no evidence from their earlier play, that afternoon, that they would deal with the "rub" play with that level of skill.

We must tip out hats to the Patriots play.

:lol: I think more surprising was the bumbling ball catch. Now THAT is what you call luck.
I am not going to go so far as to think Carroll fixed the game. I mean that would some sort of script.

It was a horrible call, and I am sure the Hawks really did desire for Wilson to get the MVP of the SB rather than Lynch. They will be needing to make that business decision this off season. One RBs usually have a short career due to the nature of the position. Lynch has been in the league since 2007.

Wilson will be in the league for a long time and the Hawks will have a tough time giving both of them a lot of money if they are planning on keeping their defensive talent together. The fact is if Lynch did score the TD, he would have been the MVP most likely. The Hawks would have a very tough time justifying not giving him a big contract after an MVP performance.

Now, having said that, I do not believe it was a fix. I think people are going way over the top with that notion. I think Carroll is a bit of a scumbag based on the crap he pulled at USC. Leaving them high and dry.

I happen to think a lot of coaches have pulled crap. Saban with the Dolphins, Urban Meyer was anticipating bad things happening at UF so he split there. Etc etc etc.

It was a bad call to ask a 5 foot 10 QB to throw a slant where all of the defenders are. If they are going to pass, run some sort of play action bootleg roll out. Wilson certainly would have gotten away from the LB who was on him since they were in man coverage and the entire defense anticipated the run.

It was not that they passed, it was the pass play that was called which made it ridiculous. The conspiracy stuff is way too over the top.

I still think he did it because the Pats were waiting for the run. They were expecting it and ready for it, so he wanted to throw them off and was hoping his guy would make the play for the pass, but our guy did instead. :D

Calling it a "fix" is retarded.

The play failed because first it was one of those "rub" plays where an area is cleared out for the intended receiver.

Browner sniffed it out and blew up Kearse who was supposed to be the clearing part. That overloaded the area and allowed Butler to jump the route of #83. The play was Bang Bang timing with Wilson throwing to a specific spot at the exact right time. Wilson delivered the ball when and where he was supposed to.

The play was handled perfectly by Browner and Butler. It was mishandled by Kearse and Lockett. There is no way Carroll could have had Two Seattle receivers do exactly the wrong thing at the wrong time to produce the end results that occurred. The most remarkable thing was that the Pats DB ended up with the ball. I would guess that if the same play was run 7-8 times out of 10 the Hawks score. 2-3 times the DB breaks up the pass and 1 in ten the DB gets an interception.

Percentage wise the attempted pass was a far better play statistically than Lynch getting a TD.

I would have very much liked for Lynch to get the score and the MVP. If the pass had just gone for an incomplete and not a score they would have tried Lynch and if he failed called their last TO.

It sucks that The Hawks let this one slip away in the last seconds. They really should have won. The heavy odds would have been a TD for Seattle starting from the 2nd and goal at the one.

The Patriots were lucky they finally got an excellent play out of Browner and Butler together in those last few seconds.

Seattle got lucky getting the ball down to the 5 to begin with. The ball bounced their way. Butler had been practicing that play quite a bit and was burned in the Thursday practice before the game, he wasn't going to let that happen again.

To many teams that crazy bounce that the Seahawk receiver controlled for the reception on the 5 was not really that unusual for a Hawk come back. I am confident that Wilson would have pulled some other remakable play out of his butt to get close enough to score. It's just happened too many times. Ya it was a lucky bounce but it was great ball handling skill to pull it in for the reception.

THAT is what you call dumb luck. Lol. :D
I am not going to go so far as to think Carroll fixed the game. I mean that would some sort of script.

It was a horrible call, and I am sure the Hawks really did desire for Wilson to get the MVP of the SB rather than Lynch. They will be needing to make that business decision this off season. One RBs usually have a short career due to the nature of the position. Lynch has been in the league since 2007.

Wilson will be in the league for a long time and the Hawks will have a tough time giving both of them a lot of money if they are planning on keeping their defensive talent together. The fact is if Lynch did score the TD, he would have been the MVP most likely. The Hawks would have a very tough time justifying not giving him a big contract after an MVP performance.

Now, having said that, I do not believe it was a fix. I think people are going way over the top with that notion. I think Carroll is a bit of a scumbag based on the crap he pulled at USC. Leaving them high and dry.

I happen to think a lot of coaches have pulled crap. Saban with the Dolphins, Urban Meyer was anticipating bad things happening at UF so he split there. Etc etc etc.

It was a bad call to ask a 5 foot 10 QB to throw a slant where all of the defenders are. If they are going to pass, run some sort of play action bootleg roll out. Wilson certainly would have gotten away from the LB who was on him since they were in man coverage and the entire defense anticipated the run.

It was not that they passed, it was the pass play that was called which made it ridiculous. The conspiracy stuff is way too over the top.

I still think he did it because the Pats were waiting for the run. They were expecting it and ready for it, so he wanted to throw them off and was hoping his guy would make the play for the pass, but our guy did instead. :D

Calling it a "fix" is retarded.

The play failed because first it was one of those "rub" plays where an area is cleared out for the intended receiver.

Browner sniffed it out and blew up Kearse who was supposed to be the clearing part. That overloaded the area and allowed Butler to jump the route of #83. The play was Bang Bang timing with Wilson throwing to a specific spot at the exact right time. Wilson delivered the ball when and where he was supposed to.

The play was handled perfectly by Browner and Butler. It was mishandled by Kearse and Lockett. There is no way Carroll could have had Two Seattle receivers do exactly the wrong thing at the wrong time to produce the end results that occurred. The most remarkable thing was that the Pats DB ended up with the ball. I would guess that if the same play was run 7-8 times out of 10 the Hawks score. 2-3 times the DB breaks up the pass and 1 in ten the DB gets an interception.

Percentage wise the attempted pass was a far better play statistically than Lynch getting a TD.

I would have very much liked for Lynch to get the score and the MVP. If the pass had just gone for an incomplete and not a score they would have tried Lynch and if he failed called their last TO.

It sucks that The Hawks let this one slip away in the last seconds. They really should have won. The heavy odds would have been a TD for Seattle starting from the 2nd and goal at the one.

The Patriots were lucky they finally got an excellent play out of Browner and Butler together in those last few seconds.

coming from a diehard seahawk fan who covers his eyes to facts about the rams coming back to LA "which btw,its 50/50 for this year where 2016 its 100%.I might have been off by just one year with my prediction on that,we'll find out for sure on feb 15th, just to set the record straight on that." I would expect no less from to deny reality that it was fixed.

If this was Belicheat I was talking about and had the history at USC that carrol did,you would be completely onboard that the game was fixed but since it was carrol and the seahawks,no way will you consider for a second that it was fixed.

I took what mad scientist said with a grain of salt back before the season began that carrol would throw a game.not anymore,i believe him now as I do reggie bush.Like MS said back then,fuck the NFL.I've had it with them.

next year if its like this year and my chargers are not in the playoffs again, I wont be watching the playoffs at with mad scientist,fuck the NFL.
Last edited:

carrols answer-No because you will win the game and I wont get the two million or so they promised me if I threw the game.

I don't see Lynch coming back this year and I don't blame him.He was unhappy about his contract and now he has a coach to be unhappy with as well.
The simple fact is the NFL is run by 32 billionaires. One billionaire wields enormous power. Now, how much power do 32 billionaires wield? Think about it.

The reason there has not been an NFL team in Los Angeles over the last 20 years is about creating leverage to force as many cities as they could to finance new stadiums with tax subsidized dollars.

Trust this, the owners are as about making money as they are about their teams winning. In fact I would say most owners are MORE about the business aspect of it than they are about the "integrity" of the game. The use the word "safety" the way government does. As a justifiable reason to fine ignorant uneducated millionaires for whatever reason that can be classified as concerns of "safety."

When Art Modell of the Browns received the offer from Baltimore that they would fund a new stadium through public funding, and offered to pay him 50 million just to agree to move there, Modell had no real choice, did he?

What did all of the other owners want to know after that? Where the fuck is my deal? That, is what they were asking. So, soon after the Browns left Cleveland, it was during this same period that the NFL moved teams out of LA. In order to create leverage to bully cities one by one to have public funing for new stadiums be built.

Denver owner was one of the first. He went so far as to remove the D from their old helmets. Most of the teams new stadiums were built from tax dollars, and virtually all of them threatened to move to LA. Look up Minnesota. They were the last team, and Goodell went to Minnesota to show the city that they were indeed moving to LA.

There are a lot more things the owners do that would surprise many.
The simple fact is the NFL is run by 32 billionaires. One billionaire wields enormous power. Now, how much power do 32 billionaires wield? Think about it.

The reason there has not been an NFL team in Los Angeles over the last 20 years is about creating leverage to force as many cities as they could to finance new stadiums with tax subsidized dollars.

Trust this, the owners are as about making money as they are about their teams winning. In fact I would say most owners are MORE about the business aspect of it than they are about the "integrity" of the game. The use the word "safety" the way government does. As a justifiable reason to fine ignorant uneducated millionaires for whatever reason that can be classified as concerns of "safety."

When Art Modell of the Browns received the offer from Baltimore that they would fund a new stadium through public funding, and offered to pay him 50 million just to agree to move there, Modell had no real choice, did he?

What did all of the other owners want to know after that? Where the fuck is my deal? That, is what they were asking. So, soon after the Browns left Cleveland, it was during this same period that the NFL moved teams out of LA. In order to create leverage to bully cities one by one to have public funing for new stadiums be built.

Denver owner was one of the first. He went so far as to remove the D from their old helmets. Most of the teams new stadiums were built from tax dollars, and virtually all of them threatened to move to LA. Look up Minnesota. They were the last team, and Goodell went to Minnesota to show the city that they were indeed moving to LA.

There are a lot more things the owners do that would surprise many.

dude wrong thread of mine,post that on my CORRECT thread here,and we will finish the discussion on this.

expect Rams to be back in LA next year. US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
btw Owl,,thanks for your imput earlier,your thoughts about all this.I don't agree with all of it of course,but I respect your opionions and thoughts on it.
I am not going to go so far as to think Carroll fixed the game. I mean that would some sort of script.

It was a horrible call, and I am sure the Hawks really did desire for Wilson to get the MVP of the SB rather than Lynch. They will be needing to make that business decision this off season. One RBs usually have a short career due to the nature of the position. Lynch has been in the league since 2007.

Wilson will be in the league for a long time and the Hawks will have a tough time giving both of them a lot of money if they are planning on keeping their defensive talent together. The fact is if Lynch did score the TD, he would have been the MVP most likely. The Hawks would have a very tough time justifying not giving him a big contract after an MVP performance.

Now, having said that, I do not believe it was a fix. I think people are going way over the top with that notion. I think Carroll is a bit of a scumbag based on the crap he pulled at USC. Leaving them high and dry.

I happen to think a lot of coaches have pulled crap. Saban with the Dolphins, Urban Meyer was anticipating bad things happening at UF so he split there. Etc etc etc.

It was a bad call to ask a 5 foot 10 QB to throw a slant where all of the defenders are. If they are going to pass, run some sort of play action bootleg roll out. Wilson certainly would have gotten away from the LB who was on him since they were in man coverage and the entire defense anticipated the run.

It was not that they passed, it was the pass play that was called which made it ridiculous. The conspiracy stuff is way too over the top.

I still think he did it because the Pats were waiting for the run. They were expecting it and ready for it, so he wanted to throw them off and was hoping his guy would make the play for the pass, but our guy did instead. :D

Calling it a "fix" is retarded.

The play failed because first it was one of those "rub" plays where an area is cleared out for the intended receiver.

Browner sniffed it out and blew up Kearse who was supposed to be the clearing part. That overloaded the area and allowed Butler to jump the route of #83. The play was Bang Bang timing with Wilson throwing to a specific spot at the exact right time. Wilson delivered the ball when and where he was supposed to.

The play was handled perfectly by Browner and Butler. It was mishandled by Kearse and Lockett. There is no way Carroll could have had Two Seattle receivers do exactly the wrong thing at the wrong time to produce the end results that occurred. The most remarkable thing was that the Pats DB ended up with the ball. I would guess that if the same play was run 7-8 times out of 10 the Hawks score. 2-3 times the DB breaks up the pass and 1 in ten the DB gets an interception.

Percentage wise the attempted pass was a far better play statistically than Lynch getting a TD.

I would have very much liked for Lynch to get the score and the MVP. If the pass had just gone for an incomplete and not a score they would have tried Lynch and if he failed called their last TO.

It sucks that The Hawks let this one slip away in the last seconds. They really should have won. The heavy odds would have been a TD for Seattle starting from the 2nd and goal at the one.

The Patriots were lucky they finally got an excellent play out of Browner and Butler together in those last few seconds.

It's not luck. It's called skill. :D

Yes it WAS skill. That duo just hadn't shown that level of skill in the same play in the whole game acting in unison like that. Absolutely skill and probably just as surprising to Belichick and Brady as it was for the Seahawks. No doubt Carroll and Bevell underestimated the likelihood the Pat's DBs could respond so well to a play like that. There was no evidence from their earlier play, that afternoon, that they would deal with the "rub" play with that level of skill.

We must tip out hats to the Patriots play.

:lol: I think more surprising was the bumbling ball catch. Now THAT is what you call luck.
That was primarily skill not luck. The only thing lucky about the catch was that it hit him on the way down. That was pure concentration.
I still think he did it because the Pats were waiting for the run. They were expecting it and ready for it, so he wanted to throw them off and was hoping his guy would make the play for the pass, but our guy did instead. :D

Calling it a "fix" is retarded.

The play failed because first it was one of those "rub" plays where an area is cleared out for the intended receiver.

Browner sniffed it out and blew up Kearse who was supposed to be the clearing part. That overloaded the area and allowed Butler to jump the route of #83. The play was Bang Bang timing with Wilson throwing to a specific spot at the exact right time. Wilson delivered the ball when and where he was supposed to.

The play was handled perfectly by Browner and Butler. It was mishandled by Kearse and Lockett. There is no way Carroll could have had Two Seattle receivers do exactly the wrong thing at the wrong time to produce the end results that occurred. The most remarkable thing was that the Pats DB ended up with the ball. I would guess that if the same play was run 7-8 times out of 10 the Hawks score. 2-3 times the DB breaks up the pass and 1 in ten the DB gets an interception.

Percentage wise the attempted pass was a far better play statistically than Lynch getting a TD.

I would have very much liked for Lynch to get the score and the MVP. If the pass had just gone for an incomplete and not a score they would have tried Lynch and if he failed called their last TO.

It sucks that The Hawks let this one slip away in the last seconds. They really should have won. The heavy odds would have been a TD for Seattle starting from the 2nd and goal at the one.

The Patriots were lucky they finally got an excellent play out of Browner and Butler together in those last few seconds.

It's not luck. It's called skill. :D

Yes it WAS skill. That duo just hadn't shown that level of skill in the same play in the whole game acting in unison like that. Absolutely skill and probably just as surprising to Belichick and Brady as it was for the Seahawks. No doubt Carroll and Bevell underestimated the likelihood the Pat's DBs could respond so well to a play like that. There was no evidence from their earlier play, that afternoon, that they would deal with the "rub" play with that level of skill.

We must tip out hats to the Patriots play.

:lol: I think more surprising was the bumbling ball catch. Now THAT is what you call luck.
That was primarily skill not luck. The only thing lucky about the catch was that it hit him on the way down. That was pure concentration.

sounds like you were replying to one of the trolls here I have on ignore,who were you replying to? btw,how bout talking about the OP here? don't waste your time on them.
man this sportswriter hit the nail on the head about Carrol..I could not have said it better myself.He sure called it about him back then.He was a prophet.carrol gave seattle their first championship since the supersonics in 78 but he tarnished the city as well.

That's why I am scared of Pete Carroll coaching the Seahawks. He seems like a liar, cheater, and someone who could leave the 'Hawks at the worst time.
Seattle Seahawks Beware New Head Coach Pete Carroll Reeks of Scandal Bleacher Report

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I believe that if we look hard enough at THE FACTS we will discover that Pete Carroll was behind the events of 9/11. There is NO DOUBT!!!!

He and Obama obviously got together and planned and executed that attack and conveniently got it blamed on Ossama.

Once they got the taste of subversion they got Pete Hired on at USC and he and Obama tricked that poor woman the mother of Reggie Bush into accepting a house.

Then Pete and this sitting president colluded into orchestrating a three year plan with the help of Russell Wilson to sucker in everyone in the NFL into allowing the Seahawks to get into the last game of this season just so he could unfold his latest heist and throw the game to the Patroits. IF you take the time to study the FACTS one can come to no other conclusion.
Calling it a "fix" is retarded.

The play failed because first it was one of those "rub" plays where an area is cleared out for the intended receiver.

Browner sniffed it out and blew up Kearse who was supposed to be the clearing part. That overloaded the area and allowed Butler to jump the route of #83. The play was Bang Bang timing with Wilson throwing to a specific spot at the exact right time. Wilson delivered the ball when and where he was supposed to.

The play was handled perfectly by Browner and Butler. It was mishandled by Kearse and Lockett. There is no way Carroll could have had Two Seattle receivers do exactly the wrong thing at the wrong time to produce the end results that occurred. The most remarkable thing was that the Pats DB ended up with the ball. I would guess that if the same play was run 7-8 times out of 10 the Hawks score. 2-3 times the DB breaks up the pass and 1 in ten the DB gets an interception.

Percentage wise the attempted pass was a far better play statistically than Lynch getting a TD.

I would have very much liked for Lynch to get the score and the MVP. If the pass had just gone for an incomplete and not a score they would have tried Lynch and if he failed called their last TO.

It sucks that The Hawks let this one slip away in the last seconds. They really should have won. The heavy odds would have been a TD for Seattle starting from the 2nd and goal at the one.

The Patriots were lucky they finally got an excellent play out of Browner and Butler together in those last few seconds.

It's not luck. It's called skill. :D

Yes it WAS skill. That duo just hadn't shown that level of skill in the same play in the whole game acting in unison like that. Absolutely skill and probably just as surprising to Belichick and Brady as it was for the Seahawks. No doubt Carroll and Bevell underestimated the likelihood the Pat's DBs could respond so well to a play like that. There was no evidence from their earlier play, that afternoon, that they would deal with the "rub" play with that level of skill.

We must tip out hats to the Patriots play.

:lol: I think more surprising was the bumbling ball catch. Now THAT is what you call luck.
That was primarily skill not luck. The only thing lucky about the catch was that it hit him on the way down. That was pure concentration.

sounds like you were replying to one of the trolls here I have on ignore,who were you replying to? btw,how bout talking about the OP here? don't waste your time on them.
Yes Chris can be a troll at times. Cant really comment with much knowledge on if Carroll was paid off. I tend to think he wanted Wilson to get the MVP instead of Lynch.
It's not luck. It's called skill. :D

Yes it WAS skill. That duo just hadn't shown that level of skill in the same play in the whole game acting in unison like that. Absolutely skill and probably just as surprising to Belichick and Brady as it was for the Seahawks. No doubt Carroll and Bevell underestimated the likelihood the Pat's DBs could respond so well to a play like that. There was no evidence from their earlier play, that afternoon, that they would deal with the "rub" play with that level of skill.

We must tip out hats to the Patriots play.

:lol: I think more surprising was the bumbling ball catch. Now THAT is what you call luck.
That was primarily skill not luck. The only thing lucky about the catch was that it hit him on the way down. That was pure concentration.

sounds like you were replying to one of the trolls here I have on ignore,who were you replying to? btw,how bout talking about the OP here? don't waste your time on them.
Yes Chris can be a troll at times. Cant really comment with much knowledge on if Carroll was paid off. I tend to think he wanted Wilson to get the MVP instead of Lynch.

I understand your thinking on that but I just cant buy it myself especially because of his history at USC but i see where your coming from though.
I believe that if we look hard enough at THE FACTS we will discover that Pete Carroll was behind the events of 9/11. There is NO DOUBT!!!!

He and Obama obviously got together and planned and executed that attack and conveniently got it blamed on Ossama.

Once they got the taste of subversion they got Pete Hired on at USC and he and Obama tricked that poor woman the mother of Reggie Bush into accepting a house.

Then Pete and this sitting president colluded into orchestrating a three year plan with the help of Russell Wilson to sucker in everyone in the NFL into allowing the Seahawks to get into the last game of this season just so he could unfold his latest heist and throw the game to the Patroits. IF you take the time to study the FACTS one can come to no other conclusion.

It goes much deeper than that, I think that Pete Carroll, Obama and Bush had a huge role in the Kennedy assassination. Obama and Bush knew as babies Kennedy would cost them and election.
It's not luck. It's called skill. :D

Yes it WAS skill. That duo just hadn't shown that level of skill in the same play in the whole game acting in unison like that. Absolutely skill and probably just as surprising to Belichick and Brady as it was for the Seahawks. No doubt Carroll and Bevell underestimated the likelihood the Pat's DBs could respond so well to a play like that. There was no evidence from their earlier play, that afternoon, that they would deal with the "rub" play with that level of skill.

We must tip out hats to the Patriots play.

:lol: I think more surprising was the bumbling ball catch. Now THAT is what you call luck.
That was primarily skill not luck. The only thing lucky about the catch was that it hit him on the way down. That was pure concentration.

sounds like you were replying to one of the trolls here I have on ignore,who were you replying to? btw,how bout talking about the OP here? don't waste your time on them.
Yes Chris can be a troll at times. Cant really comment with much knowledge on if Carroll was paid off. I tend to think he wanted Wilson to get the MVP instead of Lynch.

Trolls are big, hairy and ugly, so that would be you. :D Big ugly troll.
I still think he did it because the Pats were waiting for the run. They were expecting it and ready for it, so he wanted to throw them off and was hoping his guy would make the play for the pass, but our guy did instead. :D

Calling it a "fix" is retarded.

The play failed because first it was one of those "rub" plays where an area is cleared out for the intended receiver.

Browner sniffed it out and blew up Kearse who was supposed to be the clearing part. That overloaded the area and allowed Butler to jump the route of #83. The play was Bang Bang timing with Wilson throwing to a specific spot at the exact right time. Wilson delivered the ball when and where he was supposed to.

The play was handled perfectly by Browner and Butler. It was mishandled by Kearse and Lockett. There is no way Carroll could have had Two Seattle receivers do exactly the wrong thing at the wrong time to produce the end results that occurred. The most remarkable thing was that the Pats DB ended up with the ball. I would guess that if the same play was run 7-8 times out of 10 the Hawks score. 2-3 times the DB breaks up the pass and 1 in ten the DB gets an interception.

Percentage wise the attempted pass was a far better play statistically than Lynch getting a TD.

I would have very much liked for Lynch to get the score and the MVP. If the pass had just gone for an incomplete and not a score they would have tried Lynch and if he failed called their last TO.

It sucks that The Hawks let this one slip away in the last seconds. They really should have won. The heavy odds would have been a TD for Seattle starting from the 2nd and goal at the one.

The Patriots were lucky they finally got an excellent play out of Browner and Butler together in those last few seconds.

It's not luck. It's called skill. :D

Yes it WAS skill. That duo just hadn't shown that level of skill in the same play in the whole game acting in unison like that. Absolutely skill and probably just as surprising to Belichick and Brady as it was for the Seahawks. No doubt Carroll and Bevell underestimated the likelihood the Pat's DBs could respond so well to a play like that. There was no evidence from their earlier play, that afternoon, that they would deal with the "rub" play with that level of skill.

We must tip out hats to the Patriots play.

:lol: I think more surprising was the bumbling ball catch. Now THAT is what you call luck.
That was primarily skill not luck. The only thing lucky about the catch was that it hit him on the way down. That was pure concentration.

Er, no genius. It bounced off his leg into his arms.
It's not luck. It's called skill. :D

Yes it WAS skill. That duo just hadn't shown that level of skill in the same play in the whole game acting in unison like that. Absolutely skill and probably just as surprising to Belichick and Brady as it was for the Seahawks. No doubt Carroll and Bevell underestimated the likelihood the Pat's DBs could respond so well to a play like that. There was no evidence from their earlier play, that afternoon, that they would deal with the "rub" play with that level of skill.

We must tip out hats to the Patriots play.

:lol: I think more surprising was the bumbling ball catch. Now THAT is what you call luck.
That was primarily skill not luck. The only thing lucky about the catch was that it hit him on the way down. That was pure concentration.

sounds like you were replying to one of the trolls here I have on ignore,who were you replying to? btw,how bout talking about the OP here? don't waste your time on them.
Yes Chris can be a troll at times. Cant really comment with much knowledge on if Carroll was paid off. I tend to think he wanted Wilson to get the MVP instead of Lynch.

just saw an article in my local paper about carrol so had to comment on this again.

it goes on to say-just wait until the national conversation picks up on the memory of the 2006 rose bowl.

remember that game? carrol took the Heisman trophy winner reggie bush off the field for a fourth and 1 that would've kept vince young from having the chance at what turned out to be the national championship winning drive.some of carrol's best players on that USC team-including LendDale white,who got the ball,blamed carrol for the play call.

see because of his past at USC I just don't buy it for a second that he tried to get Wilson the MVP.If he was going for that,then he simply could have called to fake it to Lynch and run it in for a bootleg,either of those plays would have been far less riskier,naw he was paid off its so obvious.

PLUS,even if Wilson completes that pass,that rookie wide receiver who he was throwing to would have been the MVP.not that theory holds no water that he was trying to get Wilson the MVP.

callahan threw the superbowl in the raiders/bucs game obviously the fact that for the first time since tim brown had been with the raiders,that he ever remembers a coach scrapping the game plan the night before the game.

if Callahan threw the raiders/bucs game,why would carrol be any different?

people like me and and a few others here have been called conspiracy theorists for suggesting carrol threw the game.well I call the people who say he did not COINCIDENCE theorists the fact so many can ignore his checkered past history at USC where he was accused of throwing that game.

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