Carter put solar panels on the White House & Reagan took them off

actually, who killed the electric car woul dbe your shitty auto companies you so love to defend. GM admits they had electic car tech in the 70's and refused to act on it...the GOP didn't tell them to not produce it...It was their decision an dmaybe a stupid decision and maybe why we are bailing thier shitty ass out...persoanlly let them drown I say, hopefully they take you with them

Whos auto companies?

have you lost your mind?
It was the explanation given... and NATURALLY, the leftists and enviro-nazis would put it off as "bullshit"... typical move

let alone, as stated, the reliability and efficiency of SP's back then was more of a joke than anything else

And whether any prez puts solar panels or fucking bee hives on the white house, is of no consequence as to how research goes on those things.. if there is profit to be made and a viability, it will be researched and advanced REGARDLESS

But you certainly suck swallow and smile about anything the left-wing gives you.... you're one of the most blinded and partisan hacks on this board... apologetically

Kyoto was a joke... a way to try and slow down the US and benefit others... a fucking joke

No, the GOP told you SP's were a joke and you swallowed it. Just like they are telling you now that Global Warming is a joke.

So is it going to take you 30 years to catch up on Global warming, just like it took you 30 years to realize SP's are a good fucking idea?

No wonder progress is so slow. We have environmentalists fighting with corporations and idiots like you are on the corporations side. Why? Little bitch.

Ha! Busted your crappy reply again. So you say that research will only be done if there is a profit to be made. EXACTLY! So why did Bush give oil companies tax breaks to do research when alternative energy would cut into their profits?
Why is something that happened nearly 30 years ago an issue now?

Because it fits bobo the assclown's shtick of anything REP or CON is evil... all blame for everything in the history of the US goes on them, while all praise goes on the DEMs and LIBs

again.. explanations and details mean nothing..
lol, yes the GOP told us SP's were a joke, not the fact that in the 70's they only captured 7-8% of the suns rays and converted it into electric.

God you are fucking stupid
Why is something that happened nearly 30 years ago an issue now?

Maybe we'd be a much greener planet if it weren't for Reagan.

And the GOP today is worse than Reagan. That's why.

It sort of proves the left's point when you see that Carter put up solar panels and Reagan ripped them down.

And remember the GOP made a big deal about Gore's energy inefficient home vs Bush's green home?

Carter was way ahead of his time and Reagan was just another typical Republican. Working for put the cabosh on alternative energy.

People who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.
No, the GOP told you SP's were a joke and you swallowed it. Just like they are telling you now that Global Warming is a joke.

So is it going to take you 30 years to catch up on Global warming, just like it took you 30 years to realize SP's are a good fucking idea?

No wonder progress is so slow. We have environmentalists fighting with corporations and idiots like you are on the corporations side. Why? Little bitch.

Ha! Busted your crappy reply again. So you say that research will only be done if there is a profit to be made. EXACTLY! So why did Bush give oil companies tax breaks to do research when alternative energy would cut into their profits?

SP's are still not as viable as you are led to believe.. but are getting better.. but not practical for every use...

And keep biting on your man-made-global-warming cookie.. just as your fear mongering enviro-nazi's want you to do

You think that companies will strictly go with the status quo.. you are fucking naive.... emerging technologies with an opportunity to put a company above competition are EMBRACED and SOUGHT after.. even with your 'big bad oil' companies... if you would get a clue, it would be your first

The only think you have busted are your nuts, like whenever you hear a far lefty talk... "all left good, all right bad"... and you cream all over yourself
actually, who killed the electric car woul dbe your shitty auto companies you so love to defend. GM admits they had electic car tech in the 70's and refused to act on it...the GOP didn't tell them to not produce it...It was their decision an dmaybe a stupid decision and maybe why we are bailing thier shitty ass out...persoanlly let them drown I say, hopefully they take you with them

You wish ill of American companies and pray for Japanese car companies? Boy, we've come a long way since ww2.

Maybe the technology wasn't that good in the 70's, just like SP's? :lol:

The only reason I defend the Big 3 is because they employ so many Americans. And, those Americans are paid well.

But as far as the Big 3 being evil greedy corporations, I agree. But so are Toyota and Honda. They'll get away with whatever they can get away with too.

The Big 3 were in collusion with the oil companies, until the oil companies fucked them by jacking up the oil prices to $4 a gallon. No doubt the oil companies told GM to shelve the battery cars.

And of course GM's cars only lasted 5 years. If you were the only game in town, you'd do the same thing.

Toyota would do that too. Why wouldn't they want you to come back and buy another car in 4 years?

The only reason Toyota's cars ran longer is that is how they were able to win over so much US business.
Because when all valid arguements end. Bring up the past turn it into a conspiracy theory and use it in the next election!

Hey, i brought this topic up stupid. And before I brought it up, you and I have never argued about solar panels, have we?

So you think I'm bringing this up now to use it in the 2010 midterms?

I just thought this was an interesting fact. Reagan tore down solar panels.

Wow! He was way ahead of his time.
Hey, i brought this topic up stupid. And before I brought it up, you and I have never argued about solar panels, have we?

So you think I'm bringing this up now to use it in the 2010 midterms?

I just thought this was an interesting fact. Reagan tore down solar panels.

Wow! He was way ahead of his time.

Yet another meeting of the minds Bobo? I tip my hat to your persistance! Reagan didn't want solar panels that is correct but at that time there was no massive legislation calling for them either. Neither the United States nor any other country was seeing an energy crisis. The development and increase in automotives and use of oil errupted and that was what caused alternative fuels to become a hot topic and that was 20 years later.
I know I shouldn't do this.... but... I can't stop typing....

Maybe we'd be a much greener planet if it weren't for Reagan.
Maybe, huh? Strong case.

And the GOP today is worse than Reagan. That's why.
How are you quantifying "worse"?

It sort of proves the left's point when you see that Carter put up solar panels and Reagan ripped them down.
What is the Left's point?

And remember the GOP made a big deal about Gore's energy inefficient home vs Bush's green home?
Ok, what's that got to do with anything?

Carter was way ahead of his time and Reagan was just another typical Republican. Working for put the cabosh on alternative energy.
I think it's possible that Carter was trying to appeal to the Left, and Reagan was trying to appeal to the right. I could be wrong, of course, but I have seen examples of politicians pandering to their base... just saying.

People who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.
So... if we don't let Reagan pull down anymore solar panels we'll have dodged the bullet?

Sorry, I didn't take this more seriously. It's difficult to see why what was essentially a non-event 30 years ago needs to be brought up now. How is it relevant to anything that's going on today? The Dems are in power, Reps won't be doing much of anything for at least the next two years, so why are we talking about this now? Is it "find some old slight and trumpet about it" week?
You are ignoring the point that Carter also allotted funds for research.

If we had presued the technology we would be at the top of the heap on an great emerging market we could sell to all other countries right now.

The Left was right and the right was protecting a dying industry that has left us beholden to the middle east oil and look at what that got us?
Am I? It couldn't just be that I think it's irrelevant, I'm actually ignoring it? Good to know.

If you think research into emmerging markets is irrelevant than you must think your computor, cellphone and many other things in your life are irrelevant.
I know I shouldn't do this.... but... I can't stop typing....

Maybe, huh? Strong case.

How are you quantifying "worse"?

What is the Left's point?

Ok, what's that got to do with anything?

I think it's possible that Carter was trying to appeal to the Left, and Reagan was trying to appeal to the right. I could be wrong, of course, but I have seen examples of politicians pandering to their base... just saying.

So... if we don't let Reagan pull down anymore solar panels we'll have dodged the bullet?

Sorry, I didn't take this more seriously. It's difficult to see why what was essentially a non-event 30 years ago needs to be brought up now. How is it relevant to anything that's going on today? The Dems are in power, Reps won't be doing much of anything for at least the next two years, so why are we talking about this now? Is it "find some old slight and trumpet about it" week?

It is a hobby of mine to find and post examples of how/why the GOP sucks.

And I thought this was an interesting example.

And I do it because the American voter has a very short memory.

Were you alive when HW Bush was president? He was horrible!!!!

Yet 8 years later, his son won the Presidency, with a little help from Jeb & Katherine Harris in Florida of course.

So I guess the point I'm trying to make is this. The GOP don't want to come up with alternative energy solutions because the corporations they work for don't want them.
Maybe Amanda realizes that the solar energy solutions were not all they were cracked up to be. She probably knows that even now if you are not going to immediately use the energy from solar panels you have to have a coal powered storage which is an oxymoron if we are trying to save the enviroment. She may also know that solar powered plants are backed by Coal or Fuel powered generators because the solar energy is not reliable. Best to have a reliable source of energy in the White House dont ya think?
It is a hobby of mine to find and post examples of how/why the GOP sucks.

And I thought this was an interesting example.

And I do it because the American voter has a very short memory.

Were you alive when HW Bush was president? He was horrible!!!!

Yet 8 years later, his son won the Presidency, with a little help from Jeb & Katherine Harris in Florida of course.

So I guess the point I'm trying to make is this. The GOP don't want to come up with alternative energy solutions because the corporations they work for don't want them.

Well... I guess everyone needs a hobby.
It doesn't seem that interesting to me but then again, it's not my hobby.
I was alive when Bush I was pres, but I wasn't paying attention to what he was doing. Too busy learning to walk and stuff.

Isn't it possible that the GOP didn't see the viability of solar? It's not like it's made a big splash around the world. The GOP didn't keep solar or other alternate energies down all around the globe, did they?

did you know during Bush's tenure they put solar panels back on the white house

still no comment from you on this you hack

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