Case for an increase in taxes

What I don't understand is why all those that want higher taxes don't just pay more at tax time. It is allowed you know. Instead they want everyone else to pay for their latest wish to expand big government.
What I don't understand is why all those that want higher taxes don't just pay more at tax time. It is allowed you know. Instead they want everyone else to pay for their latest wish to expand big government.

Everyone who wants more taxes, or even just for the government to spend money on this or that, wants the government to steal your money to do it. They don't want to pay for it themselves. On the contrary, the want the government to do it because it benefits them, whether its a Democrat voting for more welfare or a Republican voting for more war porn.
At present we have over 80 large fires burning in the Western States. Harvey created a Texas sized disaster on their east coast, and Irma may create an even bigger one should it run the length of Florida, and FEMA is already out of funds.

FEMA Is Almost Out of Money and Hurricane Irma Is Approaching

FEMA Is Almost Out of Money and Hurricane Irma Is Approaching

Christopher Flavelle
Erik Wasson

With Texas still reeling from Hurricane Harvey and another storm barreling toward Florida, the Federal Emergency Management Agency is expected to run out of money by Friday, according to a Senate aide, putting pressure on Congress to provide more funding this week.

As of 10 a.m. Tuesday morning, FEMA’s Disaster Relief Fund, which pays for the agency’s disaster response and recovery activity, had just $1.01 billion on hand. And of that, just $541 million was "immediately available" for response and recovery efforts related to Hurricane Harvey, according to a spokeswoman for FEMA who asked not to be identified by name.

The $1.01 billion in the fund Tuesday morning is less than half of the $2.14 billion that was there at 9 a.m. last Thursday morning -- a spend rate of $9.3 million every hour, or about $155,000 a minute.

The agency would be out of funds just as Irma, a category 5 hurricane, might start thrashing the coast of Florida.

More: Irma Tops Storm Scale, Florida Preps for Catastrophic System

"If it’s down to $1 billion or less, then I would say there’s a great concern," said Elizabeth Zimmerman, who until January was FEMA’s associate administrator for the office of response and recovery. "Congress needs to take action very quickly."

President Donald Trump’s administration has asked Congress for an injection of almost $8 billion in additional funds.

A huge national debt, and a really serious run of damaging disasters is creating a situation where we could be without funds to help our fellow citizens facing devastating disasters. Do we stick with an ideology at odds with reality, or do we do what is neccessary.

I agree, time to raise taxes on the 47% who pay none or next to nothing at all.

Flat tax for the rich, and the bottom feeders. How about it?
At present we have over 80 large fires burning in the Western States. Harvey created a Texas sized disaster on their east coast, and Irma may create an even bigger one should it run the length of Florida, and FEMA is already out of funds.

FEMA Is Almost Out of Money and Hurricane Irma Is Approaching

FEMA Is Almost Out of Money and Hurricane Irma Is Approaching

Christopher Flavelle
Erik Wasson

With Texas still reeling from Hurricane Harvey and another storm barreling toward Florida, the Federal Emergency Management Agency is expected to run out of money by Friday, according to a Senate aide, putting pressure on Congress to provide more funding this week.

As of 10 a.m. Tuesday morning, FEMA’s Disaster Relief Fund, which pays for the agency’s disaster response and recovery activity, had just $1.01 billion on hand. And of that, just $541 million was "immediately available" for response and recovery efforts related to Hurricane Harvey, according to a spokeswoman for FEMA who asked not to be identified by name.

The $1.01 billion in the fund Tuesday morning is less than half of the $2.14 billion that was there at 9 a.m. last Thursday morning -- a spend rate of $9.3 million every hour, or about $155,000 a minute.

The agency would be out of funds just as Irma, a category 5 hurricane, might start thrashing the coast of Florida.

More: Irma Tops Storm Scale, Florida Preps for Catastrophic System

"If it’s down to $1 billion or less, then I would say there’s a great concern," said Elizabeth Zimmerman, who until January was FEMA’s associate administrator for the office of response and recovery. "Congress needs to take action very quickly."

President Donald Trump’s administration has asked Congress for an injection of almost $8 billion in additional funds.

A huge national debt, and a really serious run of damaging disasters is creating a situation where we could be without funds to help our fellow citizens facing devastating disasters. Do we stick with an ideology at odds with reality, or do we do what is neccessary.

At present we have over 80 large fires burning in the Western States. Harvey created a Texas sized disaster on their east coast, and Irma may create an even bigger one should it run the length of Florida, and FEMA is already out of funds.

FEMA Is Almost Out of Money and Hurricane Irma Is Approaching

FEMA Is Almost Out of Money and Hurricane Irma Is Approaching

Christopher Flavelle
Erik Wasson

With Texas still reeling from Hurricane Harvey and another storm barreling toward Florida, the Federal Emergency Management Agency is expected to run out of money by Friday, according to a Senate aide, putting pressure on Congress to provide more funding this week.

As of 10 a.m. Tuesday morning, FEMA’s Disaster Relief Fund, which pays for the agency’s disaster response and recovery activity, had just $1.01 billion on hand. And of that, just $541 million was "immediately available" for response and recovery efforts related to Hurricane Harvey, according to a spokeswoman for FEMA who asked not to be identified by name.

The $1.01 billion in the fund Tuesday morning is less than half of the $2.14 billion that was there at 9 a.m. last Thursday morning -- a spend rate of $9.3 million every hour, or about $155,000 a minute.

The agency would be out of funds just as Irma, a category 5 hurricane, might start thrashing the coast of Florida.

More: Irma Tops Storm Scale, Florida Preps for Catastrophic System

"If it’s down to $1 billion or less, then I would say there’s a great concern," said Elizabeth Zimmerman, who until January was FEMA’s associate administrator for the office of response and recovery. "Congress needs to take action very quickly."

President Donald Trump’s administration has asked Congress for an injection of almost $8 billion in additional funds.

A huge national debt, and a really serious run of damaging disasters is creating a situation where we could be without funds to help our fellow citizens facing devastating disasters. Do we stick with an ideology at odds with reality, or do we do what is neccessary.
Cut the billions in waste, fraud and abuse.

Write a check and get back to us later.
Look, filthy little cocksuck, I have paid taxes on an income of 100k 11 out of the last 12 years. And paid my taxes every year. But the only way that the government has money is through taxes. And we expect the government to take care of our citizens when the face these types of natural disasters. And, at the same time, we have to rebuild the infrastructure destroyed. Unless, of course, you can get the Chinese to pay for their "Hoax". LOL

I have a seriously hard time believing a mindless bed wetter like you is even employable, let alone ever earned 100K in your life, but whatever...

Turds like you expect the government to take care of everyone cradle to grave, not just in emergencies. You're never satisfied with how much government steal and spends, unless it's on the military.
What I don't understand is why all those that want higher taxes don't just pay more at tax time. It is allowed you know. Instead they want everyone else to pay for their latest wish to expand big government.

Everyone who wants more taxes, or even just for the government to spend money on this or that, wants the government to steal your money to do it. They don't want to pay for it themselves. On the contrary, the want the government to do it because it benefits them, whether its a Democrat voting for more welfare or a Republican voting for more war porn.
The trailer park crowd enjoys the welfare too. Solid GOP voters.
At present we have over 80 large fires burning in the Western States. Harvey created a Texas sized disaster on their east coast, and Irma may create an even bigger one should it run the length of Florida, and FEMA is already out of funds.

FEMA Is Almost Out of Money and Hurricane Irma Is Approaching

FEMA Is Almost Out of Money and Hurricane Irma Is Approaching

Christopher Flavelle
Erik Wasson

With Texas still reeling from Hurricane Harvey and another storm barreling toward Florida, the Federal Emergency Management Agency is expected to run out of money by Friday, according to a Senate aide, putting pressure on Congress to provide more funding this week.

As of 10 a.m. Tuesday morning, FEMA’s Disaster Relief Fund, which pays for the agency’s disaster response and recovery activity, had just $1.01 billion on hand. And of that, just $541 million was "immediately available" for response and recovery efforts related to Hurricane Harvey, according to a spokeswoman for FEMA who asked not to be identified by name.

The $1.01 billion in the fund Tuesday morning is less than half of the $2.14 billion that was there at 9 a.m. last Thursday morning -- a spend rate of $9.3 million every hour, or about $155,000 a minute.

The agency would be out of funds just as Irma, a category 5 hurricane, might start thrashing the coast of Florida.

More: Irma Tops Storm Scale, Florida Preps for Catastrophic System

"If it’s down to $1 billion or less, then I would say there’s a great concern," said Elizabeth Zimmerman, who until January was FEMA’s associate administrator for the office of response and recovery. "Congress needs to take action very quickly."

President Donald Trump’s administration has asked Congress for an injection of almost $8 billion in additional funds.

A huge national debt, and a really serious run of damaging disasters is creating a situation where we could be without funds to help our fellow citizens facing devastating disasters. Do we stick with an ideology at odds with reality, or do we do what is neccessary.
Funny how welfare never runs out of money. Ever hear food stamps not going out because of lack of funds? What about all the freebies for illegals? 6 figure salaries for Directors of Lesbian Diversity at government funded universities never get cut.
Can I get a refund on the War To Find WMDs?

No extra cost incurred. Military spending is fixed part of budget. Whether in Iraq or Fort LeonardWood the budget allocates ~$600 bil per year spending. They simply went to work over there vs. training somewhere else.
You're a stupid faggot tax revenue went up exponentially under Reagan and GWB until the recession which had nothing to do with tax cuts you dumb fuck.


The maximum tax bracket vs. federal receipts is almost like the maximum tax bracket vs. the price of tea in China. There doesn't appear to be much correlation in your graph, let alone cause-and-effect. Receipts climbed just the same when the top tax bracket stayed the same. Receipts continued to climb every time the top tax bracket was increased. Not a single receipts dive in that graph is related to an increase in the top tax bracket. But, one dive is related to a top tax bracket reduction... even if you want to blow it off as the economy, and not the tax bracket.

I find it perverted that neocons actually consider increased federal receipts to be a selling point of tax cuts. I want less government, not just less taxes.

The graph utterly doesn't support the neocon chant that tax cuts equal increased receipts. The idea that tax cuts equal increased receipts is actually pretty stupid given that the government already tries to tax people at the tax rate for maximum receipts. There's not a single Democrat in all of Congress who wants to raise taxes by penny if it'll reduce receipts by a penny.

No matter where the Tax rate(s) they never collect more than ~20%*GDP.
Money moves? Growth stalls? Whatever.
GDP is ~$20T..........they TAKE ~$4T. That should be enough for even commie DEMWITTED LOONS!

No matter where the Tax rate(s) they never collect more than ~20%*GDP.
Money moves? Growth stalls? Whatever.
GDP is ~$20T..........they TAKE ~$4T. That should be enough for even commie DEMWITTED LOONS!

View attachment 148009

Yes, the only way for revenue to surpass 20% is for the government to take over an industry, like medical care. E.g. France's taxes are about 45% of GDP.
That's OTHER PEOPLE'S taxes right bed wetter?

How about you just write a fucking check?
Look, filthy little cocksuck, I have paid taxes on an income of 100k 11 out of the last 12 years. And paid my taxes every year. But the only way that the government has money is through taxes. And we expect the government to take care of our citizens when the face these types of natural disasters. And, at the same time, we have to rebuild the infrastructure destroyed. Unless, of course, you can get the Chinese to pay for their "Hoax". LOL

Hey, numb fuck, your income tax goes to pay interest on "money" borrowed from credit extended from nothing. The tax on your labor does not fund USA.INC

FURTHERMORE, these storms are being artificially created using weather modification programs that have been perfected with ionospheric heaters. I know you believe in your beloved "gubermint" and cling to the idea of a nanny state but you don't have the slightest clue as to what the end game is.

So what's the solution, have the government print it's own money and bypass the fed completely? Not that it hasn't been done in the past.
Can I get a refund on the War To Find WMDs?

No extra cost incurred. Military spending is fixed part of budget. Whether in Iraq or Fort LeonardWood the budget allocates ~$600 bil per year spending. They simply went to work over there vs. training somewhere else.
Someone is pulling your leg with that BS. Wars are not free.
Iraq war costs U.S. more than $2 trillion: study
The three best charts on how Clinton’s surpluses became Bush and Obama’s deficits
Can I get a refund on the War To Find WMDs?

No extra cost incurred. Military spending is fixed part of budget. Whether in Iraq or Fort LeonardWood the budget allocates ~$600 bil per year spending. They simply went to work over there vs. training somewhere else.
Someone is pulling your leg with that BS. Wars are not free.
Iraq war costs U.S. more than $2 trillion: study
The three best charts on how Clinton’s surpluses became Bush and Obama’s deficits
Wasn't that Clinton surplus long gone by the time Obama got into office?

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