Catholic advocacy group running anti-Dodger ads

Why are you trying to dodge the truth? A satirical group of homos triggers the hell out of you and the Catholics can't handle it either.
Catholics and Christians in general are so intolerant and hateful they’re the only group you will make fun of. I don’t see any of you assholes with the balls to have a trans Mohamed group dancing on Korans.

Washington Nationals pitcher Trevor Williams said the Los Angeles Dodgers organization knows exactly what it's doing after the franchise re-invited a group called the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence to its Pride Night celebrations.

The team will honor the drag queens as community heroes despite previously uninviting them, even though the group routinely mocks Catholics with portrayals of Jesus on a cross as just one example.

Williams had already released a lengthy statement condemning the team's move and said that the group "makes a blatant and deeply offensive mockery of my religion, and the religion of over 4 million people in Los Angeles County alone."

The pitcher spoke out once more about the June 16, 2023, Pride Night, however, in an interview with Catholic network EWTN News and further remarked on his position.

"We cannot stand idly by while our Lord gets mocked. And before I hit send, you know, you try and do as much research as you can," Williams told host Colm Flynn.

"You see the horrific videos that were posted of them. You read about what they were trying to do, these things that are deeply offensive to us. ... They've been doing it for over 30 years."

Williams expressed that "it was the point when the Dodgers re-invited them, after knowing very well what they've been doing for the last 30 years," that he had the biggest issue with.

The Nationals player said it became clear that the drag queen group violates the Los Angeles Dodgers' fan code of conduct by mocking the beliefs of others.

\u201cFor the first time @MeLlamoTrevor sits down for an interview after his tweet was viewed 20 million times, calling out the LA @Dodgers for honouring a group he says make a blatant and deeply offensive mockery of his religion.\u201d
— Colm Flynn (@Colm Flynn) 1686752441
"You cannot wear anything or say anything that goes against anybody's age, gender, creed, religion," Williams said of the rules.

A Catholic advocacy group is running ads during every Los Angeles Dodgers game this week, calling out the team for its endorsement of anti-Christian bigotry.

In the lead-up to the team's Friday presentation of a "Community Hero Award" to the so-called Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, CatholicVote is also deploying mobile billboards to expose the group's degeneracy and anti-Christian bigotry.
They keep saying there'd be an outrage if they did this to mock a Jewish group (like dressing like Hassidics), but
1)that's been done already with
Boy George 😄
2)didn't anyone notice this event is during Shabbos? One of the most famous Dodger's Sandy Koufax used to refuse to pitch on the Sabbath, so this is an insult to his devotion and his memory and a mockery of Judaism as well.
3) private party and grand opening clowns are finding it hard to find white clown face paints, it's drivingvup the costs passed onto the customers making it harder to book clowns, now poor children mostly in the minority communities can only affort party magicians, and you know how disapointing party magicians are.
🤡 Good Shabbos!
You almost have to wonder if there is any sanity left when baseball is dying and a major league team honors a group of freakazoid perverts. What did they think would happen? The mainstream media could be counted on to downplay it but thousands of protestors mobbed the Dodger stadium and the small audience that was left booed the pervert.
You almost have to wonder if there is any sanity left when baseball is dying and a major league team honors a group of freakazoid perverts. What did they think would happen? The mainstream media could be counted on to downplay it but thousands of protestors mobbed the Dodger stadium and the small audience that was left booed the pervert.
There would have been less people outside if they just STFU. The Dodgers actually got more people making the trip to the parking lot to tell them to fuck off than they got in the stadium to participate in this queer shit.
The Dodgers made a big mistake hosting the Sisters. They are divisive. They mock Christians and Catholics because Christians and Catholics can take it. The Sisters dare not offend any of the religions that will respond with violence.

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