Catholic leaders warn Gingrich, Santorum on race baiting


Senior Member
Dec 1, 2011
It looks like race baiting is not apart of Catholic teachings. In fact, it goes against it.

NEW YORK (RNS) -- More than 40 Catholic leaders and theologians have issued an open letter to Catholic candidates Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum, warning them “to stop perpetuating ugly racial stereotypes on the campaign trail.”

The signers of the open letter, which was released Friday (Jan. 20), cited Gingrich’s repeated criticisms of Barack Obama as a “food stamp president” who encourages government dependency for the poor, especially for African-Americans.

They also criticized Santorum’s statement that he does not want “to make black people’s lives better by giving them somebody else’s money.” Santorum later said he intended to use a word other than “black” but did not say what that word would have been.

At Thursday’s debate in South Carolina, both Santorum and Gingrich continued to blast the Obama administration for allegedly encouraging the use of food stamps.

Those statements have been criticized for encouraging racially charged associations between blacks and government welfare, and have drawn sharp denunciations from civil rights groups and many pundits.

In their open letter, the Catholic leaders -- many of them associated with progressive and Democratic causes -- say that raising “racist caricatures is irresponsible, immoral and unworthy of political leaders.”
Religious Herald - Catholics warn Gingrich, Santorum on race baiting
It looks like race baiting is not apart of Catholic teachings. In fact, it goes against it.

NEW YORK (RNS) -- More than 40 Catholic leaders and theologians have issued an open letter to Catholic candidates Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum, warning them “to stop perpetuating ugly racial stereotypes on the campaign trail.”

The signers of the open letter, which was released Friday (Jan. 20), cited Gingrich’s repeated criticisms of Barack Obama as a “food stamp president” who encourages government dependency for the poor, especially for African-Americans.

They also criticized Santorum’s statement that he does not want “to make black people’s lives better by giving them somebody else’s money.” Santorum later said he intended to use a word other than “black” but did not say what that word would have been.

At Thursday’s debate in South Carolina, both Santorum and Gingrich continued to blast the Obama administration for allegedly encouraging the use of food stamps.

Those statements have been criticized for encouraging racially charged associations between blacks and government welfare, and have drawn sharp denunciations from civil rights groups and many pundits.

In their open letter, the Catholic leaders -- many of them associated with progressive and Democratic causes -- say that raising “racist caricatures is irresponsible, immoral and unworthy of political leaders.”
Religious Herald - Catholics warn Gingrich, Santorum on race baiting

Maybe the catholic "leaders" should clean up their own house first. Pedophile clergymen, complicity with the Nazis to exterminate the Jews in Europe, and assisting Nazi war criminals to escape Europe after World War 2, are just three things that come to mind.

Maybe those clerics should have a little sit-down with Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, the DNC, MSLSD and the Boiking himself, before they point fingers at anyone else.
I eagerly await hearing about Newt putting the Clergy "in their place".
Maybe the catholic "leaders" should clean up their own house first. Pedophile clergymen, complicity with the Nazis to exterminate the Jews in Europe, and assisting Nazi war criminals to escape Europe after World War 2, are just three things that come to mind.


They do have an addiction to young boys that they need to address.
Maybe those clerics should have a little sit-down with Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, the DNC, MSLSD and the Boiking himself, before they point fingers at anyone else.

They wrote to a bunch of the left wingers back in 2008. I read the article about it one of the Catholic media.

Sorry to burst that particular bubble.
I am not the least impressed or persuaded by what the Catholic leadership thinks about any of the candidates. Any group that will harbor and enable pedophiles loses all credibility with me...forever!
Maybe those clerics should have a little sit-down with Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, the DNC, MSLSD and the Boiking himself, before they point fingers at anyone else.

They wrote to a bunch of the left wingers back in 2008. I read the article about it one of the Catholic media.

Sorry to burst that particular bubble.
Maybe so...I still find absolutely nothing race baiting about dubbing Boiking "the food stamp president".

"Welfare" ≠ "Black", no matter how much the thin-skinned titty-baby progressives want to mewl that it does.
There is a problem with people who automatically think of black people when they hear the word "Food Stamps".

Santorum can't be forgiven for his transgression. He says he wants to make the lives of black people better, by default, he wants to make the lives of other than black people worse, or, has no intention of making their lives better.
I am not the least impressed or persuaded by what the Catholic leadership thinks about any of the candidates. Any group that will harbor and enable pedophiles loses all credibility with me...forever!

I agree that their addiction to young boys is disgusting and appalling. Now, only if we could persuade California Girl of this.
Things are fucked up when the truth is now race baiting. Honestly, Gingrich was a thousand percent right.
I eagerly await hearing about Newt putting the Clergy "in their place".

Yeah........especially since he's a new convert to Catholic theology.


Gingrich was raised a Lutheran.[155] In graduate school he was a Southern Baptist, and he converted to Catholicism, Bisek's faith, on March 29, 2009.[156][157] He said "over the course of several years, I gradually became Catholic and then decided one day to accept the faith I had already come to embrace." The moment when he decided to officially become a Catholic was when he saw Pope Benedict XVI on his visit to the United States in 2008: "Catching a glimpse of Pope Benedict that day, I was struck by the happiness and peacefulness he exuded. The joyful and radiating presence of the Holy Father was a moment of confirmation about the many things I had been thinking and experiencing for several years."[158] Gingrich has stated that he has developed a greater appreciation for the role of faith in public life following his conversion, and believes that the United States has become too secular. At a 2011 appearance in Columbus, Ohio, he said, "In America, religious belief is being challenged by a cultural elite trying to create a secularized America, in which God is driven out of public life."[99]

Newt Gingrich - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'd especially like to see how the last bolded comment would bite him in the ass when he starts attacking the clergy.
I am not the least impressed or persuaded by what the Catholic leadership thinks about any of the candidates. Any group that will harbor and enable pedophiles loses all credibility with me...forever!

I agree that their addiction to young boys is disgusting and appalling. Now, only if we could persuade California Girl of this.

If you can provide some actual post of mine supporting your comment - that would be cool. But you cannot, because I don't. But please feel free to create your own reality to justify your moronic comment.
I am not the least impressed or persuaded by what the Catholic leadership thinks about any of the candidates. Any group that will harbor and enable pedophiles loses all credibility with me...forever!

I agree that their addiction to young boys is disgusting and appalling. Now, only if we could persuade California Girl of this.

If you can provide some actual post of mine supporting your comment - that would be cool. But you cannot, because I don't. But please feel free to create your own reality to justify your moronic comment.

Your reaction to my post stating that the Catholic Church has some addiction issues with young boys speaks volumes.

I don't need your words, when your actions speaks for themselves.
I agree that their addiction to young boys is disgusting and appalling. Now, only if we could persuade California Girl of this.

If you can provide some actual post of mine supporting your comment - that would be cool. But you cannot, because I don't. But please feel free to create your own reality to justify your moronic comment.

Your reaction to my post stating that the Catholic Church has some addiction issues with young boys speaks volumes.

I don't need your words, when your actions speaks for themselves.

Your inability to form logical replies tells me that your opinion is worth jack shit.
Things are fucked up when the truth is now race baiting. Honestly, Gingrich was a thousand percent right.

Except of course, that he wasn't.

What part of blacks being 2.5 times more likely to be on food stamps then whites is not true?You can't seriously reduce entailments without doing such! Newt is right.

What's wrong with a republican to fight for jobs and getting people off of such? That's the very platform republican run on in the first place. REDUCING government, Reducing taxes and getting people off of welfare.
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Things are fucked up when the truth is now race baiting. Honestly, Gingrich was a thousand percent right.

Except of course, that he wasn't.

What part of blacks being 2.5 times more likely to be on food stamps then whites is not true?You can't seriously reduce entailments without doing such! Newt is right.

What's wrong with a republican to fight for jobs and getting people off of such? That's the very platform republican run on in the first place. REDUCING government, Reducing taxes and getting people off of welfare.

Actually, 57 percent of the SNAP recepients are white.

Thanks for playing.
Except of course, that he wasn't.

What part of blacks being 2.5 times more likely to be on food stamps then whites is not true?You can't seriously reduce entailments without doing such! Newt is right.

What's wrong with a republican to fight for jobs and getting people off of such? That's the very platform republican run on in the first place. REDUCING government, Reducing taxes and getting people off of welfare.

Actually, 57 percent of the SNAP recepients are white.

Thanks for playing.

Well, whites make up 66% percent of the population of this country too. Like I said blacks(13 percent of the population) are 2.5 times more likely to be on food stamps...Learn something.

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