"Catholic Vote" calls for boycott of Dodgers for supporting anti-Catholic hate (drag) group

The anti-glbt folks antagonize me. Their actions are not as extreme as the muslim state, however. If the xians are offended by me ... GOOD

How you feel about Christians isn't entirely the point here. I was raised Catholic. I haven't gone to church in years and consider myself a "recovered" Catholic, but nonetheless, I still have a sense of common decency. Those people have no business performing at that stadium and I can't understand why many in the LGBT community wouldn't also speak out against it. These people do NOT represent mainstream LGBT people. These performances are repulsive and without question belong in the adult category. They do not belong at a baseball game. My younger sister is homosexual and I know she would not be okay with this.

If the point of the Dodgers organization is to portray the LGBT community as vulgar, sexually depraved lunatics then they're doing a bang up job of it. Do you really think they are going to gain more support from that small fraction of the population than they will be alienating?
The anti-glbt folks antagonize me. Their actions are not as extreme as the muslim state, however. If the xians are offended by me ... GOOD

You just got back from almost a year of "vacation".

I see you're trying for another one.

Anybody want to bet on how long this will take?

Thanks for your inspirational post and welcome back.

How you feel about Christians isn't entirely the point here. I was raised Catholic. I haven't gone to church in years and consider myself a "recovered" Catholic, but nonetheless, I still have a sense of common decency. Those people have no business performing at that stadium and I can't understand why many in the LGBT community wouldn't also speak out against it. These people do NOT represent mainstream LGBT people. These performances are repulsive and without question belong in the adult category. They do not belong at a baseball game. My younger sister is homosexual and I know she would not be okay with this.

If the point of the Dodgers organization is to portray the LGBT community as vulgar, sexually depraved lunatics then they're doing a bang up job of it. Do you really think they are going to gain more support from that small fraction of the population than they will be alienating?
normal fags really dislike all this faggotry from the ones i here speak out about it .they're anti gay ....lol
How you feel about Christians isn't entirely the point here. I was raised Catholic. I haven't gone to church in years and consider myself a "recovered" Catholic, but nonetheless, I still have a sense of common decency. Those people have no business performing at that stadium and I can't understand why many in the LGBT community wouldn't also speak out against it. These people do NOT represent mainstream LGBT people. These performances are repulsive and without question belong in the adult category. They do not belong at a baseball game. My younger sister is homosexual and I know she would not be okay with this.

If the point of the Dodgers organization is to portray the LGBT community as vulgar, sexually depraved lunatics then they're doing a bang up job of it. Do you really think they are going to gain more support from that small fraction of the population than they will be alienating?
I'm a christian. But I'm offended by Alito and the whole pack of xians. And I'm happily offending xians. Alito is fine with this.
I'm a christian. But I'm offended by Alito and the whole pack of xians. And I'm happily offending xians. Alito is fine with this.

Do you feel it's appropriate for the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence to perform at an MLB game with thousands of kids in attendance or not?
Do you feel it's appropriate for the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence to perform at an MLB game with thousands of kids in attendance or not?
I find it more appropriate than xians forcing 13 year old rape victims to suffer permanent physical and psychological injury in birthing.

The xians started this fight. Abortion and glbt intolerance are fellow travellers. I'd agree that the Fla glbt folks went too far. But Dobbs set the country on fire. Alito demands I change my private actions to accomodate his religion. He and the xians will eventually lose this battle, just as they've lost consistently before.
The tranny freakzoids are a very miniscule portion of our society and have WWAAAAAYYYYYYY to much control and influence
I don't believe a 'miniscule portion of our society' has much control or influence over the rest of the US society. Your inference makes no logical sense.
You'd think from companies catering to them, social media fawning over them, politicians praising them and so on your think they were 90% of the population.
I wouldn't think that, because it's stupid. :dunno:
No group of fags and trannies and weirdos that are mostly all mental patients and social retards should be allowed to dictate anything or have influence over anything. They should be either be ignored by society or run out of town.
Wannabe authoritarians like yourself have no legal power to deny the civil rights of anyone else (even those you disapprove of). :dunno: However, extremists like yourself do love running your mouths, though. Best of luck. :itsok:

This is unbelievable.

Are they going to get (new word in the American lexicon LOL) Bud-lighted?

CatholicVote is calling on all people of good will to boycott the sickos who support.. .what else? other sickos

The Bud Light situation and this MLB thing are entirely different.

Bud Light screwed up by identifying their brand with the Homo Community. Not that there is anything wrong with that. But even leftards don't want to be seen as a homo- unless I guess that's what they are. BL is losing money from guys who don't want to be seen by others as ordering or drinking BL because guys see the beer as publicly proclaiming their desire to have their buttholes violated. Nothing to do with politics.

OTOH, major league baseball is just insulting the Catholic Community by honoring one of the biggest anti-Catholic Hate Groups since the Triple K. That will bring Major League Baseball more in focus with a boycott.
The Bud Light situation and this MLB thing are entirely different.

Bud Light screwed up by identifying their brand with the Homo Community. Not that there is anything wrong with that. But even leftards don't want to be seen as a homo- unless I guess that's what they are. BL is losing money from guys who don't want to be seen by others as ordering or drinking BL because guys see the beer as publicly proclaiming their desire to have their buttholes violated. Nothing to do with politics.

OTOH, major league baseball is just insulting the Catholic Community by honoring one of the biggest anti-Catholic Hate Groups since the Triple K. That will bring Major League Baseball more in focus with a boycott.

BL is losing for more reasons than that.

90% of America doesn't like the trans stuff.. maybe it's 80%

but whatever... it's ridiculous to want to be something you are not (unless you are trying to be like Jesus and be a good Christian. That's a good goal and a necessary one if you want to get into Heaven... As Mt 5:48 says "Be perfect as your FAther in Heaven is perfect"

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