Catholicism & Christianity - The Shocking Difference

There are probably 100 ways to practice Christianity. And probably 1000 other religions. With all the potential benefit that could come from them, I don't have time to criticize yours.
Oh Penny you make it so easy. I'm sure you have little idea.

"I have little use for Muslims"--bigot

"I have little use for Blacks"--bigot

"I have little use for Jews"--bigot

"I have little use for EVANGELICALS"--BIGOT. That's you, Penny

“I have little use for Mormons”—bigot
I have no animosity toward you as a person. I am very sorry you are deceived by the Mormon Church and I mean that sincerely. The Mormon Church believes many heresies about Christianity that are so deep it cannot be considered Christian. I say that from a place of grief for you, not a place of animosity.

Joseph Smith was a deceiver and a liar.

It is you who is deceived.

You've been told some serious lies and distortions about what we Mormons believe, and you've accepted these lies as truth. You are judging my faith, based on these lies.

And amusingly, you have the hubris to imagine that you know my beliefs better than I do.

Sadly, I know when people catch on to the beliefs your church just backtracks. For instance let's talk about "Heavenly Mother", which was taught by Joseph Smith and reinforced by none other than Brigham Young.
Oh Penny you make it so easy. I'm sure you have little idea.

"I have little use for Muslims"--bigot

"I have little use for Blacks"--bigot

"I have little use for Jews"--bigot

"I have little use for EVANGELICALS"--BIGOT. That's you, Penny

“I have little use for Mormons”—bigot

Don't put that in quotes and attribute that to me--I would never say that about any group of people as Penny did. I do have use for Mormons and so does God. You all have wrong beliefs about Jesus Christ that's for sure, but you're not useless.

Thank God in heaven, there's a wide difference between Penny and I in how we think
There are probably 100 ways to practice Christianity. And probably 1000 other religions. With all the potential benefit that could come from them, I don't have time to criticize yours.

Indeed. But Mormonism tragically strays too far from Christian doctrine to be considered Christian

I say this with sorrow, and pray Mormons will come to Christ as revealed in the Scriptures and not their heretical books

ANOTHER GREAT VIDEO BY Ray. Street preaching/witnessing.

Jesus said for you to pray in seclusion and don't be like hypocrites that preach on street corners and I want to add PP's.

True up to a point that being that Huey knows what's in each person's heart. If Hypocrisy and pride dwell therein then, sorry old girl, you burn!!! One can pray just as sincerely in public as in the quiet of one's heart.

Sssssssssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..............try it sometime.

Sadly, I know when people catch on to the beliefs your church just backtracks. For instance let's talk about "Heavenly Mother", which was taught by Joseph Smith and reinforced by none other than Brigham Young.

I don't have time to address every point, and it's not really on topic in this thread anyway.

But the simple fact is this: Much of what you think you know about Mormonism is simply false, and what is based on truth is largely so distorted as to be, for all practical purposes, false. Much of what you think we believe, we don't. And where what you think we believe is based on truth, it is willfully distorted to make our beliefs seem much more bizarre than they really are.

I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt, but if you will not accept the word of an actual Mormon as to what we really believe, then at this point, you no longer deserve that benefit. At this point, you are willfully spreading lies and falsehoods about my faith; and at this point, I have to assume that you are doing so out of malice. If you weren't acting out of malice, then you would at least grant me some credibility, as an actual practicing Mormon, as to what my beliefs really are. Your unwillingness to grant me that much puts the lie to any claim of non-malicious intent on your part.

Don't put that in quotes and attribute that to me--I would never say that about any group of people as Penny did. I do have use for Mormons and so does God. You all have wrong beliefs about Jesus Christ that's for sure, but you're not useless.

Thank God in heaven, there's a wide difference between Penny and I in how we think

You're not as different from her as you think claim you are.
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You're a bigot Penny and we know this

Not Mormons. They believe Jesus and Satan are brothers, God is married, and they will all go on to inhabit little planets with their wives and be their own sorta god when they die. Lots of freaky-deaky beliefs in there they try to hide more or less but not Christian.

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Rather than call my beliefs bigoted maybe you can just tell me which ones are not true.

I think the Mormon stuff is a bit out there but as one of my Mormon Bishop friends said while we were having a very nice cigar and some Scotch( no water, ice or ANY contaminating lollywaters): he'll leave the details to the theologians. He knew of some fundamental truths they had but admitted that some of the Book was a bit out there. Yeah: as a Catholic I thought he was nuts but no crazier than have taken a slightly more circuitous route.

Oh Penny you make it so easy. I'm sure you have little idea.

"I have little use for Muslims"--bigot

"I have little use for Blacks"--bigot

"I have little use for Jews"--bigot

"I have little use for EVANGELICALS"--BIGOT. That's you, Penny

“I have little use for Mormons”—bigot

Don't put that in quotes and attribute that to me--I would never say that about any group of people as Penny did. I do have use for Mormons and so does God. You all have wrong beliefs about Jesus Christ that's for sure, but you're not useless.

Thank God in heaven, there's a wide difference between Penny and I in how we think
We had a couple of the young ones at our prayer group when younger. They were beautiful young ladies and the lads excellent young gentlemen. Sigh; a long time ago now.

Sadly, I know when people catch on to the beliefs your church just backtracks. For instance let's talk about "Heavenly Mother", which was taught by Joseph Smith and reinforced by none other than Brigham Young.

I don't have time to address every point, and it's not really on topic in this thread anyway.

But the simple fact is this: Much of what you think you know about Mormonism is simply false, and what is based on truth is largely so distorted as to be, for all practical purposes, false. Much of what you think we believe, we don't. And where what you think we believe is based on truth, it is willfully distorted to make our beliefs seem much more bizarre than they really are.

I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt, but if you will not accept the word of an actual Mormon as to what we really believe, then at this point, you no longer deserve that benefit. At this point, you are willfully spreading lies and falsehoods about my faith; and at this point, I have to assume that you are doing so out of malice. If you weren't acting out of malice, then you would at least grant me some credibility, as an actual practicing Mormon, as to what my beliefs really are. Your unwillingness to grant me that much puts the lie to any claim of non-malicious intent on your part.

Don't put that in quotes and attribute that to me--I would never say that about any group of people as Penny did. I do have use for Mormons and so does God. You all have wrong beliefs about Jesus Christ that's for sure, but you're not useless.

Thank God in heaven, there's a wide difference between Penny and I in how we think

You're not as different from her as you think claim you are.

Cheese and chalk....and chalk gives me hives.


ANOTHER GREAT VIDEO BY Ray. Street preaching/witnessing.

It always strikes me as curious that Christians can't tell me who is a Christian but they have no trouble telling me who is NOT a Christian.

It's easy really. RC and Eastern Orthodox are cool. Prods are ....OK(biting tonge) while Mormons are usually beautiful souls in need of understanding. If they're Charitable then they're fair dinkum. If not then they're a lot like you.

Simple really....the Faithful according to gt op a1

Sadly, I know when people catch on to the beliefs your church just backtracks. For instance let's talk about "Heavenly Mother", which was taught by Joseph Smith and reinforced by none other than Brigham Young.

I don't have time to address every point, and it's not really on topic in this thread anyway.

But the simple fact is this: Much of what you think you know about Mormonism is simply false, and what is based on truth is largely so distorted as to be, for all practical purposes, false. Much of what you think we believe, we don't. And where what you think we believe is based on truth, it is willfully distorted to make our beliefs seem much more bizarre than they really are.

I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt, but if you will not accept the word of an actual Mormon as to what we really believe, then at this point, you no longer deserve that benefit. At this point, you are willfully spreading lies and falsehoods about my faith; and at this point, I have to assume that you are doing so out of malice. If you weren't acting out of malice, then you would at least grant me some credibility, as an actual practicing Mormon, as to what my beliefs really are. Your unwillingness to grant me that much puts the lie to any claim of non-malicious intent on your part.

Don't put that in quotes and attribute that to me--I would never say that about any group of people as Penny did. I do have use for Mormons and so does God. You all have wrong beliefs about Jesus Christ that's for sure, but you're not useless.

Thank God in heaven, there's a wide difference between Penny and I in how we think

You're not as different from her as you think claim you are.

Okay start a thread. If you won't, I will. And listen: I am well-acquainted with the Mormon tactic of crying about "spreading falsehoods" and whatnot. You are not actually willing to debate about whether Joseph Smith actually claimed God was married (he did claim this), you just want to claim I'm "attacking" you.

I'm not. This is not personal. I don't even know you. You could say, "Well the church denounced what Joseph Smith said about THAT"....fine. Or whatever. But you won't....will you?
Oh Penny you make it so easy. I'm sure you have little idea.

"I have little use for Muslims"--bigot

"I have little use for Blacks"--bigot

"I have little use for Jews"--bigot

"I have little use for EVANGELICALS"--BIGOT. That's you, Penny

“I have little use for Mormons”—bigot

Don't put that in quotes and attribute that to me--I would never say that about any group of people as Penny did. I do have use for Mormons and so does God. You all have wrong beliefs about Jesus Christ that's for sure, but you're not useless.

Thank God in heaven, there's a wide difference between Penny and I in how we think
We had a couple of the young ones at our prayer group when younger. They were beautiful young ladies and the lads excellent young gentlemen. Sigh; a long time ago now.


They are almost without exception lovely people.

They work very hard to get to heaven. They think they have to.
If you believe in Jesus as a dirty, you are, by definition, a xtian.

Do you mean a "dirty Jew"?

Nope not my opinion. But your use of "Xtian" does not escape me. Hey you're European right? Good luck with that

Diety - awkward auto correct.

I'm actually not European at all. I've lived a d worked there, as well as other parts of the world.
Not Mormons. They believe Jesus and Satan are brothers, God is married, and they will all go on to inhabit little planets with their wives and be their own sorta god when they die. Lots of freaky-deaky beliefs in there they try to hide more or less but not Christian.

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Rather than call my beliefs bigoted maybe you can just tell me which ones are not true.

The only statement among those that you made about Mormonism that is in any rational way “true” (for rather distorted values of “true”) is the one about Jesus and Satan being brothers. And that's based on some serious propagandizing.

Sometimes, the very best, most effective lie, is a truth, distorted and put out of context; to imply, without explicitly stating, great falsehoods.

You won't find any Mormon publications, I think, that mention Jesus and Satan in the same sentence, and describe them as brothers. This is a distortion of our beliefs, crafted with deceptive intent, to suggest that we think that Satan shares some special, unique kinship with Jesus that puts him above us,and lowers Jesus toward Satan's level. That's not what we believe.

The genuine beliefs, that have been thus distorted, are this:

All of humanity are the children of our same Heavenly Father. As children of God, we are all brothers and sisters. This includes every human being that has ever lived, or ever will live, including Jesus. It also includes Satan, and those who fell with him, and are thus denied ever progressing as far as this mortal state that you and I are in.

Anyway, what struck me as amusing was that just after you rightfully called someone else out as a bigot, you went on to tell some deeply bigoted lies against my faith, showing you to be not much better than the bigot that you were calling out. In your case, I'm willing to grant you the benefit of doubt, that you are merely ignorant and deceived, rather than outright malicious.

You got your “information” about my religion from sources that are, however, malicious, bigoted, and willfully deceitful.

Huh? How is saying what's in your own literature "bigoted"? Having said that I don't admit to having read the BOM more than once!! It was interesting, but so was the Ramayana and Mahabharata. You must admit that it IS a bit out there. And that bit about J and S being Bros isn't that far out there; I've seen "Twins".

Okay start a thread. If you won't, I will. And listen: I am well-acquainted with the Mormon tactic of crying about "spreading falsehoods" and whatnot. You are not actually willing to debate about whether Joseph Smith actually claimed God was married (he did claim this), you just want to claim I'm "attacking" you.

I'm not. This is not personal. I don't even know you. You could say, "Well the church denounced what Joseph Smith said about THAT"....fine. Or whatever. But you won't....will you?

For now, I have an apartment complex to go build. Perhaps after I get home from work.

As far as “crying about ‘spreading falsehoods’ and whatnot”, what do you expect? If people were willfully spreading lies about what you believe, what would your reaction be? Should I not accept you as a better authority on what you believe, than those who are openly enemies of your religion?
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You're a bigot Penny and we know this

Not Mormons. They believe Jesus and Satan are brothers, God is married, and they will all go on to inhabit little planets with their wives and be their own sorta god when they die. Lots of freaky-deaky beliefs in there they try to hide more or less but not Christian.

View attachment 265137

Rather than call my beliefs bigoted maybe you can just tell me which ones are not true.

I think the Mormon stuff is a bit out there but as one of my Mormon Bishop friends said while we were having a very nice cigar and some Scotch( no water, ice or ANY contaminating lollywaters): he'll leave the details to the theologians. He knew of some fundamental truths they had but admitted that some of the Book was a bit out there. Yeah: as a Catholic I thought he was nuts but no crazier than have taken a slightly more circuitous route.


For me Greg, I put a big stock in Truth. I do.

Paul did too. He said, if Jesus is not raised from the dead you are dead in your sins and we are the most pitied among men. It's not a feeling. It's not a tradition. It's not a culture. It's a TRUTH. If it's false, walk away.

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