The Photographs That Made Trump an Incarnation of Defiance

Someone say "infamy"?



A photograph that will live in infamy.........
I notice however that the NYT cropped out the American flag in their story.

In video footage, everything was pandemonium. It was still images that defined the attack and its aftermath.

Yeah, but it becomes less impressive when you realize he was shot by one of his own followers who was bullied in school.
The photograph has made a lot of money for some Chinese T-shirt makers.

Trump cultists, of course, adore supporting China in any way possible.

Mammy, you are screwed. Having fun putting pin holes in what is the tapestry of your political demise-)

For many a year it has been miserable for us as your false narratives held sway. Now you have been caught, and while we suffered through your lies, I can almost honestly say....IT WAS WORTH IT! Your side has been busted at the most inopportune time, and you are going to suffer so bad at the ballot box, it will take 8 to 12 years to recover.

So go ahead, act arrogant and pretend all is well, lol. Whenever you sign on again with your sock puppet after November, there will be many a link for you and your friends, getting your faces rubbed into your Leftist arrogance-)

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