Causes of Bird Mortality

Matthew I'm only talking about the protected birds. Lord only knows how many others have been killed.

A study by government biologists in September found that wind turbines had killed at least 67 bald and golden eagles since 2008. That did not include deaths at Altamont Pass, an area in northern California where wind farms kill an estimated 60 eagles a year.

Until now, no wind energy company had been prosecuted for a death of an eagle or other protected bird, even though each death breaks the law.

"Wind energy is not green if it is killing hundreds of thousands of birds," said George Fenwick, president of the American Bird Conservancy, which supports properly-sited wind farms.

"The unfortunate reality is that the flagrant violations of the law seen in this case are widespread."

Wind farm bird deaths landmark fine -
Well, it's not like environmentalists actually give a damn about the environment. :cool:
Coal Dust

One of the causes of lung cancer is exposure to coal dust. Exposure to coal dust can cause some coal mine workers to develop pneumoconiosis, or "black lung." This occurs when inhaled coal dust becomes imbedded in the lungs, causing them to harden and making breathing difficult.

It is estimated that this disease affects 2.8 percent of coal miners. About 0.2 percent of coal workers have scarring on the lungs, the most severe form of the disease. Each year, close to 400 people die from black lung disease.

If you are or have been a coal worker, and have been diagnosed with a form of cancer caused by coal dust, you may have a legal right to seek compensation. That determination can only be made after a careful consultation with an attorney.

Coal Dust - What Causes Lung Cancer? - Lung Cancer

Why mining and burning coal could slowly be killing us

There is no such thing as “clean coal.” The very words convey a myth that has no substance. Not one single coal-burning power plant in the world is “clean.” Every coal plant gives off a multitude of toxins, and these toxins pollute soil, water and air, and contribute to disease and death. So even though we need and want electricity, let’s stop pretending that coal is clean.

Today, the United States, China, Poland, Australia, South Africa and many other countries are addicted to coal. Without coal-fired power plants, these nations would be unable to meet everyday energy demands. Yet according to a report backed by the U.S.-based medical group Physicians for Social Responsibility and authored by Dr. Alan Lockwood, a professor of neurology at the University at Buffalo, pollution from the burning of coal kills tens of thousands of people each year, due to asthma, chronic pulmonary obstruction, emphysema, heart attack, stroke and cancer.

Coal mining itself is fundamentally hazardous to health, causing respiratory diseases in miners and polluting the environment around coal mining operations. Soil, water and air are polluted in the process of mining, and millions of tons of toxins are released into the environment. This affects anybody who eats food, breathes air, or drinks water.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention describes “an epidemic” of respiratory diseases among coal miners, due to regular inhalation of deadly toxins and particle matter. According to a report in the journal Science Daily, people who live in coal mining communities have a 70 percent risk of developing kidney disease, a 64 percent increased risk of developing chronic pulmonary obstructive disease, and are 30 percent more likely to develop high blood pressure than those who do not live in coal-mining communities. In addition, communities near mountaintop coal mines have inordinately high rates of birth defects. These health disorders not only cause tremendous grief and sorrow, but they are extremely expensive as well.

Why mining and burning coal could slowly be killing us | Fox News
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How many protected birds have died because of coal and oil?

Wind power is better for humans. That is what matters to me.

Wind power is a toy. That's all it'll ever be -- a toy to make progressives feel good about saving the planet.

The fact that it simply doesn't work very well is immaterial. And the fact that it kills wildlife is an embarrassment to be pathetically justified with screeches of "OIL! CARS! WINDOWS!"
In another report conducted by the Environmental Defense Fund, researchers estimated as many as 10,000 deaths associated with coal-fired plants in the U.S. These deaths are due to respiratory and cardiovascular diseases caused by coal pollution. Yet another report from Physicians for Social Responsibility detailed that coal is the number one source of greenhouse gas emissions in the US and contains over 50 identified toxins that pollute the environment and can cause grave health disorders.

Another report from the National Academy of Sciences concluded that coal-fired plants cost the U.S. $62 billion per year in environmental and health costs. Yet another report in The New York Times revealed that coal plants regularly dump thousands of tons of highly toxic waste into public drinking water sources.

Why mining and burning coal could slowly be killing us | Fox News

I use to believe when I was I republicans that HUMANS were more important. I still do...
Coal Is Linked to Cancer in China Province


Published: January 11, 2010

Nonsmoking women in an area of China’s Yunnan province die of lung cancer at a rate 20 times that of their counterparts in other regions of the country — and higher than anywhere else in the world.

A group of scientists now say they have a possible explanation: the burning of coal formed during volcanic eruptions hundreds of millions of years ago.

Coal in that part of China contains high concentrations of silica, a suspected carcinogen, the scientists reported in a recent edition of the journal Environmental Science & Technology.

Like others in rural China, the families of Xuanwei County use coal for heat and for cooking. As the coal burns, particles of silica are released with the vapor and inhaled. Women, who do the cooking, face the greatest exposure.

“There is more silica in this coal than in 99.9 percent of all the samples we analyzed,” said an author of the study, Robert B. Finkelman, a professor of geology at the University of Texas at Dallas.

Dr. Finkelman and his colleagues found that quartz, of which silica is the primary component, made up 13.5 percent of the coal samples taken from Xuanwei County. In normal coal samples, quartz and other minerals are found only in trace amounts.
I use to believe when I was I republicans that HUMANS were more important. I still do...
Then why do you want to saddle poor people with higher energy costs? Why do you want old people to freeze to death in the winter and die of heat stroke or dehydration in the summer, all because they can't afford to pay for power to run their HVAC?

Eliminating fossil fuels before the alternatives are viable, economical, and scalable is short-sighted and just plain stupid.

Go to your house's electrical service panel and turn off 4 out of every ten circuit breakers. That represents the power generated by coal.

And don't turn them back on until wind and solar provide 40% of the nation's electrical demand.

Good luck.
You know what's important to me? HUMANS.

Coal and oil causes cancer and is killing people at a very high rate throughout china right now. The rates of cancer is mind blowing....

Wind kills less birds and doesn't kill other animals. Most importantly it doesn't KILL HUMANS.

Are wind farms saving or killing us? A provocative investigation claims thousands of people are falling sick because they live near them

By James Delingpole

The symptoms they claim to have suffered may vary – including dizziness; increased blood pressure and depression – but the theme remains the same

From the article:

'Transmission of long wavelength sound creates biophysical effects, nausea, loss of bowels, disorientation, vomiting, potential organ damage or death may occur.’

Yet as Dr Phillips notes, instead of protecting the public, governments are actually complicit by encouraging wind farm development via generous subsidies.

‘It’s ridiculous. Here is an industry which is putting the health of tens of thousands of people at risk. If this were a pharmaceutical company sales would have been suspended by now. ’

His views are shared by orthopaedic surgeon Dr Robert McMurtry, once Canada’s most senior public health official: ‘Whatever you think about climate change, you can be sure that wind energy is not the solution.

'There is an abundance of evidence to the show that infrasound from wind farms represents a serious public health hazard. Until further research is done, there should be an immediate moratorium on building any more of them.’

Wind farms: Are wind farms saving or killing us? A provocative investigation claims thousands of people are falling sick because they live near them | Mail Online
Coal Is Linked to Cancer in China Province


Published: January 11, 2010

Nonsmoking women in an area of China’s Yunnan province die of lung cancer at a rate 20 times that of their counterparts in other regions of the country — and higher than anywhere else in the world.

A group of scientists now say they have a possible explanation: the burning of coal formed during volcanic eruptions hundreds of millions of years ago.

Coal in that part of China contains high concentrations of silica, a suspected carcinogen, the scientists reported in a recent edition of the journal Environmental Science & Technology.

Like others in rural China, the families of Xuanwei County use coal for heat and for cooking. As the coal burns, particles of silica are released with the vapor and inhaled. Women, who do the cooking, face the greatest exposure.

“There is more silica in this coal than in 99.9 percent of all the samples we analyzed,” said an author of the study, Robert B. Finkelman, a professor of geology at the University of Texas at Dallas.

Dr. Finkelman and his colleagues found that quartz, of which silica is the primary component, made up 13.5 percent of the coal samples taken from Xuanwei County. In normal coal samples, quartz and other minerals are found only in trace amounts.

Geeze louize have you ever studied China's coal plants? It's crazy over there. Have you studied their air quality?

They don't have our regulations. Of course the Chinese are biting the dust at an early age.

Causes of Bird Mortality

Causes of Bird Mortality « Sibley Guides

First, it should be stated that the single most significant threat to bird populations is habitat destruction, in all of its forms and with all of its causes. The various causes of mortality outlined below kill individual birds directly, and can certainly have an adverse effect on population size, but can actually have a beneficial effect in some cases. Studies of hunting have documented that in certain cases killing small numbers of birds can improve the health and survival of the remaining birds. As long as the habitat is intact, the population has the potential to replace the lost birds.

In simplest terms, habitat destruction reduces the population by reducing the available resources, denying birds the chance to reproduce, and effectively putting a cap on the population size.
The problems outlined below are serious threats and are implicated in the declines of many species. They should be addressed.

Let's sue window manufactures, hunters, cars manufactures and power companies that put up electric wire!!! Civilization kills birds....Suing the hell out of something you don't like is just dumb. Read the causes of bird death to see that this is very true.

If you read your own OP youll discover that the wind farm bird kill is NOT a matter of numbers.. ITS A MATTER OF HABITAT DESTRUCTION. Any environmentalist understands the diff.. Dont give a shit about robins that get juiced on berries and run into windows with an illegal blood alcohol number. The wind farm kills are about TERRITORIAL ANNIHILATION of non migratory species that are quickly killed at rates that SHRINK their natural ranges.

you only have to kill a few eagles a year to wipe them from a 10 mile radius around your avian cusinarts.

Youre a smmart guy.. Certainly you understand the diff. And why only brainwashed zealots would use gross mortality numbers to try and hide the carnage due to obliterating rapture ranges..
No, China does not have good regulations. And what party in this nation is fighting against any regulations that would protect the health of American citizens?

Wind is increasing the amount it contributes to our grid at a strong rate. Solar will do so at an even greater rate in the coming decades. And fossil fuels will go the way of horsepowered vehicles.

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