CBO: Obamacare costs double to $1.8 trillion in first decade


A Rooincarnation
Nov 7, 2012
When President Obama was selling his health care legislation to Congress, he declared that “the plan I’m proposing will cost around $900 billion over 10 years.” But with the law’s major provisions set to kick in next year, a new analysis by the Congressional Budget Office projects that the law will cost double that, or $1.8 trillion

CBO: Obamacare costs double to $1.8 trillion in first decade | WashingtonExaminer.com

Told you so.
When President Obama was selling his health care legislation to Congress, he declared that “the plan I’m proposing will cost around $900 billion over 10 years.” But with the law’s major provisions set to kick in next year, a new analysis by the Congressional Budget Office projects that the law will cost double that, or $1.8 trillion

CBO: Obamacare costs double to $1.8 trillion in first decade | WashingtonExaminer.com

Told you so.

and what do you bet in the next 6 months that figure even goes up?
Absolutely, Sebelius is out there trying to raise private money to help with the Exchange start up costs.

When President Obama was selling his health care legislation to Congress, he declared that “the plan I’m proposing will cost around $900 billion over 10 years.” But with the law’s major provisions set to kick in next year, a new analysis by the Congressional Budget Office projects that the law will cost double that, or $1.8 trillion

CBO: Obamacare costs double to $1.8 trillion in first decade | WashingtonExaminer.com

Told you so.

and what do you bet in the next 6 months that figure even goes up?
Absolutely, Sebelius is out there trying to raise private money to help with the Exchange start up costs.

When President Obama was selling his health care legislation to Congress, he declared that “the plan I’m proposing will cost around $900 billion over 10 years.” But with the law’s major provisions set to kick in next year, a new analysis by the Congressional Budget Office projects that the law will cost double that, or $1.8 trillion

CBO: Obamacare costs double to $1.8 trillion in first decade | WashingtonExaminer.com

Told you so.

and what do you bet in the next 6 months that figure even goes up?

You know that just floors me and I can't begin to understand why more is not being made of that. Though why should I be surprised by anything anymore.
" Its an Obamanation "


When President Obama was selling his health care legislation to Congress, he declared that “the plan I’m proposing will cost around $900 billion over 10 years.” But with the law’s major provisions set to kick in next year, a new analysis by the Congressional Budget Office projects that the law will cost double that, or $1.8 trillion

CBO: Obamacare costs double to $1.8 trillion in first decade | WashingtonExaminer.com

Told you so.

The worst part is we knew this and he still won...

Carter needs to thank Oblamer for replacing him as the single largest F up to occupy the office of POTUS...

If the MSM doesn't nail his ass to the wall, they all need to burn...
It's insane and this is one of those times when you won't get what you pay for. The minute congress decided it wanted to be exempt was when all of them should have agreed to repeal Obamacare. They know it's bad and they want out, but don't give a shit about the rest of us who will be stuck with it. We'll have corrupt IRS people involved in the most personal aspect of our lives and we'll be at their mercy. What a nightmare this is!!
CBO Blog | CBO's Estimate of the Net Budgetary Impact of the Affordable Care Act's Health Insurance Coverage Provisions Has Not Changed Much Over Time

The Estimated Budgetary Impact of the ACA’s Coverage Provisions Has Changed Little on a Year-by-Year Basis Since March 2010

When estimates are compared on a year-by-year basis, CBO and JCT’s estimate of the net budgetary impact of the ACA’s insurance coverage provisions has changed little since February 2013 and, indeed, has changed little since the legislation was being considered in March 2010. In March 2010, CBO and JCT projected that the provisions of the ACA related to health insurance coverage would cost the federal government $759 billion during fiscal years 2014 through 2019 (which was the last year in the 10-year budget window being used at that time). The newest projections indicate that those provisions will cost $710 billion over that same period. As shown in the figure below, the intervening projections of the cost of the ACA’s coverage provisions for those years have all been close to those figures on a year-by-year basis; of course, the 10-year totals have changed as the time frame for the estimates has shifted.


Who would listen to anything piglosi would have to say? the deficit came down from the prjected 800 billion in Feburary because of a few reasons, increased payment by Frannie and freddie the boom on wall street among others. It has nothing to do with Obama care. We wont feel the full effect of obama care for a while, it was planned that way. We are just like lobster's in a pot being slowly boiled to death.
....and of course ole Greenie.....poor ole dad...you have no integrityon this issue, you are an Obama Lemming.

Its going to fail spectacularly and you'll still be screaming it is someone else's fault.

CBO Blog | CBO's Estimate of the Net Budgetary Impact of the Affordable Care Act's Health Insurance Coverage Provisions Has Not Changed Much Over Time

The Estimated Budgetary Impact of the ACA’s Coverage Provisions Has Changed Little on a Year-by-Year Basis Since March 2010

When estimates are compared on a year-by-year basis, CBO and JCT’s estimate of the net budgetary impact of the ACA’s insurance coverage provisions has changed little since February 2013 and, indeed, has changed little since the legislation was being considered in March 2010. In March 2010, CBO and JCT projected that the provisions of the ACA related to health insurance coverage would cost the federal government $759 billion during fiscal years 2014 through 2019 (which was the last year in the 10-year budget window being used at that time). The newest projections indicate that those provisions will cost $710 billion over that same period. As shown in the figure below, the intervening projections of the cost of the ACA’s coverage provisions for those years have all been close to those figures on a year-by-year basis; of course, the 10-year totals have changed as the time frame for the estimates has shifted.


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