CBO Projected Budgets


Silver Member
Sep 6, 2012
The 2012 fed budget was 3.53T. Here are the CBO projected federal budgets (WITH SEQUESTER) through 2016: From reason.com: 2013 – 3.55T 2014 - 3.6T 2015 – 3.8T 2016 – Over 4T Hardly apocalyptic! But O says the sequester will:

1) “Eviscerate” education as well as energy & medical research

2) Badly degrade emergency response

3) Greatly restrict border patrol, the FBI, air traffic control and airport security

4) Put more criminals on the streets (fewer fed prosecutors) The media forgets President Obama is the one responsible for the sequester. Now O blames Congress for allowing “this meat-cleaver approach.” Yet Obama could propose a spending reduction plan at any time, allocating where cuts should be. But he won’t because:

a) He doesn’t care
b) He’s a coward and
c) He’s a fraud! Simply put, America is being led by a demagogue. One who relies on a corrupt media and the ignorance of the general public to push forth an insane agenda. It’s depressing. Even more depressing is that it appears to be working.
and liberal commentators use the CBO "Estimates" as proof that every attempt to fix anything (Like YoBumma Care) will succeed! we all trust the CBO estimates like we trust a girlfriend who bartends for a living in a nightclub crawling with very attractive/wealthy men. Just like they do in Boca Raton and Los Angeles!
I would still like to see the source data. You can't have a serious conversation without real facts.

It would be very interesting if the CBO actually projects budget increases. Very interesting.
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