CBO report on jobs and min wage


Gold Member
Apr 11, 2010
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Granny keeps tellin' Ferd wringin' farts outta shirt-tails atta dry cleanery ain't never gonna pay more dan a $1 an hour...
More Jobs Are Available, But For Same Lousy Money
June 02, 2014 — There is both good and bad news for the millions of college graduates starting to hit the employment market. There are jobs — they just may not come with a ton of money.
With the job market picking up, 57% of U.S. employers say they intend to add recent college grads to their workforce — up from 53% from last year and well up from the 44% in 2010, according to a recent poll by job site CareerBuilder.

The downside is 61% of those companies will be offering grads the same starting pay as they did last year. Also, nearly a quarter of these employers — 24% — are skeptical about how prepared these new hires will be for the working world. "Education plays a critical role in bridging the skills gap and fostering a capable and productive workforce," said Brent Rasmussen, president of CareerBuilder North America. "The vast majority of employers feel that the skills and knowledge base students gain at academic institutions are aligned with their company needs, but nearly one in four sense a disconnect."

That number reaffirms findings in a recent Gallup study that showed just 11% of business leaders strongly agree that higher education institutions in this country are graduating students with the skills necessary for their openings, and 17% strongly disagree that new grads are well equipped for their needs. Also, while 37% of business leaders agree the U.S. has the highest quality college and university system in the world, nearly as many — 32% — disagree. This despite 96% of chief academic officers at higher education institutions saying their institution is "very or somewhat" effective at preparing students for the work world.

Why is CEO pay raises never considered a job killer?

Oh by the way...everyone has said that raising the min will kill off jobs. Those jobs are the lowest paying jobs around so yes...There will be job cuts but the job cuts are the shittiest paying jobs available.
Why is CEO pay raises never considered a job killer?

Oh by the way...everyone has said that raising the min will kill off jobs. Those jobs are the lowest paying jobs around so yes...There will be job cuts but the job cuts are the shittiest paying jobs available.

The two are mutually exclusive.
Why is CEO pay raises never considered a job killer?

Oh by the way...everyone has said that raising the min will kill off jobs. Those jobs are the lowest paying jobs around so yes...There will be job cuts but the job cuts are the shittiest paying jobs available.

And that is a good thing? More people on assistance because they are unable to find work even if they are capable? This is supposed to improve things how?
Why is CEO pay raises never considered a job killer?

Oh by the way...everyone has said that raising the min will kill off jobs. Those jobs are the lowest paying jobs around so yes...There will be job cuts but the job cuts are the shittiest paying jobs available.

Wy should CEO pay be considered a job killer? CEOs create jobs. The more incentive they have to grow the company, the more jobs are created.
Youre not very well informed, are you?
Why is CEO pay raises never considered a job killer?

Oh by the way...everyone has said that raising the min will kill off jobs. Those jobs are the lowest paying jobs around so yes...There will be job cuts but the job cuts are the shittiest paying jobs available.

Wy should CEO pay be considered a job killer? CEOs create jobs. The more incentive they have to grow the company, the more jobs are created.
Youre not very well informed, are you?

That really is not the point though. The question itself is erroneous. The government does not set CEO pay therefore its status as a job killer is totally irrelevant. You cooking your own food is a job killer too. You are no longer paying the restaurant to cook it for you. That is private and part of your right to control your own property though – not a question of jobs or not. CEO pay really is no different – a private contractual reality with the company paying the CEO. Minimum wage on the other hand is a governmental interference. That requires cause.
Why is CEO pay raises never considered a job killer?

Oh by the way...everyone has said that raising the min will kill off jobs. Those jobs are the lowest paying jobs around so yes...There will be job cuts but the job cuts are the shittiest paying jobs available.

And that is a good thing? More people on assistance because they are unable to find work even if they are capable? This is supposed to improve things how?

The raise in the minimum wage moves many more people out of poverty.
Why is CEO pay raises never considered a job killer?

Oh by the way...everyone has said that raising the min will kill off jobs. Those jobs are the lowest paying jobs around so yes...There will be job cuts but the job cuts are the shittiest paying jobs available.

The two are mutually exclusive.

They're not mutually exclusive to anyone citing the increased labor cost of a minimum wage hike as a job killer;

a CEO pay hike is an increased labor cost. It must therefore by the logic of the above kill jobs.
What the CBO really said was, on the effect on jobs of raising the minimum wage:

Very slight decrease to -1.0 million workers

I think that frankly is the CBO's way of saying they don't know.
Why is CEO pay raises never considered a job killer?

Oh by the way...everyone has said that raising the min will kill off jobs. Those jobs are the lowest paying jobs around so yes...There will be job cuts but the job cuts are the shittiest paying jobs available.

And that is a good thing? More people on assistance because they are unable to find work even if they are capable? This is supposed to improve things how?

The raise in the minimum wage moves many more people out of poverty.

Only if poverty is tied to arbitrary numbers. The actual effect is to decrease the buying power of people above the minimum wage level due to increased prices to cover minimum wage increases. So your burger flipper will go from 7.50/hr to 15/hr, is now making 30k/yr, but the guy in the cubicle isn't getting anywhere near that level of increase, so all you've done is lower his standard of living because he can't buy what he was making, never mind increase in unemployment.

I swear, requiring voters to take Econ 101 should be a qualification for voting.
Why is CEO pay raises never considered a job killer?

Oh by the way...everyone has said that raising the min will kill off jobs. Those jobs are the lowest paying jobs around so yes...There will be job cuts but the job cuts are the shittiest paying jobs available.

And that is a good thing? More people on assistance because they are unable to find work even if they are capable? This is supposed to improve things how?

You do realize that adults who work full-time and are paid minimum wage or even just slightly higher still need public assistance to get by, right?
Why is CEO pay raises never considered a job killer?


The OP was about the CBO report and MINIMUM WAGE.
What the CBO really said was, on the effect on jobs of raising the minimum wage:

Very slight decrease to -1.0 million workers

I think that frankly is the CBO's way of saying they don't know.

Historically, slight increases have very short term negative effects, then everything quickly returns to normal after inflation catches up to the false economy promoted through the government regulation. The net effect is that the ignorant will be happy.

Orwell called it Soma.
And that is a good thing? More people on assistance because they are unable to find work even if they are capable? This is supposed to improve things how?

The raise in the minimum wage moves many more people out of poverty.

Only if poverty is tied to arbitrary numbers. The actual effect is to decrease the buying power of people above the minimum wage level due to increased prices to cover minimum wage increases. So your burger flipper will go from 7.50/hr to 15/hr, is now making 30k/yr, but the guy in the cubicle isn't getting anywhere near that level of increase, so all you've done is lower his standard of living because he can't buy what he was making, never mind increase in unemployment.

I swear, requiring voters to take Econ 101 should be a qualification for voting.

Your argument fails because you use false analogies with bad numbers. While there are a few out there who do support a $15 minimum wage, the vast majority of those in favor of raising it are talking about $10 per hour, probably over a two or three year period rather than all at once. On top of this, history shows us the real evidence that raising the minimum wage does not cost jobs as it never has in the past when the minimum wage was raised. It's just a myth cons use to keep wages low. Now, if we did double the minimum wage as your argument suggested, then there likely would be a loss of jobs, but again, that is not what we are talking about at this point in time.
Increasing minimum wage increases jobs & lowers unemployment rates. Seattle has the highest minimum wage in the country at $15/hr, yet their unemployment rate is only 4.4% which is lower than their surrounding cities & states & lower than the state of Texas that has low wages & the benefits of an oil boom.
What the CBO really said was, on the effect on jobs of raising the minimum wage:

Very slight decrease to -1.0 million workers

I think that frankly is the CBO's way of saying they don't know.

Historically, slight increases have very short term negative effects, then everything quickly returns to normal after inflation catches up to the false economy promoted through the government regulation. The net effect is that the ignorant will be happy.

Orwell called it Soma.

Then NO ONE should ever get a raise, including you.
Why is CEO pay raises never considered a job killer?

Oh by the way...everyone has said that raising the min will kill off jobs. Those jobs are the lowest paying jobs around so yes...There will be job cuts but the job cuts are the shittiest paying jobs available.

And that is a good thing? More people on assistance because they are unable to find work even if they are capable? This is supposed to improve things how?

The raise in the minimum wage moves many more people out of poverty.

HOW many more people moved out of poverty?
FACT: http://www.bls.gov/cps/minwage2013.pdf

Table 1. Wage and salary workers paid hourly rates with earnings at or below the prevailing federal minimum wage,
by selected characteristics, 2013 annual averages

Total workers age 16 or older paid hourly wage 75,948,000
Total workers age 16 or older paid at minimum or below minimum : hourly wage 3,300,000 THAT's ALL worker at minimum or below!
4.3% of all workers paid minimum or below minimum.

Total supposedly heads of family 25 years and older: 1,638,000 less then 2/10ths of 1% 0.002%

at the most 3,300,000 working at minimum or below of which
1,663,000 are 16 to 19 years old.. probably live with parents.. working dishwasher,etc..
50.4% of the TOTAL of 3,300,000 people working at minimum or below ARE between ages of 16 to 19.
FACTS are less then 2.1% are of all the 75,948,000 that work at hourly wage are between 16 to 19 making minimum or less wage.

Which group do you think also have the highest unemployment rate??? 16 to 19 years!
And now you want to increase that unemployment rate because most of those 16 to 19 years working at manual jobs, sweeping waitering,etc.

Here is what will replace most of those waiters, janitors...
What the CBO really said was, on the effect on jobs of raising the minimum wage:

Very slight decrease to -1.0 million workers

I think that frankly is the CBO's way of saying they don't know.

Historically, slight increases have very short term negative effects, then everything quickly returns to normal after inflation catches up to the false economy promoted through the government regulation. The net effect is that the ignorant will be happy.

Orwell called it Soma.

Then NO ONE should ever get a raise, including you.

No one should get a GOVERNMENT REGULATED raise, including ME

Connecting the dots for you is exausting.

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