CBO report on jobs and min wage

The raise in the minimum wage moves many more people out of poverty.

Only if poverty is tied to arbitrary numbers. The actual effect is to decrease the buying power of people above the minimum wage level due to increased prices to cover minimum wage increases. So your burger flipper will go from 7.50/hr to 15/hr, is now making 30k/yr, but the guy in the cubicle isn't getting anywhere near that level of increase, so all you've done is lower his standard of living because he can't buy what he was making, never mind increase in unemployment.

I swear, requiring voters to take Econ 101 should be a qualification for voting.

Your argument fails because you use false analogies with bad numbers. While there are a few out there who do support a $15 minimum wage, the vast majority of those in favor of raising it are talking about $10 per hour, probably over a two or three year period rather than all at once. On top of this, history shows us the real evidence that raising the minimum wage does not cost jobs as it never has in the past when the minimum wage was raised. It's just a myth cons use to keep wages low. Now, if we did double the minimum wage as your argument suggested, then there likely would be a loss of jobs, but again, that is not what we are talking about at this point in time.

Fine. Pick any number you want, the result is still the same: minimum wage employees will be let go, prices will rise, buying power of people above minimum wage will lessen, and we'll be right where we are now. It's right there in any basic economics text.

Those pesky laws of economics have been borne out again and again. There's no getting around it, regardless of how many sob stories you bring up or whatever pithy sayings you use.
Only if poverty is tied to arbitrary numbers. The actual effect is to decrease the buying power of people above the minimum wage level due to increased prices to cover minimum wage increases. So your burger flipper will go from 7.50/hr to 15/hr, is now making 30k/yr, but the guy in the cubicle isn't getting anywhere near that level of increase, so all you've done is lower his standard of living because he can't buy what he was making, never mind increase in unemployment.

I swear, requiring voters to take Econ 101 should be a qualification for voting.

Your argument fails because you use false analogies with bad numbers. While there are a few out there who do support a $15 minimum wage, the vast majority of those in favor of raising it are talking about $10 per hour, probably over a two or three year period rather than all at once. On top of this, history shows us the real evidence that raising the minimum wage does not cost jobs as it never has in the past when the minimum wage was raised. It's just a myth cons use to keep wages low. Now, if we did double the minimum wage as your argument suggested, then there likely would be a loss of jobs, but again, that is not what we are talking about at this point in time.

Fine. Pick any number you want, the result is still the same: minimum wage employees will be let go, prices will rise, buying power of people above minimum wage will lessen, and we'll be right where we are now. It's right there in any basic economics text.

Those pesky laws of economics have been borne out again and again. There's no getting around it, regardless of how many sob stories you bring up or whatever pithy sayings you use.

Cons keep giving the same argument yet whenever the minimum wage has been raised in the past, it has not had any real affect on employment in a negative way.
Why is CEO pay raises never considered a job killer?

Oh by the way...everyone has said that raising the min will kill off jobs. Those jobs are the lowest paying jobs around so yes...There will be job cuts but the job cuts are the shittiest paying jobs available.

And that is a good thing? More people on assistance because they are unable to find work even if they are capable? This is supposed to improve things how?

The raise in the minimum wage moves many more people out of poverty.

And for those who lose those jobs? Damn you Lefties are heartless scabs. :mad:
The raise in the minimum wage moves many more people out of poverty.

Only if poverty is tied to arbitrary numbers. The actual effect is to decrease the buying power of people above the minimum wage level due to increased prices to cover minimum wage increases. So your burger flipper will go from 7.50/hr to 15/hr, is now making 30k/yr, but the guy in the cubicle isn't getting anywhere near that level of increase, so all you've done is lower his standard of living because he can't buy what he was making, never mind increase in unemployment.

I swear, requiring voters to take Econ 101 should be a qualification for voting.

Your argument fails because you use false analogies with bad numbers. While there are a few out there who do support a $15 minimum wage, the vast majority of those in favor of raising it are talking about $10 per hour, probably over a two or three year period rather than all at once. On top of this, history shows us the real evidence that raising the minimum wage does not cost jobs as it never has in the past when the minimum wage was raised. It's just a myth cons use to keep wages low. Now, if we did double the minimum wage as your argument suggested, then there likely would be a loss of jobs, but again, that is not what we are talking about at this point in time.

So the CBO is just making this up? Would you be satisfied if Obama said it is so?
Increasing minimum wage increases jobs & lowers unemployment rates. Seattle has the highest minimum wage in the country at $15/hr, yet their unemployment rate is only 4.4% which is lower than their surrounding cities & states & lower than the state of Texas that has low wages & the benefits of an oil boom.

Bullshit. Seattle's min wage is $9.32/hr and may add a buck to that next year unless a trade group representing franchises can get the court to block it. Should that min wage go to $15/hr look for Seattle's unemployment rate to soar and businesses to close or shrink. Those who most need that entry level work will be shit-out-of-luck. :mad:
Increasing minimum wage increases jobs & lowers unemployment rates. Seattle has the highest minimum wage in the country at $15/hr, yet their unemployment rate is only 4.4% which is lower than their surrounding cities & states & lower than the state of Texas that has low wages & the benefits of an oil boom.

Bullshit. Seattle's min wage is $9.32/hr and may add a buck to that next year unless a trade group representing franchises can get the court to block it. Should that min wage go to $15/hr look for Seattle's unemployment rate to soar and businesses to close or shrink. Those who most need that entry level work will be shit-out-of-luck. :mad:

Seattle's min wage at $9.32/hr is still the highest in the country & their unemployment rate is only 4.4%

Vermont has the second highest minimum wage in the USA. Their unemployment rate has dropped to 4%.
The raise in the minimum wage moves many more people out of poverty.

Only if poverty is tied to arbitrary numbers. The actual effect is to decrease the buying power of people above the minimum wage level due to increased prices to cover minimum wage increases. So your burger flipper will go from 7.50/hr to 15/hr, is now making 30k/yr, but the guy in the cubicle isn't getting anywhere near that level of increase, so all you've done is lower his standard of living because he can't buy what he was making, never mind increase in unemployment.

I swear, requiring voters to take Econ 101 should be a qualification for voting.

Your argument fails because you use false analogies with bad numbers. While there are a few out there who do support a $15 minimum wage, the vast majority of those in favor of raising it are talking about $10 per hour, probably over a two or three year period rather than all at once. On top of this, history shows us the real evidence that raising the minimum wage does not cost jobs as it never has in the past when the minimum wage was raised. It's just a myth cons use to keep wages low. Now, if we did double the minimum wage as your argument suggested, then there likely would be a loss of jobs, but again, that is not what we are talking about at this point in time.
Do I need to repost the chart showing the rise in min wage against black teenaged unemployment? The min wage costs the most vulnerable the opportunity to get a job. This is undoubted.
Your argument fails because you use false analogies with bad numbers. While there are a few out there who do support a $15 minimum wage, the vast majority of those in favor of raising it are talking about $10 per hour, probably over a two or three year period rather than all at once. On top of this, history shows us the real evidence that raising the minimum wage does not cost jobs as it never has in the past when the minimum wage was raised. It's just a myth cons use to keep wages low. Now, if we did double the minimum wage as your argument suggested, then there likely would be a loss of jobs, but again, that is not what we are talking about at this point in time.

Fine. Pick any number you want, the result is still the same: minimum wage employees will be let go, prices will rise, buying power of people above minimum wage will lessen, and we'll be right where we are now. It's right there in any basic economics text.

Those pesky laws of economics have been borne out again and again. There's no getting around it, regardless of how many sob stories you bring up or whatever pithy sayings you use.

Cons keep giving the same argument yet whenever the minimum wage has been raised in the past, it has not had any real affect on employment in a negative way.

And that is a good thing? More people on assistance because they are unable to find work even if they are capable? This is supposed to improve things how?

The raise in the minimum wage moves many more people out of poverty.

Only if poverty is tied to arbitrary numbers. The actual effect is to decrease the buying power of people above the minimum wage level due to increased prices to cover minimum wage increases. So your burger flipper will go from 7.50/hr to 15/hr, is now making 30k/yr, but the guy in the cubicle isn't getting anywhere near that level of increase, so all you've done is lower his standard of living because he can't buy what he was making, never mind increase in unemployment.

I swear, requiring voters to take Econ 101 should be a qualification for voting.

That's what you think will happen eh? A doubling of minimum wages first thing.

I swear, requiring posters to have common sense and logic should be a qualification for posting.
Fine. Pick any number you want, the result is still the same: minimum wage employees will be let go, prices will rise, buying power of people above minimum wage will lessen, and we'll be right where we are now. It's right there in any basic economics text.

Those pesky laws of economics have been borne out again and again. There's no getting around it, regardless of how many sob stories you bring up or whatever pithy sayings you use.

Cons keep giving the same argument yet whenever the minimum wage has been raised in the past, it has not had any real affect on employment in a negative way.


Right. As the rabbit likes to point out, only 3% of workers make minimum wage. But they are the most powerful workers on the planet. These workers, all by receiving 1 dollar on the hour more pay, can bring our economy to its knees. Maybe destroy the very fabric of our civilization. Make CEO's have to renegotiate their contracts for more money. Oh it would be so terrible for low wage workers to make more money.

Right rabbit?
Cons keep giving the same argument yet whenever the minimum wage has been raised in the past, it has not had any real affect on employment in a negative way.


Right. As the rabbit likes to point out, only 3% of workers make minimum wage. But they are the most powerful workers on the planet. These workers, all by receiving 1 dollar on the hour more pay, can bring our economy to its knees. Maybe destroy the very fabric of our civilization. Make CEO's have to renegotiate their contracts for more money. Oh it would be so terrible for low wage workers to make more money.

Right rabbit?
It's Zeke, reliably the most ignorant poster on this board.
Hey, Zeke, man. You understand that a lot of labor contracts base wages off the min wage, so when that rises, the others do too, right? You also understand that min wage increases hurt the most vulnerable workers out there, people just getting into the labor force with very little job skills. Like you. Oh, I said getting into the labor force. That's not you.
You dont care about people like that, I understand. But not everyone has had their feelings dulled by prescription drugs.
Why is CEO pay raises never considered a job killer?

Oh by the way...everyone has said that raising the min will kill off jobs. Those jobs are the lowest paying jobs around so yes...There will be job cuts but the job cuts are the shittiest paying jobs available.

And that is a good thing? More people on assistance because they are unable to find work even if they are capable? This is supposed to improve things how?

More people are on assistance right now who have a shitty paying job. Where's your complaining about that? :lol:
And that is a good thing? More people on assistance because they are unable to find work even if they are capable? This is supposed to improve things how?

The raise in the minimum wage moves many more people out of poverty.

And for those who lose those jobs? Damn you Lefties are heartless scabs. :mad:

Luckily because of the heartless scabs they can get unemployment until they find a higher paying job with increased min wage.

I love this, I hope you guys run on Fighting for Low wages. I think its a real winner.
Why is CEO pay raises never considered a job killer?

Oh by the way...everyone has said that raising the min will kill off jobs. Those jobs are the lowest paying jobs around so yes...There will be job cuts but the job cuts are the shittiest paying jobs available.

And that is a good thing? More people on assistance because they are unable to find work even if they are capable? This is supposed to improve things how?

More people are on assistance right now who have a shitty paying job. Where's your complaining about that? :lol:

And your solution is to make that worse by taking the job from them and having them totally dependent. Nice.
Increasing minimum wage increases jobs & lowers unemployment rates. Seattle has the highest minimum wage in the country at $15/hr, yet their unemployment rate is only 4.4% which is lower than their surrounding cities & states & lower than the state of Texas that has low wages & the benefits of an oil boom.

Bullshit. Seattle's min wage is $9.32/hr and may add a buck to that next year unless a trade group representing franchises can get the court to block it. Should that min wage go to $15/hr look for Seattle's unemployment rate to soar and businesses to close or shrink. Those who most need that entry level work will be shit-out-of-luck. :mad:

Seattle's min wage at $9.32/hr is still the highest in the country & their unemployment rate is only 4.4%

Vermont has the second highest minimum wage in the USA. Their unemployment rate has dropped to 4%.

More Bullshit.
San Francisco and San Jose already have min wages over $10/hr and without some Seattle consideration for those franchisees, next year's $1 increase faces a court hurdle. There could be any number of reasons for Seattle's unemployment number (Washington being 1 of only 3 states with NO CORP TAX) which, according to different sources all claiming the BLS as their source, is between 4% and 6%. Add a few bucks to the min wage and watch that jobless rate soar. BTW, there is a sub min wage "training wage" clause in the new law which could cause peeps to be moved from job to job at a rapid pace. Rather than lie and boast about Seattle perhaps you should be at least a bit more honest and compare apples to apples.
And that is a good thing? More people on assistance because they are unable to find work even if they are capable? This is supposed to improve things how?

More people are on assistance right now who have a shitty paying job. Where's your complaining about that? :lol:

And your solution is to make that worse by taking the job from them and having them totally dependent. Nice.

No I want them to higher wages to get off the govt dole. You are fighting to keep them working for shit wages and staying on the govt dole. If you are against raising the min wage there is no denying that you are ok with a record number of ppl on welfare because that is the result of your support.

Save the pie in the sky non solution constant whining. You want to keep low wages AND cry about people on assistance? :eusa_shifty: hahaha :lol:
Why is CEO pay raises never considered a job killer?

Oh by the way...everyone has said that raising the min will kill off jobs. Those jobs are the lowest paying jobs around so yes...There will be job cuts but the job cuts are the shittiest paying jobs available.

And that is a good thing? More people on assistance because they are unable to find work even if they are capable? This is supposed to improve things how?

More people are on assistance right now who have a shitty paying job. Where's your complaining about that? :lol:

Peeps who actually care about those on the bottom rung seem to feel it is better to be working and getting help than not working at all. You "compassionate" libs seem eager to get them out of work all together. What's up wit dat? :mad:
The raise in the minimum wage moves many more people out of poverty.

And for those who lose those jobs? Damn you Lefties are heartless scabs. :mad:

Luckily because of the heartless scabs they can get unemployment until they find a higher paying job with increased min wage.

I love this, I hope you guys run on Fighting for Low wages. I think its a real winner.

I'm not fighting for lower wages but rather a wage scale that doesn't destroy jobs in this precariously fragile economic recovery and you heartless scabs aren't creating jobs at all. :D
More people are on assistance right now who have a shitty paying job. Where's your complaining about that? :lol:

And your solution is to make that worse by taking the job from them and having them totally dependent. Nice.

No I want them to higher wages to get off the govt dole. You are fighting to keep them working for shit wages and staying on the govt dole. If you are against raising the min wage there is no denying that you are ok with a record number of ppl on welfare because that is the result of your support.

Save the pie in the sky non solution constant whining. You want to keep low wages AND cry about people on assistance? :eusa_shifty: hahaha :lol:

If you really want to trim the federal assistance rolls - something that would hurt Dems - simply lower the bar at which it is provided. Don't kill the entry level and supplementary jobs of those who desperately need them. Have some compassion. Allow the states to determine and pay for that assistance. Problem solved. :D
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And for those who lose those jobs? Damn you Lefties are heartless scabs. :mad:

Luckily because of the heartless scabs they can get unemployment until they find a higher paying job with increased min wage.

I love this, I hope you guys run on Fighting for Low wages. I think its a real winner.

I'm not fighting for lower wages but rather a wage scale that doesn't destroy jobs in this precariously fragile economic recovery and you heartless scabs aren't creating jobs at all. :D

This recovery is not fragile like Bush's. Employment rate of the working age population is growing at a faster rate than it ever did under Bush's best years. Also prices are not spiraling out of control as they did with Bush.

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