CBS And NPR Reporters Caught On Open-mic Conspiring To Trip Up Romney

In my opinion I wouldn't want Romney participating in a debate handled by these cheerleaders for the president.

The debates need to be taken completely out of their hands.

Agree...but the Rs are not that smart.

You know Romney will be set up by the moderators, while Big Ears will get soft balls and a free pass....and libs and Ds are not smart enough to see the bias.

If Romney is strong, he should point out the obvious bias in the debates and turn the tables on the stinking lib media....but is he strong enough?
Who do the Fox News Reporters coordinate .... I mean conspire with?

Show me a video of them doing it and you may have a point......but right now you have none.

The focus of the press should be to get the facts, not generate them.

come on! you don't think Fox reporters talk to people? about their job? which is to ask questions.

That would be an assumption you and I both know we cannot make.

Just because you think they would do it doesn't mean they do.

Regardless what you think Republicans do not conspire with the media against Obama and Fox does not have an agenda that is directly in line with the GOP. At least they have not been caught doing it. Your defense that they all do it is merely a rationalization, not reality.

Funny, Fox is constantly being accused of doing what Obama has been caught red-handed doing and the press has now been caught red-handed doing.

And all you and other libs say is that there's nothing to see here.

I'll remember that the next time you try to accuse Fox of being cheerleaders for the GOP.
In my opinion I wouldn't want Romney participating in a debate handled by these cheerleaders for the president.

The debates need to be taken completely out of their hands.

Agree...but the Rs are not that smart.

You know Romney will be set up by the moderators, while Big Ears will get soft balls and a free pass....and libs and Ds are not smart enough to see the bias.

If Romney is strong, he should point out the obvious bias in the debates and turn the tables on the stinking lib media....but is he strong enough?

The word is out that most of the debates will be about the poor and women's rights. They may not try using race as a weapon against Romney but they will try to paint him as a rich guy that doesn't care about po folks.

Funny thing is, the way Obama has splurged, the way he and his wife have wasted our money, I can't see how they can accuse Romney of this with a straight face.
Obama has already recorded an interview accusing Romney of shooting first and aiming later.

What a scumbag.

This is proof that the media is working along with the White House to make the focus Mitt Romney and not on Obama's failed foreign policies.

Most experts would say that Romney's statements were appropriate and not unlike similar comments made by candidate Obama during the Bush Administration.
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This is the interview on Telemundo with Obama.

So far these are the only questions he has answered and I'm sure they were all prepared ahead of time so Obama wouldn't stutter or do his usual series of "UUUUUUUUUUUUUH" driving the viewer up the wall.

This reporter actually said these events shouldn't be politicized.

If they aren't political events then what are they?

Is this war or politics?

I fail to see why this reporter assumes what all of this means.

Obama also took a shot at Romney toward the end acting like he nor his Administration ever makes a statement that they don't have to retract later.....flying in the face of reality.

It also proves that he's trying in a sly way to take the focus off of his failures and accuse Romney of being an amateur.

This is totally hilarious to hear.

It's exactly what the media is trying to show in a concerted effort leading one to believe that they're taking their orders from Obama himself.

[ame=]Obama Discusses Libya Attack And Mitt Romney Comments In Telemundo Interview 9/12/2012 - YouTube[/ame]
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Yup.....the consensus is......They do this all of the time.

Great point.

I rest my case. :clap2:
They do WHAT all the time?

Make sure they get answers?

In fact, sir, they don't do that enough.

Just that Romney has been lying so often AND has been so sneaky so much that he leaves even the Corporate Media with no choice but to be more tough with him.

What does he have to hide?
Is there a law against it?

Doesn't have to be.

Your argument is degenerating before our eyes.

You are the one faking outrage

What did the media do wrong? The media wants a story. As it pertains to Romney, the story is that he fucked up and they want to see if he will acknowledge it

The media did nothing wrong... they did however show their panties and it proves what we Con$ have known all along, that the media is in Obama's pocket.

Oh, and Romney did nothing wrong.

He has every right to express his opinion on what is proper diplomatic behavior and what is not.

Bottom line is, the officials in the Egyptian American embassy should never have undermined Americans first ammendment rights. PERIOD...!
It was a sign of weakness. Romney was doing what Obama should have been doing...

Hurray for Romney for showing true leadership :clap2:
CBS And NPR Reporters Caught On Open-mic Conspiring To Trip Up Romney

One fails to see the point – Romney is more than capable of tripping himself up.

Yup.....the consensus is......They do this all of the time.

Great point.

I rest my case. :clap2:

Is there a law against it?

Not currently, but most conservatives would love it if it were so.


I just choose to not watch them.

Haven't watch them in years.
Is there a law against it?

Doesn't have to be.

Your argument is degenerating before our eyes.

You are the one faking outrage

What did the media do wrong? The media wants a story. As it pertains to Romney, the story is that he fucked up and they want to see if he will acknowledge it

What did the media do wrong?

Reporters are supposed to investigate and report the news accurately, not pass off opinion as fact or shape the news into whatever spin they want that fits their ideology. And they are not supposed to take sides.

In despotic regimes the press is at the beck and call of the dictator. I see very few differences in the mainstream media from most puppet news organizations in the world. The Dictator snaps his fingers and they all jump.
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CBS And NPR Reporters Caught On Open-mic Conspiring To Trip Up Romney

One fails to see the point – Romney is more than capable of tripping himself up.

Yup.....the consensus is......They do this all of the time.

Great point.

I rest my case. :clap2:

Is there a law against it?

Not currently, but most conservatives would love it if it were so.

Any citizen who believes in freedom should want it to be so.

Unfortunately the press weasels it's way around the constitution.

When I was in Kuwait the last time a Kuwaiti Intelligence officer told me that our freedoms would be our down-fall. This is a primary example of it. Those who work to undermine this country use the very constitution they despise against us.
I'm not shocked we have proof. :eusa_whistle:

You're to stupid to realize that this removes opportunity to deny it in the future.

Why deny it?

The press wanted to make sure one question was asked and covered their bases

Asking the same question 6 or 7 times?

Do you think they got the answer they wanted by the 3rd time or the 7th time?

They have to keep asking the same question because Romney won't get a straight answer. You can ask him the same question three times and get six different answers.
Reporters are supposed to investigate and report the news accurately, not pass off opinion as fact or shape the news into whatever spin they want that fits their ideology. And they are not supposed to take sides.

Ummm, it sounds like that's what they were trying to do... get an honest answer to a question and report that answer to the American people. So, I take it you're against presidential candidates being asked a question that you just may not like the answer to - or because you know he's slimy and only tap-dances around the quetstion? Gotcha... How was that question biased or "opinion" in any way?

The question was, "Do you stand by your statement?" I don't see the bias or spin or "attack" in that legitimate question. What did you expect them to ask, once his fuck-up was revealed? It's not the reporters' fault that Mitt stepped in doo doo by shooting off his mouth.
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