CBS interviewer asks Elizabeth Warren to offer solutions to banking crisis instead of just blaming Trump & Jerome Powell

It would be odd if one day we actually tried capitalism. I'll not hold my breath though.
I never even thought of such a stupid thing before this. LOL as if the Taliban and ISIS are the same thing. it was also Trump's plan to leave that way And Biden even spent five months trying to buck up the Afghan army. all that is just total crap, a self fulfilling prophecy from your BS propaganda machine.....
Of course you didn't think of it. You guys would just rather believe that us getting out of Afghanistan so terribly had absolutely nothing to do with Putin taking that as an indication he could invade Ukraine.
Of course you didn't think of it. You guys would just rather believe that us getting out of Afghanistan so terribly had absolutely nothing to do with Putin taking that as an indication he could invade Ukraine.

If anything 20 years in Afghanistan led Putin to invade as he knew the people of the US would have no desire to get involved in another worthless war.
Of course you didn't think of it. You guys would just rather believe that us getting out of Afghanistan so terribly had absolutely nothing to do with Putin taking that as an indication he could invade Ukraine.
Yes yes, who needs evidence or intelligence or knowledge with lying scumbag pundits repeating the same baloney 24/7 365.... obviously it would've been even worse five months earlier when Trump wanted to do it...
If anything 20 years in Afghanistan led Putin to invade as he knew the people of the US would have no desire to get involved in another worthless war.
This is nothing like the crap the GOP put us through after allowing 911 through sheer incompetence. The two stupidest wars ever. Bush should have just gotten the creeps behind 911 and gotten the hell out of there... this is a scumbag totalitarian dictator attacking another sovereign country in Europe for God's sake. I guess he's probably your hero too.... you people are just totally baffled by BS.... change the damn channel for crying out loud....
This is nothing like the crap the GOP put us through after allowing 911 through sheer competence. The two stupidest wars ever. Bush should have just gotten the creeps behind 911 and gotten the hell out of there... this is a scumbag totalitarian dictator attacking another sovereign country in Europe for God's sake. I guess he's probably your hero too.... you people are just totally baffled by BS.... change the damn channel for crying out loud....

He should have done that.........Obama and Trump had the chance to get us out and didn't either. Neither had the balls.
He should have done that.........Obama and Trump had the chance to get us out and didn't either. Neither had the balls.
Actually, biden was using the trump plan to get out. It wasn't gonna be pretty no matter what. and the GOP base doesn't even seem to know it was ISIS, the enemy of the Taliban, that set off the bomb.
Actually, biden was using the trump plan to get out. It wasn't gonna be pretty no matter what. and the GOP base doesn't even seem to know it was ISIS, the enemy of the Taliban, that set off the bomb.

It's easy to have a "plan". It's quite another to carry it out.
It would be odd if one day we actually tried capitalism. I'll not hold my breath though.
what? We have by far the most Savage capitalism in the modern world. no healthcare for all daycare Cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations, and total garbage propaganda for the GOP LOL
Warren shows exactly what is wrong with Washington.
All she is interested in is trying to use the situation for political gain. PERIOD.
All she cares about, and why this reporter had to interrupt her FOUR times.
Her "regulation" argument doesn't hold water. If the regulation she was talking about was still in place - the bank would have still failed. 100%.
Both parties were FULLY supportive of explosively growing the financial sector and turning banks into Wall Street investment firms more than banks. They ALL were fully supportive of banks creating bubbles and "debt as income" mentality of the 80s-2000s.

We learned nothing from 1987. Nothing from 2008. And we will learn nothing from what is surely about to happen this year.

I thought the genius musljm frank dodd girtner fixed it all up in 08' ? This cant be happening?
In 2021, the Fed approved a merger application from Silicon Valley Bank with Boston Private Bank and Trust, believing that the newly enlarged institution presented no danger to the financial system. After SVB’s collapse, the Fed is changing its tune.

Finally someone has the balls to say the quiet part out loud. And in plain English no less...
Small/medium banks account for 50% of US commercial and industrial lending, 60% of residential real estate lending, 80% of commercial real estate lending, and 45% of consumer lending

liz knows nothing about money....only wampum
The root cause of this problem is:

The economy was flooded with $6T in printed money.
This meant there was lots of money to be invested.
Inflation had been low, and many banks invested in low-interest bonds & mortgage-backed securities.
Inflation spiked.
Biden Admin told us inflation would be "transitory," so banks did not adjust their risks
The bonds became worthless as Fed pumped rates.
People no longer wanted to keep money in banks paying near zero interest. Deposits to banks decreased greatly.
Lots of people wanted to move their cash, and banks could not meet withdraws.

Everyone knew this would happen.

This happened because of Biden's actions and inactions, not Trump's.
Yes, but that is not the REAL SVB problem. SVB ran into a bond-buying spree after their risk dept head left the bank more than six months ago. No one knows why they did that. Many people can predict many investment firms will be in trouble in the current econ situation. However, no one will predict a major bank will be the first one to go under because banks are usually excellent in their risk management and risk-taking is not in their DNA.

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