CBS News Political Director: Media Ruined Its Own Reputation


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Truth comes out...
CBS News Political Director: Media Ruined Its Own Reputation
"Yes, it's true, and it's not because of anything obviously Donald Trump did."
Mark Tapson

John Dickerson, anchor of CBS's Face the Nation, disagrees with reporters who say President Trump is eroding the national media's credibility, according to the Washington Examiner.

In a radio interview Friday with conservative host Hugh Hewitt, Dickerson was asked what he thought about Thursday's press conference at the White House in which Trump manhandled the press like a rag doll and bluntly told reporters in the room that the public doesn't trust them.

"But that one comment, they don't trust you anymore, is a summation of where we are in America, because I really do think Manhattan-Beltway elites have lost the country," Hewitt said. "They've lost it."

Dickerson agreed.


CBS News Political Director: Media Ruined Its Own Reputation
Who's really "bad for America"?
April 6, 2017

Humberto Fontova

In a recent interview CBS’s Ted Koppel denounced Sean Hannity as “bad for America” because “You have attracted people who are determined that ideology is more important than facts.”

Well, CBS proudly claims Julia Sweig as a “CBS News Analyst.” And back in 2008 the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency’s top Cuba spycatcher Lieut. Col. Chris Simmons (now retired), identified this very Julia Sweig as a full-fledged “agent of influence” for the Castro regime.

Any chance that an agent-of-influence for a totalitarian regime might “put ideology over facts?”


I haven’t checked Guinness Book of World Records, but effusively thanking the warm support of 7 different intelligence agents of a terror-sponsoring enemy nation in your book’s acknowledgements– three of whom were expelled from the U.S. for terrorism and/or espionage– must be some kind of record, at least for someone outside a maximum-security federal prison.

Leave it to CBS to bill such a person as an “impartial news analyst.”

CBS's Undisclosed Links to Communist Agents and Terrorists
Virtually the entire mainstream media tried to drag Hillary's fat ass across the finish line and they couldn't do it in spite of aiding and abetting her campaign from day one. Conventional wisdom had her as a lock to win the White House, but their conspiracies conspired to cost her needed votes instead. A job well done, MSM, and thanks a bunch.
Virtually the entire mainstream media tried to drag Hillary's fat ass across the finish line and they couldn't do it in spite of aiding and abetting her campaign from day one. Conventional wisdom had her as a lock to win the White House, but their conspiracies conspired to cost her needed votes instead. A job well done, MSM, and thanks a bunch.

Correct.......yet they continue the same self-destructive behavior.

Whats clear here is, news markets have completely discarded trying to embrace a vast viewership. They only want to be able to best their closest competitor in the market. CNN for example only cares now about drawing more k00k progressives than MSNBC....they are literally fighting over about 500,000 viewers/ night. Now how laughable is that? So for them, the more absurd the fake news, the better if it brings in a % more of the suckers.:popcorn:
CBS Ousts Scott Pelley from ‘Evening News’
They cleared out his office while he was away on assignment.


Trey Sanchez

Scott Pelley will no longer anchor CBS Evening News, a post he’s held since replacing Katie Couric in 2011.

According to The New York Post, Pelley’s office was being cleared out on Tuesday while he was away on assignment. Ouch. It is also noted that Pelley and CBS News president David Rhodes don’t really get along and there have been some increased tensions since Evening News ratings have dropped.

Inside sources told the Post that Pelley getting the axe was a long time coming, but cleaning his office out from under him was a pretty bad way to treat the “face of CBS.”

Pelley will stay on at CBS but is being moved to 60 Minutes.

As TruthRevolt previously reported, Pelley considers himself a reporter in the tradition of Walter Conkrite; that classic "lefty tool."


CBS Ousts Scott Pelley from ‘Evening News’
CBS Ousts Scott Pelley from ‘Evening News’
They cleared out his office while he was away on assignment.


Trey Sanchez

Scott Pelley will no longer anchor CBS Evening News, a post he’s held since replacing Katie Couric in 2011.

According to The New York Post, Pelley’s office was being cleared out on Tuesday while he was away on assignment. Ouch. It is also noted that Pelley and CBS News president David Rhodes don’t really get along and there have been some increased tensions since Evening News ratings have dropped.

Inside sources told the Post that Pelley getting the axe was a long time coming, but cleaning his office out from under him was a pretty bad way to treat the “face of CBS.”

Pelley will stay on at CBS but is being moved to 60 Minutes.

As TruthRevolt previously reported, Pelley considers himself a reporter in the tradition of Walter Conkrite; that classic "lefty tool."


CBS Ousts Scott Pelley from ‘Evening News’

Couldn't happen to a more deserving condescending asswipe.

Booted from one of the plum lamestream media gigs. Way to go Scotty boy!

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