CBS Poll- 76% Approve of SOTU Speech

A business. The farmer also pays taxes. If the farmer paid no taxes and produced nothing, then it would be welfare.

I never said it was welfare, I said it was redistribution of wealth...which you agreed it was.
Naw, the farmer earns every penny they get.

everyone thinks their form of socialism is the correct one.
Whatever. You don't know what that word means.

This is America, the word means whatever we want it to mean. Farming subsidies are no less socialist than anything the Dems are proposing.
Farmers work. Many illegals are getting free food and medical care. Tell me how that's comparable.
I never said it was welfare, I said it was redistribution of wealth...which you agreed it was.
Naw, the farmer earns every penny they get.

everyone thinks their form of socialism is the correct one.
Whatever. You don't know what that word means.

This is America, the word means whatever we want it to mean. Farming subsidies are no less socialist than anything the Dems are proposing.
Farmers work. Many illegals are getting free food and medical care. Tell me how that's comparable.

It is not comparable, but it is still redistribution of wealth from the tax payers to the farmers.

This is sort of funny since you were leading the way attacking government workers during the shutdown...they work and get paid for their work and you attack them.

Over half of what farmers are given is given for not growing crops to keep a steady supply and not crash the prices.
Naw, the farmer earns every penny they get.

everyone thinks their form of socialism is the correct one.
Whatever. You don't know what that word means.

This is America, the word means whatever we want it to mean. Farming subsidies are no less socialist than anything the Dems are proposing.
Farmers work. Many illegals are getting free food and medical care. Tell me how that's comparable.

It is not comparable, but it is still redistribution of wealth from the tax payers to the farmers.

This is sort of funny since you were leading the way attacking government workers during the shutdown...they work and get paid for their work and you attack them.

Over half of what farmers are given is given for not growing crops to keep a steady supply and not crash the prices.
The government workers aren't working when government is shut down, yet they still get paid. Farmers are always working.
This was the best SOTU speech ever given.

Trump made the Democrats suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome look like fools for the most part.
everyone thinks their form of socialism is the correct one.
Whatever. You don't know what that word means.

This is America, the word means whatever we want it to mean. Farming subsidies are no less socialist than anything the Dems are proposing.
Farmers work. Many illegals are getting free food and medical care. Tell me how that's comparable.

It is not comparable, but it is still redistribution of wealth from the tax payers to the farmers.

This is sort of funny since you were leading the way attacking government workers during the shutdown...they work and get paid for their work and you attack them.

Over half of what farmers are given is given for not growing crops to keep a steady supply and not crash the prices.
The government workers aren't working when government is shut down, yet they still get paid. Farmers are always working.

Farmers are getting paid not to farm all their land...
And they roll out Abraham’s. :21:


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The funniest part about you posting this is had Trump bombed and gotten a 40% approval rating you rightwing nuts would be crying fake news, polls are fake, Hillary’s presidency proves it.

Glad to see you finally believe in polls.

Oh, and speaking of polls... Job Approval Rating:

CBS: 36%

It was a good speech. Amazing how many people were upset about him opposing human trafficking
It was a good speech. Amazing how many people were upset about him opposing human trafficking

How could they not stand for opposing human trafficking. That is nuts. Overall, it was a simple common sense speech. This is what works, and it did. The dems are going to have to campaign against success.
Actually it is worse than campaigning against success. They will have to campaign against common sense. Arguing for crippling taxation, and arguing against giving the border patrol what they say they need is going to be a tough sell. A poster on here talked about the virtues of regulation, but that will be a tough sell too. Especially since it is obvious that common sense is good for the economy. The media can't even hide it anymore.
I never said it was welfare, I said it was redistribution of wealth...which you agreed it was.
Naw, the farmer earns every penny they get.

everyone thinks their form of socialism is the correct one.
Whatever. You don't know what that word means.

This is America, the word means whatever we want it to mean. Farming subsidies are no less socialist than anything the Dems are proposing.
Farmers work. Many illegals are getting free food and medical care. Tell me how that's comparable.
You NEVER heard of farmers getting paid for NOT growing crops? Filter that Mr BS
Trump is correct. El Paso is one the safest cities list. B- for crime and safety.

Living in El Paso

"All told, a legion of empirical evidence supports the idea a southern border wall could, in fact, work. There is also anecdotal evidence. In local press accounts, El Paso residents and business owners alike have praised the fence, citing it as an effective deterrent to both illegal crossings and crime."
El Paso is also the VD capital of the USA.
Next time be more careful.
Never been there why would I ever want to go see Texicans?
Burrito and Corona?

who would drink Corona? nastiest beer ever made.
Used to many years ago in Juarez when stationed at Ft Bliss....and it was nasty
As major political speeches go on the surface it was a good speech in my opinion and was delivered better than Trump normally delivers his speeches. As for the details of it I'd be curious to see the end result of the fact checking though.
Giving a good speech is not the same as being a good president. He may get a bump in his approval numbers but he will promptly do something to send them right back down.

I was actually rather impressed by his speech. One of the few times he has come across as presidential. Whether or not he sticks to what he said is, of course, a whole other story yet to be told.
Giving a good speech is not the same as being a good president. He may get a bump in his approval numbers but he will promptly do something to send them right back down.

I was actually rather impressed by his speech. One of the few times he has come across as presidential. Whether or not he sticks to what he said is, of course, a whole other story yet to be told.
Good speech or bad taz you don't think he actually wrote it ??

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