CC This Is For You!

Yes. CC. we're caught up in defending our views again. We will not abandon them until you can prove another way is better. You seem to feel that the very fact that people have consistent opinions on matters is a problem. My last couple days of interactions with you have hardened my convictions even more that liberals and those who think like liberals must never be allowed to wield power, make decisions, or hold offices of any kind in our nation. Thanks for playing, and thanks for reimprinting on all of us the need to defeat liberalism outright and completely de-louse our society from it's pernicious, mindless, and desctructive influence. You really need to get a clue. If you were our leader, we would all be dead within a year.
Originally posted by crazy canadian
First of all, I shouldn't be allowed to own a gun. That's messed up. Second of all, I'm not blaming anyone for the present 'situation' we find ourselves in, and third of all, you are getting caught up in the details of events, and defending your views again.

If the gov't didn't have to deal with all the fighting going on inside our/your own country, then they could start to think about long term plans. Like maybe using communism, capitalism, and socialism to their advantage. The gov't is supposed to do what the people want, but the people don't know what they want, you're all fighting. Why not use communism to regulate healthcare and education, capitalism to maintain a healthy economy, and socialism to help the rest of the world? Create a program to help with redistribution of donated wealth, so long as other cultures agree to not force their cultural/religious beliefs on us and we agree to do the same, and eventually get companies to turn over the rights to trees and gas to the gov't while you're at it.

Is that impossible? I obviously do not fit in here. It's a never ending argument that you people enjoy.

Um there are no long term advantages to communism and socialism. thats why they fail.
Originally posted by nycflasher
Peace is always a realistic idea.

Peace is simply not in the cards right now by decree of the terrorists. To think otherwise is foolish.
Originally posted by OCA
Peace is simply not in the cards right now by decree of the terrorists. To think otherwise is foolish.

I know, I'm a peace-loving fool.
I said that just to remind people that we prefer peace to war.
And it needs to ALWAYS be a priority.
War HAS to be a last resort. Killing is only permissible for self-preservation.

And while I don't agree with the War, I do agree that some people... just need to fucking die!!! You all know who I'm talking about-- anyone plotting the next attack or part of previous ones.
Originally posted by crazy canadian
First of all, I shouldn't be allowed to own a gun. That's messed up. Second of all, I'm not blaming anyone for the present 'situation' we find ourselves in, and third of all, you are getting caught up in the details of events, and defending your views again.

If the gov't didn't have to deal with all the fighting going on inside our/your own country, then they could start to think about long term plans. Like maybe using communism, capitalism, and socialism to their advantage. The gov't is supposed to do what the people want, but the people don't know what they want, you're all fighting. Why not use communism to regulate healthcare and education, capitalism to maintain a healthy economy, and socialism to help the rest of the world? Create a program to help with redistribution of donated wealth, so long as other cultures agree to not force their cultural/religious beliefs on us and we agree to do the same, and eventually get companies to turn over the rights to trees and gas to the gov't while you're at it.

Is that impossible? I obviously do not fit in here. It's a never ending argument that you people enjoy.

WOW! I really don't know what to say except that was the most convoluted mess of a post i've ever seen. Somebody actually endorsing using communism to regulate healthcare?

Also why shouldn't you be allowed to own a gun?
Originally posted by OCA
WOW! I really don't know what to say except that was the most convoluted mess of a post i've ever seen. Somebody actually endorsing using communism to regulate healthcare?

Also why shouldn't you be allowed to own a gun?

I'm beginning to think we need to close down our border with Canada. The degree of naivete' which posses CC might be contagious.
Originally posted by Merlin1047
I'm beginning to think we need to close down our border with Canada. The degree of naivete' which posses CC might be contagious.

and then there's Mr. Marbles.
Ok. A mess of a post. I really needed to just shut off the computer, and instead I posted something. Again, I'm not 'Canada' talking here.

When I talk about communism, socialism, and capitalism, I'm not talking about the entire spectrum as it has been written out, I'm talking about communism using computers, because humans can't do communism right, socialism in the respect that it helps others, and capitalism as something that helps oneself.

The gov't shouldn't have to 'pick one' and go with it. I mean divide up the responsibilities a gov't has, like providing basic needs to its citizens, maintaining a healthy economy, and helping the rest of the world. Instead of choosing any one ideology, use what works to help that area.

Obviously there are a lot of smart people fighting for each one, and ultimately everyone wants the same thing... something that works to help everyone, but doesn't take away individual rights to keep earnings and have fun, so will someone please take my naivety seriously for a moment and tell me if that idea is possible?
Originally posted by crazy canadian
Obviously there are a lot of smart people fighting for each one, and ultimately everyone wants the same thing... something that works to help everyone, but doesn't take away individual rights to keep earnings and have fun, so will someone please take my naivety seriously for a moment and tell me if that idea is possible? [/B]

It's called Conservatism. It starts with capitalism, unfettered and unbridled. With low tax rates (i.e. a proportionate tax of 18% across the board) everyone has more money to live their lives, and everybody has equal opportunity to acheive for themselves. Everyone has individual rights (including the right to bear arms - I can't believe you don't think that should be legal), everyone keeps their own earnings, and everyone is free to help people out as they feel is right - not as someone else (i.e. the government) feels is right.
Originally posted by crazy canadian
Ok. A mess of a post. I really needed to just shut off the computer, and instead I posted something. Again, I'm not 'Canada' talking here.

When I talk about communism, socialism, and capitalism, I'm not talking about the entire spectrum as it has been written out, I'm talking about communism using computers, because humans can't do communism right, socialism in the respect that it helps others, and capitalism as something that helps oneself.

The gov't shouldn't have to 'pick one' and go with it. I mean divide up the responsibilities a gov't has, like providing basic needs to its citizens, maintaining a healthy economy, and helping the rest of the world. Instead of choosing any one ideology, use what works to help that area.

Obviously there are a lot of smart people fighting for each one, and ultimately everyone wants the same thing... something that works to help everyone, but doesn't take away individual rights to keep earnings and have fun, so will someone please take my naivety seriously for a moment and tell me if that idea is possible?

What are you talking about communism with computers? Communism is inherantly flawed. It was created by a moron who didnt understand the simplest ideas of creating wealth.
Originally posted by nycflasher
I do believe we need to lead by example, and could be doing more to set the right example.

But gain respect in the eyes of the terrorists? Puh-lease. I won't insult you, nice lady, but my blood is boiling.

Tell me why/how you aim to earnthe respect of someone who plans to blow themselves up in front of you because they think it is God's will?

Respect? Someone wants to kill you and you want respect?
Respect would be not killing someone who has DONE YOU ABSOLUTELY NO HARM.

3000 of my fellow New Yorkers(plus those at the Pentagon and those who perished in PA) were on their way to work one morning
when 20 terrorists blew them off the face of the planet because OBL and co. thought our military should stay out of Saudi. Or something like that...

Respect you say?

So we should just pull out of Saudi and say we're sorry please don't kill us again? Should we give them a couple hundred million dollars, as well, to appease them?

We need to show respect to and even attempt to gain the respect of the Middle Easterners but not those who perpetuate violence.

Sorry I didn't answer you. You're very right to be mad by what I said. I was supposed to hop on an East Coast plane bound for the West Coast that morning all pregnant and holding my two year old. When I speak about respect, I mean from the middle east. Not necessarily terrorists, I think I misspoke. Sorry.

We can't just undue what's been done, but I think example is still the best way. And no, let's not go handing out vast amounts of dough to Saudi.

Killing in this case, is taking too many innocent lives on both sides. Like I said, collateral damage is more serious than anyone thinks.
Originally posted by Kathianne
My point exactly. Contrary to be a war monger, there is not one shread to lead one to believe that without 9/11 GW would have done one thing differently than the preceding 4. He was all set to be a 'domestic' president, but history got in the way.

What about the Hawks?
On another thread I posted GW's promises 2000. You will see he was set to be a domestic president, no terror involved, since he planned to keep free of 'foreign affairs'. Unfortunately for all, UBL had a different agenda.

See CC the Hawkes are reactionary, not revolutionary.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
Yes. CC. we're caught up in defending our views again. We will not abandon them until you can prove another way is better. You seem to feel that the very fact that people have consistent opinions on matters is a problem. My last couple days of interactions with you have hardened my convictions even more that liberals and those who think like liberals must never be allowed to wield power, make decisions, or hold offices of any kind in our nation. Thanks for playing, and thanks for reimprinting on all of us the need to defeat liberalism outright and completely de-louse our society from it's pernicious, mindless, and desctructive influence. You really need to get a clue. If you were our leader, we would all be dead within a year.

How did I do that rtwng? Like I said, i'm not a socialist or a capitalist. And don't worry, with my lack of education on politics, I won't be running for leader anytime soon. If you can convince me that capitalism will work on it's own, not just to improve America, but the entire world, WITHOUT clearing all the socialists off the face of the planet, I will become a capitalist. But, how will capitalism ever take over? AND benefit all the people in the world?
Originally posted by Kathianne
On another thread I posted GW's promises 2000. You will see he was set to be a domestic president, no terror involved, since he planned to keep free of 'foreign affairs'. Unfortunately for all, UBL had a different agenda.

See CC the Hawkes are reactionary, not revolutionary.

But they did want a way into Iraq, no?
CC why don't you read it? You'll appear much more informed than you do now.
Okey doke. It's been a while. Thanks.
That wasn't a fair question to you, anyway.
Originally posted by crazy canadian
First of all, I shouldn't be allowed to own a gun. That's messed up. Second of all, I'm not blaming anyone for the present 'situation' we find ourselves in, and third of all, you are getting caught up in the details of events, and defending your views again.

If the gov't didn't have to deal with all the fighting going on inside our/your own country, then they could start to think about long term plans. Like maybe using communism, capitalism, and socialism to their advantage. The gov't is supposed to do what the people want, but the people don't know what they want, you're all fighting. Why not use communism to regulate healthcare and education, capitalism to maintain a healthy economy, and socialism to help the rest of the world? Create a program to help with redistribution of donated wealth, so long as other cultures agree to not force their cultural/religious beliefs on us and we agree to do the same, and eventually get companies to turn over the rights to trees and gas to the gov't while you're at it.

Is that impossible? I obviously do not fit in here. It's a never ending argument that you people enjoy.

As a fellow Canadian, you should know some of your ideas have been implemented, at least in part, in Canada. Did you read the post in the Canada section regarding Islamic law in Ontario? Seems like someone is forcing their religous/cultural beliefs on the entire province of Ontario. If you want to look at your ideas, and see how they well they work, look to your own country and see how things are going.
I wish that post would stop coming back to haunt me. It's out of context as well, you're missing the part about me drinking at the time. Thanks Said, I'll look into it.

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