CDC: Accidental car deaths 2013...35,369. Accidental gun deaths 2013...505.


Since guns are Right, and not a priveldge, any attempt at those things are equal to poll taxes and literacy tests for voting....and therefore are unconstitutional......

None of those things would impact your second amendment rights......what are you afraid of?

They all impact law abiding citizens and do nothing to stop gun crime....criminals will not submit to any of those items, and requiring them for the exercise of a Right is unConstitutional........same as poll taxes and literacy tests for voting......
Sure they do

If you sell your gun to a criminal without a license to have a gun, you go to jail

Make you think twice about who you sell to doesn't it?

Again...the criminal knew it was against the law.....knowingly selling a gun to someone who cannot own them is a criminal act......and yet that is one of the 2 ways criminals get their guns......people with clean backgrounds buying the guns for the felons, and stealing them....

and in both cases...when they are caught....lock them up......

But no matter what.....the background check did not stop the felon from getting that gun...but they do trip up law abiding citizens.......which is what you guys really want....
"CDC: Accidental car deaths 2013...35,369. Accidental gun deaths 2013...505."

This fails as a false comparison fallacy.

The OP is truly an idiot.
on average each year, American citizens use guns to stop or prevent violent criminal attack and save lives 1.6 million times a year....lives saved, lives kept whole...........criminals stopped...and that doesn't even account for the lives saved by capturing, injuring or killing all those criminals so they can't hurt future victims....

Thank the NRA, and the 2nd Amendment foundation because without them...we would have lost our guns years ago...and all those people would still be victims....
"CDC: Accidental car deaths 2013...35,369. Accidental gun deaths 2013...505."

This fails as a false comparison fallacy.

The OP is truly an idiot.
Can you imagine the outrage if we had 32,000 intentional car deaths?
"CDC: Accidental car deaths 2013...35,369. Accidental gun deaths 2013...505."

This fails as a false comparison fallacy.

The OP is truly an idiot.

Here is 10 bucks clayton...go get some more booze and let the grown ups post.......
"CDC: Accidental car deaths 2013...35,369. Accidental gun deaths 2013...505."

This fails as a false comparison fallacy.

The OP is truly an idiot.
Can you imagine the outrage if we had 32,000 intentional car deaths?

we have 35,369 car deaths right now....and you fools are concerned about 505 accidental gun deaths.....
The wanker does not tell the reader that the cops "on average each year . . . use guns to stop or prevent violent criminal attack and save lives 1.6 million times a year....". Another deliberate false comparison.

That is a lie.....they include suicides....the only way they can get a big they are lying....

car deaths 35,369 accidental gun deaths 505

Dead is other nation on earth would tolerate 32000 gun deaths

Thank your second amendment
505 accidental gun deaths
32,000 on purpose

Thank the NRA

no, 8,454 on purpose....suicides do not count since so many other countries with complete gun bans have more suicides than we do....they don't count....

many other nations tolerate a higher suicide over 40,000 dead...far more than us.... deaths...35,369 accidental gun deaths 505

Anyone who has ever lost a love one to suicide know that they count

32,000 times a gun has been use "on purpose" to kill someone
The asshole OP brags about only 505 "accidents"

We are the only nation on earth that would tolerate such carnage

Sorry....suicides are due to mental illness, not Japan and South Korea show if someone wants to kill themselves they will...guns are not the issue.......

and again... car accidents 35,369 gun accidents 505

Stop with your false comparisons to Japan and South Korea

They have a culture of suicide when your honor is lost....we don't

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A fool's false comparison fallacy: we have 35,369 car deaths right now....and you fools are concerned about 505 accidental gun deaths.....
The wanker does not tell the reader that the cops "on average each year . . . use guns to stop or prevent violent criminal attack and save lives 1.6 million times a year....". Another deliberate false comparison.

No....cops are not included in that number...dumb fuck......and that is just the average...there are 16 studies, out of 18 or 19 that I used to get that average.....studies done over a 40 year period, by different, separate researchers, both public and private......
That is a lie.....they include suicides....the only way they can get a big they are lying....

car deaths 35,369 accidental gun deaths 505

Dead is other nation on earth would tolerate 32000 gun deaths

Thank your second amendment
505 accidental gun deaths
32,000 on purpose

Thank the NRA

no, 8,454 on purpose....suicides do not count since so many other countries with complete gun bans have more suicides than we do....they don't count....

many other nations tolerate a higher suicide over 40,000 dead...far more than us.... deaths...35,369 accidental gun deaths 505

Anyone who has ever lost a love one to suicide know that they count

32,000 times a gun has been use "on purpose" to kill someone
The asshole OP brags about only 505 "accidents"

We are the only nation on earth that would tolerate such carnage

Sorry....suicides are due to mental illness, not Japan and South Korea show if someone wants to kill themselves they will...guns are not the issue.......

and again... car accidents 35,369 gun accidents 505

Stop with your false comparisons to Japan and South Korea

They have a culture of suicide when your honor is lost....we don't

it doesn't matter why they do it.....they don't have guns and still manage to kill themselves at 2 times the rate Americans kill guns...and they still commit suicide more often....what don't you morons get that it isn't the gun that is the problem.....
The wanker does not tell the reader that the cops "on average each year . . . use guns to stop or prevent violent criminal attack and save lives 1.6 million times a year....". Another deliberate false comparison.
No....cops are not included in that number...dumb fuck..
Of course, they are included. Try again.

I just averaged the studies......which were conducted by different researchers, from both private and public researchers, over a period of 40 years looking specifically at guns and self defense....the name of the researcher is first, then the year then the number of times they determined guns were used for self defense......notice how many of them there are and how many of them were done by gun grabbers like the clinton Justice Dept. and the obama CDC

And these aren't all of the studies either...there are more...and they support the ones below.....

A quick guide to the studies and the numbers.....the full lay out of what was studied by each study is in the links....
GunCite-Gun Control-How Often Are Guns Used in Self-Defense

GunCite Frequency of Defensive Gun Use in Previous Surveys

DMIa 1978...2,141,512
L.A. TIMES...1994...3,609,68
Kleck...2.5 million

Obama's CDC....2013....500,000--3million







DEPT. OF JUSTICE...1994...1.5 million

Journal of Quantitative Criminology--- 989,883 times per year."



Tarrance... 1994... 764,036

Lawerence Southwich Jr. 400,000 fewer violent crimes and at least 800,000 violent crimes deterred..
And the most accurate study does not include any police or military uses....

GunCite-Gun Control-How Often Are Guns Used in Self-Defense


There are approximately two million defensive gun uses (DGU's) per year by law abiding citizens. That was one of the findings in a national survey conducted by Gary Kleck, a Florida State University criminologist in 1993. Prior to Dr. Kleck's survey, thirteen other surveys indicated a range of between 800,000 to 2.5 million DGU's annually. However these surveys each had their flaws which prompted Dr. Kleck to conduct his own study specifically tailored to estimate the number of DGU's annually.

Subsequent to Kleck's study, the Department of Justice sponsored a survey in 1994 titled, Guns in America: National Survey on Private Ownership and Use of Firearms (text, PDF). Using a smaller sample size than Kleck's, this survey estimated 1.5 million DGU's annually.
And they don't exclude the LEO, they can't.

They do....only 7 of the 16 studies include military and police the other 9 do not......and those are the only studies that I have had access to the details of......

And again...Kleck didn't use military and police, neither did most of the other studies.....
And they don't exclude the LEO, they can't. Every time a copy draws his or gun, hopefully, it is in self defense.

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