CDC acknowledges mixing up coronavirus testing data


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
CDC acknowledges mixing up coronavirus testing data

21 May 2020 ~~ By Marty Johnson
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) acknowledged Thursday that it is combining the results from viral and antibody COVID-19 tests when reporting the country's testing totals, despite marked differences between the tests.
First reported by NPR's WLRN station in Miaimi, the practice has drawn ire from U.S. health experts who say combining the tests inhibits the agency's ability to discern the country's actual testing capacity.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Ashish Jha, director of the Harvard Global Health Institute, told The Atlantic. “How could the CDC make that mistake? This is a mess.”

Obviously since the employees of the CDC donate to the DNC, their goal has been to make Trump appear bad, they've been cooking the books.
Although this article goes back to May, the facts have not changed. Heres the update:

The reporting fraud by the CDC is being used to destroy the best economy this nation has ever seen in order to keep Trump from being reelected. The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats are destroying our country because they hate Americans electing DJT to the presidency.
Conflating the results of antibody testing with the results of presence of the COVID-19 Wuhan virus is a lot like conflating the legal immigrants with the illegal migrants and squatters residing in this country.
Weird isn't it, with 80 million infected with H1N1 and thousands dead the LSM never made a peep.

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Does anyone on the Right truly expect the CDC to be transparent and honest about this?
If you do, then you also expect the WHO and UN to be a reliable, pro-American source of information.

FAR FEWER THAN REPORTED people have died directly as a result of COVID19. It's actually only SLIGHTLY more than the seasonal flu kills EVERY year.

The left has USED the virus for political gain as a weapon against America. MOST of the deaths attributed to COVID19 have no correlation to the virus.
Here's just ONE example. NewYork City AND the CDC have also both admitted the counts are exaggerated.
This is a concerted effort to terrorize Americans into submission and to covertly revoke Constitutional Rights. It's working.

There was never a "Pandemic". Only a highly sophisticated Hoax created to further political agendas. Namely Agenda21. China signed the accord as well.
That is NOT to say there have been zero deaths from COVID19. Of course there have. But not to the degree the media wants you to believe.

Florida Counted Young Motorcyclist Who Died in Fatal Crash as COVID-19 Death
By Allen Zhong July 18, 2020 Updated: July 18, 2020

Florida Counted Young Motorcyclist Who Died in Fatal Crash as COVID-19 Death
Actual Covid deaths are really hard to pinpoint. If you have a heart condition and get the virus, then your heart gives out, what caused it to go, the heart itself, or did the Wuhan virus cause the heart to fail? It's really impossible to tell.

Even before the virus, most families never asked for an autopsy on a loved one; less than 20% before this all started. It's even less now, and because doctors who perform the autopsy are now exposed to Covid, it makes the autopsy on those patients risky.

It's just like if somebody gets shot dead. They never put the cause of death as getting shot, they put it as liver failure since that's where the bullet went that killed you. Same with Covid. They never list the death as Covid, but if it appears as a contributing cause to the death, it's a Covid death.

President Trump promised he would reimbursed facilities that treated Covid patients. If care givers list that patient as Covid, they get that government money.
Actual Covid deaths are really hard to pinpoint. If you have a heart condition and get the virus, then your heart gives out, what caused it to go, the heart itself, or did the Wuhan virus cause the heart to fail? It's really impossible to tell.

Even before the virus, most families never asked for an autopsy on a loved one; less than 20% before this all started. It's even less now, and because doctors who perform the autopsy are now exposed to Covid, it makes the autopsy on those patients risky.

It's just like if somebody gets shot dead. They never put the cause of death as getting shot, they put it as liver failure since that's where the bullet went that killed you. Same with Covid. They never list the death as Covid, but if it appears as a contributing cause to the death, it's a Covid death.

President Trump promised he would reimbursed facilities that treated Covid patients. If care givers list that patient as Covid, they get that government money.

Yes. There is money to be made by designating a patient as a COVID19 patient. But I believe the true foundation goes deeper.

I'm not quite as forgiving as you are Ray.
From everything I've read both domestically and Internationally, this seems to be another clear cut device utilized to destroy Trump.
This is one of the best destroy Trump plots to date. better than the Russian Collusion Hoax and all the others. This took some very sophisticated planning.
You do know that China is a member state to the UN's Agenda21 right?
How many threads are we going to start on this? What is it that you covidiots hope to gain from repeating the same shit post after post. The CDC admitted their mistake in May. Two months ago by my quick glance. It's one of the reasons Dr Birx got pissed at them. So they fixed the reporting. Now, Trump and the people who support him don't like that the numbers are making them look bad. So HHS will now try to cook the books for the White House.


Actual Covid deaths are really hard to pinpoint. If you have a heart condition and get the virus, then your heart gives out, what caused it to go, the heart itself, or did the Wuhan virus cause the heart to fail? It's really impossible to tell.

Even before the virus, most families never asked for an autopsy on a loved one; less than 20% before this all started. It's even less now, and because doctors who perform the autopsy are now exposed to Covid, it makes the autopsy on those patients risky.

It's just like if somebody gets shot dead. They never put the cause of death as getting shot, they put it as liver failure since that's where the bullet went that killed you. Same with Covid. They never list the death as Covid, but if it appears as a contributing cause to the death, it's a Covid death.

President Trump promised he would reimbursed facilities that treated Covid patients. If care givers list that patient as Covid, they get that government money.

Yes. There is money to be made by designating a patient as a COVID19 patient. But I believe the true foundation goes deeper.

I'm not quite as forgiving as you are Ray.
From everything I've read both domestically and Internationally, this seems to be another clear cut device utilized to destroy Trump.
This is one of the best destroy Trump plots to date. better than the Russian Collusion Hoax and all the others. This took some very sophisticated planning.
You do know that China is a member state to the UN's Agenda21 right?

The only way to ruin Trump is to keep the economy slumping along. Can they do that or not, I don't know. For last month anyway, there seems to have been a lot of energy and motivation with people to participate and bring back a strong economy again. Unemployment went down several percentage points in one month, and the market recovered pretty well given where it was at.

Will we ever get back to where we were pre-civid before the election? No possible way. But if people see noticeable improvements each and every month, that will be enough to drive people to the polls and punch a hole for our President.
Not an "accident"...The entire federal swamp has aligned to make anything to do with the God Emperor look bad....As though his many missteps can't speak for themselves.

It is obvious they think that "they" cannot. Or they would not be putting so much working into ginning up or just faking shit.

Their actions show, that they believe that an honest look at Trump's record, and actions, will lead to Trump being re-elected by a nation that is pleased with his accomplishments.

Otherwise, they would be telling the truth instead of constantly lying.
Not an "accident"...The entire federal swamp has aligned to make anything to do with the God Emperor look bad....As though his many missteps can't speak for themselves.

It is obvious they think that "they" cannot. Or they would not be putting so much working into ginning up or just faking shit.

Their actions show, that they believe that an honest look at Trump's record, and actions, will lead to Trump being re-elected by a nation that is pleased with his accomplishments.

Otherwise, they would be telling the truth instead of constantly lying.

They are very worried, and with good reason. Since Trump took office, about 95% reporting on him from the MSM has been negative. We also know how they blame Trump every day for a worldwide pandemic.

People watch this cable news crap at the doctors office or airport perhaps, because they really don't follow politics like we do. If we do actually see a debate, everybody will be tuning in to watch, even those who are simply headline voters or pay slight attention to politics. They will finally hear Trump's side of the story, which will enlighten a lot of people.

We are in a situation similar or worse than 911. Independent voters should realize we can't put the fate of our country in the hands of Joe Biden given our current environment.
Not an "accident"...The entire federal swamp has aligned to make anything to do with the God Emperor look bad....As though his many missteps can't speak for themselves.

It is obvious they think that "they" cannot. Or they would not be putting so much working into ginning up or just faking shit.

Their actions show, that they believe that an honest look at Trump's record, and actions, will lead to Trump being re-elected by a nation that is pleased with his accomplishments.

Otherwise, they would be telling the truth instead of constantly lying.

They are very worried, and with good reason. Since Trump took office, about 95% reporting on him from the MSM has been negative. We also know how they blame Trump every day for a worldwide pandemic.

People watch this cable news crap at the doctors office or airport perhaps, because they really don't follow politics like we do. If we do actually see a debate, everybody will be tuning in to watch, even those who are simply headline voters or pay slight attention to politics. They will finally hear Trump's side of the story, which will enlighten a lot of people.

We are in a situation similar or worse than 911. Independent voters should realize we can't put the fate of our country in the hands of Joe Biden given our current environment.

And you don't think he makes 98% of his own bad press? Cause he doesn't think before opening his mouth? You know what the media's job is right? To hold him and his administration accountable. To report on the President, his actions, his beliefs, what he thinks....the problem is, there's nothing there to report but stupid. This is what you supporters don't get. The guy doesn't give a shit. Not about you, not about me, not about the country. He only cares about himself. Look at his interview with Chris Wallace. If this were 30 years ago, this guy would have been removed!! LOL. Independents have already left him. His base is in tatters, fighting amongst themselves. He'll always have the true believers. But those people won't get him over the top this year. He's got a record to run on now. And it's dismal.

Again, I'll take the gaffe prone Biden over this disaster...and twice on Sunday. :)
How many threads are we going to start on this? What is it that you covidiots hope to gain from repeating the same shit post after post. The CDC admitted their mistake in May. Two months ago by my quick glance. It's one of the reasons Dr Birx got pissed at them. So they fixed the reporting. Now, Trump and the people who support him don't like that the numbers are making them look bad. So HHS will now try to cook the books for the White House.



Isnt it obvious?
Exposing the scamdemic for what it is.
Not an "accident"...The entire federal swamp has aligned to make anything to do with the God Emperor look bad....As though his many missteps can't speak for themselves.

It is obvious they think that "they" cannot. Or they would not be putting so much working into ginning up or just faking shit.

Their actions show, that they believe that an honest look at Trump's record, and actions, will lead to Trump being re-elected by a nation that is pleased with his accomplishments.

Otherwise, they would be telling the truth instead of constantly lying.

They are very worried, and with good reason. Since Trump took office, about 95% reporting on him from the MSM has been negative. We also know how they blame Trump every day for a worldwide pandemic.

People watch this cable news crap at the doctors office or airport perhaps, because they really don't follow politics like we do. If we do actually see a debate, everybody will be tuning in to watch, even those who are simply headline voters or pay slight attention to politics. They will finally hear Trump's side of the story, which will enlighten a lot of people.

We are in a situation similar or worse than 911. Independent voters should realize we can't put the fate of our country in the hands of Joe Biden given our current environment.

And you don't think he makes 98% of his own bad press? Cause he doesn't think before opening his mouth? You know what the media's job is right? To hold him and his administration accountable. To report on the President, his actions, his beliefs, what he thinks....the problem is, there's nothing there to report but stupid. This is what you supporters don't get. The guy doesn't give a shit. Not about you, not about me, not about the country. He only cares about himself. Look at his interview with Chris Wallace. If this were 30 years ago, this guy would have been removed!! LOL. Independents have already left him. His base is in tatters, fighting amongst themselves. He'll always have the true believers. But those people won't get him over the top this year. He's got a record to run on now. And it's dismal.

Again, I'll take the gaffe prone Biden over this disaster...and twice on Sunday. :)

No, I don't think he makes his own bad press because they've been doing it since he stepped foot in the White House.

Throughout the best economy in 50 years, negative reporting. Setting records for the lowest unemployment for all minority groups since records started, negative press. Making attempts to stop nuclear arms in North Korea by going there personally, negative press. Bringing our troops back from overseas, negative press. Stock market strong and growing, negative press. Better trade deals with our trading partners, negative press. Getting Mexico to stop immigrants from crossing their country into ours, negative press.

It didn't matter to them what he did. He's a Republican and didn't play ball with them. Let me tell you, if Hillary got in instead of President Trump and accomplished less than half the things he did, the media would be throwing rose pedals in front of her wherever she walked.

Yeah, he only cares about himself. That's why he lost over a billion dollars of worth since taking this job. He only cares about himself. That's why tis this day, he's never put one presidential paycheck into his account. He's donated each one to various causes. Why? Because he only cares about himself.

We will see what people think come this November. And while I don't like to make predictions, something tells me it's going to be this all over again.

Screaming .jpeg
Not an "accident"...The entire federal swamp has aligned to make anything to do with the God Emperor look bad....As though his many missteps can't speak for themselves.

It is obvious they think that "they" cannot. Or they would not be putting so much working into ginning up or just faking shit.

Their actions show, that they believe that an honest look at Trump's record, and actions, will lead to Trump being re-elected by a nation that is pleased with his accomplishments.

Otherwise, they would be telling the truth instead of constantly lying.

They are very worried, and with good reason. Since Trump took office, about 95% reporting on him from the MSM has been negative. We also know how they blame Trump every day for a worldwide pandemic.

People watch this cable news crap at the doctors office or airport perhaps, because they really don't follow politics like we do. If we do actually see a debate, everybody will be tuning in to watch, even those who are simply headline voters or pay slight attention to politics. They will finally hear Trump's side of the story, which will enlighten a lot of people.

We are in a situation similar or worse than 911. Independent voters should realize we can't put the fate of our country in the hands of Joe Biden given our current environment.

And you don't think he makes 98% of his own bad press? Cause he doesn't think before opening his mouth? You know what the media's job is right? To hold him and his administration accountable. To report on the President, his actions, his beliefs, what he thinks....the problem is, there's nothing there to report but stupid. This is what you supporters don't get. The guy doesn't give a shit. Not about you, not about me, not about the country. He only cares about himself. Look at his interview with Chris Wallace. If this were 30 years ago, this guy would have been removed!! LOL. Independents have already left him. His base is in tatters, fighting amongst themselves. He'll always have the true believers. But those people won't get him over the top this year. He's got a record to run on now. And it's dismal.

Again, I'll take the gaffe prone Biden over this disaster...and twice on Sunday. :)

No, I don't think he makes his own bad press because they've been doing it since he stepped foot in the White House.

Throughout the best economy in 50 years, negative reporting. Setting records for the lowest unemployment for all minority groups since records started, negative press. Making attempts to stop nuclear arms in North Korea by going there personally, negative press. Bringing our troops back from overseas, negative press. Stock market strong and growing, negative press. Better trade deals with our trading partners, negative press. Getting Mexico to stop immigrants from crossing their country into ours, negative press.

It didn't matter to them what he did. He's a Republican and didn't play ball with them. Let me tell you, if Hillary got in instead of President Trump and accomplished less than half the things he did, the media would be throwing rose pedals in front of her wherever she walked.

Yeah, he only cares about himself. That's why he lost over a billion dollars of worth since taking this job. He only cares about himself. That's why tis this day, he's never put one presidential paycheck into his account. He's donated each one to various causes. Why? Because he only cares about himself.

We will see what people think come this November. And while I don't like to make predictions, something tells me it's going to be this all over again.

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Again, this isn't 2016. He has a record to run on. You can't keep going back to Hillary. She isn't running this year. None of what you listed is an accomplishment. Obama handed him a booming economy and he tanked it, he fucked the Iran nuclear deal up, he saluted a North Korean general, he imposed tariffs on China that have been a disaster (checked out the farming industry subsidies lately?). But sure, him forgoing a paycheck (no real evidence of that) is proof that he's a caring individual. And I suppose we'll ignore the 139K+ dead and 15% unemployment that happened on his watch because of his inaction...or you gonna blame that on Obama and Hillary too? My guess is on the morning of November 4th, right wingers will be the ones screaming at the sky.
Not an "accident"...The entire federal swamp has aligned to make anything to do with the God Emperor look bad....As though his many missteps can't speak for themselves.

It is obvious they think that "they" cannot. Or they would not be putting so much working into ginning up or just faking shit.

Their actions show, that they believe that an honest look at Trump's record, and actions, will lead to Trump being re-elected by a nation that is pleased with his accomplishments.

Otherwise, they would be telling the truth instead of constantly lying.

They are very worried, and with good reason. Since Trump took office, about 95% reporting on him from the MSM has been negative. We also know how they blame Trump every day for a worldwide pandemic.

People watch this cable news crap at the doctors office or airport perhaps, because they really don't follow politics like we do. If we do actually see a debate, everybody will be tuning in to watch, even those who are simply headline voters or pay slight attention to politics. They will finally hear Trump's side of the story, which will enlighten a lot of people.

We are in a situation similar or worse than 911. Independent voters should realize we can't put the fate of our country in the hands of Joe Biden given our current environment.

And you don't think he makes 98% of his own bad press? Cause he doesn't think before opening his mouth? You know what the media's job is right? To hold him and his administration accountable. To report on the President, his actions, his beliefs, what he thinks....the problem is, there's nothing there to report but stupid. This is what you supporters don't get. The guy doesn't give a shit. Not about you, not about me, not about the country. He only cares about himself. Look at his interview with Chris Wallace. If this were 30 years ago, this guy would have been removed!! LOL. Independents have already left him. His base is in tatters, fighting amongst themselves. He'll always have the true believers. But those people won't get him over the top this year. He's got a record to run on now. And it's dismal.

Again, I'll take the gaffe prone Biden over this disaster...and twice on Sunday. :)

No, I don't think he makes his own bad press because they've been doing it since he stepped foot in the White House.

Throughout the best economy in 50 years, negative reporting. Setting records for the lowest unemployment for all minority groups since records started, negative press. Making attempts to stop nuclear arms in North Korea by going there personally, negative press. Bringing our troops back from overseas, negative press. Stock market strong and growing, negative press. Better trade deals with our trading partners, negative press. Getting Mexico to stop immigrants from crossing their country into ours, negative press.

It didn't matter to them what he did. He's a Republican and didn't play ball with them. Let me tell you, if Hillary got in instead of President Trump and accomplished less than half the things he did, the media would be throwing rose pedals in front of her wherever she walked.

Yeah, he only cares about himself. That's why he lost over a billion dollars of worth since taking this job. He only cares about himself. That's why tis this day, he's never put one presidential paycheck into his account. He's donated each one to various causes. Why? Because he only cares about himself.

We will see what people think come this November. And while I don't like to make predictions, something tells me it's going to be this all over again.

View attachment 365165

Again, this isn't 2016. He has a record to run on. You can't keep going back to Hillary. She isn't running this year. None of what you listed is an accomplishment. Obama handed him a booming economy and he tanked it, he fucked the Iran nuclear deal up, he saluted a North Korean general, he imposed tariffs on China that have been a disaster (checked out the farming industry subsidies lately?). But sure, him forgoing a paycheck (no real evidence of that) is proof that he's a caring individual. And I suppose we'll ignore the 139K+ dead and 15% unemployment that happened on his watch because of his inaction...or you gonna blame that on Obama and Hillary too? My guess is on the morning of November 4th, right wingers will be the ones screaming at the sky.

The only reason I brought up Hillary was to reaffirm my point of how the media would have handled our situation if it were only her in the White House instead of Trump. As for the Iran deal, it was nothing more than kicking the can down the road for somebody else to deal with. It accomplished nothing which is why Trump tore it up. Trump didn't fuck it up. It was fucked up before he got there.

Nothing Trump did tanked our economy. It was the Wuhan virus that did, and I think voters will realize that we would have enjoyed that economy until Trump's second term without the virus.

Trump brought China to the table begging for reconsideration. The US is the largest consumer in the world, and China was our largest supplier. If you owned your own business, and your largest customer made demands to continue business, what would you have done? Especially given how great our economy was at the time while theirs was tanking. If not for the virus they gave us and the world, they would have no choice but to meet the President on his terms.
Not an "accident"...The entire federal swamp has aligned to make anything to do with the God Emperor look bad....As though his many missteps can't speak for themselves.

It is obvious they think that "they" cannot. Or they would not be putting so much working into ginning up or just faking shit.

Their actions show, that they believe that an honest look at Trump's record, and actions, will lead to Trump being re-elected by a nation that is pleased with his accomplishments.

Otherwise, they would be telling the truth instead of constantly lying.

They are very worried, and with good reason. Since Trump took office, about 95% reporting on him from the MSM has been negative. We also know how they blame Trump every day for a worldwide pandemic.

People watch this cable news crap at the doctors office or airport perhaps, because they really don't follow politics like we do. If we do actually see a debate, everybody will be tuning in to watch, even those who are simply headline voters or pay slight attention to politics. They will finally hear Trump's side of the story, which will enlighten a lot of people.

We are in a situation similar or worse than 911. Independent voters should realize we can't put the fate of our country in the hands of Joe Biden given our current environment.

And you don't think he makes 98% of his own bad press? Cause he doesn't think before opening his mouth? You know what the media's job is right?.... :)

Neither you nor the media believe that, or they would not lie so much and you would not support their lies.
Not an "accident"...The entire federal swamp has aligned to make anything to do with the God Emperor look bad....As though his many missteps can't speak for themselves.

It is obvious they think that "they" cannot. Or they would not be putting so much working into ginning up or just faking shit.

Their actions show, that they believe that an honest look at Trump's record, and actions, will lead to Trump being re-elected by a nation that is pleased with his accomplishments.

Otherwise, they would be telling the truth instead of constantly lying.

They are very worried, and with good reason. Since Trump took office, about 95% reporting on him from the MSM has been negative. We also know how they blame Trump every day for a worldwide pandemic.

People watch this cable news crap at the doctors office or airport perhaps, because they really don't follow politics like we do. If we do actually see a debate, everybody will be tuning in to watch, even those who are simply headline voters or pay slight attention to politics. They will finally hear Trump's side of the story, which will enlighten a lot of people.

We are in a situation similar or worse than 911. Independent voters should realize we can't put the fate of our country in the hands of Joe Biden given our current environment.

And you don't think he makes 98% of his own bad press? Cause he doesn't think before opening his mouth? You know what the media's job is right? To hold him and his administration accountable. To report on the President, his actions, his beliefs, what he thinks....the problem is, there's nothing there to report but stupid. This is what you supporters don't get. The guy doesn't give a shit. Not about you, not about me, not about the country. He only cares about himself. Look at his interview with Chris Wallace. If this were 30 years ago, this guy would have been removed!! LOL. Independents have already left him. His base is in tatters, fighting amongst themselves. He'll always have the true believers. But those people won't get him over the top this year. He's got a record to run on now. And it's dismal.

Again, I'll take the gaffe prone Biden over this disaster...and twice on Sunday. :)

No, I don't think he makes his own bad press because they've been doing it since he stepped foot in the White House.

Throughout the best economy in 50 years, negative reporting. Setting records for the lowest unemployment for all minority groups since records started, negative press. Making attempts to stop nuclear arms in North Korea by going there personally, negative press. Bringing our troops back from overseas, negative press. Stock market strong and growing, negative press. Better trade deals with our trading partners, negative press. Getting Mexico to stop immigrants from crossing their country into ours, negative press.

It didn't matter to them what he did. He's a Republican and didn't play ball with them. Let me tell you, if Hillary got in instead of President Trump and accomplished less than half the things he did, the media would be throwing rose pedals in front of her wherever she walked.

Yeah, he only cares about himself. That's why he lost over a billion dollars of worth since taking this job. He only cares about himself. That's why tis this day, he's never put one presidential paycheck into his account. He's donated each one to various causes. Why? Because he only cares about himself.

We will see what people think come this November. And while I don't like to make predictions, something tells me it's going to be this all over again.

View attachment 365165

Again, this isn't 2016. He has a record to run on. You can't keep going back to Hillary. ....

We'd be happy to debate his record. But you people keep screaming "wacism" and lying.

It is obvious from your actions, that YOU don't want to have voters judge him on his record.

Because you know he would win then. That is what you fear the most. Them looking at his actual record.
Yeah, but like it or not.....Facts is Facts.....and the fact's a grand Hoax. This will come out in due time if Trump wins in November. You can bank that.

Florida Counted Young Motorcyclist Who Died in Fatal Crash as COVID-19 Death
By Allen Zhong July 18, 2020 Updated: July 18, 2020

Florida Counted Young Motorcyclist Who Died in Fatal Crash as COVID-19 Death

COVID deaths are probably under reported when compared to excess deaths. Otherwise can someone explain what happened that increased the number of people dying in US by 10s of thousands...

If this was a hoax why is Trump blaming China and WHO... Why are ICU units working at 150%+ of capcity...

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