CDC acknowledges mixing up coronavirus testing data

Yeah, but like it or not.....Facts is Facts.....and the fact's a grand Hoax. This will come out in due time if Trump wins in November. You can bank that.

Florida Counted Young Motorcyclist Who Died in Fatal Crash as COVID-19 Death
By Allen Zhong July 18, 2020 Updated: July 18, 2020

Florida Counted Young Motorcyclist Who Died in Fatal Crash as COVID-19 Death

COVID deaths are probably under reported when compared to excess deaths. Otherwise can someone explain what happened that increased the number of people dying in US by 10s of thousands...

If this was a hoax why is Trump blaming China and WHO... Why are ICU units working at 150%+ of capcity...

What happened?

LIES. That's what.

No different than the Russian Collusion hoax and the impeachment hoax
Democrats and Communists do things like that

Some people are so far up the propaganda ass of the Left that they cant tell where the Left starts and the Propaganda ends (because it doesn't)
The virus situation IS bad. It's out of control. That is a FACT. How does anyone say it's not? Don't like masks? Try a ventilator.
Actual Covid deaths are really hard to pinpoint. If you have a heart condition and get the virus, then your heart gives out, what caused it to go, the heart itself, or did the Wuhan virus cause the heart to fail? It's really impossible to tell.

Even before the virus, most families never asked for an autopsy on a loved one; less than 20% before this all started. It's even less now, and because doctors who perform the autopsy are now exposed to Covid, it makes the autopsy on those patients risky.

It's just like if somebody gets shot dead. They never put the cause of death as getting shot, they put it as liver failure since that's where the bullet went that killed you. Same with Covid. They never list the death as Covid, but if it appears as a contributing cause to the death, it's a Covid death.

President Trump promised he would reimbursed facilities that treated Covid patients. If care givers list that patient as Covid, they get that government money.

Yes. There is money to be made by designating a patient as a COVID19 patient. But I believe the true foundation goes deeper.

I'm not quite as forgiving as you are Ray.
From everything I've read both domestically and Internationally, this seems to be another clear cut device utilized to destroy Trump.
This is one of the best destroy Trump plots to date. better than the Russian Collusion Hoax and all the others. This took some very sophisticated planning.
You do know that China is a member state to the UN's Agenda21 right?

Bullshit. Trump is destroying himself and always has done.

Every other first world country shut the virus down and we’re going back to work, play and life.

Trump has bitched the American response from the word “Go”. You still don’t have proper testing or contact tracing.

As soon as cases started to drop, Trump started harassing states to reopen ignoring the guidelines and red states obliged him.

Our bars and restaurants are STILL not open and we haven’t even discussed opening schools. Masks are required almost everywhere.

Trump isn’t even talking about covid. He just wants to hold rallies. Trump’s behaviour is worse than my two year old grandson. When he wrecks something or hurts someone, he at least says “Sorry”. Trump just denies it’s his fault and pretends it never happened.
Yeah, but like it or not.....Facts is Facts.....and the fact's a grand Hoax. This will come out in due time if Trump wins in November. You can bank that.

Florida Counted Young Motorcyclist Who Died in Fatal Crash as COVID-19 Death
By Allen Zhong July 18, 2020 Updated: July 18, 2020

Florida Counted Young Motorcyclist Who Died in Fatal Crash as COVID-19 Death

COVID deaths are probably under reported when compared to excess deaths. Otherwise can someone explain what happened that increased the number of people dying in US by 10s of thousands...

If this was a hoax why is Trump blaming China and WHO... Why are ICU units working at 150%+ of capcity...

What happened?

LIES. That's what.

No different than the Russian Collusion hoax and the impeachment hoax
Democrats and Communists do things like that

Some people are so far up the propaganda ass of the Left that they cant tell where the Left starts and the Propaganda ends (because it doesn't)

Everything’s a hoax when it comes to Trump. Everyone else is lying except Trump.

In countries which didn’t treat Covid as a “hoax”, and we followed the advice of the WHO and the scientists WE’RE reopening. And few people are dying.

Countries with Strong Men as their leaders, tens of thousands of people are dying.

Countries with Strong Women in charge, had almost no deaths at all. Proving yet again that the best man for the job is a woman.
Actual Covid deaths are really hard to pinpoint. If you have a heart condition and get the virus, then your heart gives out, what caused it to go, the heart itself, or did the Wuhan virus cause the heart to fail? It's really impossible to tell.

Even before the virus, most families never asked for an autopsy on a loved one; less than 20% before this all started. It's even less now, and because doctors who perform the autopsy are now exposed to Covid, it makes the autopsy on those patients risky.

It's just like if somebody gets shot dead. They never put the cause of death as getting shot, they put it as liver failure since that's where the bullet went that killed you. Same with Covid. They never list the death as Covid, but if it appears as a contributing cause to the death, it's a Covid death.

President Trump promised he would reimbursed facilities that treated Covid patients. If care givers list that patient as Covid, they get that government money.

Yes. There is money to be made by designating a patient as a COVID19 patient. But I believe the true foundation goes deeper.

I'm not quite as forgiving as you are Ray.
From everything I've read both domestically and Internationally, this seems to be another clear cut device utilized to destroy Trump.
This is one of the best destroy Trump plots to date. better than the Russian Collusion Hoax and all the others. This took some very sophisticated planning.
You do know that China is a member state to the UN's Agenda21 right?

Bullshit. Trump is destroying himself and always has done.

Every other first world country shut the virus down and we’re going back to work, play and life.

Trump has bitched the American response from the word “Go”. You still don’t have proper testing or contact tracing.

As soon as cases started to drop, Trump started harassing states to reopen ignoring the guidelines and red states obliged him.

Our bars and restaurants are STILL not open and we haven’t even discussed opening schools. Masks are required almost everywhere.

Trump isn’t even talking about covid. He just wants to hold rallies. Trump’s behaviour is worse than my two year old grandson. When he wrecks something or hurts someone, he at least says “Sorry”. Trump just denies it’s his fault and pretends it never happened.

Blah Blah Blah

Two for one sale on TDS tablets at the drug store. I suggest you RUN
Yeah, but like it or not.....Facts is Facts.....and the fact's a grand Hoax. This will come out in due time if Trump wins in November. You can bank that.

Florida Counted Young Motorcyclist Who Died in Fatal Crash as COVID-19 Death
By Allen Zhong July 18, 2020 Updated: July 18, 2020

Florida Counted Young Motorcyclist Who Died in Fatal Crash as COVID-19 Death

COVID deaths are probably under reported when compared to excess deaths. Otherwise can someone explain what happened that increased the number of people dying in US by 10s of thousands...

If this was a hoax why is Trump blaming China and WHO... Why are ICU units working at 150%+ of capcity...

What happened?

LIES. That's what.

No different than the Russian Collusion hoax and the impeachment hoax
Democrats and Communists do things like that

Some people are so far up the propaganda ass of the Left that they cant tell where the Left starts and the Propaganda ends (because it doesn't)

Everything’s a hoax when it comes to Trump. Everyone else is lying except Trump.

In countries which didn’t treat Covid as a “hoax”, and we followed the advice of the WHO and the scientists WE’RE reopening. And few people are dying.

Countries with Strong Men as their leaders, tens of thousands of people are dying.

Countries with Strong Women in charge, had almost no deaths at all. Proving yet again that the best man for the job is a woman.

Right.....because there was no Russian Collusion claim by you people
Blasey Ford never testified
Democrats didn't erroneously impeach president Trump for pure;y partisan reasons

Sweet jesus
COVID deaths are probably under reported when compared to excess deaths. Otherwise can someone explain what happened that increased the number of people dying in US by 10s of thousands...

If this was a hoax why is Trump blaming China and WHO... Why are ICU units working at 150%+ of capcity...
A lot of that going around ...

... if you die of a drug overdose while being arrested, did the cops kill you?
The dems starting using the virus as a political tool in March. When the morons picked Fingers Joe as their candidate the DNC had no choice but to triple their efforts.

I think this was in the works a lot longer.
China desperately wants biden (or another Dem) elected.
There is nothing they wouldn't do to harm Trump. After all, Trump is the ONLY one who just says NO to China. China is not used to that.

Woudn't surprise me one bit if China and the Dems colluded to specifically harm Trumps booming economy.
Yeah, but like it or not.....Facts is Facts.....and the fact's a grand Hoax. This will come out in due time if Trump wins in November. You can bank that.

Florida Counted Young Motorcyclist Who Died in Fatal Crash as COVID-19 Death
By Allen Zhong July 18, 2020 Updated: July 18, 2020

Florida Counted Young Motorcyclist Who Died in Fatal Crash as COVID-19 Death

COVID deaths are probably under reported when compared to excess deaths. Otherwise can someone explain what happened that increased the number of people dying in US by 10s of thousands...

If this was a hoax why is Trump blaming China and WHO... Why are ICU units working at 150%+ of capcity...

What happened?

LIES. That's what.

No different than the Russian Collusion hoax and the impeachment hoax
Democrats and Communists do things like that

Some people are so far up the propaganda ass of the Left that they cant tell where the Left starts and the Propaganda ends (because it doesn't)

Everything’s a hoax when it comes to Trump. Everyone else is lying except Trump.

In countries which didn’t treat Covid as a “hoax”, and we followed the advice of the WHO and the scientists WE’RE reopening. And few people are dying.

Countries with Strong Men as their leaders, tens of thousands of people are dying.

Countries with Strong Women in charge, had almost no deaths at all. Proving yet again that the best man for the job is a woman.

Right.....because there was no Russian Collusion claim by you people
Blasey Ford never testified
Democrats didn't erroneously impeach president Trump for pure;y partisan reasons

Sweet jesus

There was Russian collusion (and obstruction), Blasey Ford did testify (and a scumbag was still appointed to the SC), and Trump was impeached for trying to strongarm a foreign country to dig up dirt on his chief political rival. And because of his Republican enablers, he skated on everything. You need to just accept it and move on. You supporters have bigger fish to fry right now. Trump fucked the response to the virus up. He ain't getting out of this one.
There was Russian collusion (and obstruction), Blasey Ford did testify (and a scumbag was still appointed to the SC), and Trump was impeached for trying to strongarm a foreign country to dig up dirt on his chief political rival. And because of his Republican enablers, he skated on everything. You need to just accept it and move on. You supporters have bigger fish to fry right now. Trump fucked the response to the virus up. He ain't getting out of this one.

"and Trump was impeached for trying to strongarm a foreign country to dig up dirt on his chief political rival. "

Yet if you do your homework, you KNOW this is BS

Now, there is definitive PROOF that biden did this . I don't hear you or anyone on the left complaining about Biden doing the exact same thing.
Are you even AWARE that BIDEN with held aid until the country in question agreed to remove a prosecutor who was after his SON?
Joe Biden's 2020 Ukrainian nightmare: A closed probe is revived
Interesting that you couldn't care less about this

The Left consists of history's most hypocritical liars
Last edited:
Yeah, but like it or not.....Facts is Facts.....and the fact's a grand Hoax. This will come out in due time if Trump wins in November. You can bank that.

Florida Counted Young Motorcyclist Who Died in Fatal Crash as COVID-19 Death
By Allen Zhong July 18, 2020 Updated: July 18, 2020

Florida Counted Young Motorcyclist Who Died in Fatal Crash as COVID-19 Death

COVID deaths are probably under reported when compared to excess deaths. Otherwise can someone explain what happened that increased the number of people dying in US by 10s of thousands...

If this was a hoax why is Trump blaming China and WHO... Why are ICU units working at 150%+ of capcity...

First off there was a lot of under reporting because we simply didn't have the testing ability thanks to the CDC that Fd everything up. They had their buddies at the FDA approve only their test kits, and were found to be defective when we started to use them.

It really wasn't until recently where we finally had enough testing ability to test whoever shows the slightest signs of potential Covid, whereas before, the symptoms had to be pretty serious. Now that we have this ability, we are showing more cases of contamination and deaths. Gee, I wonder why?

I didn't know anybody who had it until recently. So I contacted her. She told me the symptoms were mild compared to others. She assumed she was having her annual sinus problems. If not for the headaches, she probably would have never went to a doctor. He told her to go to the drive thru and take a test which she did. They gave her an internet site, an ID number, and she discovered she had it around midnight. She was in disbelief.

Two months ago, that would have probably not happened. The Doctor would have treated her sinus problems, let her go home, and she would have been with her friends and family, maybe back at work, and in the public.
Yeah, but like it or not.....Facts is Facts.....and the fact's a grand Hoax. This will come out in due time if Trump wins in November. You can bank that.

Florida Counted Young Motorcyclist Who Died in Fatal Crash as COVID-19 Death
By Allen Zhong July 18, 2020 Updated: July 18, 2020

Florida Counted Young Motorcyclist Who Died in Fatal Crash as COVID-19 Death

COVID deaths are probably under reported when compared to excess deaths. Otherwise can someone explain what happened that increased the number of people dying in US by 10s of thousands...

If this was a hoax why is Trump blaming China and WHO... Why are ICU units working at 150%+ of capcity...

What happened?

LIES. That's what.

No different than the Russian Collusion hoax and the impeachment hoax
Democrats and Communists do things like that

Some people are so far up the propaganda ass of the Left that they cant tell where the Left starts and the Propaganda ends (because it doesn't)

Everything’s a hoax when it comes to Trump. Everyone else is lying except Trump.

In countries which didn’t treat Covid as a “hoax”, and we followed the advice of the WHO and the scientists WE’RE reopening. And few people are dying.

Countries with Strong Men as their leaders, tens of thousands of people are dying.

Countries with Strong Women in charge, had almost no deaths at all. Proving yet again that the best man for the job is a woman.

Right.....because there was no Russian Collusion claim by you people
Blasey Ford never testified
Democrats didn't erroneously impeach president Trump for pure;y partisan reasons

Sweet jesus

There was Russian collusion (and obstruction), Blasey Ford did testify (and a scumbag was still appointed to the SC), and Trump was impeached for trying to strongarm a foreign country to dig up dirt on his chief political rival. And because of his Republican enablers, he skated on everything. You need to just accept it and move on. You supporters have bigger fish to fry right now. Trump fucked the response to the virus up. He ain't getting out of this one.

Ford's testimony had so many holes in it you could have used it for a ham and swiss sandwich. Nobody should have been denied that seat with such a blatant set of lies she told. She was a renown leftist activist. She had the internet bleach bitted so nobody could actually see how she spoke, thus giving her the ability to use that ever so phony act she put on.

As for impeachment, if Biden does magically get in, you better hope the Republicans don't take leadership of the House, because if they do, Biden will be the next impeached President, for the stupidest things they can think of, just like they impeached Trump on.
Ford's testimony had so many holes in it you could have used it for a ham and swiss sandwich. Nobody should have been denied that seat with such a blatant set of lies she told. She was a renown leftist activist. She had the internet bleach bitted so nobody could actually see how she spoke, thus giving her the ability to use that ever so phony act she put on.

As for impeachment, if Biden does magically get in, you better hope the Republicans don't take leadership of the House, because if they do, Biden will be the next impeached President, for the stupidest things they can think of, just like they impeached Trump on.

You are exactly correct.
Yet leftists heralded her as a freaking HERO. Remember?
The SAME people who damn near elected Communist meth addict Andrew Gillum Florida governor.

The left is full of psychotic, very sick people. They don't realize how sick they are.
There was Russian collusion (and obstruction), Blasey Ford did testify (and a scumbag was still appointed to the SC), and Trump was impeached for trying to strongarm a foreign country to dig up dirt on his chief political rival. And because of his Republican enablers, he skated on everything. You need to just accept it and move on. You supporters have bigger fish to fry right now. Trump fucked the response to the virus up. He ain't getting out of this one.

"and Trump was impeached for trying to strongarm a foreign country to dig up dirt on his chief political rival. "

Yet if you do your homework, you KNOW this is BS

Now, there is definitive PROOF that biden did this . I don't hear you or anyone on the left complaining about Biden doing the exact same thing.
Are you even AWARE that BIDEN with held aid until the country in question agreed to remove a prosecutor who was after his SON?
Joe Biden's 2020 Ukrainian nightmare: A closed probe is revived
Interesting that you couldn't care less about this

The Left consists of history's most hypocritical liars

Just keep pivoting, just keep pivoting. This article is from the beginning of April. Just the result of Rudy's attempt to once again strongarm Ukraine into opening a bogus investigation. I know they'll try to spring this as an October surprise...and it'll fall flat on its face.
Again, right now, people are paying attention to rising infection rates in states with Republican governors (who refuse to do anything about it), almost 139K dead, almost 15% unemployment, and the inevitable lockdowns coming in states that opened too quickly. (Yes, California too).
Just keep pivoting, just keep pivoting. This article is from the beginning of April. Just the result of Rudy's attempt to once again strongarm Ukraine into opening a bogus investigation. I know they'll try to spring this as an October surprise...and it'll fall flat on its face.
Again, right now, people are paying attention to rising infection rates in states with Republican governors (who refuse to do anything about it), almost 139K dead, almost 15% unemployment, and the inevitable lockdowns coming in states that opened too quickly. (Yes, California too).

With all due are wrong, but it's hopeless to show you why.

Look, if you were correct, i would NOT argue with you. I don't carte about political parties. I care about what's BEST for the nation.
Unfortunately, you have been convinced of a set of alternate reality "facts" that guide you to help the Globalists and Socialists
steal the nation.

Everything you fight for will ultimately harm you and those you love.

But I realize you are not able to see it. Note: I DO NOT LOVE TRUMP. NOT AT ALL.
But very bad people is tricking you into a self defeating cause.

The ideal leader for America would not come from EITHER of the two mainstream parties imo.
Yeah, but like it or not.....Facts is Facts.....and the fact's a grand Hoax. This will come out in due time if Trump wins in November. You can bank that.

Florida Counted Young Motorcyclist Who Died in Fatal Crash as COVID-19 Death
By Allen Zhong July 18, 2020 Updated: July 18, 2020

Florida Counted Young Motorcyclist Who Died in Fatal Crash as COVID-19 Death

COVID deaths are probably under reported when compared to excess deaths. Otherwise can someone explain what happened that increased the number of people dying in US by 10s of thousands...

If this was a hoax why is Trump blaming China and WHO... Why are ICU units working at 150%+ of capcity...

What happened?

LIES. That's what.

No different than the Russian Collusion hoax and the impeachment hoax
Democrats and Communists do things like that

Some people are so far up the propaganda ass of the Left that they cant tell where the Left starts and the Propaganda ends (because it doesn't)

Everything’s a hoax when it comes to Trump. Everyone else is lying except Trump.

In countries which didn’t treat Covid as a “hoax”, and we followed the advice of the WHO and the scientists WE’RE reopening. And few people are dying.

Countries with Strong Men as their leaders, tens of thousands of people are dying.

Countries with Strong Women in charge, had almost no deaths at all. Proving yet again that the best man for the job is a woman.

Right.....because there was no Russian Collusion claim by you people
Blasey Ford never testified
Democrats didn't erroneously impeach president Trump for pure;y partisan reasons

Sweet jesus

There was Russian collusion (and obstruction), Blasey Ford did testify (and a scumbag was still appointed to the SC), and Trump was impeached for trying to strongarm a foreign country to dig up dirt on his chief political rival. And because of his Republican enablers, he skated on everything. You need to just accept it and move on. You supporters have bigger fish to fry right now. Trump fucked the response to the virus up. He ain't getting out of this one.

Ford's testimony had so many holes in it you could have used it for a ham and swiss sandwich. Nobody should have been denied that seat with such a blatant set of lies she told. She was a renown leftist activist. She had the internet bleach bitted so nobody could actually see how she spoke, thus giving her the ability to use that ever so phony act she put on.

As for impeachment, if Biden does magically get in, you better hope the Republicans don't take leadership of the House, because if they do, Biden will be the next impeached President, for the stupidest things they can think of, just like they impeached Trump on.

I had no issue with Gorsuch. Even though McConnell was a weasel for denying Obama his nominee, Gorsuch was at least a stand up guy. Kavanaugh (like Clarence Thomas three decades ago) was a scumbag. Blasey-Ford's testimony was believable. Even Republican senators said it was. It just came too late in the game. Kavanaugh showed a pattern of abuse of women. Again, scumbags don't deserve to sit on the SC.

Well, you can give impeaching Biden a shot. I think you'll find some Republican in the House and the Senate would be uncomfortable with that since it would be based on manufactured evidence. Right now, it's highly unlikely Republicans will make a significant dent in the House numbers, and they may even lose the Senate. Worst case in the Senate, Republicans hold a 1 or 2 seat majority.

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