CDC and FDA admit ignoring all killer shot safety concerns


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2022
Brighton and Hove , East Sussex , England
Bring out the firing squad .
Worth wading through unless educationally challenged , an ADHD sufferer or American ( very unfunny joke)
See full report in Epoch Times .
Conclusions are disgusting because they further underline the complete unreliability of the CDC and FDA and their wicked dishonesty .

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has identified hundreds of safety signals for the two most widely administered COVID-19 vaccines, according to monitoring results obtained by The Epoch Times.

Bell’s palsy, blood clotting, and death were among the signals flagged through analysis of adverse event reports submitted to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). The CDC, which runs VAERS with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), describes it as “the nation’s early warning system” for vaccine issues.

The CDC’s primary analysis compared the reports made for specific events suffered after receipt of a Moderna or Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine to the reports lodged following vaccination with any other vaccine, or all non-COVID-19 vaccines. The type of analysis is known as Proportional Reporting Ratio (PRR).

Safety signals mean a condition may be linked to a vaccine. Signals require further analysis to confirm a possible link.

The CDC analysis was conducted on adverse events reported from Dec. 14, 2020, to July 29, 2022.

The Epoch Times obtained the results through a Freedom of Information Act request after the CDC refused to make the results public.

VAERS is a passive reporting system that accepts reports from anybody, but most are lodged by health care professionals, who were told during the COVID-19 pandemic that they were required to lodge reports if post-vaccination issues cropped up. People who lodge false reports face penalties.

‘Onus Is on the Regulators’​

The CDC and FDA stated in operating procedure documents that officials would monitor VAERS to identify “potential new safety concerns for COVID-19 vaccines,” with the CDC performing PRR analysis. The CDC has issued multiple false statements on the data mining but ultimately acknowledged that it didn’t start performing the monitoring technique until 2022—more than one year after the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines were authorized.

PRR involves comparing the incidence of a specific adverse event after a specific vaccine to the incidence after all other vaccines. A signal is triggered when three thresholds are met, according to the CDC: a PRR of at least two, a chi-squared statistic of at least four, and three or more cases of the event following receipt of the vaccine being analyzed. Chi-squared tests are a form of statistical analysis used to examine data.

The results obtained by The Epoch Times show that there are hundreds of adverse events (AEs) that meet the definition, including serious conditions such as blood clotting in the lungs, intermenstrual bleeding, a lack of oxygen to the heart, and even death. The high numbers, particularly the chi-squared figures, concerned experts.

For many of the events, “the chi-squared is so high that, from a Bayesian perspective, the probability that the true rate of the AE of the COVID vaccines is not higher than that of the non-COVID vaccines is essentially zero,” Norman Fenton, a professor of risk management at Queen Mary University of London, told The Epoch Times in an email after running the numbers through a Bayesian model that provides probabilities based on available information.

There was a probability of less than 0.5 percent that the rate of hepatic cirrhosis, for instance, was less following COVID-19 vaccination than non-COVID-19 vaccination. For myocarditis, or heart inflammation, in the 12- to 17-year-old group, the probability was close to zero.

The CDC’s results also show that a much higher proportion of events after COVID-19 vaccination were serious. For adults, for instance, the proportion was 11.1 percent, compared to 5.5 percent after non-COVID-19 vaccines. The proportion of deaths for adults was 15.4 percent after COVID-19 vaccination, much higher than the 2.5 percent after other shots.

“The onus is on the regulators to come up with some other causal explanation for this difference if they wish to claim that the probability a COVID vaccine AE results in death is not significantly higher than that of other vaccines,” Fenton said.

The CDC and FDA didn’t respond by press time to requests by The Epoch Times for comment.

A CDC spokesperson previously told The Epoch Times in an email that the PRR results “were generally consistent with EB data mining, revealing no additional unexpected safety signals.”

The agency’s records office, in a letter accompanying the results, stated that the results “generally corroborated findings from Empirical Bayesian (EB) data mining,” a method employed by the FDA. The FDA has refused to release the EB mining results
These mRNA shots can not possibly work as a vaccine.
The reason spike protein coronaviruses exist is because all our cells have ACE2 spike protein receptors, in order for our exosomes to be able to get into and out of our cells.
So if you actually could make a vaccine that caused the immune system to attack spike proteins, we would all die as our immune system attacked our own exosomes.

To put this into an even better perspective, coronaviruses likely at one time were our own exosomes, that simply went rogue and started growing out of control, like a cancer.
Gosh, it must be a massive conspiracy.

The CDC, FDA, plus what else?….. the AMA?

The more people involved, the less likely a cover-up will work. The bigger the conspiracy theory, the less likely that it’s true.

The UK is reporting unprecedented "Unexpected deaths" occurring as are all nations where the vaxx was pushed hard.
Here in the USA the Vaxx pushing media is working overtime to conceal the numbers.
And get this -- They are fear mongering people into getting the death jab by claiming all these mystery deaths are from COVID (rather than the Jab itself)
If you got the Vaxx........Tic Tock.........get your affairs in order now

On the brighter side....mostly idiots got the death jab which means the global IQ is increasing for the first time in centuries. YAY !!
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