CDC Now Reports TRIPLE the Number of TB Cases Among Refugees as Obama Leaves Office


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Yep, another great big FUCK YOU to the American people, importing over 1500 cases of refugees with TB that were obviously not medically screened as part of their imaginary vetting process.

1,565 Refugees Diagnosed with Active TB Since 2012

Risking the safety of americans

There used to be basic health checked before getting on the boats and quarantined for immigrants coming off the boats in many cases.

TB is just one of a dozen or so HIV, cholera, dysentery, malaria, polio, smallpox, measles, whooping cough, mumps, scarlet fever, bubonic plague being spread by refugees hastily brought to the US
From 1 to 3? TB, like leprosy, is treatable with antibiotics.

Don't you know anything, Jimma?
Granny says, "Dat's right...

... dey gonna spread dat TB...

... an' den we all gonna die."
From 1 to 3? TB, like leprosy, is treatable with antibiotics.

Don't you know anything, Jimma?

I think you are the one who doesn't know anything. What part did you not understand about " Illegally coming into the US".
Do you think there is a doctor standing at the border before they " SNEAK" in. Or how about BORDER PATROL is being ordered by bastard Obama to release them, how about some of these disease aren't even detected for weeks or months even if they are medically vetted.

Gawd damn no wonder you hicks wanted to vote for Hillary Clinton.

I unblocked you for the moment lmao.
It's been going on for awhile, but of course it's all a conspiracy as these same jackasses who aren't information gathering, researching send their kids to the very schools where these kids will sit right next to them


:lol: ^^^^^ Who cares who you block and who you don't, MW?

Your comments are worth only what you are, and that is not much. The fact is that you think Trump can do something about illegals. I don't.

But . . . if he gets rid of the gangsters by sending them home, I will support that.

But your bellyaching is entertaining and nothing more.

1,000s of immigrants try to cross the border at once

I don't think this is the US, but this will go on here as well if not already.
:lol: ^^^^^ Who cares who you block and who you don't, MW?

Your comments are worth only what you are, and that is not much. The fact is that you think Trump can do something about illegals. I don't.

But . . . if he gets rid of the gangsters by sending them home, I will support that.

But your bellyaching is entertaining and nothing more.

Obama started by corrupting the Justice Department, via that criminal Eric Holder., The Justice Department can act as a shield for all other Federal Bureaucracies...and they are thereby easily corrupted also with Obamite Socialists in place everywhere.

In short, there is not today a single agency of the Federal Government that can be trusted, in fact it is best to assume everything any one of them says is a Lie.

Its Obama's Main Legacy--the corruption of the Federal Government--and it was aided and abetted by a Liberal Media which acted just like the old Pravda for the now collapsed Soviet Union.

18 days to go. God help us.
MW, yep, you got your salad tossed.

Tell me what you want Trump to do with the illegals, all 11 million of them.
MW, yep, you got your salad tossed.

Tell me what you want Trump to do with the illegals, all 11 million of them.
Have 'em turn around and go back the same way they got here, Nobody sent for them.

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