CDC says Flu is now an epidemic - sign of things to come?


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2013
Everywhere needed
Flu hospitalizations are 'the highest we've seen,' CDC says

Or something to that general effect.

Point is, we ALL know that pathogens are beginning to enter a new era of resistance to antibiotics.
Eventually, mother nature will win the race and when she does, there'll be hell to pay in terms of the effect on the human condition. Nature says 7 billion humans are too many....but medical tech has pushed mother nature back for about 75 years now and I think this flu season just might be the beginnings of her re asserting her power.

All pathogens have had nearly a century now to figure out man's best defenses.....Is this flue season just a tough one? Are we reaping the disease impacts of allowing so many foreigners into our nation over the last few years?

Or, are we on the precipice of a new era of unstoppable illness similar to the dark ages before there were anti-biotics? My best guess is the latter. Many stories show the alarm being raised to highly aggressive resistant strains of bacteria known as MERS and SARS that on a statistical scale, are on the rise dramatically.

Dangerous New Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria Reach U.S.

Will mankind be able to continue to use high tech to stay one step ahead or will mother nature eventually have her way and thin the human herd as she's done throughout history?

My bet is on Mother Nature.
LOL When it reaches the point of the 1918 epidemic, give me a call.

Could get worse than that in a believe the CDC knows anything about pathogens that is

Of course, nothing could happen for a while...but it's common knowledge that anti-biotics are losing the battle and resistant bacteria are on the rise.

Noone can say that is not least without looking like a fool
Non believers....

It's from ScientificAmerica
That's a HELL of a lot more credible than your posts ever will be

Wait...I just suggested to left wing imbeciles that they "read" something.....

My bad :iyfyus.jpg:
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Stay warm and dry. Clean up the sweat, vomit, and diarrhea and replace those vital fluids.

It just isn't as complicated as those white-coat quacks like to make it.
It's gonna get worse and worse unless trump kicks out the 50 million disease-ridden illegals. We have to medically check people that come here to live.
There is always the threat of a pandemic. However, considering, especially in the industrial nations, that we are much healthier with a much better diet, a die off like the Black Death created is unlikely.
Maybe maybe not.....and I get your gist....

But that wont change the fact that antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria are on the rise.
You've come to believe antibiotics are the end all do all and will last forever.

It also won't change the fact that throughout history, mother nature has thinned the human herd periodically with plagues.
Modern man is so arrogant as to believe he can build an unsinkable ship.......

Watch out for that iceberg
Well then, consider this. As the antibiotic strains get more resistant, those with the most experianced immune systems, those people whose immune systems have seen the most different kinds of bugs, will be the ones most likely to survive. Guess who that group of people in this nation might be? A hint, they come from the south.
No petroleum addiction during the black death. Respiratory diseases are on the upswing.

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