CDZ Paqrticipation Says It All


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Approximately 100 times more people view the Politics Forum than the Clean Debate Zone. What does that say about our fellow Americans?:confused:
Approximately 100 times more people view the Politics Forum than the Clean Debate Zone. What does that say about our fellow Americans?:confused:

It's actually worse than you indicate. CDZ constantly has new threads and posters on old ones where the object is obviously trolling. It's hard to keep a decent discussion going. My take: most posters enjoy a good flame war more than a quiet discussion.
It simply means that people don't fully understand the rules and they are hesitant to post on the clean debate for fear of being censured.
the political forum is bing policed for trolls and one liner insults minus its a bit smoother there now...maybe the CDZ is not always required for debate?
I think it means people like to be able to express themselves freely without a bunch of rules. And, yes, people even enjoy a good knock-down drag-out fight. That's what's fun about the anonymity of a forum like this, you can talk straight without censure.

Well, to a point. But you know what I mean.
The topics in the CDZ are deliberately contrived to be the least controversial as possible.
The topics in the CDZ are deliberately contrived to be the least controversial as possible.

They can be as controversial as anything else (or I would assume that is the case).

You just can't flame anyone you think is being a dumbass.
Approximately 100 times more people view the Politics Forum than the Clean Debate Zone. What does that say about our fellow Americans?:confused:

The Politics Forum has been around a lot longer than the Clean Debate Zone, I'm guessing that is part of what you are seeing. The Clean Debate Zone specifies debate, Politics does not, not all want to debate.
Approximately 100 times more people view the Politics Forum than the Clean Debate Zone. What does that say about our fellow Americans?:confused:

That schools don't teach people how to debate?

I am more of the opinion that you have people who take the position....

Don't confuse me with the facts because my mind is made up.

On both sides.

What debate often includes is an analysis of the analysis.

Look at my thread on the Harvard Study.
Approximately 100 times more people view the Politics Forum than the Clean Debate Zone. What does that say about our fellow Americans?:confused:

That schools don't teach people how to debate?

I am more of the opinion that you have people who take the position....

Don't confuse me with the facts because my mind is made up.

On both sides.

What debate often includes is an analysis of the analysis.

Look at my thread on the Harvard Study.

Debate is just another way of saying argue. Schools don't teach people to debate, or argue, because they don't teach people ho to deal with opposing points of view. They are spoon fed all the conclusions, and never taught how to use facts to reach the conclusions.

Some people learn how to do that on their own but, sadly, they tend to skew conservative/right/libertarian because liberals are never faced with a challenge to their belief system. That leads others, like me, to dismiss their position as "don't confuse me with facts" because it is easier than trying to teach them to defend their positions using facts. F***, it is easier than actually teaching them the difference between a fact and a conclusion.
That schools don't teach people how to debate?

I am more of the opinion that you have people who take the position....

Don't confuse me with the facts because my mind is made up.

On both sides.

What debate often includes is an analysis of the analysis.

Look at my thread on the Harvard Study.

Debate is just another way of saying argue. Schools don't teach people to debate, or argue, because they don't teach people ho to deal with opposing points of view. They are spoon fed all the conclusions, and never taught how to use facts to reach the conclusions.

Some people learn how to do that on their own but, sadly, they tend to skew conservative/right/libertarian because liberals are never faced with a challenge to their belief system. That leads others, like me, to dismiss their position as "don't confuse me with facts" because it is easier than trying to teach them to defend their positions using facts. F***, it is easier than actually teaching them the difference between a fact and a conclusion.

Debate is to develop a point of view and argue it's validity by arguing the validity of your supporting evidence.

In the case of politics, what lies at the bottom of most debates is an emotional or spiritual connection to something. That can take many forms.

If you read Thomas Sowell's book "A Conflict Of Visions", he treats this very well. As he states, you can take a set of unrelated issues and let a group of people argue them one by one. And when you look at whose arguing on side vs. who is arguing the'll generally (not always, but generally) see the same people on the same side of an issue....even though they are unrelated.

He does not say this, but I do.....that has to tell you that there is more to their position than just the issue itself.

That is never addressed in these arguments. I understand people want to be liberal. I want them to have that chance. I'd love to see a state formed where liberals can have their UHC, food stamps, seat belt laws, no soda pop...or whatever. But don't force that on me and don't ask me to live in the same environment.

I won't call you stupid if you won't call me selfish....because you are not stupid and I am not selfish.

We just see the world differently.
Approximately 100 times more people view the Politics Forum than the Clean Debate Zone. What does that say about our fellow Americans?:confused: can see threads in the politics or flame zone just explode.

It just shows most people are not interested in any kind of conversation.

I don't mind mixing it up and calling names in other places, but there are people I enjoy "talking" with because I respect them and know I can learn from them even though I might not share their views.

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