CFR fears collapse of UN under President elect Trump


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
CFR Fears Collapse of UN Under President Trump

The globalist elite are fearful that President-elect Trump and Congressional Republicans will use a recent UN resolution harshly critical of Israel as justification to promote America’s exit from the organization.
Stewart Patrick, senior fellow and director of the aptly-named program on International Institutions and Global Governance at the Council on Foreign Relations, lamented the end of the “most multilaterally-inclined US administration in history” and slammed President-elect Donald Trump as “an unapologetic nationalist.”
Globalists claim UN unfairly targeted by nationalist demagogues who fear black helicopters


Billionaire globalist pens panicked rant
Billionaire globalist George Soros has penned a panicked rant in which he decries President-elect Donald Trump as a “would be dictator” who threatens the future of the new world order.

In an article for Project Syndicate, Soros begins by mentioning how he lived under both Nazi and then Soviet rule in Hungary before asserting
Soros: Trump is a “Would Be Dictator” Who Threatens the New World Order

Terms like Globalist should stick in the minds of the sheep who think they know what they are talking about but until one learns about the very people who dictate banks, media, stocks, etc you have no clue of the power these people have. Most sheep can't even figure out why schools want to do away with HISTORY...........
That way the idiots who think we don't need history can easily be lead into repeating the same history's of the past. Leading to Collapse, disease, loss of freedom and rights.
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The world is not fearful of Congress of doing anything of the sort. The OP is crazy talk.
The US gives the UN $8 Billion dollars a year. That is stupid since they usually all vote against us. We would not be able to do anything there without our veto power. The UN would close up shop were it not for our tax dollars. Cut them off completely.
The US gives the UN $8 Billion dollars a year. That is stupid since they usually all vote against us. We would not be able to do anything there without our veto power. The UN would close up shop were it not for our tax dollars. Cut them off completely.

AMAZING how many zombies can't understand that isn't it.
George Soro has recently said the same thing.

Well then it must be true... :rolleyes-41:

The greatest deception people suffer is from their own “opinions” forged by the mainstream media.
yeah because fox news is such an underground news source lol fuck off go back to posting shit about UFO's you'll seem less insane

Maybe before you use the weak minded excuse poking fun at sources, you should learn how to CLICK LINKS, or take a bother to ACTUALLY READ the article before ASSUMING it only proves the lack if a liberal IQ level when you don't.
The indoctrinated weak mind training you all succeed at is " Ewww infowars, ewwwww breithbart............ GD can't you fools see the very sources your IDIOT MSM is telling you is fake bs, is actually the opposite......what a shame another generation of idiots will be handed down to the kids/grand kids............................

He concludes by warning that “the EU is on the verge of breakdown” due to stagnant economic growth and the out of control refugee crisis (that Soros himself again helped create in the first place as a way to obtain political power).

Anti-Trump US Color Revolution Includes Soros and Clinton ‘Purple’ Takeover?

Anti-Trump US Color Revolution Includes Soros and Clinton ‘Purple’ Takeover? | Zero Hedge

Go Trump. These anti American anti Israel idiots think it is a bad thing to be anti globalization, they are sadly mistaken.
I think the UN has crossed too many swords and lines for my tastes. I'd like America to pull out, which ultimately I believe will destroy it.
In 2014, UN inspectors found a couple dozen rockets in a SCHOOL in Gaza during an active time when Hamas was firing rockets into Isreal...what did they do? Destroy them? Confiscate them? asked Hamas to move them somewhere else. And then later confirmed they fired the rockets from a different school.
This single story exemplifies the UN as a whole.
The US gives the UN $8 Billion dollars a year. That is stupid since they usually all vote against us. We would not be able to do anything there without our veto power. The UN would close up shop were it not for our tax dollars. Cut them off completely.

Yup and kick them out of that building that's siting on prime NYC property.

Just imagine apartments and office space. Man the city or a developer could make a mint off that property.

As for the useless UN? They can move to another country and be useless there.

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