Challenge:Liberals on this Board...Especially Students...Show HARD Evidence that Trump is Racist

The hard evidence comes again and again right out of Trump's mouth.

But Republicans think he is talking in tongues. He is their Messiah after all.

Standard left tactic.

Claim that evidence exists.

Don't present it, because then it is easily seen as bullshit.

But claim it exists, and then insult some people.

This is what passes as debate to most libs.

The only Premise is that liberals on this board call Trump racist.

The challenge is for them to support their vile slander.

And you have failed to do that, and failed to be honest enough to admit it.

Page 39 and counting, lefty.

Once AGAIN that's not my premise is it. Once AGAIN it's the OP's. Ergo his job, not mine.

Prove me wrong about that.

You fail. Greetings therefore from Pago Pago.

Your absurd dodge is noted and laughed at again. LOL!!

Look inside yourself. Try to find the human decency to admit that you cannot support your side's slander of the President.

Look on the board and show us a quote with my name on it DUMBASS.


Man these mint juleps are good here on Pago Pago.

"Your side" is obviously not a personal accusation. As you well know. Your continued dodging is proof that you are running from the Truth. NOt that there is any doubt. Admit that you cannot support the vile slander that Trump is "racist".Page 40 and counting.

Meanwhile ----- and this is not my original thought but it works ----

Prove that Rump is not the offspring of an orangutan.
I want birth certificates, hospital records and a DNA test. The whole shebang.

I predict you can't do it.

I dismissed and laughed at your pretense that you are too stupid to understand what a "challenge" is.

BUT, I am willing to believe that you are stupid enough not to understand the difference between challenging someone to back up the slander they are making,

and challenging someone to prove a negative, ie a slander that is being made by someone else.

But, now I have pointed out the difference.

So, try again.
Page 39 and not one dem can meet the op challenge.

Page 19 and the OP still hasn't given his own strawman anything to stand on.

Which would be amazing if he did, since he ran away.

Fixed it for ya.

If most libs were not completely dishonest scum, this is where they would admit that they were wrong.

"Most libs" didn't write the premise. The OP did that.

Let's see if he's about...............................

Nope. Still valiantly holding on in his heroic struggle to remain in hiding, cowering in fear.
He's consistent that way..
You people are dishonest scum. Either that or your stupid enough to believe you own horseshit. You claim that he has not been proven to be a racist hinges on the fact that he has not been caught on audio using the N word, or is not in the Klan. However there is plenty of circumstantial evidence to support a charge of racist

Here Are 13 Examples Of Donald Trump Being Racist | HuffPost

Ones actions and the people who they surround themselves with, and accept support from does indeed tell you what is in their heart, as does looking at who they attack

Thanks for admitting that your evidence is circumstantial.

Now, do you want me to click on your post, to find what I consider the most reasonable of those "13" claims, and address that,

or do you want to pick on, and cut and paste it for discussion purposes?

btw, thanks for actually trying to address the issue, instead of just dodging it, like the vast majority of your liberal buddies.
People are convicted and adjudicated on circumstantial evidence. Feel free to tell us which item you find most reasonable. I think that they all provide-at minimum- clear and convincing evidence. That is a legal standard just short of "beyond a reasonable doubt"
Page 39 and not one dem can meet the op challenge.

Page 19 and the OP still hasn't given his own strawman anything to stand on.

Which would be amazing if he did, since he ran away.

Fixed it for ya.

If most libs were not completely dishonest scum, this is where they would admit that they were wrong.

"Most libs" didn't write the premise. The OP did that.

Let's see if he's about...............................

Nope. Still valiantly holding on in his heroic struggle to remain in hiding, cowering in fear.
He's consistent that way..
You people are dishonest scum. Either that or your stupid enough to believe you own horseshit. You claim that he has not been proven to be a racist hinges on the fact that he has not been caught on audio using the N word, or is not in the Klan. However there is plenty of circumstantial evidence to support a charge of racist

Here Are 13 Examples Of Donald Trump Being Racist | HuffPost

Ones actions and the people who they surround themselves with, and accept support from does indeed tell you what is in their heart, as does looking at who they attack

Thanks for admitting that your evidence is circumstantial.

Now, do you want me to click on your post, to find what I consider the most reasonable of those "13" claims, and address that,

or do you want to pick on, and cut and paste it for discussion purposes?

btw, thanks for actually trying to address the issue, instead of just dodging it, like the vast majority of your liberal buddies.
People are convicted and adjudicated on circumstantial evidence. Feel free to tell us which item you find most reasonable. I think that they all provide-at minimum- clear and convincing evidence. That is a legal standard just short of "beyond a reasonable doubt"

Sure, I just take the first one.

"Khizr Khan, the father of the late Army Captain Humayun Khan, spoke out against Trump’s bigoted rhetoric and disregard for civil liberties at the Democratic National Convention on July 28. It quickly became the most memorable moment of the convention.

“Let me ask you, have you even read the U.S. Constitution?” Khan asked Trump before pulling a copy of the document from his jacket pocket and holding it up. “I will gladly lend you my copy,” he declared."

Khan attacked President Trump on civil rights and Trump asked him if he had ever read the US Constitution.

A pretty light response to the attack.

Suggesting the Khan, the individual doesn't know what he is talking about, is not a racist comment.

It is at most a fairly minor attack on the individual Khizr Khan.
I dismissed and laughed at your pretense that you are too stupid to understand what a "challenge" is.

Oh I understand perfectly well what a challenge is, Mudpie. The thing is, I also understand how it works. Apparently you, and the OP, do not. He at least had enough sense of shame to run away and hide from his own thread; you --- not so much.

Once again IT AIN'T MY JOB TO DEFEND A POINT I NEVER MADE. And there's nothing your whiny snivelling blubbering trolling can do about that.


BUT, I am willing to believe that you are stupid enough not to understand the difference between challenging someone to back up the slander they are making,

Apparently there's no bottom to what you're willing to believe, That you're willing to appear this degree of moron on the internets kinda tips that off.

And that isn't even a sentence. Go learn to English.

and challenging someone to prove a negative, ie a slander that is being made by someone else.

See if you can hammer that into an actual sentence. I wouldn't attempt it myself. If I wrote something like that I'd sign off the board, sell off my possessions, disappear and run off to Pago Pago hoping I'd never get found out. But that's just me.
I dismissed and laughed at your pretense that you are too stupid to understand what a "challenge" is.

Oh I understand perfectly well what a challenge is, Mudpie. The thing is, I also understand how it works. Apparently you, and the OP, do not. He at least had enough sense of shame to run away and hide from his own thread; you --- not so much.

Once again IT AIN'T MY JOB TO DEFEND A POINT I NEVER MADE. And there's nothing your whiny snivelling blubbering trolling can do about that.


BUT, I am willing to believe that you are stupid enough not to understand the difference between challenging someone to back up the slander they are making,

Apparently there's no bottom to what you're willing to believe, That you're willing to appear this degree of moron on the internets kinda tips that off.

And that isn't even a sentence. Go learn to English.

and challenging someone to prove a negative, ie a slander that is being made by someone else.

See if you can hammer that into an actual sentence. I wouldn't attempt it myself. If I wrote something like that I'd sign off the board, sell off my possessions, disappear and run off to Pago Pago hoping I'd never get found out. But that's just me.

1. IF you never claimed that TRump was racist, then you could have just ignored the challenge. Instead you spent many pages failing to meet it, demonstrating that you libs are full of shit.

2. My point about your stupidity stands.

2b. Your grammar nazi crap is noted and dismissed as idiocy.
Page 39 and not one dem can meet the op challenge.

Page 19 and the OP still hasn't given his own strawman anything to stand on.

Which would be amazing if he did, since he ran away.

Fixed it for ya.

If most libs were not completely dishonest scum, this is where they would admit that they were wrong.

"Most libs" didn't write the premise. The OP did that.

Let's see if he's about...............................

Nope. Still valiantly holding on in his heroic struggle to remain in hiding, cowering in fear.
He's consistent that way..
You people are dishonest scum. Either that or your stupid enough to believe you own horseshit. You claim that he has not been proven to be a racist hinges on the fact that he has not been caught on audio using the N word, or is not in the Klan. However there is plenty of circumstantial evidence to support a charge of racist

Here Are 13 Examples Of Donald Trump Being Racist | HuffPost

Ones actions and the people who they surround themselves with, and accept support from does indeed tell you what is in their heart, as does looking at who they attack

Thanks for admitting that your evidence is circumstantial.

Now, do you want me to click on your post, to find what I consider the most reasonable of those "13" claims, and address that,

or do you want to pick on, and cut and paste it for discussion purposes?

btw, thanks for actually trying to address the issue, instead of just dodging it, like the vast majority of your liberal buddies.
People are convicted and adjudicated on circumstantial evidence. Feel free to tell us which item you find most reasonable. I think that they all provide-at minimum- clear and convincing evidence. That is a legal standard just short of "beyond a reasonable doubt"

Sure, I just take the first one.

"Khizr Khan, the father of the late Army Captain Humayun Khan, spoke out against Trump’s bigoted rhetoric and disregard for civil liberties at the Democratic National Convention on July 28. It quickly became the most memorable moment of the convention.

“Let me ask you, have you even read the U.S. Constitution?” Khan asked Trump before pulling a copy of the document from his jacket pocket and holding it up. “I will gladly lend you my copy,” he declared."

Khan attacked President Trump on civil rights and Trump asked him if he had ever read the US Constitution.

A pretty light response to the attack.

Suggesting the Khan, the individual doesn't know what he is talking about, is not a racist comment.

It is at most a fairly minor attack on the individual Khizr Khan.
First of all, it this were an isolated incident I MIGHT agree with you, but Trump has a long history of engaging in petty bickering, mostly with minorities, and demeaning not only them but the office of the President as well. Yes, Khan attacked him as is his right. Trump -as any other President would have done- tried to smooth it over by acknowledging their loose and saying that he regretted ( if not that he was sorry -God for fucking bid) that his words offended them. No, what did he do? He then suggested that his wife was not allowed to speak.

Let me ask you, how many times has Trump engaged in these petty feuds with people who are not a racial, ethnic or religious minority?

And why did you not pick this gem from the list?

In fact, discrimination against black people has been a pattern in his career
Workers at Trump’s casinos in Atlantic City, New Jersey, have accused him of racism over the years. The New Jersey Casino Control Commission fined the Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino $200,000 in 1992 because managers would remove African-American card dealers at the request of a certain big-spending gambler. A state appeals court upheld the fine.

The first-person account of at least one black Trump casino employee in Atlantic City suggests the racist practices were consistent with Trump’s personal behavior toward black workers.

“When Donald and Ivana came to the casino, the bosses would order all the black people off the floor,” Kip Brown, a former employee at Trump’s Castle, told the New Yorker for a September article. “It was the eighties, I was a teen-ager, but I remember it: they put us all in the back.”

Or this?

The Justice Department sued his company ― twice ― for not renting to black people
When Trump was serving as the president of his family’s real estate company, the Trump Management Corporation, in 1973, the Justice Department sued the company for alleged racial discrimination against black people looking to rent apartments in Brooklyn, Queens and Staten Island.

Trump is a racist piece of shit!
Page 19 and the OP still hasn't given his own strawman anything to stand on.

Which would be amazing if he did, since he ran away.

Fixed it for ya.

"Most libs" didn't write the premise. The OP did that.

Let's see if he's about...............................

Nope. Still valiantly holding on in his heroic struggle to remain in hiding, cowering in fear.
He's consistent that way..
You people are dishonest scum. Either that or your stupid enough to believe you own horseshit. You claim that he has not been proven to be a racist hinges on the fact that he has not been caught on audio using the N word, or is not in the Klan. However there is plenty of circumstantial evidence to support a charge of racist

Here Are 13 Examples Of Donald Trump Being Racist | HuffPost

Ones actions and the people who they surround themselves with, and accept support from does indeed tell you what is in their heart, as does looking at who they attack

Thanks for admitting that your evidence is circumstantial.

Now, do you want me to click on your post, to find what I consider the most reasonable of those "13" claims, and address that,

or do you want to pick on, and cut and paste it for discussion purposes?

btw, thanks for actually trying to address the issue, instead of just dodging it, like the vast majority of your liberal buddies.
People are convicted and adjudicated on circumstantial evidence. Feel free to tell us which item you find most reasonable. I think that they all provide-at minimum- clear and convincing evidence. That is a legal standard just short of "beyond a reasonable doubt"

Sure, I just take the first one.

"Khizr Khan, the father of the late Army Captain Humayun Khan, spoke out against Trump’s bigoted rhetoric and disregard for civil liberties at the Democratic National Convention on July 28. It quickly became the most memorable moment of the convention.

“Let me ask you, have you even read the U.S. Constitution?” Khan asked Trump before pulling a copy of the document from his jacket pocket and holding it up. “I will gladly lend you my copy,” he declared."

Khan attacked President Trump on civil rights and Trump asked him if he had ever read the US Constitution.

A pretty light response to the attack.

Suggesting the Khan, the individual doesn't know what he is talking about, is not a racist comment.

It is at most a fairly minor attack on the individual Khizr Khan.
First of all, it this were an isolated incident I MIGHT agree with you, but Trump has a long history of engaging in petty bickering, mostly with minorities, and demeaning not only them but the office of the President as well. Yes, Khan attacked him as is his right. Trump -as any other President would have done- tried to smooth it over by acknowledging their loose and saying that he regretted ( if not that he was sorry -God for fucking bid) that his words offended them. No, what did he do? He then suggested that his wife was not allowed to speak.

Let me ask you, how many times has Trump engaged in these petty feuds with people who are not a racial, ethnic or religious minority?

I guess you missed the entire Republican Primary, when most of his enemies were white males.

That Trump does not comport himself as you want, is not racism, and thus off topic.

And why did you not pick this gem from the list?...

I asked you to pick the one you wanted, you told me to, I picked the FIRST one.

This prevents you from pulling one of the normal libs tactics of, making claims, when challenged on them being bs, just jumping to another claim.

This makes the claims, not real debate, but simply a form of propaganda.

We aren't playing that game here.

I picked from your list, and Khan is it.

Nothing Trump said to or about Khan was racism.
I dismissed and laughed at your pretense that you are too stupid to understand what a "challenge" is.

Oh I understand perfectly well what a challenge is, Mudpie. The thing is, I also understand how it works. Apparently you, and the OP, do not. He at least had enough sense of shame to run away and hide from his own thread; you --- not so much.

Once again IT AIN'T MY JOB TO DEFEND A POINT I NEVER MADE. And there's nothing your whiny snivelling blubbering trolling can do about that.


BUT, I am willing to believe that you are stupid enough not to understand the difference between challenging someone to back up the slander they are making,

Apparently there's no bottom to what you're willing to believe, That you're willing to appear this degree of moron on the internets kinda tips that off.

And that isn't even a sentence. Go learn to English.

and challenging someone to prove a negative, ie a slander that is being made by someone else.

See if you can hammer that into an actual sentence. I wouldn't attempt it myself. If I wrote something like that I'd sign off the board, sell off my possessions, disappear and run off to Pago Pago hoping I'd never get found out. But that's just me.

1. IF you never claimed that TRump was racist, then you could have just ignored the challenge. Instead you spent many pages failing to meet it, demonstrating that you libs are full of shit.

2. My point about your stupidity stands.

2b. Your grammar nazi crap is noted and dismissed as idiocy.


What part of "you're retarded" don't you fucking GET??
he was always a racist. he was always a braggart. he was always a cheater. he was always a snake oil salesman. BUT, he wasn't a 'christian' man until he ran as a republican.

If he was considered a racist why did hollyweird embrace him?

the same reason why he embraced hollywood.

So he's not a racist.
Finally coming to your senses?

they never left, little doggie.

only a deplorable racist attracts deplorable racists that would vote for a deplorable racist.

If people like this ever supported someone I was going to vote for, I would take a long look in the mirror and ask myself, there's no way I'm going to support anyone who attracts theses type of people. What now America?

I guess you have never saw Hillary’s base...
'White people to the back!': Protesters segregates media by race
I dismissed and laughed at your pretense that you are too stupid to understand what a "challenge" is.

Oh I understand perfectly well what a challenge is, Mudpie. The thing is, I also understand how it works. Apparently you, and the OP, do not. He at least had enough sense of shame to run away and hide from his own thread; you --- not so much.

Once again IT AIN'T MY JOB TO DEFEND A POINT I NEVER MADE. And there's nothing your whiny snivelling blubbering trolling can do about that.


BUT, I am willing to believe that you are stupid enough not to understand the difference between challenging someone to back up the slander they are making,

Apparently there's no bottom to what you're willing to believe, That you're willing to appear this degree of moron on the internets kinda tips that off.

And that isn't even a sentence. Go learn to English.

and challenging someone to prove a negative, ie a slander that is being made by someone else.

See if you can hammer that into an actual sentence. I wouldn't attempt it myself. If I wrote something like that I'd sign off the board, sell off my possessions, disappear and run off to Pago Pago hoping I'd never get found out. But that's just me.

1. IF you never claimed that TRump was racist, then you could have just ignored the challenge. Instead you spent many pages failing to meet it, demonstrating that you libs are full of shit.

2. My point about your stupidity stands.

2b. Your grammar nazi crap is noted and dismissed as idiocy.


What part of "you're retarded" don't you fucking GET??

What part of, it's not about a premise, don't you get?

  1. 1.
    a call to take part in a contest or competition, especially a duel.
I guess you missed the entire Republican Primary, when most of his enemies were white males.

That Trump does not comport himself as you want, is not racism, and thus off topic.
Oh please! False equivalency- horseshit logical fallacy . The field was all white save for the perennial token black who is an idiot in his own right. Yes Trump was relentless and merciless on all of them . That proves and disproves nothing.
I asked you to pick the one you wanted, you told me to, I picked the FIRST one.

This prevents you from pulling one of the normal libs tactics of, making claims, when challenged on them being bs, just jumping to another claim.

This makes the claims, not real debate, but simply a form of propaganda.

We aren't playing that game here.

I picked from your list, and Khan is it.

Nothing Trump said to or about Khan was racism.
You suggested that I pick the one that is the most "reasonable" I took that to mean the one that is the most damming to Trump. I deferred to you and you picked Khan, which, out of context could be said to fail to confirm his racism. However I provided that context- the pattern- but now you accuse me of "lib tactics"and are pat of that same pattern and therefor relevant. of diverging to another issue. Those other issue, are not unrelated a, but rather, just his idiocy and lack of Presidential timber .

I challenged you to explain why you ignored those other, perhaps more damning accounts of his racism and you chose to run from them, by accusing me of failing to engage in a real debate and engaging in propaganda. What pathetic and dishonest bovine excrement!
If he was considered a racist why did hollyweird embrace him?

the same reason why he embraced hollywood.

So he's not a racist.
Finally coming to your senses?

they never left, little doggie.

only a deplorable racist attracts deplorable racists that would vote for a deplorable racist.

If people like this ever supported someone I was going to vote for, I would take a long look in the mirror and ask myself, there's no way I'm going to support anyone who attracts theses type of people. What now America?

YOu don't mind when Communists or black racists support your candidates, do you?
Which candidate is that? I have no problems with communists.
I guess you missed the entire Republican Primary, when most of his enemies were white males.

That Trump does not comport himself as you want, is not racism, and thus off topic.
Oh please! False equivalency- horseshit logical fallacy . The field was all white save for the perennial token black who is an idiot in his own right. Yes Trump was relentless and merciless on all of them . That proves and disproves nothing.

Your words.

"Let me ask you, how many times has Trump engaged in these petty feuds with people who are not a racial, ethnic or religious minority? "

As YOU stated, he was just as "relentless and merciless" with his white enemies as he was with the minorities ones.

So, while that's not a comprehensive list of him treating white people as rough, if not worse than he was with Khan, it certainly makes that case that his treatment of Khan was not evidence of racism.

Which shitcans the number one example from your list.

Page 42 and counting and none of you libs can meet the OP challenge.
I guess you missed the entire Republican Primary, when most of his enemies were white males.

That Trump does not comport himself as you want, is not racism, and thus off topic.
Oh please! False equivalency- horseshit logical fallacy . The field was all white save for the perennial token black who is an idiot in his own right. Yes Trump was relentless and merciless on all of them . That proves and disproves nothing.

Your words.

"Let me ask you, how many times has Trump engaged in these petty feuds with people who are not a racial, ethnic or religious minority? "

As YOU stated, he was just as "relentless and merciless" with his white enemies as he was with the minorities ones.

So, while that's not a comprehensive list of him treating white people as rough, if not worse than he was with Khan, it certainly makes that case that his treatment of Khan was not evidence of racism.

Which shitcans the number one example from your list.

Page 42 and counting and none of you libs can meet the OP challenge.
You are hopelessly in denial, or playing a sick game. You're insisting on focusing on the Khan incident out of context, ignoring his numerous attacks and hateful policies against Muslims and other minorities. Now your trying to say that because he attacked white people who were his political rivals is proof that he is not racist?? Give me a fucking break!
the same reason why he embraced hollywood.

So he's not a racist.
Finally coming to your senses?

they never left, little doggie.

only a deplorable racist attracts deplorable racists that would vote for a deplorable racist.

If people like this ever supported someone I was going to vote for, I would take a long look in the mirror and ask myself, there's no way I'm going to support anyone who attracts theses type of people. What now America?

YOu don't mind when Communists or black racists support your candidates, do you?
Which candidate is that? I have no problems with communists.

Well, that's quite an admission.

Communism is a ideology with a bloodier track record than Fascism.

And you have no problems with them?
I guess you missed the entire Republican Primary, when most of his enemies were white males.

That Trump does not comport himself as you want, is not racism, and thus off topic.
Oh please! False equivalency- horseshit logical fallacy . The field was all white save for the perennial token black who is an idiot in his own right. Yes Trump was relentless and merciless on all of them . That proves and disproves nothing.

Your words.

"Let me ask you, how many times has Trump engaged in these petty feuds with people who are not a racial, ethnic or religious minority? "

As YOU stated, he was just as "relentless and merciless" with his white enemies as he was with the minorities ones.

So, while that's not a comprehensive list of him treating white people as rough, if not worse than he was with Khan, it certainly makes that case that his treatment of Khan was not evidence of racism.

Which shitcans the number one example from your list.

Page 42 and counting and none of you libs can meet the OP challenge.
You are hopelessly in denial, or playing a sick game. You're insisting on focusing on the Khan incident out of context, ignoring his numerous attacks and hateful policies against Muslims and other minorities. Now your trying to say that because he attacked white people who were his political rivals is proof that he is not racist?? Give me a fucking break!

He treated Khan, a political operative of the left, the same way he treated other political enemies.

Regardless of skin color, race, age, sex, height. ect ect ect.

That you see that as evidence of racism is YOU being the one in denial.
I guess you missed the entire Republican Primary, when most of his enemies were white males.

That Trump does not comport himself as you want, is not racism, and thus off topic.
Oh please! False equivalency- horseshit logical fallacy . The field was all white save for the perennial token black who is an idiot in his own right. Yes Trump was relentless and merciless on all of them . That proves and disproves nothing.

Your words.

"Let me ask you, how many times has Trump engaged in these petty feuds with people who are not a racial, ethnic or religious minority? "

As YOU stated, he was just as "relentless and merciless" with his white enemies as he was with the minorities ones.

So, while that's not a comprehensive list of him treating white people as rough, if not worse than he was with Khan, it certainly makes that case that his treatment of Khan was not evidence of racism.

Which shitcans the number one example from your list.

Page 42 and counting and none of you libs can meet the OP challenge.
You are hopelessly in denial, or playing a sick game. You're insisting on focusing on the Khan incident out of context, ignoring his numerous attacks and hateful policies against Muslims and other minorities. Now your trying to say that because he attacked white people who were his political rivals is proof that he is not racist?? Give me a fucking break!

He treated Khan, a political operative of the left, the same way he treated other political enemies.

Regardless of skin color, race, age, sex, height. ect ect ect.

That you see that as evidence of racism is YOU being the one in denial.
More equine excrement...Don't try to tell me that I'm in denial. I have to wonder about anyone who defends this piece of shit.....what is in your heart

Opinion | Donald Trump’s Racism: The Definitive List

Minorities As Uppity and Ungrateful
Donald Trump has been obsessed with race for the entire time he has been a public figure. He had a history of making racist comments as a New York real-estate developer in the 1970s and ‘80s. More recently, his political rise was built on promulgating the lie that the nation’s first black president was born in Kenya. He then launched his campaign with a speech describing Mexicans as rapists.

he media often falls back on euphemisms when describing Trump’s comments about race: racially loaded, racially charged, racially tinged, racially sensitive. And Trump himself has claimed that he is “the least racist person.” But here’s the truth: Donald Trump is a racist. He talks about and treats people differently based on their race. He has done so for years, and he is still doing so.

Urban America As a Hellscape

He often casts heavily black American cities as dystopian war zones. In a 2016 debate with Hillary Clinton, Trump said, “Our inner cities, African Americans, Hispanics are living in hell because it’s so dangerous. You walk down the street, you get shot.” Trump also said to black voters: “You’re living in poverty; your schools are no good; you have no jobs.”

He frequently offers false crime statistics to exaggerate urban crime, including about Oakland, Philadelphia and Ferguson, Mo.

After David Duke, the former leader of the Ku Klux Klan, endorsed him, Trump was reluctant to disavow Duke even when asked directly on television.

Trump hired Steve Bannon as his campaign head and later White House chief strategist. Under Bannon’s leadership, the website Breitbart made white nationalism a central theme. It featured a section, for example, on “black crime.”

rump endorsed and campaigned for Roy Moore, the Alabama Senate candidate who spoke positively about slavery and who called for an African-American Muslim member of Congress not to be seated because of his religion.
How does one know that trump is a racist?

He tells you that he is the least racist person that you have ever met.
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