Change! Black boxes in cars may soon be mandatory


Gold Member
Dec 5, 2011
<div class="bbWrapper"><a href="" target="_blank" class="link link--external" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">Car Black Boxes Raise Privacy Concerns</a><br /> <br /> Since Obama is prez this will be okay, right? Remember the hissies libs threw over libraries and the patriot act?</div>
<div class="bbWrapper">They push it as a &quot;safety concern&quot; but it&#039;s all just a way to track, surveil and tax us all.<br /> <br /> But hey, That Freedom Right? That&#039;s America!</div>
<div class="bbWrapper">Only analysts sex and abortion are off limits I. The new america</div>
<div class="bbWrapper">If you wear a tin foil hat, the black boxes will not be able to read your thoughts</div>
<div class="bbWrapper"><blockquote data-attributes="" data-quote="rightwinger" data-source="post: 6459704" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=6459704" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-6459704">rightwinger said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> If you wear a tin foil hat, the black boxes will not be able to read your thoughts </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote><br /> So do you want a recording device placed in your vehicle?</div>
<div class="bbWrapper"><blockquote data-attributes="" data-quote="martybegan" data-source="post: 6459715" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=6459715" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-6459715">martybegan said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> <blockquote data-attributes="" data-quote="rightwinger" data-source="post: 6459704" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=6459704" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-6459704">rightwinger said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> If you wear a tin foil hat, the black boxes will not be able to read your thoughts </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote><br /> So do you want a recording device placed in your vehicle? </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote><br /> I don&#039;t give a shit<br /> <br /> As long as it isn&#039;t recording the stupid songs I sing while I am driving<br /> <br /> Sky Rockets in flight..........</div>
<div class="bbWrapper"><blockquote data-attributes="" data-quote="martybegan" data-source="post: 6459715" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=6459715" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-6459715">martybegan said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> <blockquote data-attributes="" data-quote="rightwinger" data-source="post: 6459704" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=6459704" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-6459704">rightwinger said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> If you wear a tin foil hat, the black boxes will not be able to read your thoughts </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote><br /> So do you want a recording device placed in your vehicle? </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote><br /> Well it seems you folks didn&#039;t mind when ol Bush started listening through our phone calls and reading our email.<br /> <br /> Didja?<br /> <br /> Where did you think that was gonna stop, eh?</div>
<div class="bbWrapper"><blockquote data-attributes="" data-quote="rightwinger" data-source="post: 6459760" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=6459760" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-6459760">rightwinger said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> <blockquote data-attributes="" data-quote="martybegan" data-source="post: 6459715" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=6459715" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-6459715">martybegan said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> <blockquote data-attributes="" data-quote="rightwinger" data-source="post: 6459704" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=6459704" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-6459704">rightwinger said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> If you wear a tin foil hat, the black boxes will not be able to read your thoughts </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote><br /> So do you want a recording device placed in your vehicle? </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote>I don&#039;t give a shit<br /> <br /> As long as it isn&#039;t recording the stupid songs I sing while I am driving<br /> <br /> Sky Rockets in flight.......... </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote>Do you have an iPhone? Maybe an Android? They&#039;re ALREADY listening to you via FCC Act of 1996.<br /> <br /> Speaking of rockets:<br /> <br /> Cars get tracked.<br /> Drone Strike ordered on Car.<br /> Gov&#039;t says they were &quot;Suspect Militants&quot;.<br /> No investigation.<br /> Dumbed down Americans cheer footage of Drone Strike in say, Kentucky.<br /> <br /> &quot;That&#039;s Freedom! That&#039;s America!&quot;<br /> <br /> Coming to an American City near you!:<br /> <br /> [ame=&quot;;]Hunter Killer Drone Strike - YouTube[/ame]</div>
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<div class="bbWrapper"><blockquote data-attributes="" data-quote="Sallow" data-source="post: 6459791" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=6459791" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-6459791">Sallow said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> <blockquote data-attributes="" data-quote="martybegan" data-source="post: 6459715" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=6459715" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-6459715">martybegan said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> <blockquote data-attributes="" data-quote="rightwinger" data-source="post: 6459704" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=6459704" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-6459704">rightwinger said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> If you wear a tin foil hat, the black boxes will not be able to read your thoughts </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote><br /> So do you want a recording device placed in your vehicle? </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote><br /> Well it seems you folks didn&#039;t mind when ol Bush started listening through our phone calls and reading our email.<br /> <br /> Didja?<br /> <br /> Where did you think that was gonna stop, eh? </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote><br /> anyone monitoring my phone calls or reading my email is going to be very very bored.<br /> <br /> Someone knowing how fast I drive is going to cost me money. Or make me drive at the speed limit and thus need to kill people.</div>
<div class="bbWrapper"><blockquote data-attributes="" data-quote="Mad Scientist" data-source="post: 6459810" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=6459810" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-6459810">Mad Scientist said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> <blockquote data-attributes="" data-quote="rightwinger" data-source="post: 6459760" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=6459760" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-6459760">rightwinger said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> <blockquote data-attributes="" data-quote="martybegan" data-source="post: 6459715" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=6459715" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-6459715">martybegan said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> So do you want a recording device placed in your vehicle? </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote>I don&#039;t give a shit<br /> <br /> As long as it isn&#039;t recording the stupid songs I sing while I am driving<br /> <br /> Sky Rockets in flight.......... </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote>Do you have an iPhone? Maybe an Android? They&#039;re ALREADY listening to you via FCC Act of 1996.<br /> <br /> Speaking of rockets:<br /> <br /> Cars get tracked.<br /> Drone Strike ordered on Car.<br /> Gov&#039;t says they were &quot;Suspect Militants&quot;.<br /> No investigation.<br /> Dumbed down Americans cheer footage of Drone Strike in say, Kentucky.<br /> <br /> &quot;That&#039;s Freedom! That&#039;s America!&quot;<br /> <br /> Coming to an American City near you!:<br /> <br /> [ame=&quot;;]Hunter Killer Drone Strike - YouTube[/ame] </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote><br /> Shit...That was SO Cool<br /> <br /> I love drones....silent death from above<br /> <br /> Terrorize the terrorists....doesn&#039;t get any better than that</div>
<div class="bbWrapper">How will people like it when their auto insurance rates rise or speeding tickets are sent your way based on gathered driving data gleamed from these little devices?<br /> <br /> NTS loves the idea. No surprise there.</div>
<div class="bbWrapper"><blockquote data-attributes="" data-quote="Dreamy" data-source="post: 6459862" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=6459862" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-6459862">Dreamy said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> How will people like it when their auto insurance rates rise or speeding tickets are sent your way based on gathered driving data gleamed from these little devices?<br /> <br /> NTS loves the idea. No surprise there. </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote><br /> Go buy Progressive Insurance<br /> <br /> <script class="js-extraPhrases" type="application/json"> { "lightbox_close": "Close", "lightbox_next": "Next", "lightbox_previous": "Previous", "lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.", "lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow", "lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow", "lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen", "lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails", "lightbox_download": "Download", "lightbox_share": "Share", "lightbox_zoom": "Zoom", "lightbox_new_window": "New window", "lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar" } </script> <div class="bbImageWrapper js-lbImage" title="Flo-and-Snapshot.jpg" data-src="/proxy.php?;hash=29b23ece9dd51a8220f1b661723ba68f" data-lb-sidebar-href="" data-lb-caption-extra-html="" data-single-image="1"> <img src="/proxy.php?;hash=29b23ece9dd51a8220f1b661723ba68f" data-url="" class="bbImage" data-zoom-target="1" style="" alt="Flo-and-Snapshot.jpg" title="" width="" height="" loading="lazy" /> </div></div>
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<div class="bbWrapper"><blockquote data-attributes="" data-quote="rightwinger" data-source="post: 6460121" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=6460121" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-6460121">rightwinger said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> <blockquote data-attributes="" data-quote="Dreamy" data-source="post: 6459862" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=6459862" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-6459862">Dreamy said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> How will people like it when their auto insurance rates rise or speeding tickets are sent your way based on gathered driving data gleamed from these little devices?<br /> <br /> NTS loves the idea. No surprise there. </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote><br /> Go buy Progressive Insurance<br /> <br /> <div class="bbImageWrapper js-lbImage" title="Flo-and-Snapshot.jpg" data-src="/proxy.php?;hash=29b23ece9dd51a8220f1b661723ba68f" data-lb-sidebar-href="" data-lb-caption-extra-html="" data-single-image="1"> <img src="/proxy.php?;hash=29b23ece9dd51a8220f1b661723ba68f" data-url="" class="bbImage" data-zoom-target="1" style="" alt="Flo-and-Snapshot.jpg" title="" width="" height="" loading="lazy" /> </div> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote><br /> I guess you miss the difference where the Progressive monitor is a voluntary device, where with a built in black box, the monitoring may be made mandatory via law. <br /> <br /> Give me one I can unplug at will, then fine, It can be installed in the car I buy.</div>
<div class="bbWrapper"><blockquote data-attributes="" data-quote="martybegan" data-source="post: 6460178" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=6460178" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-6460178">martybegan said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> <blockquote data-attributes="" data-quote="rightwinger" data-source="post: 6460121" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=6460121" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-6460121">rightwinger said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> <blockquote data-attributes="" data-quote="Dreamy" data-source="post: 6459862" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=6459862" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-6459862">Dreamy said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> How will people like it when their auto insurance rates rise or speeding tickets are sent your way based on gathered driving data gleamed from these little devices?<br /> <br /> NTS loves the idea. No surprise there. </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote><br /> Go buy Progressive Insurance<br /> <br /> ] </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote><br /> I guess you miss the difference where the Progressive monitor is a voluntary device, where with a built in black box, the monitoring may be made mandatory via law. <br /> <br /> Give me one I can unplug at will, then fine, It can be installed in the car I buy. </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote><br /> It could work to your advantage in an accident and prove that your driving was not at fault. It could also be used to contradict eyewitnesses who claim you were speeding or reckless<br /> <br /> I trust my own driving and would like to have the evidence supporting me</div>
<div class="bbWrapper"><blockquote data-attributes="" data-quote="rightwinger" data-source="post: 6460233" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=6460233" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-6460233">rightwinger said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> <blockquote data-attributes="" data-quote="martybegan" data-source="post: 6460178" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=6460178" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-6460178">martybegan said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> <blockquote data-attributes="" data-quote="rightwinger" data-source="post: 6460121" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=6460121" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-6460121">rightwinger said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> Go buy Progressive Insurance<br /> <br /> ] </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote><br /> I guess you miss the difference where the Progressive monitor is a voluntary device, where with a built in black box, the monitoring may be made mandatory via law. <br /> <br /> Give me one I can unplug at will, then fine, It can be installed in the car I buy. </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote><br /> It could work to your advantage in an accident and prove that your driving was not at fault. It could also be used to contradict eyewitnesses who claim you were speeding or reckless<br /> <br /> I trust my own driving and would like to have the evidence supporting me </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote><br /> Thats your choice. Notice the word choice. If its an optional item, then yippie. The second the DMV&#039;s make it manatory I&#039;m going to limit my purchases to cars that are &quot;grandfathered&quot; in.</div>
<div class="bbWrapper"><blockquote data-attributes="" data-quote="martybegan" data-source="post: 6460415" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=6460415" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-6460415">martybegan said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> <blockquote data-attributes="" data-quote="rightwinger" data-source="post: 6460233" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=6460233" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-6460233">rightwinger said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> <blockquote data-attributes="" data-quote="martybegan" data-source="post: 6460178" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=6460178" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-6460178">martybegan said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> I guess you miss the difference where the Progressive monitor is a voluntary device, where with a built in black box, the monitoring may be made mandatory via law. <br /> <br /> Give me one I can unplug at will, then fine, It can be installed in the car I buy. </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote><br /> It could work to your advantage in an accident and prove that your driving was not at fault. It could also be used to contradict eyewitnesses who claim you were speeding or reckless<br /> <br /> I trust my own driving and would like to have the evidence supporting me </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote><br /> Thats your choice. Notice the word choice. If its an optional item, then yippie. The second the DMV&#039;s make it manatory I&#039;m going to limit my purchases to cars that are &quot;grandfathered&quot; in. </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote><br /> DMV doesn&#039;t have to make it mandatory<br /> <br /> It just takes your insurance company to say they won&#039;t cover your car unless it has a recording device to provide additional evidence at accidents<br /> <br /> If you want to limit yourself to driving jallopies to stick it to big brother...that is your choice</div>
<div class="bbWrapper"><blockquote data-attributes="" data-quote="rightwinger" data-source="post: 6460472" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=6460472" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-6460472">rightwinger said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> <blockquote data-attributes="" data-quote="martybegan" data-source="post: 6460415" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=6460415" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-6460415">martybegan said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> <blockquote data-attributes="" data-quote="rightwinger" data-source="post: 6460233" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=6460233" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-6460233">rightwinger said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> It could work to your advantage in an accident and prove that your driving was not at fault. It could also be used to contradict eyewitnesses who claim you were speeding or reckless<br /> <br /> I trust my own driving and would like to have the evidence supporting me </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote><br /> Thats your choice. Notice the word choice. If its an optional item, then yippie. The second the DMV&#039;s make it manatory I&#039;m going to limit my purchases to cars that are &quot;grandfathered&quot; in. </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote><br /> DMV doesn&#039;t have to make it mandatory<br /> <br /> It just takes your insurance company to say they won&#039;t cover your car unless it has a recording device to provide additional evidence at accidents<br /> <br /> If you want to limit yourself to driving jallopies to stick it to big brother...that is your choice </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote><br /> If that happens there will be insurance companies that will cover you without it. I&#039;d have to pay a premium, but a bit of extra money is worth my sanity. If had to do 65 in a 65 and 50 in a 50 I would go nuts.</div>
<div class="bbWrapper">Oh noes they comin&#039; for us!<br /> <br /> Cars already have black boxes. Buy a 69&#039; chevy if you don&#039;t like it. Oh gotta have your GPS and bluetooth and all the other shit that uses a COMPUTER.</div>
<div class="bbWrapper"><blockquote data-attributes="" data-quote="novasteve" data-source="post: 6459537" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=6459537" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-6459537">novasteve said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> <a href="" target="_blank" class="link link--external" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">Car Black Boxes Raise Privacy Concerns</a><br /> <br /> Since Obama is prez this will be okay, right? Remember the hissies libs threw over libraries and the patriot act? </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote><br /> And we&#039;re going to tattoo your SS # on your ass.<br /> <br /> Which means your forehead.</div>
<div class="bbWrapper"><blockquote data-attributes="" data-quote="novasteve" data-source="post: 6459537" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-title"> <a href="/goto/post?id=6459537" class="bbCodeBlock-sourceJump" rel="nofollow" data-xf-click="attribution" data-content-selector="#post-6459537">novasteve said:</a> </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-content"> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandContent js-expandContent "> <a href="" target="_blank" class="link link--external" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">Car Black Boxes Raise Privacy Concerns</a><br /> <br /> Since Obama is prez this will be okay, right? Remember the hissies libs threw over libraries and the patriot act? </div> <div class="bbCodeBlock-expandLink js-expandLink"><a role="button" tabindex="0">Click to expand...</a></div> </div> </blockquote><br /> <br /> The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) first began studying Event Data Recorders (EDR) in 1998, during the Clinton administration. That study eventually culminated in a ruling (49 CFR Part 563) which standardized the recorders and the events they recorded in 2006, during the Bush administration. At the time of that ruling, NHTSA declined to make the installation of EDR&#039;s mandatory as they expected 85% of vehicles to have them by 2010. However, they promised to revisit that issue if voluntary installation did not meet their goal.<br /> <br /> The point of all this is to once again point out to the Obamaphobes that Barack Obama is not solely responsible for everything you don&#039;t like.</div>

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