Chaos at the border

Congressman Jamie Raskin (D-MD) told his House colleagues that an unelected power broker is “actively obstructing a bipartisan border deal” and asserted that instead of “working in good faith, bipartisan negotiations to make progress” House GOP members are sabotaging progress.

republicans don't want it on Biden watch, they are waiting for general election, a long time, in hopes Trump get in.
This is a complete misrepresentation of what is happening with the "border deal". But that is we expect from Democrat minions pushing the false narratives they are fed. And Raskin is the leading liar in a Party of liars.
so says the republicans.
Republicans want to make sure the border stays an issue till November

Trump Privately Pressuring GOP Senators To ‘Kill’ Border Deal To Deny Biden A Win​

The former president is telling Republicans he "doesn't want Biden to have a victory" in 2024, said a source familiar with the bipartisan negotiations.

Republicans Flail On Bipartisan Border Deal After Trump Orders Them To Reject It​

The bill will be ready for a Senate vote as early as next week. The GOP has to decide: obey Trump or tackle the border crisis they've been screaming about.
Go fuck yourself, you lying bitch.

Just as I thought. Biden and a lot of Republicans were going to get together to solve the border crisis and Trump called Mike Johnson and told him not to give Biden the win.

So clearly this is another reason Trump can never be president again.
Congressman Jamie Raskin (D-MD) told his House colleagues that an unelected power broker is “actively obstructing a bipartisan border deal” and asserted that instead of “working in good faith, bipartisan negotiations to make progress” House GOP members are sabotaging progress.

republicans don't want it on Biden watch, they are waiting for general election, a long time, in hopes Trump get in.

Trump needs the border to be an issue. So he's telling Republicans not to help Biden fix the problem. Any Republican who goes along with Trump, should not be re elected. And Trump is playing politics with a real problem we are having. I guess this problem can wait to be fixed till after Trump wins or the House goes back to Democratic control.
Jamie Raskin, the lying son of a bitch who was all for the Russian Collusion Hoax? Marxists/Demofascist never work in good faith, they will say one thing, then do the opposite to fuck over the United States..

I get the impression that half of the Democrats do not like this open border, and that they're not going to take it any more, and not just in Texas either.

Biden halted the tall wall that was working to keep trouble away from America. I heard a blurb on the tube that 9.1 million have crossed the Border since Biden's first day announcement that he was stopping the wall being built by his predecessor, and it seems to me the Border Police have been changed into a kind of Welcome Wagon that accepts everyone who crosses on orders from President Biden. 9.1 million seems to be a lot of people for 3 years crossing or cruising their way into the United States, but the prediction added their evidence of terror groups galore have crossed, but not at security stations along the border, and much of that is done in the dark to disallow apprehension, which is the hallmark of many criminals who operate in the dark of night so they cannot be identified on camera due to the dark.

Terrorists by the hundreds have been apprehended, not including the got-aways. It's not a political division, Americans who value this country as their home are against allowing millions and millions and more millions crossing the border with many of them wearing "I owe the Cartel" wrist bracelets. They can be traced, and they know they have to pay the required amount by the color of the bracelet.

I found a youtube video of Texas Governor Abbott that you might be interested in if you want the latest on border patrolling along the Rio Grande. I'd say, happy watching, but this isn't my idea of a happy ending result on the Welcome Wagon Biden Border. A lot of people are not following political issues these days because they're taking on odd jobs to pay for their Biden Inflation Clobber on 25% increase in grocery costs and $7 a gallon gas in some places. Nobody wants the post spending inflation inflicted on voters by Biden policies, and many people are too proud to go to the government gifting because it smacks of communism to have the government being the giver, not the workers who earn money and then have to buy more expensive prices on for sale goods, and the government is sure to raise taxes to give money to those who apply for it. Many elders are confused why when they paid Social Security at the same rate as everyone else, but many were turned down the first time the government offered money only to those who requested it. Many widows who had an $8,000 county taxes on their farms put money in the bank to cover the check, only to have been turned away from the first food offer because the Feds don't know anything about how small counties have had big setbacks and raised taxes to a higher than ever price in 2022. They assumed the tax money saved back was income and attached a little bonus for the feds by claiming that much money had to be profit. Anyone who has kids in college should be certain they take a college graduate class in funding life after retirement. Some people retired because of physical ailments that don't get any better with growing older after they retire in their sixties, and they can't grapple with costs for everything going through the roof, and can't work due to brain fog, backaches, neuropathy, and fighting cancer.

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God's Army is quoted as disappointed that they only saw three migrants at Eagle Pass.
Congressman Jamie Raskin (D-MD) told his House colleagues that an unelected power broker is “actively obstructing a bipartisan border deal” and asserted that instead of “working in good faith, bipartisan negotiations to make progress” House GOP members are sabotaging progress.

republicans don't want it on Biden watch, they are waiting for general election, a long time, in hopes Trump get in.
We should simply deal with our border the way Ukraine deals with theirs. Tanks, missiles, rifles, and grenades. I volunteer. Problem solved.
We should simply deal with our border the way Ukraine deals with theirs. Tanks, missiles, rifles, and grenades. I volunteer. Problem solved.
Right there with ya, and if some bleeding heart liberal wants to be a human shield, so be it...I will treat both as i do a Communist.


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