CHAOS!- So it begins- Bernie Supporters losing it at DNC-Banging on doors


Council to Supreme Soviet
Dec 12, 2009
h/t gateway pundit

Sanders supporters and grassroots activists delivered a petition with 600,000 signatures demanding the Democratic Party end the use of unelected officials to help determine presidential nominees.

Not hard to imagine that the timing of the leaks was carefully planned.

As goofy as the RNC was, now the Dems have this.

What a fine pair of parties we have, huh?
The Hillbots will give one of these
that should help

Sure, OK.

But Hillary still won more states and got more votes.

What is wrong with these people?
Sure, OK.

But Hillary still won more states and got more votes.

What is wrong with these people?
Search the DNC email database
Today, Friday 22 July 2016 at 10:30am EDT, WikiLeaks releases 19,252 emails and 8,034 attachments from the top of the US Democratic National Committee -- part one of our new Hillary Leaks series. The leaks come from the accounts of seven key figures in the DNC: Communications Director Luis Miranda (10770 emails), National Finance Director Jordon Kaplan (3797 emails), Finance Chief of Staff Scott Comer (3095 emails), Finanace Director of Data & Strategic Initiatives Daniel Parrish (1472 emails), Finance Director Allen Zachary (1611 emails), Senior Advisor Andrew Wright (938 emails) and Northern California Finance Director Robert (Erik) Stowe (751 emails). The emails cover the period from January last year until 25 May this year.

WikiLeaks - Search the DNC email database
It appears the main argument among them is
the super delegate system

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