Chargers fan gets his ass kicked by Ram's fans.

It's hard to say what led up to it all, but it looks to me like he threw the first punch so maybe he was asking for it.

This was a preseason game 2 weeks ago.

How is it possible that a guy gets punched 30 times or more by 3-5 people EACH and is still standing afterwards and walks away?

Still, probably the most action any fan has seen at a Chargers or Rams game in years. :smoke:

And this is only the preseason!
How is it possible that a guy gets punched 30 times or more by 3-5 people EACH and is still standing afterwards and walks away?

Still, probably the most action any fan has seen at a Chargers or Rams game in years. :smoke:

And this is only the preseason!
I guess it goes to show. . . You shouldn't underestimate the power of that vaccine to morph humans into some mutant hellacious hybrid monster. . .

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