Charging Your Electric Car Is....Shocking!

I'd really like to see an accurate explanation of what the cost to fully charge the car, is.

Just last week an article stated that the range for these cars is only 50-60% of the stated range.

Who to believe....and I start out disbelieving anything the Progressisves/Democrats say.
And this is assuming the electrical grid can handle the added load. In many places, it can't.
I live in NYC.....and although I have the option, most folks do not have on the property parking.

I wonder how and where they charge their car at home?????
They run extension cords from their 6th-story apartment windows down to the street then over three blocks.
Only a be described as a Fascist.

There is no Fascist Republican Party.

Fascists were Leftists, like Nazis, Bolsheviks and you Democrats.
Fascists were ultra-nationalists. Who does that sound like?
And this is assuming the electrical grid can handle the added load. In many places, it can't.

I saw an article from an expert in the automotive industry who said just that, what with Cal. having brown outs already.

What is with this party???? Sowing chaos....
Fascists were ultra-nationalists. Who does that sound like?

Fascists were Leftists.

They were allied with the Nazis....who, like you, were openly socialist.

Before you claim that the Nazis weren’t a branch of the Leftist family, you should know that they share the very same agenda with the Democrat Party, right down to concentration camps.
Both are socialists who don't draw any line at murder.

And along with the Bolsheviks, all three flow from the fertile imagination of Karl Marx:

"Hitler often stated that he learned much from reading Marx, and the whole of National Socialism is doctrinally based on Marxism."
George Watson, Historian, Cambridge.

"Socialists in Germany were national socialists, communists were international socialists."
Vladimir Bukovsky.

You will never be anything but a low life sleazy Democrat-boot licker.

But I guess you know that.
Fascists were Leftists.
No. They were their own thing, neither right nor left but with parts of each.

They were allied with the Nazis....who, like you, were openly socialist.
The only thing socialist about them was their name.

Before you claim that the Nazis weren’t a branch of the Leftist family, you should know that they share the very same agenda with the Democrat Party, right down to concentration camps.
Both are socialists who don't draw any line at murder.
Of course they had the same racial mix as the GOP, overwhelmingly white.

And along with the Bolsheviks, all three flow from the fertile imagination of Karl Marx:

"Hitler often stated that he learned much from reading Marx, and the whole of National Socialism is doctrinally based on Marxism."
George Watson, Historian, Cambridge.
And there never was a more honest man than Hitler.

"Socialists in Germany were national socialists, communists were international socialists."
Vladimir Bukovsky.
Socialism is an economic theory. Nazis were capitalists to the end.

You will never be anything but a low life sleazy Democrat-boot licker.

But I guess you know that.
If I ever get tired of the Dems I'll just take a page from your book and rewrite history to my liking.
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An Uber driver just called a talk show, and said he can no longer rent an internal combustion enginine car if he wishes to drive for Uber.

He said it takes 9 hours to fully charge the car.....and charging stations cost 37 cents a minute.

That's $22.20 an hour.....and 9 hours is about $200

On average, it costs between $0.30- $0.60 kWh to charge an electric vehicle. Therefore, this means that a small car could cost about $11.50 to $23 to fully charge while a bigger or long-distance vehicle could cost between $22.50 to $45.

Level 3 chargers will cost between $0.40 and $0.60 per kWh, while level 2 chargers cost between $0.20 and $0.25 per kWh.
And this is assuming the electrical grid can handle the added load. In many places, it can't.
The important fact you miss, is that like when the power company asks you to delay use of high power appliances, like washers/dryers until late at night. They advocate the same for charging electric cars.

Because the electrical grid load changes with time of day, there is enough capacity after business shuts down, Despite the next spike after people go home, and turn on the AC.

By late evening the power draw on the grid is at it's lowest, and there is enough excess capacity to charge electric vehicles overnight.
A typical ebike battery, which gives about 20 miles of assisted power, costs ~ $0.25 per charge and can take 4 or 5 hours. When the solar panel is mounted on the moving machine and the sun is shining, there is no monetary or time cost apart from having the equipment completely paid for from the start. The cup is always half full rather than half empty even when the sun isn't shining, because you've though to charge your other batteries when the sun is shining.

Lithium recycling means you'll wait for the tech to become established within your country and not give the lithium you have already purchased back to the Chinese for any reason whatsoever.
No. They were their own thing, neither right nor left but with parts of each.

The only thing socialist about them was their name.

Of course they had the same racial mix as the GOP, overwhelmingly white.

And there never was a more honest man than Hitler.

Socialism is an economic theory. Nazis were capitalists to the end.

If I ever get tired of the Dems I'll just take a page from your book and rewrite history to my liking.

They were allied with the Nazis....who, like you, were openly socialist.
"The only thing socialist about them was their name."

You are lying scum, and I never mind proving it.

The Nazis were just like your party.....communist/socialist murderers.
Government spending as a percentage of GDP averaged around 40% pre-war. Additionally (at least in the beginning) 80% of the budget was spent on social programs, not the hallmark of an "evil, right wing, capitalist economy." Sign in


Workers Welfare Programs:

In the best passage of Government largess, the Nazi regime fostered a purified liberal concept to enhance the living standard of German citizens across all segments of society. In order to stimulate the spirit of integrity, comradeship and happiness, Adolf Hitler fanned numerous programs and instituted strict rules for officials to carry them in eternal way.

a) Highly Subsidized International vacation trips.

b) Between 1933-1938 Strength through Joy (KDF) movement Organized 134,000 theater and concert events for 32 million people. 2 million people went on cruises and weekend trips and 11 million went on theater trips.

c) Nazis ensured that every citizen had a Radio.

d) 5 day week.

e) Free Public Health.

f) Trade Unions were banned. All workers had to join German labor Front. Strikes for higher wages were banned. People who refused to work were imprisoned. With fall in Inflation, purchasing power increased and wages actually fell.

g) Large factories had to provide rest areas, cafeterias, dressing rooms, even playing fields and swimming pools

h) They also banned "lock outs" for industries. No "reverse strikes"for them either.

1933-1945: In 1933 Hitler disbands the labor movement and strips Jews of citizenship. Jews, dissidents, and other minorities are put in concentration camps, where they are forced to work or killed outright. The Reich centralizes social programs and education as a means of control. The regime extends health insurance to retirees in 1941, and expands health care and maternity leave the following year. Commanding Heights : Germany | on PBS

During the 12 years of Hitler’s Third Reich, the National Socialists expanded and extended the welfare state to the point where over 17 million German citizens were receiving assistance under the auspices of the National Socialist People's Welfare (NSV) by 1939, an agency that had projected a powerful image of caring and support. Welfare state - Wikipedia

The Nazi rule under Adolf Hitler in the 1930s and 1940s led to an improvement in medical care and old age provision largely financed by high taxes on the wealthy, and theft from Jews and the people of the conquered territories (Aly 2007, 7). The Viability of the European Social Model: The German Welfare State and Labor Market Reform

The Nationalsozialistische Volkswohlfahrt (NSV), meaning "National Socialist People's Welfare", was a social welfare organization during the Third Reich. The NSV was established in 1933,.... The NSV became established as the single Nazi Party welfare organ in May 1933.[1] .... the programme was massively expanded, so that the régime deemed it worthy to be called the "greatest social institution in the world." One method of expansion was to absorb, or in NSDAP parlance coordinate, already existing but non-Nazi charity organizations. NSV was the second largest Nazi group organization by 1939, second only to the German Labor Front.

The National Socialists provided a plethora of social welfare programs under the Nazi concept of Volksgemeinschaft which promoted the collectivity of a “people’s community” where citizens would sacrifice themselves for the greater good. The NSV operated “8,000 day-nurseries” by 1939, and funded holiday homes for mothers, distributed additional food for large families, and was involved with a “wide variety of other facilities.”[4]

The Nazi social welfare provisions included old age insurance, rent supplements, unemployment and disability benefits, old-age homes, interest-free loans for married couples, along with healthcare insurance, which was not decreed mandatory until 1941[5] One of the NSV branches, the Office of Institutional and Special Welfare, was responsible “for travellers’ aid at railway stations; relief for ex-convicts; ‘support’ for re-migrants from abroad; assistance for the physically disabled, hard-of-hearing, deaf, mute, and blind; relief for the elderly, homeless and alcoholics; and the fight against illicit drugs and epidemics.”

These social welfare programs represented a Hitlerian endeavor to lift the community above the individual while promoting the wellbeing of all bona fide citizens. As Hitler told a reporter in 1934, he was determined to give Germans “the highest possible standard of living.” National Socialist People's Welfare - Wikipedia


Hitler’s Beneficiaries: Plunder, Racial War, and the Nazi Welfare State, by Götz Aly,

While underemphasized by modern historians, this socialism was stressed in many contemporaneous accounts of fascism, especially by libertarian thinkers. F.A. Hayek famously dedicated The Road to Serfdom to “the socialists of all parties”—that is, Labourites, Bolsheviks, and National Socialists.

Ludwig von Mises agreed, arguing in 1944 that “both Russia and Germany are right in calling their systems socialist.”

The Nazis themselves regarded the left-right convergence as integral to understanding fascism. Adolf Eichmann viewed National Socialism and communism as “quasi-siblings,” explaining in his memoirs that he “inclined towards the left and emphasized socialist aspects every bit as much as nationalist ones.” As late as 1944, Propaganda Minister Josef Goebbels publicly celebrated “our socialism,” reminding his war-weary subjects that Germany “alone [has] the best social welfare measures.” Contrast this, he advised, with the Jews, who were the very “incarnation of capitalism.”

Using a farrago of previously unpublished statistics, Aly describes in detail a social system larded with benefits —open only to Aryan comrades, naturally.

According to Götz Aly’s Hitler’s Beneficiaries: Plunder, Racial War, and the Nazi Welfare State, most previous treatments of German complicity in genocide overlook a significant aspect of Nazi rule. Aly, a historian at the Fritz Bauer Institut in Frankfurt and the author of more than a dozen books on fascism, urges us to follow the money, arguing that the Nazis maintained popular support—a necessary precondition for the “final solution”—not because of terror or ideological affinity but through a simple system of “plunder,” “bribery,” and a generous welfare state.

To “achieve a truly socialist division of personal assets,” he writes, Hitler implemented a variety of interventionist economic policies, including price and rent controls, exorbitant corporate taxes, frequent “polemics against landlords,” subsidies to German farmers as protection “against the vagaries of weather and the world market,” and harsh taxes on capital gains, which Hitler himself had denounced as “effortless income.”

“The Nazi leadership did not transform the majority of Germans into ideological fanatics who were convinced that they were the master race,” Aly concludes. “Instead it succeeded in making them well-fed parasites.”

Hitler’s Beneficiaries demonstrates a correlation between moral collapse and government largess.

While Aly’s impressive economic history succeeds in reminding readers that Bolshevism and Nazism were, in the words of historian Richard Pipes, both “heresies of socialism,” that service is ultimately overshadowed by a needlessly radical conclusion." Hitler's Handouts

See if you can do something about that Democrat boot-polish on your tongue.

On average, it costs between $0.30- $0.60 kWh to charge an electric vehicle. Therefore, this means that a small car could cost about $11.50 to $23 to fully charge while a bigger or long-distance vehicle could cost between $22.50 to $45.

Level 3 chargers will cost between $0.40 and $0.60 per kWh, while level 2 chargers cost between $0.20 and $0.25 per kWh.

After I was forced to expose you as the lying scum you are, when you were caught altering my posts to claim that they said other than what I wrote, I asked you not to address me again.

Please honor that request.....

“I cut it down” January 6th Is But A Detail… post 31
Workers Welfare Programs:

In the best passage of Government largess, the Nazi regime fostered a purified liberal concept to enhance the living standard of German citizens across all segments of society. In order to stimulate the spirit of integrity, comradeship and happiness, Adolf Hitler fanned numerous programs and instituted strict rules for officials to carry them in eternal way.

a) Highly Subsidized International vacation trips.

b) Between 1933-1938 Strength through Joy (KDF) movement Organized 134,000 theater and concert events for 32 million people. 2 million people went on cruises and weekend trips and 11 million went on theater trips.

c) Nazis ensured that every citizen had a Radio.

d) 5 day week.

e) Free Public Health.

f) Trade Unions were banned. All workers had to join German labor Front. Strikes for higher wages were banned. People who refused to work were imprisoned. With fall in Inflation, purchasing power increased and wages actually fell.

g) Large factories had to provide rest areas, cafeterias, dressing rooms, even playing fields and swimming pools

h) They also banned "lock outs" for industries. No "reverse strikes"for them either.
See if you can do something about that Democrat boot-polish on your tongue.
So treating German workers well was another evil Nazi scheme? Those animals. I guess Hitler was just like Stalin except Hitler took care of his workers, Stalin terrorized and imprisoned them. Curious that the first group Hitler fought with were the Communists.
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So treating German workers well was another evil Nazi scheme? Those animals. I guess Hitler was just like Stalin except Hitler took care of his workers, Stalin terrorized and imprisoned them. Curious that the first group Hitler fought with were the Communists.

So we agree you are a Nazi?

Now slither away.
No, I'm not the one who would round up and shoot communists if I could. That would be you.
So he would shoot you :cool:.

Anyway, I get 340 mi on my hybrid. Am jealous of those who get over 500 mi hybrid. I can't trust all electric as there may not be enough chargers on a trip.
The important fact you miss, is that like when the power company asks you to delay use of high power appliances, like washers/dryers until late at night. They advocate the same for charging electric cars.

Because the electrical grid load changes with time of day, there is enough capacity after business shuts down, Despite the next spike after people go home, and turn on the AC.

By late evening the power draw on the grid is at it's lowest, and there is enough excess capacity to charge electric vehicles overnight.
Sure, because everyone charging their cars at night won't then shift peak load to overnight.

The grid simply can't handle it.
An Uber driver just called a talk show, and said he can no longer rent an internal combustion enginine car if he wishes to drive for Uber.

He said it takes 9 hours to fully charge the car.....and charging stations cost 37 cents a minute.

That's $22.20 an hour.....and 9 hours is about $200

The NEMA 14-50 charger for Tesla electric cars plugs into a 240 volt wall outlet, similar to the type used by your clothes dryer or other appliances. A standard Tesla charger with a NEMA 14-50 connector will be able to charge your Tesla battery completely in 10 hours (for the Model S) to 10 ½ hours (for the Model X).Nov 5, 2021

How Long Does it Take to Charge a Tesla? - EnergySage › charging-a-tesla

Do you understand what voting Democrat does??????

About featured snippe

I'm all for a day when people like Buttigeig in government get up and say such stupid shit, that someone just pulls out a cattle bolt and renders them dead or pulls a lever and their chair drops through the floor and ends the bullshit right there and then. Then as they remove the body, the Senate asks: "OK, who has a better theory?"

What does it take to get actual wisdom, knowledge, and beneficence in our government?
Ironic photo of West Virginia coal miners pushing a stranded electric car of tourist goes viral


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