Charity should begin at home.....


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
I am in agreement with Ann fully on this issue she has put out in her watch. We do not need more rapefugees to teach us how to love one another as these hypocrites who stuff their own pockets are claiming. We have boat loads of decent people right here in this country that have been displaced and minimized by the greed of some NWO assholes who care more about growing their own bottom line and gaining control to take away liberty more than they care about equity, justice, law and order for people.

Former refugee contractor CEO: America needs refugees to teach us how to love one another

refugee watch.png
If America would stop destroying these people's homes and families, there would be no refugees.
If America would stop destroying these people's homes and families, there would be no refugees.
You ain't laying that chit off on the American public that has been push in Africa, Europe and the Middle East. Mohammedanisms have been slaughtering their own for thousands of years along with raping and abusing females and children. Its not Americans that have been doing that.
I am in agreement with Ann fully on this issue she has put out in her watch. We do not need more rapefugees to teach us how to love one another as these hypocrites who stuff their own pockets are claiming. We have boat loads of decent people right here in this country that have been displaced and minimized by the greed of some NWO assholes who care more about growing their own bottom line and gaining control to take away liberty more than they care about equity, justice, law and order for people.

Former refugee contractor CEO: America needs refugees to teach us how to love one another

View attachment 157703
Maybe if the fucking government didn't take so much of our money in taxes, that they give to other countries and welfare pukes, we might want to be more generous. As long as the government is charitable with my money, I will keep what I have left...

If America would stop destroying these people's homes and families, there would be no refugees.
You ain't laying that chit off on the American public that has been push in Africa, Europe and the Middle East. Mohammedanisms have been slaughtering their own for thousands of years along with raping and abusing females and children. Its not Americans that have been doing that.
We've been blowing the fuck out of places in the middle east for decades. Propping up monsters when convenient, installing governments wherever we like, treating the place like it's our military's playground...

Billions spent per year destroying the homes of these refugees instead of using that money for "charity at home." What a joke.
I am in agreement with Ann fully on this issue she has put out in her watch. We do not need more rapefugees to teach us how to love one another as these hypocrites who stuff their own pockets are claiming. We have boat loads of decent people right here in this country that have been displaced and minimized by the greed of some NWO assholes who care more about growing their own bottom line and gaining control to take away liberty more than they care about equity, justice, law and order for people.

Former refugee contractor CEO: America needs refugees to teach us how to love one another

View attachment 157703
Maybe if the fucking government didn't take so much of our money in taxes, that they give to other countries and welfare pukes, we might want to be more generous. As long as the government is charitable with my money, I will keep what I have left...

View attachment 157709
The bigger problem than the taxes is giving insurance companies a free pass to rape and pillage and then regulating the little guys out of the market with skewed regulations and policies that favor large corporates who use other peoples money and government agencies to bully smaller enterprises. That just expanded with Obummercare. Castrate the unethical lawyers and thugs then short leash the banksters and investment funders who think they have the right to other peoples savings accounts and businesses just because they exist.
If America would stop destroying these people's homes and families, there would be no refugees.
You ain't laying that chit off on the American public that has been push in Africa, Europe and the Middle East. Mohammedanisms have been slaughtering their own for thousands of years along with raping and abusing females and children. Its not Americans that have been doing that.
We've been blowing the fuck out of places in the middle east for decades. Propping up monsters when convenient, installing governments wherever we like, treating the place like it's our military's playground...

Billions spent per year destroying the homes of these refugees instead of using that money for "charity at home." What a joke.
Sorry but I did not do those things nor did I give anyone else permission to do them in my name. Again lay it off where the problem is as you ain't going to get any traction with me.
If America would stop destroying these people's homes and families, there would be no refugees.
You ain't laying that chit off on the American public that has been push in Africa, Europe and the Middle East. Mohammedanisms have been slaughtering their own for thousands of years along with raping and abusing females and children. Its not Americans that have been doing that.
We've been blowing the fuck out of places in the middle east for decades. Propping up monsters when convenient, installing governments wherever we like, treating the place like it's our military's playground...

Billions spent per year destroying the homes of these refugees instead of using that money for "charity at home." What a joke.
why the fuck are you still here? If the United States is that bad, what the fuck are you doing being culpable with this government? 8 years of Obama who bombed the fuck out of the middle east, and you fuckers were just happy as peaches, yet now that a R is in office, you switch to the "America is bad" again. You libfucks are just plain dumb...

U.S. Drone Strikes Are Causing Child Casualties: Video and Report | HuffPost
12/01/2012 03:32 pm ET Updated Jan 31, 2013
The impact of America’s drone war in the likes of Pakistan and Yemen will linger on, especially for the loved ones of the 178 children killed in those countries by U.S. drone strikes.
You want to take care of the refugees, bring them to your fucking house, and you take care of them. Dumbasses, another word for "Liberals".
Start with your families and then your community.

You can't help others until you can provide for yourself and your own.
Start with your families and then your community.

You can't help others until you can provide for yourself and your own.
Start with your families and then your community.

until you can provide for yourself and your own ...

at what point do the desert religions ever think of anything but themselves, first - to last .... deceivingly turning love to hate as their history proves repeatedly throughout their existence. loving themselves and not the Garden that grants them their lives.

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