Charity's Political Divide - Who Cares the Most for the Poor?


<<< Me in 1970
May 20, 2010
When is comes down the Free Will of Giving, who really measures up?

Who really cares for their fellow American, is it the Democrats or Republicans?

Who is more willing out of the goodness of their heart to help the poor?

What is the Political Divide on Giving to Charity?

When it comes to the Truth, there is only one answer........

Libs are always so willing to Take other peoples money and give it to the poor, but when it comes more directly out of their own pocket, guess what?

Republicans give a bigger share of their own money to Charities :)

"A study by Google found an even greater disproportion: average annual contributions reported by conservatives were almost double those of liberals."

"It turns out that this idea that liberals give more…is a myth. Of the top 25 states where people give an above average percent of their income, 24 were red states in the last presidential election. "

Who Gives and Who Doesn't? - ABC News

Any Surprise?

I have no problem giving to charity. As long as charity ASKS for my help.

Kinda of the point, most people want to help others out of the Goodness of their Heart, most people are against helpers others because they are Forced to, I guess that is where Liberals and Conservatives differ :badgrin:

I find it disgusting that anyone sinks so low as to use charity as a political point scoring exercise.

Well, I think you miss the point....

Liberals are continually ridiculing Conservatives about how we hate the Poor, how we would let them Starve, etc.

Liberals only use these examples to make themselves look better, but the truth is they only care when they are using someone else's money, or at least that is what I gather from the article.

I have no problem giving to charity. As long as charity ASKS for my help.

Kinda of the point, most people want to help others out of the Goodness of their Heart, most people are against helpers others because they are Forced to, I guess that is where Liberals and Conservatives differ :badgrin:


Charity should never be coerced through taxation. Not the Government's job.
I find it disgusting that anyone sinks so low as to use charity as a political point scoring exercise.

Well, I think you miss the point....

Liberals are continually ridiculing Conservatives about how we hate the Poor, how we would let them Starve, etc.

Liberals only use these examples to make themselves look better, but the truth is they only care when they are using someone else's money, or at least that is what I gather from the article.


Actually Liberals continually ridicule Cons about how their policies hate the poor. Charitable giving has never been a topic of disagreement
I hate both parties, but you gotta remember that democrats are going to be less likely to give to a church and churches are categorized as charities, correct?

So in other words if a democrat gives $75 to habitat for humanity, and a republican gives $100 to a church where $25 of that goes to replacing an old bible with a new one, to me they gave the same amount of money to a charitable cause.
I hate both parties, but you gotta remember that democrats are going to be less likely to give to a church and churches are categorized as charities, correct?

So in other words if a democrat gives $75 to habitat for humanity, and a republican gives $100 to a church where $25 of that goes to replacing an old bible with a new one, to me they gave the same amount of money to a charitable cause.

What if $75 goes to crack cocaine for the habitat for humanity director's whore mistress?
I hate both parties, but you gotta remember that democrats are going to be less likely to give to a church and churches are categorized as charities, correct?

So in other words if a democrat gives $75 to habitat for humanity, and a republican gives $100 to a church where $25 of that goes to replacing an old bible with a new one, to me they gave the same amount of money to a charitable cause.

Somebody did an informal study in San Francisco and found that conservatives gave far more money to the homeless and in need folks. Liberals felt that government should take care of that issue and that was what they paid their taxes for.

I won't go into all the other stuff they did but both sides feel charitable, it's just conservatives take an active part in charity and liberals don't for the most part.
Sadly, because governments are inherently wasteful they don't do as good a job as they could.
Charities have HUGE overhead and run out in hard times. Dems don't mind paying taxes to help, and don't like making charity cases and beggars out of the victims of Pub policies...
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Charities have HUGE overhead and run out in hard times. Dems don't mind paying taxes to help, and don't like making people charity cases and beggars out of the victims of Pub policies...
You MISS one thing Franco-Derp?

TAXES were NEVER designed to take care of the poor...PERIOD.

NOT the function of Government.

Never WAS.
I find it disgusting that anyone sinks so low as to use charity as a political point scoring exercise.

Well, I think you miss the point....

Liberals are continually ridiculing Conservatives about how we hate the Poor, how we would let them Starve, etc.

Liberals only use these examples to make themselves look better, but the truth is they only care when they are using someone else's money, or at least that is what I gather from the article.


Actually Liberals continually ridicule Cons about how their policies hate the poor. Charitable giving has never been a topic of disagreement
Note for the leftism-impaired:

Wanting people to be self-sufficient is not hating them.
tything is the reason why.
Yes, because everybody knows churches never help the poor. True charity is when you insist government take money from someone else and give it to the poor. That's the only real generosity.


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