Charles Koch's great big lie.

There is , up to a certain point, your statement is agreeable. However, when the Governor of Wisconsin was fooled by someone pretending to be one of the Koch brothers, that is what makes it completely different.\
When the average citizen and get the ear of their Governor for that length of time, then we have equal representation.
Also on another thought, when Citizens United is overturned by the Supreme Court of the United States, then we this country will making the right move to give EVERY citizen the same rights to petition their government and their representative, at all levels.

If Citizens United is overturned then it is silencing the rights of every citizen.
No it isn't, what makes you say that??

What is the difference between Unions and Corporations?
If it is leagal for Unions, it is legal for Corporations.
They are all citizens (unions and corporations) who are voicing their opinions and backing the people who they want to vote for, as quoted by boilermaker55 - to give EVERY citizen the same rights to petition their government and their representative, at all levels.

And of course they don't realize that the biggest donors in the country are the unions...far and above everyone else.....

Union exist to keep employers in check. Need evidence, read some history.

How do you know Union are the diggest donors in the country, and why should anyone believe you. Provide credible and probative evidence.

They all have to make them public for the people to see, It's the law.
Top Organization Contributors OpenSecrets
Nope. I didn't suggest anything. I merely asked questions.

Your question
What motive other than money drives them?
Answer Entrepreneurship for all Americans who wish to do so without government policies getting in the way.
I See ... So, you know them personally? You're on a first name basis with them? I imagine that you've had many long and interesting chats with them over the years, right? If not, then you must be guessing as to what their true motives are, right?

It is what their actions have done.
Well, their actions have been well publicized, no secrets there. I was referring to their intent and motives ... which are entirely different from their actions. So, again, do you know for sure what their real motives are behind their contributions?

Promoting Entrepreneurs for this country.
Again, how do you know that for sure? Do you know them personally, and have discussed this subject with them in person, or on the phone? So far, you've only expressed your opinion as to what you believe their true motives are, nothing more.
Your question
What motive other than money drives them?
Answer Entrepreneurship for all Americans who wish to do so without government policies getting in the way.
I See ... So, you know them personally? You're on a first name basis with them? I imagine that you've had many long and interesting chats with them over the years, right? If not, then you must be guessing as to what their true motives are, right?

It is what their actions have done.
Well, their actions have been well publicized, no secrets there. I was referring to their intent and motives ... which are entirely different from their actions. So, again, do you know for sure what their real motives are behind their contributions?

Promoting Entrepreneurs for this country.
Again, how do you know that for sure? Do you know them personally, and have discussed this subject with them in person, or on the phone? So far, you've only expressed your opinion as to what you believe their true motives are, nothing more.

They have been promoting it since 1991.
Soooo, do you think the people with the most money in the world should be the ones who decide for all of us, what is best for us?

Why bother having a form of Democracy as our government? Why not just have the very wealthy decide for you on what is best for you? Even though they have never in their lives walked in your shoes, they have never seen your own situations, your own achievements, your own anything....

Yet you are insane enough to give up your right to your own mind, and livelihood and just hand it over to some kind of monied kingship to make YOUR DECISIONS for yourself on what truly affects you and your family?

Sorry, I don't believe a word the Koch's say, and you should not give up your own mind to them either. You are being brainwashed, and of course without even knowing it....

NO, NO KOCH BROTHERS are going to tell me what they are doing they are doing, ONLY for me and my own benefit, because they know best bull crap.

The vast depth of your ignorance is more awesome than the Grand Canyon.

The "rich" that you're programmed to hate pay all the fuckin taxes, so they're probably going to get more attention, but I'm sure you'd love to pretend that felons like George Soros don't exist.

We're a republic, not a democracy.

Bed wetters like you have proven beyond a doubt that you totally lack the slightest hint of critical analytical skills or independence of thought. I strongly recommend a retroactive self abortion. Fertilizer would be the only way you can compensate us for the oxygen you've been stealing.
We're a republic, not a democracy.

A Republic is a national government without a monarch.

A Democracy is giving citizens the right to vote either for elected leaders or legislation.

The United States is both.
I See ... So, you know them personally? You're on a first name basis with them? I imagine that you've had many long and interesting chats with them over the years, right? If not, then you must be guessing as to what their true motives are, right?

It is what their actions have done.
Well, their actions have been well publicized, no secrets there. I was referring to their intent and motives ... which are entirely different from their actions. So, again, do you know for sure what their real motives are behind their contributions?

Promoting Entrepreneurs for this country.
Again, how do you know that for sure? Do you know them personally, and have discussed this subject with them in person, or on the phone? So far, you've only expressed your opinion as to what you believe their true motives are, nothing more.

They have been promoting it since 1991.
Promoting what since 1991? How long have they been funding candidates and political agendas? And, why are they doing it? And, please, don't just give your opinion as to why they're doing it, present facts. Their true motives, if you know them as factual.
We're a republic, not a democracy.

A Republic is a national government without a monarch.

A Democracy is giving citizens the right to vote either for elected leaders or legislation.

The United States is both.

Article 4 - The States
Section 4 - Republican Government

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government.

Nowhere in our Constitution does it say Republican Democracy form of Government.
Our Republic gives the minorities rights which a democracy republic does not.
This is why it says Republic in our Constitution.
It is what their actions have done.
Well, their actions have been well publicized, no secrets there. I was referring to their intent and motives ... which are entirely different from their actions. So, again, do you know for sure what their real motives are behind their contributions?

Promoting Entrepreneurs for this country.
Again, how do you know that for sure? Do you know them personally, and have discussed this subject with them in person, or on the phone? So far, you've only expressed your opinion as to what you believe their true motives are, nothing more.

They have been promoting it since 1991.
Promoting what since 1991? How long have they been funding candidates and political agendas? And, why are they doing it? And, please, don't just give your opinion as to why they're doing it, present facts. Their true motives, if you know them as factual.

What have we been talking about all this time?
Criminetly !!!!!
Well, their actions have been well publicized, no secrets there. I was referring to their intent and motives ... which are entirely different from their actions. So, again, do you know for sure what their real motives are behind their contributions?

Promoting Entrepreneurs for this country.
Again, how do you know that for sure? Do you know them personally, and have discussed this subject with them in person, or on the phone? So far, you've only expressed your opinion as to what you believe their true motives are, nothing more.

They have been promoting it since 1991.
Promoting what since 1991? How long have they been funding candidates and political agendas? And, why are they doing it? And, please, don't just give your opinion as to why they're doing it, present facts. Their true motives, if you know them as factual.

What have we been talking about all this time?
Criminetly !!!!!
And your answer is? I'm waiting for something other than just your opinion as to what their motives and intentions are. Have you forgotten the questions?
Aren't these the Kochs that sold Oil illegally to the NAZIs in WW2....

Same ideology I suppose.

No it was not illegal.

The German Koch’s and Fred Koch
There is evidence the American Koch's was related to Ilse’s family, Erich Koch (a high level Nazi official in charge of Prussia) invites Fred Koch to sell his oil in Nazi Germany when he is banned from doing business in the US. After the fall of Nazi Germany, Erich Koch and Fred expand the oil empire to the Soviet Union. Erich Koch had been in charge of Prussia for Hitler so his ties to the Soviet Union ran deep. A few years later the Soviets took Fred Koch’s oil and prosecuted Erich for war crimes – Fred Koch returned to the US, became anti-communist, and was allowed to do business in the States again.
Yes the same ideology of anti-communist.
What defense does he need other than he is an American citizen, and he has the right to petition his government for a redress of grievances....and the protection to express his political views....

of a leftist...there is no such freedom.....

There is such freedom to a leftist, but only if you're a leftist. If you're a leftist you not only have the right to petition our government for a redress of grievances, but the right to riot, trash and burn cities, shit on cop cars and make threats of terrorism.

How exactly do you define a leftist? Is it the same as a liberal? A Democrat? A progressive? The right wingers have such a wide range of ways to describe people who don't agree with them, but it's hard to know exactly how each term differs from the others, if they differ at all.

For me it's Socialist Liberals in both parties who use the word liberal or progressive to hide behind their political ideology of socialism.
None of them would be elected if they used the word socialist.
The reason that they can't get full socialism is because of our Constitution and that is why they want to get rid of it.

ok, but that really doesn't answer the question though does it?
Promoting Entrepreneurs for this country.
Again, how do you know that for sure? Do you know them personally, and have discussed this subject with them in person, or on the phone? So far, you've only expressed your opinion as to what you believe their true motives are, nothing more.

They have been promoting it since 1991.
Promoting what since 1991? How long have they been funding candidates and political agendas? And, why are they doing it? And, please, don't just give your opinion as to why they're doing it, present facts. Their true motives, if you know them as factual.

What have we been talking about all this time?
Criminetly !!!!!
And your answer is? I'm waiting for something other than just your opinion as to what their motives and intentions are. Have you forgotten the questions?

Believe what you want to believe.
Look up the evidence for yourself then form your own opinion.
Believe what you want to believe.
Look up the evidence for yourself then form your own opinion.


Yeah... moonbats "form their own oppinion" right after seeing a bumpersticker on a Prius.

Aren't these the Kochs that sold Oil illegally to the NAZIs in WW2....

Same ideology I suppose.

No it was not illegal.

The German Koch’s and Fred Koch
There is evidence the American Koch's was related to Ilse’s family, Erich Koch (a high level Nazi official in charge of Prussia) invites Fred Koch to sell his oil in Nazi Germany when he is banned from doing business in the US. After the fall of Nazi Germany, Erich Koch and Fred expand the oil empire to the Soviet Union. Erich Koch had been in charge of Prussia for Hitler so his ties to the Soviet Union ran deep. A few years later the Soviets took Fred Koch’s oil and prosecuted Erich for war crimes – Fred Koch returned to the US, became anti-communist, and was allowed to do business in the States again.
Yes the same ideology of anti-communist.

The Conspiracy Theories thread is down the hall, second door on the left.


What defense does he need other than he is an American citizen, and he has the right to petition his government for a redress of grievances....and the protection to express his political views....

of a leftist...there is no such freedom.....

There is such freedom to a leftist, but only if you're a leftist. If you're a leftist you not only have the right to petition our government for a redress of grievances, but the right to riot, trash and burn cities, shit on cop cars and make threats of terrorism.

How exactly do you define a leftist? Is it the same as a liberal? A Democrat? A progressive? The right wingers have such a wide range of ways to describe people who don't agree with them, but it's hard to know exactly how each term differs from the others, if they differ at all.

For me it's Socialist Liberals in both parties who use the word liberal or progressive to hide behind their political ideology of socialism.
None of them would be elected if they used the word socialist.
The reason that they can't get full socialism is because of our Constitution and that is why they want to get rid of it.

ok, but that really doesn't answer the question though does it?

If you mean the question is- Are they out to just make money, it is no- they are promoting freedom for all Americans to make money through their own businesses with less government interference.
High Corporate Taxes and too many regulations are choking them all.
Believe what you want to believe.
Look up the evidence for yourself then form your own opinion.


Yeah... moonbats "form their own oppinion" right after seeing a bumpersticker on a Prius.


You're very gullible if you believe the above is everyone.

I have never seen any car that has that many stickers.
Have you?
Maybe because I live in AZ where the temps get up to over 100 degrees.
In my own opinion anyone who puts up any type of bumper sticker is an idiot to ruin their paint job.
Aren't these the Kochs that sold Oil illegally to the NAZIs in WW2....

Same ideology I suppose.

No it was not illegal.

The German Koch’s and Fred Koch
There is evidence the American Koch's was related to Ilse’s family, Erich Koch (a high level Nazi official in charge of Prussia) invites Fred Koch to sell his oil in Nazi Germany when he is banned from doing business in the US. After the fall of Nazi Germany, Erich Koch and Fred expand the oil empire to the Soviet Union. Erich Koch had been in charge of Prussia for Hitler so his ties to the Soviet Union ran deep. A few years later the Soviets took Fred Koch’s oil and prosecuted Erich for war crimes – Fred Koch returned to the US, became anti-communist, and was allowed to do business in the States again.
Yes the same ideology of anti-communist.

The Conspiracy Theories thread is down the hall, second door on the left.



It is actual recorded history, very easy to look up and confirm.
What defense does he need other than he is an American citizen, and he has the right to petition his government for a redress of grievances....and the protection to express his political views....

of a leftist...there is no such freedom.....

There is such freedom to a leftist, but only if you're a leftist. If you're a leftist you not only have the right to petition our government for a redress of grievances, but the right to riot, trash and burn cities, shit on cop cars and make threats of terrorism.

How exactly do you define a leftist? Is it the same as a liberal? A Democrat? A progressive? The right wingers have such a wide range of ways to describe people who don't agree with them, but it's hard to know exactly how each term differs from the others, if they differ at all.

For me it's Socialist Liberals in both parties who use the word liberal or progressive to hide behind their political ideology of socialism.
None of them would be elected if they used the word socialist.
The reason that they can't get full socialism is because of our Constitution and that is why they want to get rid of it.

ok, but that really doesn't answer the question though does it?

If you mean the question is- Are they out to just make money, it is no- they are promoting freedom for all Americans to make money through their own businesses with less government interference.
High Corporate Taxes and too many regulations are choking them all.

That's not what I was asking at all. What exactly is a leftist, and how does that differ, if they do differ, from a Liberal, or Democrat, or Progressive? Are those all just different words to describe the same thing, or is there any specific difference between all the different ways right wingers refer to people who they disagree with?
Again, how do you know that for sure? Do you know them personally, and have discussed this subject with them in person, or on the phone? So far, you've only expressed your opinion as to what you believe their true motives are, nothing more.

They have been promoting it since 1991.
Promoting what since 1991? How long have they been funding candidates and political agendas? And, why are they doing it? And, please, don't just give your opinion as to why they're doing it, present facts. Their true motives, if you know them as factual.

What have we been talking about all this time?
Criminetly !!!!!
And your answer is? I'm waiting for something other than just your opinion as to what their motives and intentions are. Have you forgotten the questions?

Believe what you want to believe.
Look up the evidence for yourself then form your own opinion.
Just as I thought. I knew that you were just expressing your opinion, and didn't really know for sure. I just wanted you to admit it, which you did, thanks. People do not always tell others their true motives for what they do. Some can hide it very well while appearing to be just generous and fighting a cause. We have no way of knowing what their real intent and motives may be. We can guess all day long, but in the end, all we have is guesses and opinions. By the way, as I've already said, they're not going to reveal everything to the general public, so there's nothing to look up. There is NO evidence to look up. And, I formed my opinion a long time ago, many years ago.

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