Charlottesville Driver May have Been Panicked into Losing Control of His Car

JimBowie1958, post: 1795468
I never said that the fucking Nazis were peaceful, dude.

Self defense is justified they reacted to the violence inistigated by the commies, I don't care what their ideology they had the right to peaceably assemble.

You rated the above post "agree" so you must agree with CSC that Nazis came to Charlottesville to peaceably assemble.

You can't have it both ways when you agree with that RWNJ CSC.

Do you agree or not agree with CSC that Nazis Gathered in Charlottesville to peacefully demonstrate?
EverCurious, post: 17956585,
Those vigilantes were about to off him so he fled, can't blame him on that specific part frankly.

I sure as hell can blame him fully for being where he was for what he had just done to innocent people.

From all of he video I watched he most likely could not see the stopped Mustang as there were so many people he deliberately mowed down that blocked his view. He likely figured he could drive over people and get away but didn't count rear ending a Mustang and pushing it into a van.

What about the crowd acting in self defense . The NAZI asshole just ran over a crowd of people and was still in control of his car. No telling what a rabid Nazi Hitler youth would do with a still running vehical already used for slaughtering people.

He could have been armed as well and started shooting.

And you call the United uninjured victims in that crowd vigilantes.

You should think a little harder about what we've all seen.
Not that I'm particularly leaning toward the whole "he's innocent" narrative, but are ya'll going to charge the white mustang and red mini-van with manslaughter because they were driving on a street obviously blocked by a crowd as well? Why were /they/ there? To kill protestors? To cause a conflict with them? Unlikely, they were just driving through. It is entirely possible that this guy was doing the same.

Don't pussy foot around reason because it just makes your story sound weak.

And again for the stupid ones who cannot read, I've got no dog in this fight and don't give two shits if the guy is guilty or innocent here - I'm just waiting for the facts and the truth to come out.

Did either of them ram anybody?
Did either of them then back up and run over some more?

Hey, that was easy.

Did someone scare the shit out of them?
After being hit from behind and a person killed right behind them, against their own car, with no indication what would happen in the next moment?

Gee Wally, what could possibly be "scary" about that? Gosh Jeepers I have no idea. :eusa_angel:

As far as him backing up and running over more, no matter what you want to say about the preceding events, he was in immediate danger when the crowd started breaking his windows - regardless of him having just hit the other vehicles for whatever reason. Those vigilantes were about to off him so he fled, can't blame him on that specific part frankly.

Isn't that informative.

Diga me muchacha, is it legal in Alaska to hit another car, kill a pedestrian and then get the hell out of Dodge?

Actually it's legal to defend yourself and your property (including your car) through any means necessary in Alaska. IF there were a mob situation like this, and they started attacking his vehicle, he would have the legal right to "flee the scene of an accident" for fear of his own safety. I don't know what the laws are down there, but I suspect regardless of if he intentionally ran into the crowd or if it was an accident, no jury is going to be able to argue that he wasn't in fear for his life when he backed out.

You are coming at this under the presumption that the guy was intentionally attacking the group. I am not because I've yet to see anything that fully convinces me it was 100% intentional. I suspect it was, but that doesn't mean that it was.

As for the other vehicles in the roadway, your bullshit isn't flying. Did those other vehicles drive down that roadway with the intention of killing the protestors or not? Should they have gone another way when they saw the road was blocked? I say no, they just got stuck in the crowd, and if that is the case for /them/ then it is certainly possible it was the case for him as well.
bgrouse, post: 1795138
Fact is there's no collision until after he is attacked so there's no way you're going to prove that killing people was his intent based on this evidence.

What you see hardly anyone else is seeing. But your entire defense of a Nazi murderer falls apart by the high rate of speed the Nazi's Dodge Charger sped toward a large number of pedestrians.

Intent is in the high rate of speed enroute to a large crowd of pedestrians. There was no threat to him or his car other than his own when he pressed the pedal to the metal.
I don't see any major increase in speed. Nothing that arises to flooring it on a car like that. You're making shit up and "seeing" what isn't there. Even if you did see him speed up, it could easily have been because he saw an opening in the crowd, as suggested by the slightly jerky movement of his prior to the collision. He certainly could have gone a lot faster if he wanted to kill people.
EverCurious, post: 17956585,
Those vigilantes were about to off him so he fled, can't blame him on that specific part frankly.

I sure as hell can blame him fully for being where he was for what he had just done to innocent people.

From all of he video I watched he most likely could not see the stopped Mustang as there were so many people he deliberately mowed down that blocked his view. He likely figured he could drive over people and get away but didn't count rear ending a Mustang and pushing it into a van.

What about the crowd acting in self defense . The NAZI asshole just ran over a crowd of people and was still in control of his car. No telling what a rabid Nazi Hitler youth would do with a still running vehical already used for slaughtering people.

He could have been armed as well and started shooting.

And you call the United uninjured victims in that crowd vigilantes.

You should think a little harder about what we've all seen.

So you really think the mob that attacked him after he hit the car would have "gently" detained him for the cops after they smashed in his windows? You're a damned liar...
I know this will not even penetrate into the minds of our SJWs who just wanna have ANY reason at all to hate some random white guy, but it seems that the driver was hit with a bat and that might have panicked him.

It might be that the driver in Charlottesville was panicked into losing control of his car, and did not intentionally run his car into the crowd.
VIDEO: Protesters Attacked Charlottesville Driver's Car With Baseball Bat
just a misunderstood white boy, like the sandy hook boy.
Not that I'm particularly leaning toward the whole "he's innocent" narrative, but are ya'll going to charge the white mustang and red mini-van with manslaughter because they were driving on a street obviously blocked by a crowd as well? Why were /they/ there? To kill protestors? To cause a conflict with them? Unlikely, they were just driving through. It is entirely possible that this guy was doing the same.

Don't pussy foot around reason because it just makes your story sound weak.

And again for the stupid ones who cannot read, I've got no dog in this fight and don't give two shits if the guy is guilty or innocent here - I'm just waiting for the facts and the truth to come out.

Did either of them ram anybody?
Did either of them then back up and run over some more?

Hey, that was easy.

Did someone scare the shit out of them?
After being hit from behind and a person killed right behind them, against their own car, with no indication what would happen in the next moment?

Gee Wally, what could possibly be "scary" about that? Gosh Jeepers I have no idea. :eusa_angel:

As far as him backing up and running over more, no matter what you want to say about the preceding events, he was in immediate danger when the crowd started breaking his windows - regardless of him having just hit the other vehicles for whatever reason. Those vigilantes were about to off him so he fled, can't blame him on that specific part frankly.

Isn't that informative.

Diga me muchacha, is it legal in Alaska to hit another car, kill a pedestrian and then get the hell out of Dodge?

Actually it's legal to defend yourself and your property (including your car) through any means necessary in Alaska. IF there were a mob situation like this, and they started attacking his vehicle, he would have the legal right to "flee the scene of an accident" for fear of his own safety. I don't know what the laws are down there, but I suspect regardless of if he intentionally ran into the crowd or if it was an accident, no jury is going to be able to argue that he wasn't in fear for his life when he backed out.

You are coming at this under the presumption that the guy was intentionally attacking the group. I am not because I've yet to see anything that fully convinces me it was 100% intentional. I suspect it was, but that doesn't mean that it was.

As for the other vehicles in the roadway, your bullshit isn't flying. Did those other vehicles drive down that roadway with the intention of killing the protestors or not? Should they have gone another way when they saw the road was blocked? I say no, they just got stuck in the crowd, and if that is the case for /them/ then it is certainly possible it was the case for him as well.

There's a video in post 706 (posted before but handy). It's shot from far behind the two stopped cars, which are too far away to even be visible. It shows the Dodge careening down the street way too fast with dozens of people trying to jump out of imminent danger.

All of that is before the collision that is its destination. The intent is already there in the approach.

The same way the ominous video of the second hijacked 9/11 plane shot before its impact on the second WTC building, shows ITS intent.

Then it shows the same car post-collision, heavily damaged, shooting back up the street in reverse to get away.

It's IMPOSSIBLE to defend that.
I don't see any major increase in speed.

The punk killer Nazi is over two blocks from impacting the crowd, no one is on him, trapping him, because his car is traveling my way to fast. He passes an intersection where he could have turned on his way to slaughter. Had he wanted to avoid contact with the crowd he would have at least slowed down to see if the right turn was clear.

He maintained ram speed the entire two or three blocks.

We must conclude that you are a few screws loose where your eyeballs are connected to your brain.

I don't see any major increase in speed.

The punk killer Nazi is over two blocks from impacting the crowd, no one is on him, trapping him, because his car is traveling my way to fast. He passes an intersection where he could have turned on his way to slaughter. Had he wanted to avoid contact with the crowd he would have at least slowed down to see if the right turn was clear.

He maintained ram speed the entire two or three blocks.

We must conclude that you are a few screws loose where your eyeballs are connected to your brain.

Ya gotta wonder what kind of self-delusion pills some of these Nazipologists are ingesting. Even in the still frame of the video (without clicking on it) you can already see people running for their lives and everybody noticing the car. THAT ALONE even without watching in motion, tells you what's going on.

Holy fuggin' SHIT. :banghead:
EverCurious, post: 17956894
So you really think the mob that attacked him after he hit the car would have "gently" detained him for the cops after they smashed in his windows? You're a damned liar...

I said nothing about him being gently detained. That makes you the liar.

Like I said, no one on the scene could know what this mass murdering Nazi was going to do next. He still had control of his weapon. The uninjured had a right to try to subdue him and protect more innocent people from being attacked.

You only seem concerned about the rampaging killer Nazi's right to a safe and legal proceeding following the assault.

Why is that? He could still murder in real time. People were fearing for their own lives and needing to tend to the wounded and dead. Would you be concerned about that or just reserve all your compassion for Nazis types needing to be placed safely into police custody?
EverCurious, post: 17956894
So you really think the mob that attacked him after he hit the car would have "gently" detained him for the cops after they smashed in his windows? You're a damned liar...

I said nothing about him being gently detained. That makes you the liar.

Like I said, no one on the scene could know what this mass murdering Nazi was going to do next. He still had control of his weapon. The uninjured had a right to try to subdue him and protect more innocent people from being attacked.

You only seem concerned about the rampaging killer Nazi's right to a safe and legal proceeding following the assault.

Why is that? He could still murder in real time. People were fearing for their own lives and needing to tend to the wounded and dead. Would you be concerned about that or just reserve all your compassion for Nazis types needing to be placed safely into police custody?

Matter of fact the next thing he did after ramming the Mustang and killing Heather Heyer -- was to put the car in reverse and run over MORE people. That's clearly visible in other videos already posted from the right side of the street.
I don't see any major increase in speed.

The punk killer Nazi is over two blocks from impacting the crowd, no one is on him, trapping him, because his car is traveling my way to fast. He passes an intersection where he could have turned on his way to slaughter. Had he wanted to avoid contact with the crowd he would have at least slowed down to see if the right turn was clear.
Without having this news story in hindsight, why would he have necessarily wanted to avoid all contact with the crowd? Liberals here in America consider themselves peaceful, education individuals and if the driver held them in half as high a regard, he would have assumed he could easily drive through the crowd without having them get in his way or try to murder him. That's where your theory falls apart.
He maintained ram speed the entire two or three blocks.
"Ram speed!"

You're funny!

Do you know how fast he was going and what his speed was throughout this event? Why don't you go ahead and tell us since you seem to know so much that our uneducated observations of the video are worthless?

Be sure to include conclusive evidence regarding how you determined his speed in MPH throughout this event.
We must conclude that you are a few screws loose where your eyeballs are connected to your brain.

EverCurious, post: 17956894
So you really think the mob that attacked him after he hit the car would have "gently" detained him for the cops after they smashed in his windows? You're a damned liar...

I said nothing about him being gently detained. That makes you the liar.

Like I said, no one on the scene could know what this mass murdering Nazi was going to do next. He still had control of his weapon. The uninjured had a right to try to subdue him and protect more innocent people from being attacked.

You only seem concerned about the rampaging killer Nazi's right to a safe and legal proceeding following the assault.

Why is that? He could still murder in real time. People were fearing for their own lives and needing to tend to the wounded and dead. Would you be concerned about that or just reserve all your compassion for Nazis types needing to be placed safely into police custody?

Matter of fact the next thing he did after ramming the Mustang and killing Heather Heyer -- was to put the car in reverse and run over MORE people. That's clearly visible in other videos already posted from the right side of the street.
Those "people" were trying to murder him. What would you do if someone swings a bat at you? Sit there and accept your fate?

You liberals are hilarious!
I don't see any major increase in speed.

The punk killer Nazi is over two blocks from impacting the crowd, no one is on him, trapping him, because his car is traveling my way to fast. He passes an intersection where he could have turned on his way to slaughter. Had he wanted to avoid contact with the crowd he would have at least slowed down to see if the right turn was clear.
Without having this news story in hindsight, why would he have necessarily wanted to avoid all contact with the crowd? Liberals here in America consider themselves peaceful, education individuals and if the driver held them in half as high a regard, he would have assumed he could easily drive through the crowd without having them get in his way or try to murder him. That's where your theory falls apart.
He maintained ram speed the entire two or three blocks.
"Ram speed!"

You're funny!

Do you know how fast he was going and what his speed was throughout this event? Why don't you go ahead and tell us since you seem to know so much that our uneducated observations of the video are worthless?

Be sure to include conclusive evidence regarding how you determined his speed in MPH throughout this event.
We must conclude that you are a few screws loose where your eyeballs are connected to your brain.

Peaceful or not, why would the driver assume he could drive through a crowd already jam packed in the street?

If he assumed (or even worried) they were violent, why was he driving into a huge crowd of protesters? If he assumed they were peaceful, why would a single hit from a flag on the car's bumper as he is passing cause fear for his life?
EverCurious, post: 17956894
So you really think the mob that attacked him after he hit the car would have "gently" detained him for the cops after they smashed in his windows? You're a damned liar...

I said nothing about him being gently detained. That makes you the liar.

Like I said, no one on the scene could know what this mass murdering Nazi was going to do next. He still had control of his weapon. The uninjured had a right to try to subdue him and protect more innocent people from being attacked.

You only seem concerned about the rampaging killer Nazi's right to a safe and legal proceeding following the assault.

Why is that? He could still murder in real time. People were fearing for their own lives and needing to tend to the wounded and dead. Would you be concerned about that or just reserve all your compassion for Nazis types needing to be placed safely into police custody?

Matter of fact the next thing he did after ramming the Mustang and killing Heather Heyer -- was to put the car in reverse and run over MORE people. That's clearly visible in other videos already posted from the right side of the street.
Those "people" were trying to murder him. What would you do if someone swings a bat at you? Sit there and accept your fate?

You liberals are hilarious!

I'm still not sure if he was backing up before his car was attacked or not. It was probably pretty clear that the crowd was going after him, though. Of course, they were attacking him because he just plowed into a crowd of people, so it's hard to muster any sympathy.

I posted earlier that under Virginia law, a person is required to remain at the scene of an accident or, if that is not possible, get in touch with either the police or the victims as soon as reasonably possible. I don't think the driver did so, which is a felony. When someone dies during the commission of a felony in Virginia, it is second degree murder. See post #588 if you are interested.
bgrouse, post: 17958190
Without having this news story in hindsight, why would he have necessarily wanted to avoid all contact with the crowd?

Are you an idiot? He was not trying to avoid the crowd. His intent was to run over them. He's a freakin Nazi. Stop making excuses up for him.
EverCurious, post: 17956894
So you really think the mob that attacked him after he hit the car would have "gently" detained him for the cops after they smashed in his windows? You're a damned liar...

I said nothing about him being gently detained. That makes you the liar.

Like I said, no one on the scene could know what this mass murdering Nazi was going to do next. He still had control of his weapon. The uninjured had a right to try to subdue him and protect more innocent people from being attacked.

You only seem concerned about the rampaging killer Nazi's right to a safe and legal proceeding following the assault.

Why is that? He could still murder in real time. People were fearing for their own lives and needing to tend to the wounded and dead. Would you be concerned about that or just reserve all your compassion for Nazis types needing to be placed safely into police custody?

Matter of fact the next thing he did after ramming the Mustang and killing Heather Heyer -- was to put the car in reverse and run over MORE people. That's clearly visible in other videos already posted from the right side of the street.
Those "people" were trying to murder him. What would you do if someone swings a bat at you? Sit there and accept your fate?

I would think that maybe just maybe it might have sooooooomething to do with my having just driven a Dodge Clallenger straight into two blocks full of people, self-delusional ASSHOLE.

Captain Obvious
So you really think the mob that attacked him after he hit the car would have "gently" detained him for the cops after they smashed in his windows? You're a damned liar...

Libtards aren't just damned liars, they're subhuman monsters. Anyway, that boy who drove the car is being charged with leaving the scene. Really, what kind of ahole is the Prosecutor charging someone for leaving a scene of a mob attacking his car with clubs?

And, whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty? The media would have a lynch this boy dragged to a tree and hung, without a trial or even much attention to the evidence. How have libtards ruled out an accident? Libtards have their own bigotry to tell them what happened. (We know the car was attacked at least once before the collision, so panic may be what happened. Also, if he wanted hurt people, why didn't he drive up on the side walk, instead of the vastly inferior choice of hitting a car in the road.)
^^ These ^^ are the same pond scum that sat on this board and tried to defend Jeremy Christian for slashing people's throats on a Portland train when they tried to get him to calm down.

Remember that?

Heather Heyer is the latest victim of this Nazipologist asshole element but sadly she's not the first.

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