Charlottesville Driver May have Been Panicked into Losing Control of His Car

Attacking someone? You purposely ignored who they attack. The KKK, White Supremacist, NAZIS, Alt right groups hate groups. These are not good people. We ( we means not you ) cannot allow these groups spreading hate, racism, intimidation, bigotry and most especially violence.
So tell me. How should we fight these bastards?

Japanese encampment was the right thing to do during that time. That's for their own safety. Just imagine if they are out in the public. They could all get killed. Don't you think? Don't get confused.

We went to 2 wars because of racism, hatred and bigotry. Period.

You are right, I do purposely ignore who they attack, because it is not relevant to the law. Perhaps you believe in a country in which there is no rule of law.

Japanese internment was the right thing to do, huh? For the safety of the Japanese. Got it.

The US did not go to war in WWII until after the Pearl Harbor attack. That is was caused us to finally get involved. It was not just a noble struggle to fight against racism and bigotry, although those were certainly positive effects of the war.

So you think Japanese encampment was wrong? I know couple Japanese that was rounded up then threw them in to these camps. As soon Japan started the war in Asia---- hatred against Japanese here in US lit up like someone throw a bottle of gasoline. They are so scared going to grocery or walk to the streets etc etc etc. At the beginning they hated (naturally) it but as the war goes on in Asia and American body bags are coming home. They realized it was impossible for them to live outside the camp.

Bottom line. Are you trying to justify that KKK, WHITE SUPREMACIST, NAZIS or other hate groups are peace loving people and they should be dealt with peace? These people are born to hate.

I hate violence but I don't think these hate groups are capable of peace. So we just have to keep quiet and go on with our lives leave them alone while they spread hatred, racism bigotry, scaring and intimidating people?

The best way to combat hateful rhetoric is not by violence. That's just playing into what they want, victimhood. By attacking them with violence because it's their words, you become worse than they are.

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Really? How talk to them? Offer them roses or steak and eggs?
If you don't mind. Answer that question. How?

These hate groups are born and bred for violence. We cannot allow these hate groups to spread hatred, bigotry, racism and intimidations. Wanting to eliminate Jews, blacks me other minorities here in America.
Are you saying we just let them go easy and ignore them? Answer this second question.

Do what is legal and what we have always done with groups that say bad things. Keep an eye on them and when they break the law, prosecute. Until then, mock and ridicule them. They hate that.

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Wong answer. Try again.

Hatred, bigotry and racism has no place in this country. Even Trump condemned these animals.
The best way to combat hateful rhetoric is not by violence. That's just playing into what they want, victimhood. By attacking them with violence because it's their words, you become worse than they are.

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Really? How talk to them? Offer them roses or steak and eggs?
If you don't mind. Answer that question. How?

These hate groups are born and bred for violence. We cannot allow these hate groups to spread hatred, bigotry, racism and intimidations. Wanting to eliminate Jews, blacks me other minorities here in America.
Are you saying we just let them go easy and ignore them? Answer this second question.

Are physical violence or ignoring them the only options?

Why are you asking me?

I asked you first. Now answer my 2 questions.

I asked you because you only seemed to provide two options: violence or ignoring the groups.

I'll answer your poorly put together questions, though.

1. Who says anyone even has to talk to these groups? Talk to people not involved in the groups, and point out how the bigotry and ignorance of supremacism of any stripe is morally repugnant. If you do decide to speak to supremacist groups, speak however you want, outside of direct threats which violate the law.

2. I don't think anyone is saying you must ignore hate groups. However, what hadit seems to be saying (and I agree) is that physically attacking people who have done you no direct harm is illegal, and should be so. Simply saying you think one race is better than others, or one religion, or one ethnicity, or whatever form a person's supremacist opinion might derive from, is not something that the government should be silencing. Freedom of speech is one of the bedrock principles of our nation, and one that has (thankfully) tended to be increased over time. If we start deciding to suppress speech we don't like, speech which does not directly infringe upon the rights of others, then that freedom becomes meaningless. One day it may be your opinion which becomes unpopular and is suppressed.

If you don't want hate groups to spread their ideology, speak against it. If the hate groups make actionable threats against people, they should be arrested and charged. If the hate groups just offend me with their rhetoric, however, the government should stay out of it.

Rubbish. Both of your answers is way way off from my questions. Maybe I was not specific.
1. How? How can I talk to these hate groups about giving up killing Jews and other minorities?
2. Are to saying that we just ignore them and let them spread their violence and hatred against my fellow Americans?
Speaking to them? These hate groups are born and bred for violence. How would you feel if you are Jewish seeing this video?

Racism, bigotry and hatred don't have place in this country. Even your president told you that.

1. Do you not know how to communicate with others? You're doing it now. If you feel the need to speak directly to members of hate groups, I'm sure many have websites you can go to and post messages.
If you are actually asking how you can convince hate groups to change their minds.....figure that out and your name will go down in history.

2. Again, no one is saying you have to ignore anything. The only options are not to ignore something or to commit violence against that thing.
If groups directly threaten or commit violence, there are laws against that. They should be arrested and charged.
Do you know my religious affiliation or ethnicity? Do you know that I am not Jewish?

You seem to have a problem with the idea that freedom of speech covers offensive speech. You or I may not agree with racism or bigotry, but that doesn't justify assault.

Whatever the president may have said, racism and bigotry are not a valid justification for assault.
You are right, I do purposely ignore who they attack, because it is not relevant to the law. Perhaps you believe in a country in which there is no rule of law.

Japanese internment was the right thing to do, huh? For the safety of the Japanese. Got it.

The US did not go to war in WWII until after the Pearl Harbor attack. That is was caused us to finally get involved. It was not just a noble struggle to fight against racism and bigotry, although those were certainly positive effects of the war.

So you think Japanese encampment was wrong? I know couple Japanese that was rounded up then threw them in to these camps. As soon Japan started the war in Asia---- hatred against Japanese here in US lit up like someone throw a bottle of gasoline. They are so scared going to grocery or walk to the streets etc etc etc. At the beginning they hated (naturally) it but as the war goes on in Asia and American body bags are coming home. They realized it was impossible for them to live outside the camp.

Bottom line. Are you trying to justify that KKK, WHITE SUPREMACIST, NAZIS or other hate groups are peace loving people and they should be dealt with peace? These people are born to hate.

I hate violence but I don't think these hate groups are capable of peace. So we just have to keep quiet and go on with our lives leave them alone while they spread hatred, racism bigotry, scaring and intimidating people?

The best way to combat hateful rhetoric is not by violence. That's just playing into what they want, victimhood. By attacking them with violence because it's their words, you become worse than they are.

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Really? How talk to them? Offer them roses or steak and eggs?
If you don't mind. Answer that question. How?

These hate groups are born and bred for violence. We cannot allow these hate groups to spread hatred, bigotry, racism and intimidations. Wanting to eliminate Jews, blacks me other minorities here in America.
Are you saying we just let them go easy and ignore them? Answer this second question.

Do what is legal and what we have always done with groups that say bad things. Keep an eye on them and when they break the law, prosecute. Until then, mock and ridicule them. They hate that.

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Wong answer. Try again.

Hatred, bigotry and racism has no place in this country. Even Trump condemned these animals.

Condemning someone is different from assaulting them or otherwise committing violent acts against them, which is where this all started.
So you think Japanese encampment was wrong? I know couple Japanese that was rounded up then threw them in to these camps. As soon Japan started the war in Asia---- hatred against Japanese here in US lit up like someone throw a bottle of gasoline. They are so scared going to grocery or walk to the streets etc etc etc. At the beginning they hated (naturally) it but as the war goes on in Asia and American body bags are coming home. They realized it was impossible for them to live outside the camp.

Bottom line. Are you trying to justify that KKK, WHITE SUPREMACIST, NAZIS or other hate groups are peace loving people and they should be dealt with peace? These people are born to hate.

I hate violence but I don't think these hate groups are capable of peace. So we just have to keep quiet and go on with our lives leave them alone while they spread hatred, racism bigotry, scaring and intimidating people?

The best way to combat hateful rhetoric is not by violence. That's just playing into what they want, victimhood. By attacking them with violence because it's their words, you become worse than they are.

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Really? How talk to them? Offer them roses or steak and eggs?
If you don't mind. Answer that question. How?

These hate groups are born and bred for violence. We cannot allow these hate groups to spread hatred, bigotry, racism and intimidations. Wanting to eliminate Jews, blacks me other minorities here in America.
Are you saying we just let them go easy and ignore them? Answer this second question.

Do what is legal and what we have always done with groups that say bad things. Keep an eye on them and when they break the law, prosecute. Until then, mock and ridicule them. They hate that.

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Wong answer. Try again.

Hatred, bigotry and racism has no place in this country. Even Trump condemned these animals.

Condemning someone is different from assaulting them or otherwise committing violent acts against them, which is where this all started.

Correct. There are right ways and wrong ways to react to hateful rhetoric. Violence is worse than just saying things.

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You are right, I do purposely ignore who they attack, because it is not relevant to the law. Perhaps you believe in a country in which there is no rule of law.

Japanese internment was the right thing to do, huh? For the safety of the Japanese. Got it.

The US did not go to war in WWII until after the Pearl Harbor attack. That is was caused us to finally get involved. It was not just a noble struggle to fight against racism and bigotry, although those were certainly positive effects of the war.

So you think Japanese encampment was wrong? I know couple Japanese that was rounded up then threw them in to these camps. As soon Japan started the war in Asia---- hatred against Japanese here in US lit up like someone throw a bottle of gasoline. They are so scared going to grocery or walk to the streets etc etc etc. At the beginning they hated (naturally) it but as the war goes on in Asia and American body bags are coming home. They realized it was impossible for them to live outside the camp.

Bottom line. Are you trying to justify that KKK, WHITE SUPREMACIST, NAZIS or other hate groups are peace loving people and they should be dealt with peace? These people are born to hate.

I hate violence but I don't think these hate groups are capable of peace. So we just have to keep quiet and go on with our lives leave them alone while they spread hatred, racism bigotry, scaring and intimidating people?

The best way to combat hateful rhetoric is not by violence. That's just playing into what they want, victimhood. By attacking them with violence because it's their words, you become worse than they are.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Really? How talk to them? Offer them roses or steak and eggs?
If you don't mind. Answer that question. How?

These hate groups are born and bred for violence. We cannot allow these hate groups to spread hatred, bigotry, racism and intimidations. Wanting to eliminate Jews, blacks me other minorities here in America.
Are you saying we just let them go easy and ignore them? Answer this second question.

Do what is legal and what we have always done with groups that say bad things. Keep an eye on them and when they break the law, prosecute. Until then, mock and ridicule them. They hate that.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Wong answer. Try again.

Hatred, bigotry and racism has no place in this country. Even Trump condemned these animals.

Do you realize that you said doing what's legal is the wrong answer?

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Just read this and thought I'd post an update: It appears the charge against Fields has been upgraded to first degree murder.

Charlottesville murder suspect faces life

It's common for prosecutors to over-charge. If the Defense keeps racists off the jury, there won't be a murder conviction. The driver was in a hostile crowd that had attacked his car, making fleeing a reasonable thing. It just so happens his path was blocked by a car. If he wanted to hurt people, he would have swerved to the crowded sidewalk instead of hitting the car in front of him.

The bimbo who died was breaking the law by being in the street. She also shouldn't have been part of the mob bent on denying others their free speech rights.
Just read this and thought I'd post an update: It appears the charge against Fields has been upgraded to first degree murder.

Charlottesville murder suspect faces life

It's common for prosecutors to over-charge. If the Defense keeps racists off the jury, there won't be a murder conviction. The driver was in a hostile crowd that had attacked his car, making fleeing a reasonable thing. It just so happens his path was blocked by a car. If he wanted to hurt people, he would have swerved to the crowded sidewalk instead of hitting the car in front of him.

The bimbo who died was breaking the law by being in the street. She also shouldn't have been part of the mob bent on denying others their free speech rights.
Her cause of death being a heart attack, doesn't help the prosecution much...
Just read this and thought I'd post an update: It appears the charge against Fields has been upgraded to first degree murder.

Charlottesville murder suspect faces life

It's common for prosecutors to over-charge. If the Defense keeps racists off the jury, there won't be a murder conviction. The driver was in a hostile crowd that had attacked his car, making fleeing a reasonable thing. It just so happens his path was blocked by a car. If he wanted to hurt people, he would have swerved to the crowded sidewalk instead of hitting the car in front of him.

The bimbo who died was breaking the law by being in the street. She also shouldn't have been part of the mob bent on denying others their free speech rights.

This thread has over 100 pages going over this, so I won't get into much detail. To summarize, the sidewalk wasn't particularly more crowded than the street; by the time the car was struck, it was already probably going to hit someone; if there had been no car, it's entirely possible that Fields still wouldn't have been able to pass through, because of how crowded the streets were; it does not require racism for someone to look at the evidence and believe this was an attack rather than some sort of escape attempt.
This thread has over 100 pages going over this, so I won't get into much detail. To summarize, the sidewalk wasn't particularly more crowded than the street; by the time the car was struck, it was already probably going to hit someone; if there had been no car, it's entirely possible that Fields still wouldn't have been able to pass through, because of how crowded the streets were; it does not require racism for someone to look at the evidence and believe this was an attack rather than some sort of escape attempt.

How many libtard racists admit to their racism?

If you wanted to kill people, do you aim for the car or the crowd beside the car? Idiot, do you know beyond a reasonable doubt that he looking in front of the car he hit, and looking at all those people thinking that he could hurt them by rear-ending a car?


If you're in a hostile mob and your are attacked, are you not going to make haste to get out of there?


Idiot racists like you should be kept off of juries. I hope the Defense does its job in jury selection.
I know this will not even penetrate into the minds of our SJWs who just wanna have ANY reason at all to hate some random white guy, but it seems that the driver was hit with a bat and that might have panicked him.

It might be that the driver in Charlottesville was panicked into losing control of his car, and did not intentionally run his car into the crowd.
VIDEO: Protesters Attacked Charlottesville Driver's Car With Baseball Bat
No....he's a alt-right murderer. Nice try.
I know this will not evenb penetrate into the minds of our SJWs who just wanna have ANY reason at all to hate some random white guy, but it seems that the driver was hit with a bat and that might have panicked him.

It might be that the driver in Charlottesville was panicked into losing control of his car, and did not intentionally run his car into the crowd.
VIDEO: Protesters Attacked Charlottesville Driver's Car With Baseball Bat

Yes. every time I feel a bump on the left rear of my car, I end up running over people and killing as many as I can.
If you were an Alt_Right NAZI you know you'd have plenty of defenders if you did.

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