Chasten Buttigieg Writes a "Memoir" for "Young Adults"

who is a bigot?, certainly not I.
You’re not a bigot?

Then what is this crap about the “queer agenda “? What exactly is the queer agenda ?

From post 33:

I don't watch television. I am not going to throw this thread off track, but I stopped watching television a long time ago when they started pushing the queer agenda.

And you want them to “keep to themselves” and not ask for “preferential treatment?

From the same post:

As I have stated, I have no problems with people choosing their lifestyle as long as they keep to themselves and do not ask for preferential treatment and of course, I don't want to see it.

Keep to themselves? You mean be invisible? In the closet? And what is the preferential treatment that you refer to? Having equal rights?

And in post 30 you write this inane tripe

They are both Males. One is the Husband, the other is the wife in the relationship. I am not going into detail on sexual activities that this couple my or may not partake in, but one person must give and the other receive (so they say)... Pete has chosen to be the receiver. Pete is the woman in the bedroom. Chasten is the man. Chasten is dominant, Pete is submissive.

You’re making assumptions about people who you know nothing about based solely on their sexuality. How is that not bigoted?

Lastly for now, do you or do you not approve of their marriage? Do you or do you not approve of them being parents for adopted children?
You’re not a bigot?

Then what is this crap about the “queer agenda “? What exactly is the queer agenda ?

From post 33:

And you want them to “keep to themselves” and not ask for “preferential treatment?

From the same post:

Keep to themselves? You mean be invisible? In the closet? And what is the preferential treatment that you refer to? Having equal rights?

And in post 30 you write this inane tripe

You’re making assumptions about people who you know nothing about based solely on their sexuality. How is that not bigoted?

Lastly for now, do you or do you not approve of their marriage? Do you or do you not approve of them being parents for adopted children?
Queer agenda is showing men holding hands in advertisements for HIV prevention medicine. Men dancing with woman in a dress. Have you seen that commercial? Or the commercials with two woman and all the kids that are supposed to be a "family" or the woman holding hands and "love is in the air" Yes, those commercials. have you noticed the Home Depot mans voice has changed from masculine to queer sounding? Look, they are pushing this like it is normal! it is not normal. I TOLERATE it. There is no law that will ever make me approve of it.
Look, if they are queer, they are queer. That is not bigoted, that is their lifestyle, their choice.
I want them to keep to themselves. I want the same from heterosexual couples as well. No need to involve me in your relationships. And no to public display of affection (PDA). We all have equal rights. I don't want them getting any preferential treatment to accommodate their lifestyle choices. I approve of their "union". It is not a marriage in my opinion. Marriage is sacred and reserved for a biological male and female. I disapprove of same sex couples adopting.
More -many more have died at the hands of opposite sex adopters as well as natural parents- in raw numbers and as a percentage
That cannot e improved or worked on if we are in different tangents for social justice. The social justice agendas have actually made things worse and there are many many people who will never marry now included with the statement you made.
Evolution has left you behind. You will soon be extinct.

Do you understand how evolution works, how natural selection works?

The sort of fucked-up sexual deviancy that you promote and defend is exactly the sort of destructive detritus that natural selection functions to clear away. Those that remove themselves from the gene pool are those that go extinct.
I knew there was something wrong with that progpat weirdo.

You're relatively new, here, I see, and probably haven't seen enough of this freak to really get the sense that most of us have of just how mentally- and morally-fucked-up he truly is. Pay attention, and you'll figure it out.

Hint: Look here, and ask yourself what kind of creature thinks and speaks of a child that young, in such fucked-up terms?
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