Chasten Buttigieg Writes a "Memoir" for "Young Adults"

They have never had kids. They have someone else's kids. Which is a shame.
Someone else's kids? They were given up for adoption at birth by someone who did not want them or who could not care for them. They were premature and had, and still do have health problems. While newborns are usually easity adopted, special needs children often languish in foster care. Pete and Chasten may well have saved them from that fate. The only shame is the fact that god gave you a brain and you are allowing it to waste away.
Someone else's kids? They were given up for adoption at birth by someone who did not want them or who could not care for them. They were premature and had, and still do have health problems. While newborns are usually easity adopted, special needs children often languish in foster care. Pete and Chasten may well have saved them from that fate. The only shame is the fact that god gave you a brain and you are allowing it to waste away.
Saved them from one fate, to give them a worse fate.
I puked a little in my mouth when I saw this. Now, I am not going to say that all people who practice goofball sex are groomers. But I WILL say that all groomers are practitioners of goofball sex stuff. Have you ever listened to Petey's wife? He is disgusting. He is full-on LGBTSO2EF, and militantly so. Second, his lisps like a Canadian figure skater. Petey is clearly the man in the unit, which is not saying much under the grotesque circumstances. Imagine what it must be like when these two assholes get together cuddling and making pillow talk to each other. I would rip out my eyes and throw myself off a cliff.

Suffice it to say that Chasten is one sick fuck. And a cabinet level official is married to this freak!!! You just know Putin and Xi laugh at us over this shit. I would laugh and make fun of it too if it was happening anywhere but in my own country! He is literally attempting to groom "young adults" to be open to the idea of homosexuality and other deviant sexual behavior. He is trying to normalize the abnormal. In many instances the abnormal also includes pedophilia. This is sick. I would not let me kid go near this asshole's house if he and Petey lived in my neighborhood. They are both unwell and should never, EVER, be around children.

It is not anybody's job to teach your children anything except who the parent chooses. Sex-ed, gender, and sexuality are not appropriate subjects to be going into with other people's children. Plus, who says this Chasten prick is even an authority on this?!? Most likely he is just trying to socialize kids to accept he sexual practice; i.e., GROOMING. I have not read this monstrosity, nor do I intend to. But the worst case scenario is that Chasten's intent (and Petey's) is to normalize sexual contact between underaged kids ("young adults") and freaks like him.

Someone told me several years ago that the left is attempting to normalize pedophilia. I did not believe him. I thought, "Who in the world would try to normalize THAT?!?" Besides, nobody is going to let that become normal. Now here we are today, and the male wife of a cabinet official is writing a book trying to help "young adults" "learn" about sexuality (PUKE!!!!!!). I admit now that I was wrong. This sickness is indeed being employed by the left to destroy us. Chasten is one of those tools, and his subject matter is most likely obscene and felonious.

You got that backwards. That is not Petey's wife, that is Petey's husband.
Pete is the female in the relationship.

The Secret to Pete Buttigieg and His Husband Chasten's Enduring Love

You got that backwards. That is not Petey's wife, that is Petey's husband.
Pete is the female in the relationship.

The Secret to Pete Buttigieg and His Husband Chasten's Enduring Love

That is about as stupid as stupid gets. They are both men. They are both husbands.They are both fathers. The problem that you people have is besides being bigots, you are hung up on genser roles.
I puked a little in my mouth when I saw this. Now, I am not going to say that all people who practice goofball sex are groomers. But I WILL say that all groomers are practitioners of goofball sex stuff. Have you ever listened to Petey's wife? He is disgusting. He is full-on LGBTSO2EF, and militantly so. Second, his lisps like a Canadian figure skater. Petey is clearly the man in the unit, which is not saying much under the grotesque circumstances. Imagine what it must be like when these two assholes get together cuddling and making pillow talk to each other. I would rip out my eyes and throw myself off a cliff.

Suffice it to say that Chasten is one sick fuck. And a cabinet level official is married to this freak!!! You just know Putin and Xi laugh at us over this shit. I would laugh and make fun of it too if it was happening anywhere but in my own country! He is literally attempting to groom "young adults" to be open to the idea of homosexuality and other deviant sexual behavior. He is trying to normalize the abnormal. In many instances the abnormal also includes pedophilia. This is sick. I would not let me kid go near this asshole's house if he and Petey lived in my neighborhood. They are both unwell and should never, EVER, be around children.

It is not anybody's job to teach your children anything except who the parent chooses. Sex-ed, gender, and sexuality are not appropriate subjects to be going into with other people's children. Plus, who says this Chasten prick is even an authority on this?!? Most likely he is just trying to socialize kids to accept he sexual practice; i.e., GROOMING. I have not read this monstrosity, nor do I intend to. But the worst case scenario is that Chasten's intent (and Petey's) is to normalize sexual contact between underaged kids ("young adults") and freaks like him.

Someone told me several years ago that the left is attempting to normalize pedophilia. I did not believe him. I thought, "Who in the world would try to normalize THAT?!?" Besides, nobody is going to let that become normal. Now here we are today, and the male wife of a cabinet official is writing a book trying to help "young adults" "learn" about sexuality (PUKE!!!!!!). I admit now that I was wrong. This sickness is indeed being employed by the left to destroy us. Chasten is one of those tools, and his subject matter is most likely obscene and felonious.

How long until those two get busted for buggering their adopted child?
That is about as stupid as stupid gets. They are both men. They are both husbands.They are both fathers. The problem that you people have is besides being bigots, you are hung up on genser roles.
who is a bigot?, certainly not I. Can you explain "genser roles" I have never heard of this.

They are both Males. One is the Husband, the other is the wife in the relationship. I am not going into detail on sexual activities that this couple my or may not partake in, but one person must give and the other receive (so they say)... Pete has chosen to be the receiver. Pete is the woman in the bedroom. Chasten is the man. Chasten is dominant, Pete is submissive.

I provided you with an example. Here is more proof that Chasten is the Husband and Pete is the wife.

Pete Buttigieg waited until he was 33 years old before coming out publicly as a gay man. He shared the news in an op-ed in his hometown’s newspaper in 2015, as he was running for a second term as the mayor of South Bend, Indiana. He went on to win the election with more than 80 percent of the vote.
Just a couple of months later, Buttigieg met the man who would become his husband. He and Chasten Glezman connected over the dating app Hinge and had their first date in September of 2015. Buttigieg shared that he knew the relationship had potential when Glezman was willing to eat a Scotch Egg, Buttigieg’s favorite bar snack.

I have no problems with same sex couples as long as they keep to themselves and do not ask for preferential treatment and of course, I don't want to see it.
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You got that backwards. That is not Petey's wife, that is Petey's husband.
Pete is the female in the relationship.

The Secret to Pete Buttigieg and His Husband Chasten's Enduring Love

Isn't Penelope Rose the name of that gay guy in the Medical commercials? I can see these two pervs naming a kid after a gay guy in a commercial.

There is something wrong with these two. They not only describe their life as a Hallmark movie,but can recreate the dialog, verbatim, of many of the sappy movies as if they were real.
who is a bigot?, certainly not I. Can you explain "genser roles" I have never heard of this.

They are both Males. One is the Husband, the other is the wife in the relationship. I am not going into detail on sexual activities that this couple my or may not partake in, but one person must give and the other receive (so they say)... Pete has chosen to be the receiver. Pete is the woman in the bedroom. Chasten is the man. Chasten is dominant, Pete is submissive.

I provided you with an example. Here is more proof that Chasten is the Husband and Pete is the wife.

Pete Buttigieg waited until he was 33 years old before coming out publicly as a gay man. He shared the news in an op-ed in his hometown’s newspaper in 2015, as he was running for a second term as the mayor of South Bend, Indiana. He went on to win the election with more than 80 percent of the vote.
Just a couple of months later, Buttigieg met the man who would become his husband. He and Chasten Glezman connected over the dating app Hinge and had their first date in September of 2015. Buttigieg shared that he knew the relationship had potential when Glezman was willing to eat a Scotch Egg, Buttigieg’s favorite bar snack.

I have no problems with same sex couples as long as they keep to themselves and do not ask for preferential treatment.
Chasten took Buttplug's name like a wife would.
Isn't Penelope Rose the name of that gay guy in the Medical commercials? I can see these two pervs naming a kid after a gay guy in a commercial.

There is something wrong with these two. They not only describe their life as a Hallmark movie,but can recreate the dialog, verbatim, of many of the sappy movies as if they were real.
I don't watch television. I am not going to throw this thread off track, but I stopped watching television a long time ago when they started pushing the queer agenda.
As I have stated, I have no problems with people choosing their lifestyle as long as they keep to themselves and do not ask for preferential treatment and of course, I don't want to see it.
I puked a little in my mouth when I saw this. Now, I am not going to say that all people who practice goofball sex are groomers. But I WILL say that all groomers are practitioners of goofball sex stuff. Have you ever listened to Petey's wife? He is disgusting. He is full-on LGBTSO2EF, and militantly so. Second, his lisps like a Canadian figure skater. Petey is clearly the man in the unit, which is not saying much under the grotesque circumstances. Imagine what it must be like when these two assholes get together cuddling and making pillow talk to each other. I would rip out my eyes and throw myself off a cliff.

Suffice it to say that Chasten is one sick fuck. And a cabinet level official is married to this freak!!! You just know Putin and Xi laugh at us over this shit. I would laugh and make fun of it too if it was happening anywhere but in my own country! He is literally attempting to groom "young adults" to be open to the idea of homosexuality and other deviant sexual behavior. He is trying to normalize the abnormal. In many instances the abnormal also includes pedophilia. This is sick. I would not let me kid go near this asshole's house if he and Petey lived in my neighborhood. They are both unwell and should never, EVER, be around children.

It is not anybody's job to teach your children anything except who the parent chooses. Sex-ed, gender, and sexuality are not appropriate subjects to be going into with other people's children. Plus, who says this Chasten prick is even an authority on this?!? Most likely he is just trying to socialize kids to accept he sexual practice; i.e., GROOMING. I have not read this monstrosity, nor do I intend to. But the worst case scenario is that Chasten's intent (and Petey's) is to normalize sexual contact between underaged kids ("young adults") and freaks like him.

Someone told me several years ago that the left is attempting to normalize pedophilia. I did not believe him. I thought, "Who in the world would try to normalize THAT?!?" Besides, nobody is going to let that become normal. Now here we are today, and the male wife of a cabinet official is writing a book trying to help "young adults" "learn" about sexuality (PUKE!!!!!!). I admit now that I was wrong. This sickness is indeed being employed by the left to destroy us. Chasten is one of those tools, and his subject matter is most likely obscene and felonious.

You spelled Buttplug wrong.
Thank you for that glimps into the darkest recesses of you diseased and twisted mind. How the fuck are they not parents?
I just explained it to you, dude. What do you not understand? I could call myself a space alien, but it would not be true just because I proclaimed it.

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