CHAZ, Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
I went back to CHAZ today. It wasn't raining so I could take my cameras. I only had 2 of them with me and the widest I had was 18mm. I should have taken the camera with Big Betty. She goes down to 14mm which would have made a huge difference. When I go back there again that camera with that lens will be one of the cameras I bring with me.

The police left on Monday. It's like the Seattle I knew growing up in the 60s and 70s. Street filled with people, music, people speaking, taking photos, eating and just enjoying the day. I wanted to stay longer but it started to rain. The weather is supposed to be better tomorrow so will try to go there again.

Here are photos I took today. All of them won't fit in one box so I'll break the shots up into a few posts.

So you are sharing online that you took pictures of the crimes and stood idol as people were extorted through racketeering, you did nothing about vandalism, did nothing about the threats to the owners of homes and businesses in the zone, did nothing about the racism and violence within the protesting? But aren't you guilty of those crimes under the good Samaritan law like the standing around idol uninvolved officers in MN that protesters want justice FOR their PARTICIPATING THROUGH INACTION??
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Nice art work. Good photography. Wonder how that's all going to turn out. The Chaz police gut didn't look too terrorized.
George Floyd is the new Rosa Parks?

View attachment 349975
Rosa park didn't do drugs, didn't comit a crime, didn't try to rip off anyone, and she made her own statement in peaceful gesture, do not lower her memory by comparing her to a propaganda made image using a tragedy as a means to manipulate people and make things worse. Rosa Park never caused Black officers and citizens death and destruction nor lost Black owned businesses and jobs. Don't dishonor her by comparing the 2.
I went back to CHAZ today. It wasn't raining so I could take my cameras. I only had 2 of them with me and the widest I had was 18mm. I should have taken the camera with Big Betty. She goes down to 14mm which would have made a huge difference. When I go back there again that camera with that lens will be one of the cameras I bring with me.

The police left on Monday. It's like the Seattle I knew growing up in the 60s and 70s. Street filled with people, music, people speaking, taking photos, eating and just enjoying the day. I wanted to stay longer but it started to rain. The weather is supposed to be better tomorrow so will try to go there again.

Here are photos I took today. All of them won't fit in one box so I'll break the shots up into a few posts.

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What a load of horseshit.
That in no way reflects Seattle in the 60's and 70's.
George Floyd is the new Rosa Parks?

View attachment 349975
Rosa park didn't do drugs, didn't comit a crime, didn't try to rip off anyone, and she made her own statement in peaceful gesture, do not lower her memory by comparing her to a propaganda made image using a tragedy as a means to manipulate people and make things worse. Rosa Park never caused Black officers and citizens death and destruction nor lost Black owned businesses and jobs. Don't dishonor her by comparing the 2.

Actually, I'm not the one making the comparison. I'm just wondering if it's a fair one.
The lies on this board about what is happening in Seattle has to stop.

The people on Capitol Hill have a right to live in peace. That's all they're saying.

I used to live on Capitol Hill but in the late 70s. Before our police became what we now have. In that time there were less police and less problems. Everyone lived peacefully. People could walk down the street no matter what color their skin was and they didn't have to worry about a cop on the corner stopping them for no reason.

I've seen the police do that over and over and over in the last few decades. It has to stop. People have a right to be in their own neighborhood, walk down their own streets without worrying about some cop harassing or even killing them.
It is so weird how the left suddenly loves borders and walls. It shows that the left lies every time they open their mouth. They know borders work and that the U.S. should have borders - but they need as many destitute foreigners as possible to steal elections.
Apparently the walls did not work in Asheville, NC. Just sayin. :auiqs.jpg:
Nice art work. Good photography. Wonder how that's all going to turn out. The Chaz police gut didn't look too terrorized.

The art is fantastic in Seattle. I love it. It's beautiful and in all forms.

I love photographing it.

Thanks for the complement on the photography. I'm a professional photographer. I grew up with a camera in my hands.

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