Cheap Labor Conservatives Throughout US History


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
What is it about progress that scares conservatives the most?

"Cheap-labor conservatives have gotten into the habit of wrapping themselves in the flag, quoting Jefferson, and holding themselves out as defenders of 'American values'.

"In fact, from the very beginning, cheap-labor forces have opposed and obstructed realization of Jefferson’s dream of equality, democracy and social justice.

"Here is a short list of examples of cheap-labor conservatives obstructing of those values.

"The cheap-labor conservatives:

  1. Supported George III in the American Revolution. Fully a third of the population of the colonies didn’t even want independence.

  2. Supported protection for the institution of slavery in the Constitutional convention. This included the bizarre insistence that slaves be counted in determining slave state representation in Congress. Slaves were people according to conservative planters, but only for purposes of counting them. Those same interests also prevented regulation of the importation of slaves prior to 1808.
  1. Opposed tariffs to protect American manufacturing. Reactionary southern planters failed to grasp the need to develop our own industrial base. They preferred to operate a slave labor driven cash crop economy for the simple reason that they – the wealthy planters that is – profited from economic underdevelopment."
A Short History of Conservative Obstruction to Progress Conceptual Guerilla s Strategy And Tactics
So you're going to try to tell us we really were a socialist state all along? Capitalism made us number one, like no other nation ever in the history of the world. Many liberals have done very well with our system. The further left we go, the worse the economy gets and liberals think more of the same is the solution. Go figure.
What is it about progress that scares conservatives the most?

"Cheap-labor conservatives have gotten into the habit of wrapping themselves in the flag, quoting Jefferson, and holding themselves out as defenders of 'American values'.

"In fact, from the very beginning, cheap-labor forces have opposed and obstructed realization of Jefferson’s dream of equality, democracy and social justice.

Jefferson owned slaves and was a strong proponent of states' rights.
Jefferson owned slaves and was a strong proponent of states' rights.
That's true enough however he also had a populist side when it came to bankers, corporations, and just plain folk.
"The Jeffersonians believed in a republic, as form of government, and equality of political opportunity, with a priority for the 'yeoman farmer', 'planters' and the 'plain folk'.

"They were antagonistic to the aristocratic elitism of merchants, bankers and manufacturers, distrusted factory workers, and were on the watch for supporters of the dreaded British system of government.

"Above all, the Jeffersonians were devoted to the principles of Republicanism, especially civic duty and opposition to privilege, aristocracy and corruption.

"Jeffersonian democracy persisted as an element of the Democratic Party into the early 20th century, as exemplified by William Jennings Bryan (1860-1925)."
Jeffersonian democracy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
It would take too long. You want to believe all evil spews from the conservative cesspools of hate, greed and intolerance
Conservatives have displayed an unflinching loyalty to the status quo since the time of the Divine Right of Kings.

How would you judge the following, True or False:

"(Conservatives) (o)pposed the transcontinental railroad, because it might encourage small farmers who owned no slaves to settle in western territories.

"Contemporary conservative pundit, Joseph Sobran has dressed up opposition to this as a 'principled' stand against 'big government' proponents like Henry Clay and Abraham Lincoln."

A Short History of Conservative Obstruction to Progress Conceptual Guerilla s Strategy And Tactics
Perhaps you are signifying there is a correlation between slavery and low wages? Makes sense.
I myself am descended of property-owners. It can be said that my grandfather,finally got the cows out of Texas, way before the Republicans would set about freeing them too! Now there are liberals, called Vegans, instead. Republicans and Hare Krishna even have religion in common, if not exactly. Property has never been cheap, actually. An $800.00 black was a major asset before 1860. Many had hundreds of them. Banks knew about this, and then it was all gone. Even the land was worthless.

That aside, actually: Moses was an educated man, raised in Egypt. Possibly Moses new of the Code of Hammurabi--and other Mid-Eastern ways--from way before his own 40 year problem with the GPS. Anyone would say, he was really that educated(?): Harvard Law School, even at its best, is thought educated. So slavery had been a customary source of labor before then. Before then, even currency was less at issue, and so commodity exchange masked the price and cost of labor. If there is currency, then also the matter of arithmetic follows--which did not occur in Genesis One, no matter how many days anyone thinks there may have been.

In Deuteronomy 23:19-20--and elsewhere--the concept of arithmetic in human affairs, involving currency: Was being understood. Not everyone could understand it(?), and so even way before Moses, even debts had started to happen. The application of the arithmetic was becoming less and less benign. In Babylon, a three-year term of enslavement--as settlement of debts--did provide a measure of housing, food, and work clothes protection for the wife and kids. The Old Man was debt-free. The community could continue. Later on, in Egypt, merely the death of one monarch meant slavery, even for the Jewish Refugees. By the time of Jesus, slaves had been set--in Rome--to killing one another for sport and spectacle. Profits were already widely understood. Those were of value, the humanity was not. Jesus could look back at usury--in Matthew 25:14-30--and try to reinvent the already more ancient concept of community--in Matthew 20:1-16. Everyone was more prosperous, and could be set into the market-place, even the very next day. Many had been going about possibly, even other marketplace business, even until the last hour: When they were hired.

Moses had failed to understand the effect of the arithmetic usury. Inverse usury was not on radar. Jews were set to screwing up everyone else. World Community and Peace was not at hand: All thanks to Moses--an educated man. Not Mohammed, not Adam Smith, not Karl Marx, Not Keynes, Not Milton Friedman--No one would note the difference that is shown in the New Testament stories, possibly of Greek or Roman origin. Israel had twice been conquered by the greater deities of Greece and Rome. You could get that awareness from most people, at the time. In the usury story, in Matthew: The square root of five squared, plus the square root of five squared--if you think of an upside down right triangle, would create a new income scale of about length seven. The household was not enriched the expected eight talents. Moses did not have the apparent concept. Likely Babylon had no need of it.

And should you spread the story, your kids or grandchildren will likely be whipped til they bleed, by your neighborhood school headmaster, way before Santa Claus arrives!
That concept can apparently, be understood worldwide.

In school, some kids are better than other kids, and all the other kids are not worth the extra effort.

This is an educated species, and even teenage girls get prize money for wanting to do that, or whatever it was Cosby thought he was doing(?). . . .Or the teenage girl(?).
Doctor Cosby, EdD, is an educated(?) man. . .apparently more than most(?).

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many on Lands of Many Nations can take $25.00 worth of beads and trinkets, and now buy Moscow, instead!)
What is it about progress that scares conservatives the most?

"Cheap-labor conservatives have gotten into the habit of wrapping themselves in the flag, quoting Jefferson, and holding themselves out as defenders of 'American values'.

"In fact, from the very beginning, cheap-labor forces have opposed and obstructed realization of Jefferson’s dream of equality, democracy and social justice.

"Here is a short list of examples of cheap-labor conservatives obstructing of those values.

"The cheap-labor conservatives:

  1. Supported George III in the American Revolution. Fully a third of the population of the colonies didn’t even want independence.

  2. Supported protection for the institution of slavery in the Constitutional convention. This included the bizarre insistence that slaves be counted in determining slave state representation in Congress. Slaves were people according to conservative planters, but only for purposes of counting them. Those same interests also prevented regulation of the importation of slaves prior to 1808.
  1. Opposed tariffs to protect American manufacturing. Reactionary southern planters failed to grasp the need to develop our own industrial base. They preferred to operate a slave labor driven cash crop economy for the simple reason that they – the wealthy planters that is – profited from economic underdevelopment."
A Short History of Conservative Obstruction to Progress Conceptual Guerilla s Strategy And Tactics

Did anyone else actually require a whole thread to tell us there are biased leftist jackwagon websites on the Internet? Because it wasn't exactly a newsflash to me.
Perhaps you are signifying there is a correlation between slavery and low wages? Makes sense.
Lincoln, among others, noted the similarities between southern (chattel) and northern (wage) slavery:
  1. Opposed preserving the union. Northern cheap-labor conservatives, not surprisingly, either actively or tacitly supported southern secession. This should not surprise us since Northern manufacturers were discovering the wonders of 'wage slavery', and didn’t necessarily have a problem with the southern version of 'property slavery'”.
A Short History of Conservative Obstruction to Progress Conceptual Guerilla s Strategy And Tactics
Did anyone else actually require a whole thread to tell us there are biased leftist jackwagon websites on the Internet? Because it wasn't exactly a newsflash to me.
I notice you didn't answer the question: What is it about progress that scares conservatives most?

I notice you didn't answer the question: When DID you stop beating your wife?
I guess it's just me, but all the conservative bosses I've dealt with pay a good wage to keep good employees. Do liberals not understand how a successful business works?
I've had the great fortune in my younger days to be able to walk out on 3 different jobs without so much as telling anyone. I simply got up and left... the nice thing was I was able to find a better job not too long after. If you aren't receiving a fair wage in your eyes you can simply walk away. The 2 weeks notice thing? You don't have to follow that either. Today management has the upper hand. That's what my college degree did for me. A good worker is wanted and therefore can walk away whenever and find better employment.
I notice you didn't answer the question: When DID you stop beating your wife?
Start your own thread on wife beating if you find it therapeutic; in the meantime, try your best to defend "conservative values" in this one.
  1. Supported the acquisition of foreign colonies in the wake of the Spanish-American war.
  2. Supported the armed suppression of Filipino independence.
  3. Opposed anti-trust legislation.
  4. Opposed child labor laws.
  5. Opposed universal free public education. Some of them still do.
  6. Opposed literacy for African-American citizens, in particular.
  7. Supported the legal theory of 'separate but equal', a sham that led to . . "
A Short History of Conservative Obstruction to Progress Conceptual Guerilla s Strategy And Tactics
I've had the great fortune in my younger days to be able to walk out on 3 different jobs without so much as telling anyone. I simply got up and left... the nice thing was I was able to find a better job not too long after. If you aren't receiving a fair wage in your eyes you can simply walk away. The 2 weeks notice thing? You don't have to follow that either. Today management has the upper hand. That's what my college degree did for me. A good worker is wanted and therefore can walk away whenever and find better employment.

Simply walking away is a very bad idea in this day an age. Nearly every job, even very low level jobs, end up drawing reference checks. And the checks are far more in depth today than they used to be. Modern thinking is that people's personalities need to be judged and evaluated. You have to be "the right kind of person" to flip burgers at such and such particular fast food joint.

There is, of course, a certain degree of sense in evaluating an individual's personality fit. But most managers anymore seem to use it as an excuse for their own lack of managerial and leadership skills. In either event, nothing prevents someone from looking elsewhere if they're not happy with their job.

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