Check out the global warmer hypocrites spending time and fun on a super yacht.

LOL!!! Apparently the solution to being called a racist is to double-down. Silly wingnuts! :boohoo:

Your "liberal" use (I am applying both definitions here) has caused the term to become irrelevant. In other words, "We Don't Care".

You people's overuse of the word has made it meaningless.

To be blunt, your Racist Gun" is out of bullets. It no longer does any damage. So, by all means, keep pulling that trigger. All that will happen is your finger will tire while we laugh at your absurdity.

Have a good day!
One, the debt did not go up 10 trillion under Obama.

it went up 9 trillion...

Two, Obama was not responsible for the bulk of that

Nice try. O had a choice - reign in wasteful spending and make America competitive, or make that money vanish into the pockets of Democrats and leftists, and scream racism at anyone who complains. He chose the latter. He could have forced California to balance their own budget. Instead, he took US taxdollars and bailed out all those thousands of do-nothings making 6 figures in the CA state government.

Obama will go down in history as one of the four worst Presidents of all time. The worst by far was W.
This from supporters pf Trump who cries about the national debt & deficits & then throws away millions flying his fast ass back & forth ro Florida, keeping his wife in NYC & flying her not so fat ass to DC & Florida, & his kids rack up security expense flying around on ski vacations.

You have no idea if Geffen spends money on carbon offsets or other means to address his carbon footprint.
So now after $10 trillion of debt was created by Obama, jet setting to Hawaii(a lot farther than Florida) Europe and other golf outings, you are bitching? ROTFLMAO,,,,,,,,,,,,
ROTFKMAO? Really? One, the debt did not go up 10 trillion under Obama. Two, Obama was not responsible for the bulk of that. The Bush recession added most, the revenue slashing Bush Tax Cuts & unfunded wars & unfunded expansion to Medicare added a lot.

Republicans held the purse strings for 6 of Obama's 8 years.

Lets compare Obama's travel for vacations against your orange buddy's travels.

Wasn't it Trump who had a fit about Obama's golfing & promised the nation he would not be off golfing? Yes he did.
National Debtbusters: What was the National Debt in January 2009?
The National Debt on January 1, 2009 was: $10,669,804,864,612.13

Here's how much debt the US government added under President Obama
Based on the website, which extrapolates the US national debt in real time based on committed government spending, the debt will be roughly $19.97 trillion when President-elect Donald Trump takes office on Friday.
What is really insidious about Liberals, is they play word games, so instead of me saying that Obama increased the Nation Debt by 10 trillion, he said "no he didn't" and he is correct but didn't mention that Obama only added 9.3 Trillion. My mistake, but notice it is okay for that 9.3 trillion of debt added by a liberal making the Rich, Richer, causing more taxes to be taken from the poor, making them poorer. Such stupid people who vote Dumbocrat.
LOL!!! Apparently the solution to being called a racist is to double-down. Silly wingnuts! :boohoo:

Your "liberal" use (I am applying both definitions here) has caused the term to become irrelevant. In other words, "We Don't Care".

You people's overuse of the word has made it meaningless.

To be blunt, your Racist Gun" is out of bullets. It no longer does any damage. So, by all means, keep pulling that trigger. All that will happen is your finger will tire while we laugh at your absurdity.

Have a good day!
Yeah, right, that is why you see liberals, saying they are moderate, because those liberals are TOO ashamed to be associated with liberals. Too funny Joe, you so funny.
People on a boat. Where's the hypocrisy?
I don't see you on the ship, or even the boat, either. Just see a bunch of liberal elites who don't give a rats ass about how poor they made the US citizens over the 8 years of Obama. Before you say it, see #2

View attachment 122035

I never voted for anybody on the boat. It's just from the picture I didn't associate it with anything outlandish, like they needed to live like monks or something.
People on a boat. Where's the hypocrisy?

Nothing if they were on this

People on a boat. Where's the hypocrisy?
I don't see you on the ship, or even the boat, either. Just see a bunch of liberal elites who don't give a rats ass about how poor they made the US citizens over the 8 years of Obama. Before you say it, see #2

View attachment 122035

I never voted for anybody on the boat. It's just from the picture I didn't associate it with anything outlandish, like they needed to live like monks or something.

They want us to.

LOL!!! Apparently the solution to being called a racist is to double-down. Silly wingnuts! :boohoo:

Your "liberal" use (I am applying both definitions here) has caused the term to become irrelevant. In other words, "We Don't Care".

You people's overuse of the word has made it meaningless.

To be blunt, your Racist Gun" is out of bullets. It no longer does any damage. So, by all means, keep pulling that trigger. All that will happen is your finger will tire while we laugh at your absurdity.

Have a good day!

Funny you had to change it from liberal to progressive..

David Geffen's super yacht, hosting the half black and his fully black wife. Along with the very concerned for the planet Springsteen and Oprah and Hanks etc etc etc.

The super yacht Rising Sun

Don't worry folks, they all got into a smaller speed boat.....


A picture perfect moment! Barack and Michelle Obama pose on billionaire David Geffen's superyacht during day out with Oprah, Bruce Springsteen and Tom Hanks in French Polynesia
  • Barack and Michelle Obama were guests on David Geffen's 454ft superyacht Rising Sun on Friday
  • Oprah, Tom Hanks and Bruce Springsteen were also on board the stunning $300million vessel
  • The Obamas have been holidaying at the Brando resort in French Polynesia for the past month
  • Since leaving the White House, they have also visited Palm Springs, Hawaii and toured the Caribbean

Read more: Barack and Michelle Obama pose superyacht in Tahiti | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Is it funny how the parrots on the left always associate the republicans as the "party of the rich?"

Good stuff.
Hypocrisy and liberalism are two sides of the same coin. They feel no need to adhere to the lifestyle they demand of others.
You can see hypocrisy in others, but not the racism in yourself? The Obamas' blackness has nothing whatsoever to do with the environmentalism angle, yet it gets mentioned anyway. If I were you, I'd work on my personal issues before seeing fit to criticize others.
Hypocrisy and racism aren't related. Different words with different meanings entirely. If I was a racist how does that have any bearing on liberal hypocrisy? We aren't supposed to comment if you think we're racist? Liberals need simple answers to everything.

Concerns about global warming don't mean people have to go live in a log cabin or forego luxury. It means that we need to move to different forms of energy for the health of the planet. There's a lot of money to be made in alternate energy.

Thirty years ago, my asthma was "life threatening". On those days when the pollution level in the city hit 20 (considered high) nearly every day in the summer due to coal fired plants, I would end up in the emergency room with asthma attacks my puffers wouldn't stop. On more than one occasion, I made it to the hospital with minutes to spare - if it were 10 minutes longer, I would have been dead. That's when Canada and the US signed a climate accord.

As Canada has gone away from coal fired plants (they've all been closed in Ontario), the air has gotten cleaner and my asthma has gone away with it. There are no days when the pollution levels hit 20, it's seldom over 10. A recent bout of bronchitis caused a flare up of my asthma and I couldn't find my inhaler. The drug store said I hadn't refilled my inhaler presecription since 2013.

Republicans see all of the improvements we've made to the environment the past 30 years and say "enough". But global warming is real, and use of carbon fuels is certainly the cause of it since it began when people became dependent on burning oil and coal for fuel.

There are alternatives, and there's a lot of money to be made world-wide in research and development of cleaner ways to live.

Liberals dont' think that only Republicans are rich. We think that Republican policies ONLY HELP THE RICH.
Why don't you ever get the democrat divide and conquer political strategy? Why is it you all fall for their pathetic clichés?

I will ask you this. If those do gooder left wingers who supposedly care so much for the poor and want their own taxes raised then why do they themselves take advantage of ALL the tax breaks? Why don't they (Hollywood, Warren Buffet etc) just go ahead and voluntarily pay more? You know they all can, right? None of them do.

How you fall for the democrats line of shit every time is beyond us. Using some robin hood fairy tale and old familiar talking points to take advantage of your naivety and good hearted nature.

I have news for you. All of the democrats ARE RICH. What, you think they are not going to make sure loopholes are there for them and those millionaires and billionaires that donate generously to their campaigns?

Meanwhile, they do crush small business owners and they do hammer the middle class. Which, other than capturing gullible slow witted people from the poor class as automatic robotic votes, is their true socialist goal.

Both political parties hate the middle class. They are just educated enough to be able to think for themselves and not rich enough to make any real impact on their campaigns. They are the largest block of voters that turn out and the socialists have trying hard to turn them into brainless robots. If they can destroy the class, all the better.

Get a clue old lady.
Last edited:
Both political parties hate the middle class.

The post 1998 Republican Party does not hate anyone who is ZIONIST, middle class, poor, or rich....

Zionism is the only thing that matters. Taxes, spending, laws, rules, frauds - none of that matters. Only ISRAEL matters.
People on a boat. Where's the hypocrisy?
I don't see you on the ship, or even the boat, either. Just see a bunch of liberal elites who don't give a rats ass about how poor they made the US citizens over the 8 years of Obama. Before you say it, see #2

View attachment 122035

I never voted for anybody on the boat. It's just from the picture I didn't associate it with anything outlandish, like they needed to live like monks or something.

They want us to.


Since you feel that way I can see your point. I don't make that generalization. Thanks for explaining.
A bunch of wealthy liberal elites jet setting toa super-sized yacht worried about middle class workers' SUVs and their impact on climate change.
David Geffen's super yacht, hosting the half black and his fully black wife. Along with the very concerned for the planet Springsteen and Oprah and Hanks etc etc etc.

The super yacht Rising Sun

Don't worry folks, they all got into a smaller speed boat.....


A picture perfect moment! Barack and Michelle Obama pose on billionaire David Geffen's superyacht during day out with Oprah, Bruce Springsteen and Tom Hanks in French Polynesia
  • Barack and Michelle Obama were guests on David Geffen's 454ft superyacht Rising Sun on Friday
  • Oprah, Tom Hanks and Bruce Springsteen were also on board the stunning $300million vessel
  • The Obamas have been holidaying at the Brando resort in French Polynesia for the past month
  • Since leaving the White House, they have also visited Palm Springs, Hawaii and toured the Caribbean

Read more: Barack and Michelle Obama pose superyacht in Tahiti | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Is it funny how the parrots on the left always associate the republicans as the "party of the rich?"

Good stuff.
Hypocrisy and liberalism are two sides of the same coin. They feel no need to adhere to the lifestyle they demand of others.
You can see hypocrisy in others, but not the racism in yourself? The Obamas' blackness has nothing whatsoever to do with the environmentalism angle, yet it gets mentioned anyway. If I were you, I'd work on my personal issues before seeing fit to criticize others.
Hypocrisy and racism aren't related. Different words with different meanings entirely. If I was a racist how does that have any bearing on liberal hypocrisy? We aren't supposed to comment if you think we're racist? Liberals need simple answers to everything.

Concerns about global warming don't mean people have to go live in a log cabin or forego luxury. It means that we need to move to different forms of energy for the health of the planet. There's a lot of money to be made in alternate energy.

Thirty years ago, my asthma was "life threatening". On those days when the pollution level in the city hit 20 (considered high) nearly every day in the summer due to coal fired plants, I would end up in the emergency room with asthma attacks my puffers wouldn't stop. On more than one occasion, I made it to the hospital with minutes to spare - if it were 10 minutes longer, I would have been dead. That's when Canada and the US signed a climate accord.

As Canada has gone away from coal fired plants (they've all been closed in Ontario), the air has gotten cleaner and my asthma has gone away with it. There are no days when the pollution levels hit 20, it's seldom over 10. A recent bout of bronchitis caused a flare up of my asthma and I couldn't find my inhaler. The drug store said I hadn't refilled my inhaler presecription since 2013.

Republicans see all of the improvements we've made to the environment the past 30 years and say "enough". But global warming is real, and use of carbon fuels is certainly the cause of it since it began when people became dependent on burning oil and coal for fuel.

There are alternatives, and there's a lot of money to be made world-wide in research and development of cleaner ways to live.

Liberals dont' think that only Republicans are rich. We think that Republican policies ONLY HELP THE RICH.
Why don't you ever get the democrat divide and conquer political strategy? Why is it you all fall for their pathetic clichés?

I will ask you this. If those do gooder left wingers who supposedly care so much for the poor and want their own taxes raised then why do they themselves take advantage of ALL the tax breaks? Why don't they (Hollywood, Warren Buffet etc) just go ahead and voluntarily pay more? You know they all can, right? None of them do.

How you fall for the democrats line of shit every time is beyond us. Using some robin hood fairy tale and old familiar talking points to take advantage of your naivety and good hearted nature.

I have news for you. All of the democrats ARE RICH. What, you think they are not going to make sure loopholes are there for them and those millionaires and billionaires that donate generously to their campaigns?

Meanwhile, they do crush small business owners and they do hammer the middle class. Which, other than capturing gullible slow witted people from the poor class as automatic robotic votes, is their true socialist goal.

Both political parties hate the middle class. They are just educated enough to be able to think for themselves and not rich enough to make any real impact on their campaigns. They are the largest block of voters that turn out and the socialists have trying hard to turn them into brainless robots. If they can destroy the class, all the better.

Get a clue old lady.

Why don't they pay more taxes - they DO. Warren Buffet is notable for not taking all of the deductions they can. Then there's the charities and donation agreements under which 40 or 50 of the world's richest people have agreed to donate nearly all of their wealth to Charity - the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Warren Buffett, and many many more.

What is hammering the middle class is earned income credits, which is the Republican means of putting your money into the hands of underpaid low wage workers. Republican policies cut and spend consistently lead to market crashes, high enemployment and low wages. These policies have lead to a massive transfer of wealth to the top. Trickle down never worked, it was always trickle up.

Look at the comparison charts for wages, unemployment and poverty under Republican Presidents. Look at the same numbers for Clinton and Obama. Do some research on these topics.
You can see hypocrisy in others, but not the racism in yourself? The Obamas' blackness has nothing whatsoever to do with the environmentalism angle, yet it gets mentioned anyway. If I were you, I'd work on my personal issues before seeing fit to criticize others.
Hypocrisy and racism aren't related. Different words with different meanings entirely. If I was a racist how does that have any bearing on liberal hypocrisy? We aren't supposed to comment if you think we're racist? Liberals need simple answers to everything.

Concerns about global warming don't mean people have to go live in a log cabin or forego luxury. It means that we need to move to different forms of energy for the health of the planet. There's a lot of money to be made in alternate energy.

Thirty years ago, my asthma was "life threatening". On those days when the pollution level in the city hit 20 (considered high) nearly every day in the summer due to coal fired plants, I would end up in the emergency room with asthma attacks my puffers wouldn't stop. On more than one occasion, I made it to the hospital with minutes to spare - if it were 10 minutes longer, I would have been dead. That's when Canada and the US signed a climate accord.

As Canada has gone away from coal fired plants (they've all been closed in Ontario), the air has gotten cleaner and my asthma has gone away with it. There are no days when the pollution levels hit 20, it's seldom over 10. A recent bout of bronchitis caused a flare up of my asthma and I couldn't find my inhaler. The drug store said I hadn't refilled my inhaler presecription since 2013.

Republicans see all of the improvements we've made to the environment the past 30 years and say "enough". But global warming is real, and use of carbon fuels is certainly the cause of it since it began when people became dependent on burning oil and coal for fuel.

There are alternatives, and there's a lot of money to be made world-wide in research and development of cleaner ways to live.

Liberals dont' think that only Republicans are rich. We think that Republican policies ONLY HELP THE RICH.
Why don't you ever get the democrat divide and conquer political strategy? Why is it you all fall for their pathetic clichés?

I will ask you this. If those do gooder left wingers who supposedly care so much for the poor and want their own taxes raised then why do they themselves take advantage of ALL the tax breaks? Why don't they (Hollywood, Warren Buffet etc) just go ahead and voluntarily pay more? You know they all can, right? None of them do.

How you fall for the democrats line of shit every time is beyond us. Using some robin hood fairy tale and old familiar talking points to take advantage of your naivety and good hearted nature.

I have news for you. All of the democrats ARE RICH. What, you think they are not going to make sure loopholes are there for them and those millionaires and billionaires that donate generously to their campaigns?

Meanwhile, they do crush small business owners and they do hammer the middle class. Which, other than capturing gullible slow witted people from the poor class as automatic robotic votes, is their true socialist goal.

Both political parties hate the middle class. They are just educated enough to be able to think for themselves and not rich enough to make any real impact on their campaigns. They are the largest block of voters that turn out and the socialists have trying hard to turn them into brainless robots. If they can destroy the class, all the better.

Get a clue old lady.

Why don't they pay more taxes - they DO. Warren Buffet is notable for not taking all of the deductions they can. Then there's the charities and donation agreements under which 40 or 50 of the world's richest people have agreed to donate nearly all of their wealth to Charity - the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Warren Buffett, and many many more.

What is hammering the middle class is earned income credits, which is the Republican means of putting your money into the hands of underpaid low wage workers. Republican policies cut and spend consistently lead to market crashes, high enemployment and low wages. These policies have lead to a massive transfer of wealth to the top. Trickle down never worked, it was always trickle up.

Look at the comparison charts for wages, unemployment and poverty under Republican Presidents. Look at the same numbers for Clinton and Obama. Do some research on these topics.

Excuse me, but you are off base; in fact, waaaaaaay off base!

1. The rich are not always the rich. Just like every other quintile, people move in and out of all 3 SUPPOSED classes. Under Republican policy, there is much more mobility UP, while under Democratic policies, the classes stay much more stagnant. In other words, the rich stay rich, and the poor remain poor!

2. Your pal Buffet has a huge tax bill he has not paid; or weren't you aware of that?

3. People want to work, unless they don't want to because it costs them to much to actually get a job. If a single mother of 2 is getting 25,000 in help, she makes no profit until she makes 25,001. Suppose she gets a job making 30,000. Would you work for 5,000 a year? Your GOOD INTENTIONS has created an underclass that can not get jobs that pay enough to make it worth their while.

So here is the deal------------> Even if they go back to work and do NOT pay one penny in taxes, we are ahead as a country 25,000 dollars. Why? Because they support themselves!

You lefties have created a terrible problem. And when we even remotely suggest they at least do SOMETHING, ANYTHING for that money, you start calling us racists, elitists, anti-poor, and a dozen other names. You have created a repeating cycle of poverty with your ideas, and every time we want to try and get them out of it, you fight us tooth and nail.

And finally--------->

a. If you believed that laying out in the sun caused skin cancer and fought to warn everyone, would you constantly lay out in the sun?

b. If you believe that smoking causes lung cancer and preached it, would you smoke?

c. If you believe that drug use ruins lives and preached NO DRUGS, would you use them?

So then, how do people who claim that fossil fuels cause global warming, get on private planes with 3 or 4 people on them, own limos, own yachts, and own homes 5 times the size of ours and use energy of ANY kind in them, and you say, "they are NOT hypocrites!"
Hypocrisy and racism aren't related. Different words with different meanings entirely. If I was a racist how does that have any bearing on liberal hypocrisy? We aren't supposed to comment if you think we're racist? Liberals need simple answers to everything.

Concerns about global warming don't mean people have to go live in a log cabin or forego luxury. It means that we need to move to different forms of energy for the health of the planet. There's a lot of money to be made in alternate energy.

Thirty years ago, my asthma was "life threatening". On those days when the pollution level in the city hit 20 (considered high) nearly every day in the summer due to coal fired plants, I would end up in the emergency room with asthma attacks my puffers wouldn't stop. On more than one occasion, I made it to the hospital with minutes to spare - if it were 10 minutes longer, I would have been dead. That's when Canada and the US signed a climate accord.

As Canada has gone away from coal fired plants (they've all been closed in Ontario), the air has gotten cleaner and my asthma has gone away with it. There are no days when the pollution levels hit 20, it's seldom over 10. A recent bout of bronchitis caused a flare up of my asthma and I couldn't find my inhaler. The drug store said I hadn't refilled my inhaler presecription since 2013.

Republicans see all of the improvements we've made to the environment the past 30 years and say "enough". But global warming is real, and use of carbon fuels is certainly the cause of it since it began when people became dependent on burning oil and coal for fuel.

There are alternatives, and there's a lot of money to be made world-wide in research and development of cleaner ways to live.

Liberals dont' think that only Republicans are rich. We think that Republican policies ONLY HELP THE RICH.
Why don't you ever get the democrat divide and conquer political strategy? Why is it you all fall for their pathetic clichés?

I will ask you this. If those do gooder left wingers who supposedly care so much for the poor and want their own taxes raised then why do they themselves take advantage of ALL the tax breaks? Why don't they (Hollywood, Warren Buffet etc) just go ahead and voluntarily pay more? You know they all can, right? None of them do.

How you fall for the democrats line of shit every time is beyond us. Using some robin hood fairy tale and old familiar talking points to take advantage of your naivety and good hearted nature.

I have news for you. All of the democrats ARE RICH. What, you think they are not going to make sure loopholes are there for them and those millionaires and billionaires that donate generously to their campaigns?

Meanwhile, they do crush small business owners and they do hammer the middle class. Which, other than capturing gullible slow witted people from the poor class as automatic robotic votes, is their true socialist goal.

Both political parties hate the middle class. They are just educated enough to be able to think for themselves and not rich enough to make any real impact on their campaigns. They are the largest block of voters that turn out and the socialists have trying hard to turn them into brainless robots. If they can destroy the class, all the better.

Get a clue old lady.

Why don't they pay more taxes - they DO. Warren Buffet is notable for not taking all of the deductions they can. Then there's the charities and donation agreements under which 40 or 50 of the world's richest people have agreed to donate nearly all of their wealth to Charity - the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Warren Buffett, and many many more.

What is hammering the middle class is earned income credits, which is the Republican means of putting your money into the hands of underpaid low wage workers. Republican policies cut and spend consistently lead to market crashes, high enemployment and low wages. These policies have lead to a massive transfer of wealth to the top. Trickle down never worked, it was always trickle up.

Look at the comparison charts for wages, unemployment and poverty under Republican Presidents. Look at the same numbers for Clinton and Obama. Do some research on these topics.

Excuse me, but you are off base; in fact, waaaaaaay off base!

1. The rich are not always the rich. Just like every other quintile, people move in and out of all 3 SUPPOSED classes. Under Republican policy, there is much more mobility UP, while under Democratic policies, the classes stay much more stagnant. In other words, the rich stay rich, and the poor remain poor!

2. Your pal Buffet has a huge tax bill he has not paid; or weren't you aware of that?

3. People want to work, unless they don't want to because it costs them to much to actually get a job. If a single mother of 2 is getting 25,000 in help, she makes no profit until she makes 25,001. Suppose she gets a job making 30,000. Would you work for 5,000 a year? Your GOOD INTENTIONS has created an underclass that can not get jobs that pay enough to make it worth their while.

So here is the deal------------> Even if they go back to work and do NOT pay one penny in taxes, we are ahead as a country 25,000 dollars. Why? Because they support themselves!

You lefties have created a terrible problem. And when we even remotely suggest they at least do SOMETHING, ANYTHING for that money, you start calling us racists, elitists, anti-poor, and a dozen other names. You have created a repeating cycle of poverty with your ideas, and every time we want to try and get them out of it, you fight us tooth and nail.

And finally--------->

a. If you believed that laying out in the sun caused skin cancer and fought to warn everyone, would you constantly lay out in the sun?

b. If you believe that smoking causes lung cancer and preached it, would you smoke?

c. If you believe that drug use ruins lives and preached NO DRUGS, would you use them?

So then, how do people who claim that fossil fuels cause global warming, get on private planes with 3 or 4 people on them, own limos, own yachts, and own homes 5 times the size of ours and use energy of ANY kind in them, and you say, "they are NOT hypocrites!"
Great stuff.

The other simple fact that truly proves the left by and large know their claims of seas rising due to polar caps melting is how most of them live on the coasts.

Think about it. If they truly, actually believed that the ice caps are melting and the sea levels are rising at such a rate that Florida won't be around in 10 years, then why aren't they moving in droves away from the coasts to the middle of the country?

It is because they full of utter shit and they know it.

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