Check out the global warmer hypocrites spending time and fun on a super yacht.

Is it funny how the parrots on the left always associate the republicans as the "party of the rich?"
Oh, I see. The whole of the Democratic Party is rich because six of its members are.....
You obviously do not see the difference. Rich Republicans got rich by ripping people off or being given money from their parents. Democrats earned their money. At least in the their minds.
This from supporters pf Trump who cries about the national debt & deficits & then throws away millions flying his fast ass back & forth ro Florida, keeping his wife in NYC & flying her not so fat ass to DC & Florida, & his kids rack up security expense flying around on ski vacations.

You have no idea if Geffen spends money on carbon offsets or other means to address his carbon footprint.
So now after $10 trillion of debt was created by Obama, jet setting to Hawaii(a lot farther than Florida) Europe and other golf outings, you are bitching? ROTFLMAO,,,,,,,,,,,,
ROTFKMAO? Really? One, the debt did not go up 10 trillion under Obama. Two, Obama was not responsible for the bulk of that. The Bush recession added most, the revenue slashing Bush Tax Cuts & unfunded wars & unfunded expansion to Medicare added a lot.

Republicans held the purse strings for 6 of Obama's 8 years.

Lets compare Obama's travel for vacations against your orange buddy's travels.

Wasn't it Trump who had a fit about Obama's golfing & promised the nation he would not be off golfing? Yes he did.
National Debtbusters: What was the National Debt in January 2009?
The National Debt on January 1, 2009 was: $10,669,804,864,612.13

Here's how much debt the US government added under President Obama
Based on the website, which extrapolates the US national debt in real time based on committed government spending, the debt will be roughly $19.97 trillion when President-elect Donald Trump takes office on Friday.
What is really insidious about Liberals, is they play word games, so instead of me saying that Obama increased the Nation Debt by 10 trillion, he said "no he didn't" and he is correct but didn't mention that Obama only added 9.3 Trillion. My mistake, but notice it is okay for that 9.3 trillion of debt added by a liberal making the Rich, Richer, causing more taxes to be taken from the poor, making them poorer. Such stupid people who vote Dumbocrat.
Yes, you were wrong about the total. Just as you were wring about what created this debt. The wealthy recover faster from a recession than the working class or poor.

A dishonest person like you blames Obama for the effects of the Bush recession & Republicans who held the purse strings for 6 of Obama's 8 years. Such dishonest people vote Republican.
One, the debt did not go up 10 trillion under Obama.

it went up 9 trillion...

Two, Obama was not responsible for the bulk of that

Nice try. O had a choice - reign in wasteful spending and make America competitive, or make that money vanish into the pockets of Democrats and leftists, and scream racism at anyone who complains. He chose the latter. He could have forced California to balance their own budget. Instead, he took US taxdollars and bailed out all those thousands of do-nothings making 6 figures in the CA state government.

Obama will go down in history as one of the four worst Presidents of all time. The worst by far was W.

What I posted was thew truth. You Trumpettes hate the truth. We lost one of three manufacturing jobs under Bush. Republicans refused to end the tax breaks associated with overseas profits.

With the Stimulus Bill, he helped states survive the BUSH recession.

Obama will be rankled as one the of the best. W & Trump will fight for the bottom.
This from supporters pf Trump who cries about the national debt & deficits & then throws away millions flying his fast ass back & forth ro Florida, keeping his wife in NYC & flying her not so fat ass to DC & Florida, & his kids rack up security expense flying around on ski vacations.

You have no idea if Geffen spends money on carbon offsets or other means to address his carbon footprint.
So now after $10 trillion of debt was created by Obama, jet setting to Hawaii(a lot farther than Florida) Europe and other golf outings, you are bitching? ROTFLMAO,,,,,,,,,,,,
ROTFKMAO? Really? One, the debt did not go up 10 trillion under Obama. Two, Obama was not responsible for the bulk of that. The Bush recession added most, the revenue slashing Bush Tax Cuts & unfunded wars & unfunded expansion to Medicare added a lot.

Republicans held the purse strings for 6 of Obama's 8 years.

Lets compare Obama's travel for vacations against your orange buddy's travels.

Wasn't it Trump who had a fit about Obama's golfing & promised the nation he would not be off golfing? Yes he did.
National Debtbusters: What was the National Debt in January 2009?
The National Debt on January 1, 2009 was: $10,669,804,864,612.13

Here's how much debt the US government added under President Obama
Based on the website, which extrapolates the US national debt in real time based on committed government spending, the debt will be roughly $19.97 trillion when President-elect Donald Trump takes office on Friday.
What is really insidious about Liberals, is they play word games, so instead of me saying that Obama increased the Nation Debt by 10 trillion, he said "no he didn't" and he is correct but didn't mention that Obama only added 9.3 Trillion. My mistake, but notice it is okay for that 9.3 trillion of debt added by a liberal making the Rich, Richer, causing more taxes to be taken from the poor, making them poorer. Such stupid people who vote Dumbocrat.
Yes, you were wrong about the total. Just as you were wring about what created this debt. The wealthy recover faster from a recession than the working class or poor.

A dishonest person like you blames Obama for the effects of the Bush recession & Republicans who held the purse strings for 6 of Obama's 8 years. Such dishonest people vote Republican.
Once again you are wrong, as it wasn't the Bush recession, but the Barney Frank, Maxine Waters, and Chris Dodd recession, but typical of a fucking liberal, when they fuck things up, they blame someone else. Yeah, I was off by 700 billion, but your bi racial, homosexual, Muslim Lover of an ex president even called the debt of 5 trillion added by Bush as unpatriotic. Well uninformed one, is Obama 9 trillion dollars more UNPATRIOTIC? Dumbass liberals never learn.

One, the debt did not go up 10 trillion under Obama.

it went up 9 trillion...

Two, Obama was not responsible for the bulk of that

Nice try. O had a choice - reign in wasteful spending and make America competitive, or make that money vanish into the pockets of Democrats and leftists, and scream racism at anyone who complains. He chose the latter. He could have forced California to balance their own budget. Instead, he took US taxdollars and bailed out all those thousands of do-nothings making 6 figures in the CA state government.

Obama will go down in history as one of the four worst Presidents of all time. The worst by far was W.

What I posted was thew truth. You Trumpettes hate the truth. We lost one of three manufacturing jobs under Bush. Republicans refused to end the tax breaks associated with overseas profits.

With the Stimulus Bill, he helped states survive the BUSH recession.

Obama will be rankled as one the of the best. W & Trump will fight for the bottom.
UnRealDave(URD), needs help, but since they closed the institutions that would of housed (t)URD, he and many like him are loose upon the country and the elites rejoice.

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#5) Sociopaths seek to dominate others and "win" at all costs. They hate to lose any argument or fight and will viciously defend their web of lies, even to the point of logical absurdity.
9) Sociopaths never apologize. They are never wrong. They never feel guilt. They can never apologize. Even if shown proof that they were wrong, they will refuse to apologize and instead go on the attack.
#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!

Is it funny how the parrots on the left always associate the republicans as the "party of the rich?"
Oh, I see. The whole of the Democratic Party is rich because six of its members are.....
LOL. There are a lot of rich dems, this thread is about some of them and their hypocritical ways. The big money boys were overwhelmingly for Hillary. That doesn't speak to you?
What I posted was thew truth. You Trumpettes hate the truth. We lost one of three manufacturing jobs under Bush. Republicans refused to end the tax breaks associated with overseas profits.

With the Stimulus Bill, he helped states survive the BUSH recession.

Obama will be rankled as one the of the best. W & Trump will fight for the bottom.
So letting businesses keep more of their money drove them out of business? WTF? The stimulus bill didn't stimulate the economy, which is what it was supposedly for, hence the name. But it went largely to state governments. The states and the people of the states would have been better off trimming the fat. Obie had a shit economy with 1.5% or less gdp growth and his foreign policies were a disaster. Only drones like you see that as good and calling people Trumpettes or some derivative thereof ain't gonna cover it up.
The standard fuel usage for a 71m yacht is 500 litres an hour

Can you say warmers are hypocrites...yep
This from supporters pf Trump who cries about the national debt & deficits & then throws away millions flying his fast ass back & forth ro Florida, keeping his wife in NYC & flying her not so fat ass to DC & Florida, & his kids rack up security expense flying around on ski vacations.

You have no idea if Geffen spends money on carbon offsets or other means to address his carbon footprint.
So now after $10 trillion of debt was created by Obama, jet setting to Hawaii(a lot farther than Florida) Europe and other golf outings, you are bitching? ROTFLMAO,,,,,,,,,,,,
ROTFKMAO? Really? One, the debt did not go up 10 trillion under Obama. Two, Obama was not responsible for the bulk of that. The Bush recession added most, the revenue slashing Bush Tax Cuts & unfunded wars & unfunded expansion to Medicare added a lot.

Republicans held the purse strings for 6 of Obama's 8 years.

Lets compare Obama's travel for vacations against your orange buddy's travels.

Wasn't it Trump who had a fit about Obama's golfing & promised the nation he would not be off golfing? Yes he did.
National Debtbusters: What was the National Debt in January 2009?
The National Debt on January 1, 2009 was: $10,669,804,864,612.13

Here's how much debt the US government added under President Obama
Based on the website, which extrapolates the US national debt in real time based on committed government spending, the debt will be roughly $19.97 trillion when President-elect Donald Trump takes office on Friday.
What is really insidious about Liberals, is they play word games, so instead of me saying that Obama increased the Nation Debt by 10 trillion, he said "no he didn't" and he is correct but didn't mention that Obama only added 9.3 Trillion. My mistake, but notice it is okay for that 9.3 trillion of debt added by a liberal making the Rich, Richer, causing more taxes to be taken from the poor, making them poorer. Such stupid people who vote Dumbocrat.
Yes, you were wrong about the total. Just as you were wring about what created this debt. The wealthy recover faster from a recession than the working class or poor.

A dishonest person like you blames Obama for the effects of the Bush recession & Republicans who held the purse strings for 6 of Obama's 8 years. Such dishonest people vote Republican.
Once again you are wrong, as it wasn't the Bush recession, but the Barney Frank, Maxine Waters, and Chris Dodd recession, but typical of a fucking liberal, when they fuck things up, they blame someone else. Yeah, I was off by 700 billion, but your bi racial, homosexual, Muslim Lover of an ex president even called the debt of 5 trillion added by Bush as unpatriotic. Well uninformed one, is Obama 9 trillion dollars more UNPATRIOTIC? Dumbass liberals never learn.

Also, don't forget that billy willy passed Commodity Futures Modernization Act, which exempted credit-default swaps from regulation. Plus he also loosened housing rules by rewriting the Community Reinvestment Act, which put significant pressure on banks to lend in low-income neighborhoods (euphemism for blaaaacks.)
The EPA bitched at people outside Fairbanks, Alaska for heating their homes in the winter and causing "bad air" Literally told the Fairbanks people tough shit on heating your homes, if you don't fix it no more fed funds for joo. It was rediculious and typical of what happens when city morons try to make rules for rural folks; clueless and heartless. Luckily for them, President Trump destroyed Obama's last minute bullshit EO and saved the community, even going further to slap the EPA on the dick.

Thank you President Trump, you cared even when the city liberals would doom the second largest city in my state to death.
Is it funny how the parrots on the left always associate the republicans as the "party of the rich?"
Oh, I see. The whole of the Democratic Party is rich because six of its members are.....

You really don't think the democrats are the party of the rich?

Democrats are gay, Republicans are rich: Our stereotypes of political parties are amazingly wrong

That's an interesting article, but it doesn't address or provide the information needed to know whether Democrats on the whole are rich. What it says is that 2% of the GOP earns $250K+. To support the assertion "the whole of the Democratic Party is rich," you'll need to show that a material percentage of Democrats are rich, not what percentage of Republicans earn a given sum or more.

The wealth/income of the individuals in either party cannot be rationally and accurately gauged or inferred based on the earnings/wealth of six people any more than can the same be done with regard to GOP members based on the wealth of Donald Trump's cabinet, which is about twice as many individuals as the six named people on Geffen's boat.

FWIW, and I realize this is purely anecdotal, of all the people whom I know personally and well enough to have a rough but reasonably accurate sense of their household income/wealth, not one of them claims to be a Democrat or Republican, and every one of them, with the exception of two of my four children (the two are in school) earns $250K+/year. While $250K/year is a good sum with which to forge a reasonably nice lifestyle, it's far from what it takes to be rich, but it's a very solidly upper middle class income.
Just what did The Grabber in chiefs shoot on his last round of golf? Anybody know his handicap?
So now after $10 trillion of debt was created by Obama, jet setting to Hawaii(a lot farther than Florida) Europe and other golf outings, you are bitching? ROTFLMAO,,,,,,,,,,,,
ROTFKMAO? Really? One, the debt did not go up 10 trillion under Obama. Two, Obama was not responsible for the bulk of that. The Bush recession added most, the revenue slashing Bush Tax Cuts & unfunded wars & unfunded expansion to Medicare added a lot.

Republicans held the purse strings for 6 of Obama's 8 years.

Lets compare Obama's travel for vacations against your orange buddy's travels.

Wasn't it Trump who had a fit about Obama's golfing & promised the nation he would not be off golfing? Yes he did.
National Debtbusters: What was the National Debt in January 2009?
The National Debt on January 1, 2009 was: $10,669,804,864,612.13

Here's how much debt the US government added under President Obama
Based on the website, which extrapolates the US national debt in real time based on committed government spending, the debt will be roughly $19.97 trillion when President-elect Donald Trump takes office on Friday.
What is really insidious about Liberals, is they play word games, so instead of me saying that Obama increased the Nation Debt by 10 trillion, he said "no he didn't" and he is correct but didn't mention that Obama only added 9.3 Trillion. My mistake, but notice it is okay for that 9.3 trillion of debt added by a liberal making the Rich, Richer, causing more taxes to be taken from the poor, making them poorer. Such stupid people who vote Dumbocrat.
Yes, you were wrong about the total. Just as you were wring about what created this debt. The wealthy recover faster from a recession than the working class or poor.

A dishonest person like you blames Obama for the effects of the Bush recession & Republicans who held the purse strings for 6 of Obama's 8 years. Such dishonest people vote Republican.
Once again you are wrong, as it wasn't the Bush recession, but the Barney Frank, Maxine Waters, and Chris Dodd recession, but typical of a fucking liberal, when they fuck things up, they blame someone else. Yeah, I was off by 700 billion, but your bi racial, homosexual, Muslim Lover of an ex president even called the debt of 5 trillion added by Bush as unpatriotic. Well uninformed one, is Obama 9 trillion dollars more UNPATRIOTIC? Dumbass liberals never learn.

Also, don't forget that billy willy passed Commodity Futures Modernization Act, which exempted credit-default swaps from regulation. Plus he also loosened housing rules by rewriting the Community Reinvestment Act, which put significant pressure on banks to lend in low-income neighborhoods (euphemism for blaaaacks.)
So, you are blaming Clinton for a bill that passed through the Republican run Congress with a veto proof majority.

Good to knows just how stupid you are.

And yes, racism is never right - even when banks do it.
What I posted was thew truth. You Trumpettes hate the truth. We lost one of three manufacturing jobs under Bush. Republicans refused to end the tax breaks associated with overseas profits.

With the Stimulus Bill, he helped states survive the BUSH recession.

Obama will be rankled as one the of the best. W & Trump will fight for the bottom.
So letting businesses keep more of their money drove them out of business? WTF? The stimulus bill didn't stimulate the economy, which is what it was supposedly for, hence the name. But it went largely to state governments. The states and the people of the states would have been better off trimming the fat. Obie had a shit economy with 1.5% or less gdp growth and his foreign policies were a disaster. Only drones like you see that as good and calling people Trumpettes or some derivative thereof ain't gonna cover it up.
The CBO said the Stimulus Bill did what it was designed to do.
38% of the stimulus bill was tax relief, a portion went to infrastructure,

55 Billion went to the states to prevent layoffs of teachers, police, firemen, etc.

Now I understand you Trumpettes hate science but 55 billion is NOT most of 760 billion.

My God you people are sofa king stupid that it makes me sick.
This from supporters pf Trump who cries about the national debt & deficits & then throws away millions flying his fast ass back & forth ro Florida, keeping his wife in NYC & flying her not so fat ass to DC & Florida, & his kids rack up security expense flying around on ski vacations.

You have no idea if Geffen spends money on carbon offsets or other means to address his carbon footprint.
So now after $10 trillion of debt was created by Obama, jet setting to Hawaii(a lot farther than Florida) Europe and other golf outings, you are bitching? ROTFLMAO,,,,,,,,,,,,
ROTFKMAO? Really? One, the debt did not go up 10 trillion under Obama. Two, Obama was not responsible for the bulk of that. The Bush recession added most, the revenue slashing Bush Tax Cuts & unfunded wars & unfunded expansion to Medicare added a lot.

Republicans held the purse strings for 6 of Obama's 8 years.

Lets compare Obama's travel for vacations against your orange buddy's travels.

Wasn't it Trump who had a fit about Obama's golfing & promised the nation he would not be off golfing? Yes he did.
National Debtbusters: What was the National Debt in January 2009?
The National Debt on January 1, 2009 was: $10,669,804,864,612.13

Here's how much debt the US government added under President Obama
Based on the website, which extrapolates the US national debt in real time based on committed government spending, the debt will be roughly $19.97 trillion when President-elect Donald Trump takes office on Friday.
What is really insidious about Liberals, is they play word games, so instead of me saying that Obama increased the Nation Debt by 10 trillion, he said "no he didn't" and he is correct but didn't mention that Obama only added 9.3 Trillion. My mistake, but notice it is okay for that 9.3 trillion of debt added by a liberal making the Rich, Richer, causing more taxes to be taken from the poor, making them poorer. Such stupid people who vote Dumbocrat.
Yes, you were wrong about the total. Just as you were wring about what created this debt. The wealthy recover faster from a recession than the working class or poor.

A dishonest person like you blames Obama for the effects of the Bush recession & Republicans who held the purse strings for 6 of Obama's 8 years. Such dishonest people vote Republican.
Once again you are wrong, as it wasn't the Bush recession, but the Barney Frank, Maxine Waters, and Chris Dodd recession, but typical of a fucking liberal, when they fuck things up, they blame someone else. Yeah, I was off by 700 billion, but your bi racial, homosexual, Muslim Lover of an ex president even called the debt of 5 trillion added by Bush as unpatriotic. Well uninformed one, is Obama 9 trillion dollars more UNPATRIOTIC? Dumbass liberals never learn.

Barney Frank? A man in a minority position in the House beat up all the Republican House majority & the Bush Administration & created the recession.

You really are that fucking stupid.

Republicans had basically run Congress for 12 years & Bush the White House for 7 years & you blame the Democrats. You & your orange buddy have fun destroying this country because that is what you dumbasses are doing.

And BTW, I see like your buddies, you have to bring race into it.
So now after $10 trillion of debt was created by Obama, jet setting to Hawaii(a lot farther than Florida) Europe and other golf outings, you are bitching? ROTFLMAO,,,,,,,,,,,,
ROTFKMAO? Really? One, the debt did not go up 10 trillion under Obama. Two, Obama was not responsible for the bulk of that. The Bush recession added most, the revenue slashing Bush Tax Cuts & unfunded wars & unfunded expansion to Medicare added a lot.

Republicans held the purse strings for 6 of Obama's 8 years.

Lets compare Obama's travel for vacations against your orange buddy's travels.

Wasn't it Trump who had a fit about Obama's golfing & promised the nation he would not be off golfing? Yes he did.
National Debtbusters: What was the National Debt in January 2009?
The National Debt on January 1, 2009 was: $10,669,804,864,612.13

Here's how much debt the US government added under President Obama
Based on the website, which extrapolates the US national debt in real time based on committed government spending, the debt will be roughly $19.97 trillion when President-elect Donald Trump takes office on Friday.
What is really insidious about Liberals, is they play word games, so instead of me saying that Obama increased the Nation Debt by 10 trillion, he said "no he didn't" and he is correct but didn't mention that Obama only added 9.3 Trillion. My mistake, but notice it is okay for that 9.3 trillion of debt added by a liberal making the Rich, Richer, causing more taxes to be taken from the poor, making them poorer. Such stupid people who vote Dumbocrat.
Yes, you were wrong about the total. Just as you were wring about what created this debt. The wealthy recover faster from a recession than the working class or poor.

A dishonest person like you blames Obama for the effects of the Bush recession & Republicans who held the purse strings for 6 of Obama's 8 years. Such dishonest people vote Republican.
Once again you are wrong, as it wasn't the Bush recession, but the Barney Frank, Maxine Waters, and Chris Dodd recession, but typical of a fucking liberal, when they fuck things up, they blame someone else. Yeah, I was off by 700 billion, but your bi racial, homosexual, Muslim Lover of an ex president even called the debt of 5 trillion added by Bush as unpatriotic. Well uninformed one, is Obama 9 trillion dollars more UNPATRIOTIC? Dumbass liberals never learn.

Barney Frank? A man in a minority position in the House beat up all the Republican House majority & the Bush Administration & created the recession.

You really are that fucking stupid.

Republicans had basically run Congress for 12 years & Bush the White House for 7 years & you blame the Democrats. You & your orange buddy have fun destroying this country because that is what you dumbasses are doing.

And BTW, I see like your buddies, you have to bring race into it.

Real Dave, you are either brainwashed or uneducated, take your choice. What has been said here is proven, and you are barking up a tree that most lefties now leave alone because they have been hosed repeatedly on it; but you go ahead, and show your brilliance. We educated the rest of your friends on here, so you better get with them and find out what the new narrative is before they throw you out of the "Marvelous Marxists of USMB," lol!
David Geffen's super yacht, hosting the half black and his fully black wife. Along with the very concerned for the planet Springsteen and Oprah and Hanks etc etc etc.

The super yacht Rising Sun

Don't worry folks, they all got into a smaller speed boat.....


A picture perfect moment! Barack and Michelle Obama pose on billionaire David Geffen's superyacht during day out with Oprah, Bruce Springsteen and Tom Hanks in French Polynesia
  • Barack and Michelle Obama were guests on David Geffen's 454ft superyacht Rising Sun on Friday
  • Oprah, Tom Hanks and Bruce Springsteen were also on board the stunning $300million vessel
  • The Obamas have been holidaying at the Brando resort in French Polynesia for the past month
  • Since leaving the White House, they have also visited Palm Springs, Hawaii and toured the Caribbean

Read more: Barack and Michelle Obama pose superyacht in Tahiti | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Is it funny how the parrots on the left always associate the republicans as the "party of the rich?"

Good stuff.
"DO AS I SAY, NOT AS I DO". The world is the liberals playground and the rest of US don't belong here. They think they are much smarter than US so they can do whatever they please, while the stupid liberal voters must sacrifice their income to the liberals(elites) also destroy their children, while the elites can have all the children they want. Liberals who believe in MMGW, must give up their energy use, so these elites can party all the time. Liberals cant find fault with their liberal elites, just cant get more stupid than a liberal.

Yes and in every single marxist revolution or socialist revolution there is mass killing associated with it.

A culling of the herd so to speak.

Bill Ayers and the weather underground and their intentions revealed.

Bill ayers.......the good friend of former President obama.....his wife is a real winner too....
ROTFKMAO? Really? One, the debt did not go up 10 trillion under Obama. Two, Obama was not responsible for the bulk of that. The Bush recession added most, the revenue slashing Bush Tax Cuts & unfunded wars & unfunded expansion to Medicare added a lot.

Republicans held the purse strings for 6 of Obama's 8 years.

Lets compare Obama's travel for vacations against your orange buddy's travels.

Wasn't it Trump who had a fit about Obama's golfing & promised the nation he would not be off golfing? Yes he did.
National Debtbusters: What was the National Debt in January 2009?
The National Debt on January 1, 2009 was: $10,669,804,864,612.13

Here's how much debt the US government added under President Obama
Based on the website, which extrapolates the US national debt in real time based on committed government spending, the debt will be roughly $19.97 trillion when President-elect Donald Trump takes office on Friday.
What is really insidious about Liberals, is they play word games, so instead of me saying that Obama increased the Nation Debt by 10 trillion, he said "no he didn't" and he is correct but didn't mention that Obama only added 9.3 Trillion. My mistake, but notice it is okay for that 9.3 trillion of debt added by a liberal making the Rich, Richer, causing more taxes to be taken from the poor, making them poorer. Such stupid people who vote Dumbocrat.
Yes, you were wrong about the total. Just as you were wring about what created this debt. The wealthy recover faster from a recession than the working class or poor.

A dishonest person like you blames Obama for the effects of the Bush recession & Republicans who held the purse strings for 6 of Obama's 8 years. Such dishonest people vote Republican.
Once again you are wrong, as it wasn't the Bush recession, but the Barney Frank, Maxine Waters, and Chris Dodd recession, but typical of a fucking liberal, when they fuck things up, they blame someone else. Yeah, I was off by 700 billion, but your bi racial, homosexual, Muslim Lover of an ex president even called the debt of 5 trillion added by Bush as unpatriotic. Well uninformed one, is Obama 9 trillion dollars more UNPATRIOTIC? Dumbass liberals never learn.

Barney Frank? A man in a minority position in the House beat up all the Republican House majority & the Bush Administration & created the recession.

You really are that fucking stupid.

Republicans had basically run Congress for 12 years & Bush the White House for 7 years & you blame the Democrats. You & your orange buddy have fun destroying this country because that is what you dumbasses are doing.

And BTW, I see like your buddies, you have to bring race into it.

Real Dave, you are either brainwashed or uneducated, take your choice. What has been said here is proven, and you are barking up a tree that most lefties now leave alone because they have been hosed repeatedly on it; but you go ahead, and show your brilliance. We educated the rest of your friends on here, so you better get with them and find out what the new narrative is before they throw you out of the "Marvelous Marxists of USMB," lol!

Funny chit coming from a trumpette. Tell me how a Democrat in the House stops anything?

The Bush recession started 4th quarter of 2007. Tell me the bills that the Democrats passed & Buash signed that created the recession in just 8 months.

The uneducated dumbass is you.

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