Check out this pic. Tamir Rice "toy gun" looks just like a 45 auto!!!

He didn't POINT the gun. He was REACHING for it.
Watch the vid.
What I saw, what I've heard and what I've read is the boy raised his jacket to expose the gun. I've seen nothing that affirms he was "reaching" for it.

He didn't POINT the gun. He was REACHING for it.
Watch the vid.
What I saw, what I've heard and what I've read is the boy raised his jacket to expose the gun. I've seen nothing that affirms he was "reaching" for it.

Which was foolish and ultimately deadly. The lesson is flash what looks like a gun to an officer of the law and you could get shot and killed. The kid was playing a dangerous game. It's sad, but I don't hold the officers accountable for the kid's mistake.
Neither do I. I blame the parents.

Meh...I don't know if his parents were good parents or not, but I do know what the kid did was incredibly stupid. Maybe his actions were the product of poor parenting, I don't know, I don't know anything about his folks.
12 year olds aren't fully cooked yet (compliments of judge judy) and do stupid shit all the time. He fucked up and died for it. The rest of us who were 12 once fucked up a lot too but we were lucky to still be breathing.
12 year olds aren't fully cooked yet (compliments of judge judy) and do stupid shit all the time. He fucked up and died for it. The rest of us who were 12 once fucked up a lot too but we were lucky to still be breathing.

Indeed. That's what makes it such a tragedy.
He didn't POINT the gun. He was REACHING for it.
Watch the vid.

A distinction without difference.
That would depend on whether or not the police had placed themselves in a position of relative safety in the event that the boy did reach for and draw the gun. But they did not do that -- in spite of the fact they've been trained to do exactly that.

Instead, they rolled right up on Rice and placed themselves in an extremely vulnerable position thereby creating a situation with no margin for maneuvering or determining whether the boy was reaching or showing that it was a toy.
I'm in agreement with that. At first, I was all in to this kid being a wannabe thug...and maybe he was...but maybe he was just being a dumbass kid. He died, and it's a sad thing. I still place the blame where it belongs. His parents. Then the cops that were rookies and fucked up and should have known better. Same with Garner. He was killed for no fucking reason whatsoever but it was not via gun. Choke hold.
He didn't POINT the gun. He was REACHING for it.
Watch the vid.

A distinction without difference.
That would depend on whether or not the police had placed themselves in a position of relative safety in the event that the boy did reach for and draw the gun. But they did not do that -- in spite of the fact they've been trained to do exactly that.

Instead, they rolled right up on Rice and placed themselves in an extremely vulnerable position thereby creating a situation with no margin for maneuvering or determining whether the boy was reaching or showing that it was a toy.

You're saying this without knowing the proximity of other people in the park to the boy.
The REAL criminal was whoever gave a 12 year old that very real looking toy.

It looks to me like a real easy way to get rid of a child.

Anyone with the slightest concern for their child's safety would NEVER allow their kid to take something like that out in public.

Not only are the cops completely innocent of any wrong doing ... there needs to be a serious investigation as to how that fake gun got into a 12 year old's possession. There HAS to be a crime here somewhere and it was committed by the person that gave the kid the gun or sold the gun to the child and allowed him to wave it around in public.
I thought I read somewhere that the kid took it from a friend.

I find it strange that there is practically nothing in detail as to exactly how Tamir Rice took possession of the "toy" from his 14? year old "friend"?

Since when do 14 year old boys hang out with 12 year olds unless they are directed to do so. They have completely different interests. It seems to me that a 14 year old should be more aware of the danger of a "toy"? like that than has been expressed in any of the stories about this tragedy.

Someone altered the "toy" along the line and removed the bright orange muzzle cover which MIGHT have helped the cops make a better decision.

I would REALLY like to know why this mysterious 14 year old gave this 12 year old this so called toy. What if the 14 year old had given his dubious "friend" a real gun to go out and play with in public?

How did the 14 year old come by the "toy"?

All of the media interest seems focused on the cops and nothing about how the very real looking toy came to be in a 12 year old's possession in a public park. I find that omission in the reporting VERY strange.
In the video the view of Rice is blocked by the police cruiser there is no way to say he did not point the gun at the cops
The fact that he pointed a gun at a police officer and yet these people still bitch makes the extreme left look retarded.

The officer had every right to self defense!

He didn't point the gun at a police officer.

Per the police, he was reaching for the gun. He pointed it at passersby.
Less than two seconds. The time the officer arrives on scene, exits the vehicle and fires. About the same time it took for you to read my first sentence.

There is no way the officer adequately assessed the situation in that time. If any orders were given, the time to react was not given. There is no way you can reasonably give this officer the benefit of the doubt.
Here's a pic of the kid. Hard to say how big he is but his arms look like a man's. Another black kid 12 and going on 19.


Scared of 12 yr olds now are you?

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