Check yourself

How about:
I am not racist, but I am not blind either. Get a job. Raise your children. Stop killing each other. Get over your racism.
Check yourself.
I'm not a racist but I'm not blind either. Stop discriminating in the hiring process. Stop molesting and kidnapping your children. Stop committing suicide, killing the poor little white children you abduct, and stop serial killing and raping your white women. And also raping them postmortem
The black community literally commits those listed crimes more than any other group. Kidnapping, molestation and rape; black people have a HORRENDOUS track record with. When it comes to suicide, the white community commits that at a slightly more frequent pace, but serial killers appear equally among all races, which is why the FBI wont profile serial killers based on race.
Outright lie. I don't even know where to start lol
How about:
I am not racist, but I am not blind either. Get a job. Raise your children. Stop killing each other. Get over your racism.
Check yourself.
I'm not a racist but I'm not blind either. Stop discriminating in the hiring process. Stop molesting and kidnapping your children. Stop committing suicide, killing the poor little white children you abduct, and stop serial killing and raping your white women. And also raping them postmortem
The black community literally commits those listed crimes more than any other group. Kidnapping, molestation and rape; black people have a HORRENDOUS track record with. When it comes to suicide, the white community commits that at a slightly more frequent pace, but serial killers appear equally among all races, which is why the FBI wont profile serial killers based on race.
Outright lie. I don't even know where to start lol
You can start with the official Department of Justice numbers, if youre actually interested in knowing the truth.
How about:
I am not racist, but I am not blind either. Get a job. Raise your children. Stop killing each other. Get over your racism.
Check yourself.
I'm not a racist but I'm not blind either. Stop discriminating in the hiring process. Stop molesting and kidnapping your children. Stop committing suicide, killing the poor little white children you abduct, and stop serial killing and raping your white women. And also raping them postmortem
The black community literally commits those listed crimes more than any other group. Kidnapping, molestation and rape; black people have a HORRENDOUS track record with. When it comes to suicide, the white community commits that at a slightly more frequent pace, but serial killers appear equally among all races, which is why the FBI wont profile serial killers based on race.
Outright lie. I don't even know where to start lol
You can start with the official Department of Justice numbers, if youre actually interested in knowing the truth.
I've seen side by side numbers of abducted white children found with scattered body parts compared to black. Have you?
How about:
I am not racist, but I am not blind either. Get a job. Raise your children. Stop killing each other. Get over your racism.
Check yourself.
I'm not a racist but I'm not blind either. Stop discriminating in the hiring process. Stop molesting and kidnapping your children. Stop committing suicide, killing the poor little white children you abduct, and stop serial killing and raping your white women. And also raping them postmortem
The black community literally commits those listed crimes more than any other group. Kidnapping, molestation and rape; black people have a HORRENDOUS track record with. When it comes to suicide, the white community commits that at a slightly more frequent pace, but serial killers appear equally among all races, which is why the FBI wont profile serial killers based on race.
Outright lie. I don't even know where to start lol
You can start with the official Department of Justice numbers, if youre actually interested in knowing the truth.
I've seen side by side numbers of abducted white children found with scattered body parts compared to black. Have you?
Go ahead and post those numbers. Lets seem em.

Of course, if you already know you are a racist, Happy Holidays. :D

And, of course, if you're obsessed with labeling people, you may be a fatuous twat.
No. Better yet, I'll give you homework. It's a simple assignment. From now on, do research and find raw numbers. Not that percentage bullshit where you compare 50% of a small pizza to 35% of an extra large pizza metaphorically speaking and attempt to trick mindless sheep who automatically see 50 as more. Look at responsibility in terms of raw numbers and own what you see. For instance, if the RAW NUMBERS are higher in a group of people born into better circumstances with more access to resources....That gets extremely embarrassing. FAST! Hence, the birth of the percentage bullshit, psychological warfare, and making another group a scapegoat for the country's problems. Shit doesn't work on me. Sorry to not entertain.
Raw numbers as in per capita? It bodes even worse for blacks considering they comprise such a small raw number and still commit such a large number of crimes.
Don't let percentages scare you. They are just compiled raw data placed categorically.
I've seen raw number totals. I've seen the light lol but thank you ;) haha
No. Better yet, I'll give you homework. It's a simple assignment. From now on, do research and find raw numbers. Not that percentage bullshit where you compare 50% of a small pizza to 35% of an extra large pizza metaphorically speaking and attempt to trick mindless sheep who automatically see 50 as more. Look at responsibility in terms of raw numbers and own what you see. For instance, if the RAW NUMBERS are higher in a group of people born into better circumstances with more access to resources....That gets extremely embarrassing. FAST! Hence, the birth of the percentage bullshit, psychological warfare, and making another group a scapegoat for the country's problems. Shit doesn't work on me. Sorry to not entertain.


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