Chelsea Clinton: I want 'white children of Privilege' to erode that privilege over time


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2020
Well, if anyone needs a laugh to start the day that should do it.

My first question would be...why over time? Why not do it immediately?

Perhaps she realizes some might say well....why not start with you? So she wants to try and divert that by saying over time so if anyone puts the heat on her she can explain her inaction to do that by deferring to doing it over time.

I am not a tax expert but I kinda think she might get a tax break by donating some of her wealth to charities.

The last i heard the clinton crime family was worth over 200 million ...been awhile ago I read that so it might be more now.

Not many children have that kind of money to play around with.

Most families have to struggle now to be able to pay their bills and send their kids to college even if they still have a job.

Chelsea is not the brightest bulb in that family.

Yet she is not that different than a lot of liberals.....always want others to give or have their money taken from them by the government to help their darlin
darkies...ever see any celebrity advocate helping poor white people?

If they help anyone it is usually someone that fits the politically correct notion of being a victim. Which definitely usually means not white. Or if they do occasionally advocate helping someone is because they are gay, a transgender or severely handicapped in some other way.

Normal poor white folk ---forget about it.

Chelsea Clinton: I Want 'White Children of Privilege' to 'Erode that Privilege' Over Time
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What exactly has Chelsea done to erode her own "white privilege"? :eusa_think:

Not One Damn Thing................

I can suggest a worthy project for Chelsea.....since Arkansas gave bubba such a boost aka..........gave him a platform from whence he used to promote himself....go down to Arkansas and do some research.....find some poor but worthy white families and do something for them.

But of course, now the clintons avoid Arkansas like the plague....The Arkansawyers woke up regarding the Clintons long ago.

Must be painful to have your own turn against you.
The Clintons like the Kennedys are drifting into history. Their influence is at an end.
what influence? they are all pieces of shit. i dont care how much $$ anybody has. if you are an asshole, $$ cant change that

They were quite influential for a quarter century. Bill's Libertine appetites and Hillary's 2016 loss (and subsequent drunken hagness) have knocked them off the list.
Well, if anyone needs a laugh to start the day that should do it.

My first question would be...why over time? Why not do it immediately?

Perhaps she realizes some might say well....why not start with you? So she wants to try and divert that by saying over time so if anyone puts the heat on her she can explain her inaction to do that by deferring to doing it over time.

I am not a tax expert but I kinda think she might get a tax break by donating some of her wealth to charities.

The last i heard the clinton crime family was worth over 200 million ...been awhile ago I read that so it might be more now.

Not many children have that kind of money to play around with.

Most families have to struggle now to be able to pay their bills and send their kids to college even if they still have a job.

Chelsea is not the brightest bulb in that family.

Yet she is not that different than a lot of liberals.....always want others to give or have their money taken from them by the government to help their darlin
darkies...ever see any celebrity advocate helping poor white people?

If they help anyone it is usually someone that fits the politically correct notion of being a victim. Which definitely usually means not white. Or if they do occasionally advocate helping someone is because they are gay, a transgender or severely handicapped in some other way.

Normal poor white folk ---forget about it.

Chelsea Clinton: I Want 'White Children of Privilege' to 'Erode that Privilege' Over Time
One of the things that Chelsea could do is live on the average annual income of Americans (63K) and then donate all her remaining dirty white privilege money to the poor.
BTW, not all White folks are privileged.
Ya know, I appreciate the Mutt perspective sometimes... but not this time. Her lavish wedding was built on the backs of starving and dying Haitians.

So..... FUCK YOU...... ugly mutt.
Not only chelsea, but all these race baiting for power Dems are guilty of this idiocy. Not a day goes by that they don't give us a WTH moment leaving us scratching our heads as to how they ever got to where they are in life ?? It's really embarassing for the country.

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