Chelsea Clinton Threatens To Go Into Politics

The Clinton cleverness index is diminishing with each family member.No doubt Chelsea will have a daughter who will want to go into politics too.

For heavens sakes ... Bill was more than enough! Please spare us all any more Clintonitis!!!!!!
....And, miss-OUT on rubbing pro-Dumbya fans' collective noses in what a.....


Chelsea Clinton Threatens To Go Into Politics

April 9, 2013
By Daniel Greenfield


Since then she’s worked at a consulting firm, sat on a board and was given a job at NBC reporting positive life affirming stories. Her performance was terrible, but she was kept on for obvious reasons. After marrying the spawn of another Democratic politician, there’s only one thing ahead for her and that’s running for public office… somewhere.

“Right now I’m grateful to live in a city, in a state and a country where I strongly support my mayor, my governor, my president, my senators and my representative,” she told NBC’s “Today” in an interview that aired Monday.

She continued: “If at some point that weren’t true and I thought I could make a meaningful and measurably greater impact, I’d have to ask and answer that question.”

So what does that mean? Probably that at some point she’ll migrate downriver or upriver to spawn a new political career in a state that has no idea she’s about to be foisted on them.

Chelsea Clinton Threatens To Go Into Politics | FrontPage Magazine

She'll do about as well as Caroline Effen Kennedy. :cuckoo:

Chelsea Clinton Threatens To Go Into Politics

April 9, 2013
By Daniel Greenfield


Since then she’s worked at a consulting firm, sat on a board and was given a job at NBC reporting positive life affirming stories. Her performance was terrible, but she was kept on for obvious reasons. After marrying the spawn of another Democratic politician, there’s only one thing ahead for her and that’s running for public office… somewhere.

“Right now I’m grateful to live in a city, in a state and a country where I strongly support my mayor, my governor, my president, my senators and my representative,” she told NBC’s “Today” in an interview that aired Monday.

She continued: “If at some point that weren’t true and I thought I could make a meaningful and measurably greater impact, I’d have to ask and answer that question.”

So what does that mean? Probably that at some point she’ll migrate downriver or upriver to spawn a new political career in a state that has no idea she’s about to be foisted on them.

Chelsea Clinton Threatens To Go Into Politics | FrontPage Magazine

She reminds me of a Jeff Dunham puppet, you can almost see someone's arm up her ass. I think the only other elitist swine offspring that stupid might be Caroline Kennedy.

Man what a "life" that must be. All these people around you telling you how brilliant you are just because you repeat what they tell you too.
Just what we don't need. Another fucking globalist big government scum bag.

Freaking Megan McCain!​

"Ann Coulter has drawn criticism in recent days over a so-called joke she made about killing Meghan McCain, the daughter of Sen. John McCain (R-AZ). Coulter's remarks follow a pattern of invoking murder against her political opponents."


I knew it was going to be mindless stupidity, but I had to look anyway...
The media and the republican party always treated Chelsea with respect even while her father was denying that he had "sex with that woman Monica Lewinsky" who wasn't much older than she was. As soon as a republican (George Bush) was elected his daughters and his family became fair game for left wing sniping and later when Sarah Palin ran her family was attacked and still is by the left wing media and the vindictive democrat party.
The media and the republican party always treated Chelsea with respect even while her father was denying that he had "sex with that woman Monica Lewinsky" who wasn't much older than she was. As soon as a republican (George Bush) was elected his daughters and his family became fair game for left wing sniping and later when Sarah Palin ran her family was attacked and still is by the left wing media and the vindictive democrat party.

Oh hell...

The Bush twins were excoriated for everything they'd ever done before their father was even the official nominee. The scrutiny was so intense people I worked with had media assholes calling them just because their kids were in the West Lake School system. The media dragged out every grain of dirt they could find on these kids. Everything they've done to this day is under scrutiny. If they're not feeding Madonna's African children lobster and steak, they're starving poor oppressed people.

Is there any other reason to support retroactive abortions for liberals?

Yeah, actually there's a lot of reasons to support liberal retroactive abortions.
The media and the republican party always treated Chelsea with respect even while her father was denying that he had "sex with that woman Monica Lewinsky" who wasn't much older than she was. As soon as a republican (George Bush) was elected his daughters and his family became fair game for left wing sniping and later when Sarah Palin ran her family was attacked and still is by the left wing media and the vindictive democrat party.

Oh hell...

The Bush twins were excoriated for everything they'd ever done before their father was even the official nominee.

Yeah....I know....they couldn't help it.....


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The media and the republican party always treated Chelsea with respect even while her father was denying that he had "sex with that woman Monica Lewinsky" who wasn't much older than she was. As soon as a republican (George Bush) was elected his daughters and his family became fair game for left wing sniping and later when Sarah Palin ran her family was attacked and still is by the left wing media and the vindictive democrat party.

Oh hell...

The Bush twins were excoriated for everything they'd ever done before their father was even the official nominee.

Yeah....I know....they couldn't help it.....

Yeah, we know, you're a fucking retard.
Daughter of President Who Funded Anti-Semitic Terrorists Criticizes Trump for Anti-Semitism Answer
February 17, 2017
Daniel Greenfield

Chelsea Clinton is still hoping to kickstart some sort of political career. So she decided to do some Twitter grandstanding against Trump.



Which family is that? Bill and Hillary Clinton who armed, funded and trained the anti-Semitic terrorists who massacred countless Jews in Israel?

How many men, women and children in Israel, some with American citizenship, were murdered by the "Two-State Solution" that Bill Clinton wanted a Nobel prize for? How many of those murders were paid for with salaries funded by Bill when he was in the White House and Hillary when she was Secretary of State?

Where is Chelsea in condemning the anti-Semitism of Arafat, Abbas and the PLO terror state project of her parents which daily incites the mass murder of Jews?

Daughter of President Who Funded Anti-Semitic Terrorists Criticizes Trump for Anti-Semitism Answer

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